Profile for Oracle
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Displayed name | Oracle |
Member number | 3643 |
Title | Apprentice |
Postcount | 24 |
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Registered | Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
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Help! How do I make a web page show up in search engines? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Monday, December 22 2003 06:46
I use GoLive, it's better than what I used to use (Dreamweaver) but to be sure, it's definately not perfect, especially for newbies. In a perfect world I wouldn't have to edit the HTML source by hand to fix the mistakes GoLive makes. I think there's still plenty of room for better web editor. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Do you smoke? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Thursday, December 4 2003 12:43
I don't smoke, but you're being a bit harsh I think. If people want to smoke, I think that's fine. I personally don't like it, but it doesn't bother me a great ammount when others do it. To me, being snobby about it is as bad if not worse than smoking itself. [ Thursday, December 04, 2003 12:46: Message edited by: Oracle ] -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Does anyone know... in General | |
Member # 3643
written Sunday, November 30 2003 15:03
Or, as was previosly suggested eat the dog. Then eat the cats. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
What are the chances of... in General | |
Member # 3643
written Monday, November 24 2003 18:19
It's not as if Exile gave us a good description of our characters. Nethergate is basically a less advanced version of the Avernum engine. Any sort of BoN would be a huge waste of time. I could see a Nethergate BoA scenario maybe... -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Whats the best creature you'd wanna ride a BoA game as transport 2 in General | |
Member # 3643
written Thursday, November 20 2003 16:36
My answer: Put those goblins to good use. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Whats the best creature you'd wanna ride in the BoA game in General | |
Member # 3643
written Tuesday, November 18 2003 14:46
What about Anaximander? That way, he could send you on a pointless mission without you needing to go and see him! -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Republican, Democrat, etc. in General | |
Member # 3643
written Sunday, November 16 2003 15:19
quote:[/b] ...France, Canada, Brazil... Most of the attention if on Bush's Iraq policy and economic actions, but he's certainly butchered other issues as well. Let's not forget his No Child Left Behind Act, that certainly did a lot, especially considering he's in favor of vouchers, effectively leaving children behind. And his "Faith Based Initiatives"? Let's not forget how much previous "Faith Based Initiatives" have wound up. Look at Hawaii, or the Crusades. The country has regressed in so many ways, that the next administration will probably be plauged with remnants of this one. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Greywraith closed? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Saturday, November 15 2003 17:39
Preferably with a pretty picture. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
ESRB ratings, and which ones do you think spidweb games would get? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Friday, November 14 2003 12:22
quote:Do some research, the percieved hippie in your rant isn't the main supporter of game banning or game restrictions or what have you. It's the soccer mom parent who thinks that it's contaminating their kid's mind. The same kind of parent who you have most likely. Please, don't blame everything on hippies. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Republican, Democrat, etc. in General | |
Member # 3643
written Friday, November 14 2003 12:17
Nixon at least had some competant people to carry out the job. Although I don't agree with many of the views of Henry Kissenger, he is a very competant diplomat, and could at least carry an opinion for more than a few months, unlike the current secratary of state. The very sad fact in this matter is that Bush despite a wrecked Iraq and weak economy still has a big chance of winning. People seem to have the impression that he's the "national security" candidate, while American citziens are dying everyday because of his folly. This is mostly because of the media. In an effort to counteract the image of a "liberal media" which never had any basis in the first place, they've swung to the right, right into the hands of the Republicans. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
ESRB ratings, and which ones do you think spidweb games would get? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Monday, November 10 2003 12:11
For a quick reference for those posting here's the list: eC-Early Childhood (This really only applies to kiddy games) E- Everyone (Little or no violence, maybe a little profanity. Think Nintendo) T- Teen (An average game, most shelf games fall into this catagory) M- Mature (Think Grand Theft Auto, violence, sexuality, lots of profanity, etc) A- Adult (I've never seen one of these. Pretty much porno games I would imagine.) -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Some Motrax Poetry in General | |
Member # 3643
written Friday, November 7 2003 15:30
Your rhyming is very great You clever little piece of tape That rhyme was bad, I know But I'm not into the literature flow -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
introduction to advanced RP'ing... can i have one? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Friday, November 7 2003 12:27
Aran, I see your point. I suppose I didn't take that into consideration. I haven't RPed here before, so my experience is pretty different. Gotta remember to think before I post. (I've seen the ramifications of not doing that around here) -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
introduction to advanced RP'ing... can i have one? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Thursday, November 6 2003 18:01
Blech, sites that have a rule of no doing anything with other's charecter's at all are annoying. It makes a lot less sense, because in real life, things are happening and people are talking simultaneously. Imagine watching a movie where every character moved and talked one at a time. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Graphics or a good story? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Thursday, November 6 2003 14:39
A good story is everything. There are some great text adventures out there that have never made it big because they have no graphics. RPing, for instance, involves no grpahics, but many people find that fun. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Let the RPs die? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Wednesday, November 5 2003 17:02
Ara, there's nothing wrong with that, it may just not be a good primary reason. Didn't mean to offend ![]() -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Let the RPs die? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Wednesday, November 5 2003 11:55
Have you ever considered that RPing for the sake of improvement of your own writing is a bad idea? All you're doing by attempting to keep them up with your posts is keeping the flaming topic in the air, instead of letting it crash down where it deserves to be. When an old and worn topic dies, it empties a slot the on the three RP limit and a new one can be started. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
Member # 3643
written Tuesday, November 4 2003 17:58
We're really all adding fuel to the fire. He says "You all suck" and doesn't provide anything contructive and we bathe him in the attention he is searching for. Are we making progress? -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
I'd just like to inform you... in General | |
Member # 3643
written Tuesday, November 4 2003 06:03
PE1's been banned, at least that's what his name thing says. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
I'd just like to inform you... in General | |
Member # 3643
written Tuesday, November 4 2003 05:06
There were more topics... but it looks like they were deleted. I agree Ironweed, it is very fun to befuddle people with our pure stupidity. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
By Fire Be Purged - New RP at Polaris in General | |
Member # 3643
written Tuesday, November 4 2003 04:59
It looks like that topic contains vast ammounts of ego. Why not just write your own story about your own character rather than have other people write one for you? -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
I'd just like to inform you... in General | |
Member # 3643
written Monday, November 3 2003 18:11
You probably wouldn't get exactly the right mix you want, it would take a long period of trial and error. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |
What was the first game u played? in General | |
Member # 3643
written Monday, November 3 2003 13:52
The old Mario Brother's games were indeed good. Too bad Nintendo has gone so far downhill these days. -------------------- Don't ask the Oracle unless you're willing to get the slurred drunken truth. Posts: 24 | Registered: Monday, November 3 2003 08:00 |