Profile for Linthar
Field | Value |
Displayed name | Linthar |
Member number | 250 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 61 |
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Registered | Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Recent posts
Author | Recent posts |
Vampire in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Sunday, August 8 2004 05:53
Vampires have never gotten much detail in the series. Looking at Dwtd it does confirm that vampires drink blood in the world of Avernum but that is hardly a surprise. Also looking at the dialog scripts there is one instance were whatever the head vampire is called, turns into a green mist and slips away through cracks in the floor. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Avernum 2: Tower of Sixus Help! in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 250
written Saturday, August 7 2004 09:39
If you can survive a few rounds of attacks, then you can try the following. Attack the enemy with all you've got, and then before your characters start dying, exit combat, save the game, use the editor to restore health and mp, and repeat. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Water in the Desert? (Attn. Big Guys!!!) in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 250
written Thursday, August 5 2004 04:49
This should be programable, as it was done in a boe scenario (Destiny of the Spheres) and while the capability of the two editors are not the same, the BOA editor can almost all of what the BOE editor could. I never looked at the noding of that scenario, but the system worked with their being ten special items, repersenting you having between 1 to 10 units of water, and when you found more water it would change the special item to show you had more water, and a global timer would slowly change the special item to show you had less water. How to program that I can't help you with. Edit: The above link looks to point to the same thing as it is by the same desinger as the scenario. [ Thursday, August 05, 2004 04:50: Message edited by: Linthar ] Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Water in the Desert? (Attn. Big Guys!!!) in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Thursday, August 5 2004 04:49
This should be programable, as it was done in a boe scenario (Destiny of the Spheres) and while the capability of the two editors are not the same, the BOA editor can almost all of what the BOE editor could. I never looked at the noding of that scenario, but the system worked with their being ten special items, repersenting you having between 1 to 10 units of water, and when you found more water it would change the special item to show you had more water, and a global timer would slowly change the special item to show you had less water. How to program that I can't help you with. Edit: The above link looks to point to the same thing as it is by the same desinger as the scenario. [ Thursday, August 05, 2004 04:50: Message edited by: Linthar ] Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Out of 10 main puzzle types, which do you perfer? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Friday, July 30 2004 14:44
Can I add my voice, to the people that absolutetly hate lazer puzzles. Koth's palace in ZKR was absolute toture. Luckily those lazer puzzles are going to be a lot harder to design then the old annoyance in BOE of conveyer belt puzzles. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
annoying thing-RoR in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Friday, July 30 2004 13:19
quote:Already happens with the giant friendly intelligent talking spiders in valley of dying things. Just look to the number of posts on this board saying they killed the spider chief and now can't complete the scenario. Although those posts aren't as common as they used to be. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
A small Rebelion Poll in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Friday, July 23 2004 14:50
I helped the hillrunners, after seeing how the empire kept all the peasants as serfs, there was just no way I could justify helping someone who supports such a system. I felt just fine leaving the island afterward as after all that had happened in the scenario I ended up just wanting to get out of the mess there. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
War, war, war! in The Exile Trilogy | |
Member # 250
written Monday, July 19 2004 16:53
I would say if you look at the games story wise, the vahanati would win. Their homeland is almost inaccessable expecially with the tower of the magi destroyed. Because of them, and the party in exile 2 exile won what was a almost certain defeat, and I expect that the Vahanati with their numbers greater then 6, would have had more effect on defeating the bulk of empires army. Then you look at exile three, where the empire had major problems due to the Vahanati, and only because of the party played during the game was it solved. It you just let the days run without interfinering most of the towns end up falling. So that shows they can defeat the empire which is the major opposition. Now the exiles can be defeated as well. Look at the barriers in exile 2, the Vahanati could do that again and just pick of the scattered armies. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Same old story in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Sunday, July 18 2004 06:23
You know if anyone was going to do it, it would be The Creator. If I remeber correctly he did several other almost impossable tasks back in the days of BOE. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Small Rebellion sidequest "Collect Geodes" in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Sunday, June 27 2004 04:35
A quick look at the scripts show that this quest isn't programed to end so you if you find any more geodes later on you can return those as well. I don't think its a bug because they are similar quests in the avernum series that don't end as well. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
State not ended properly in Line 1. in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 250
written Thursday, June 24 2004 16:28
This is a long shot, but do the scripts have the .txt at the end of the file name. Its likely they do but if you forget then that could be causing your problems. Also you only need the .txt at the filenames in the scenario folder, when pointing to the right file in the editor you can leave the .txt out. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
State not ended properly in Line 1. in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Thursday, June 24 2004 16:28
This is a long shot, but do the scripts have the .txt at the end of the file name. Its likely they do but if you forget then that could be causing your problems. Also you only need the .txt at the filenames in the scenario folder, when pointing to the right file in the editor you can leave the .txt out. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Article - Cut Scenes: A Tutorial in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 250
written Sunday, June 6 2004 16:16
From the looks of it you basicly are doing it frame by frame but at least this is a supported feature. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Article - Cut Scenes: A Tutorial in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Sunday, June 6 2004 16:16
From the looks of it you basicly are doing it frame by frame but at least this is a supported feature. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
uh-oh, I got an idea... in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 250
written Sunday, May 23 2004 06:33
Icon ajustment is in Chapter 2.3 of the main docs starting at 48 and ending on page 49. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
uh-oh, I got an idea... in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Sunday, May 23 2004 06:33
Icon ajustment is in Chapter 2.3 of the main docs starting at 48 and ending on page 49. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Babysitting released in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Thursday, May 20 2004 07:55
I posted a review for the scenario on the spiderweb scenario list and I've noticed afterwards that several of my complaints were actually in the scenario just not easy to notice. I'll leave my review to stand, as most people I doubt look online and in the scripts to find these things they missed, but I just want to apologize for the slightly lower score then I would have given if I noticed these. I did beat the final fight, although it was tough with a level 4 party, (had a level 3 party saved from Red Roses, and decided that it wasn't different enougth from level 1 so I used it. Now it didn't make one once of difference in the final battle because I could have dealt with it with a level one party because what kept on killing me wouldn't change. That would be the two mages who cast lighting spray for 60 damage to the entire party. The only way to beat it for me was by using one of the wands, and a pre hasted, blessed party and kill the mages before they could act. After that the battle wasn't so bad. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Roses of Reckoning (BoA) is Released! in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Saturday, April 24 2004 08:14
I played it with a party of 4. It was quite difficult but not impossiable. I did clear every crypt, although in hindsight I would have had a easier time if I had went to the library and the repel sprirt tome to boosts that's spells level before clearing all the crypts. Talking about that tome, I noticed something strange which I'm not sure is a bug or feature in BOA. When I read it, my priest got repel sprirt at spell level 4. Now I was sure that there were only supposed to be 3 spell levels per spell, but this seemed to have proved me wrong. Does anyone know if Jeff Vogal intended for this to be allowed or if its a bug. I would say zapping 6 undead targets for 60 damage each time it was cast with my level 3 priest was quite handy in the final battles. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
I need the strength of numbers, please help. in General | |
Member # 250
written Saturday, April 24 2004 07:46
Let me see, I've bought 6 games from spiderweb software and never had any trouble. In fact when I've gotten new computers and forget to move the prefence files over to the new computer, I could even ask for another resigtation code free of charge if I gave proof of my ealier propuses. So I would say that spiderweb software can be trusted. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Roses of Reckoning (BoA) is Released! in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Wednesday, April 7 2004 16:37
I've started but not finished this scenario. First of all congratulations on the first 3rd party BOA scenario. Second of all I've got error messages that the script guard was not found. As its a default script I was surprised, but able to fix it by copying the script from blades of avernum files folder. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Scenario compatibility in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Wednesday, April 7 2004 10:09
Be ware of one thing I've had problems with with a mac with blades of exile. When designers on the pc side release their scenarios they tend to only have the custom graphic files for the pc. This is not a problem if you download from spiderweb softwares list as the graphic files are converted so they are there for both platforms. But from other sites sometimes I'll download a scenario with only a pc graphic file and I'll spend 10 to 15 minutes trying to remember how to convert a pc graphic file to a mac one. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
key lovvest level school VODT in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Tuesday, April 6 2004 04:28
I think that you mean the brass key for the brass lock in the experiment halls. That key is on a golem in the library to which you have to give an school textbook, (not the destroyed ones). If you still haven't been able to get through the green gates there's a few more steps to do to get to the golem. But as I don't want to spoil to much I suggest that for anymore help in the VODT things you look at the handy walkthrough in the instructions for the game. Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Maybe I'm just dumb.... in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 250
written Monday, April 5 2004 08:29
Check if you have all the default scripts in the secnarios folder. They are text files and there should be Basicnpc.txt door.txt guard.txt specobj.txt trap.txt plus one which will be your scenario file name.txt If they aren't there then I can say that the error is coming from the lack of the scripts. You can find copys of them all in the BOA file folder if their missing Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
Maybe I'm just dumb.... in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Monday, April 5 2004 08:29
Check if you have all the default scripts in the secnarios folder. They are text files and there should be Basicnpc.txt door.txt guard.txt specobj.txt trap.txt plus one which will be your scenario file name.txt If they aren't there then I can say that the error is coming from the lack of the scripts. You can find copys of them all in the BOA file folder if their missing Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |
ZKR: Password? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 250
written Tuesday, March 30 2004 15:28
I haven't gotten to the scenario in blades of avernum but if I recall the blades of exile version you can find the password in the dark maze (taken from the handy blades of exile walkthrough for the scenario) Posts: 61 | Registered: Saturday, November 3 2001 08:00 |