College, majors, etc.

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AuthorTopic: College, majors, etc.
Member # 991
Profile #0
I'm just curious, of you college going folk, do you have a major (and for people who already have a career, what did you major in back in college)? Why did you choose that as your major?

I'm not sure why exactly I was compelled to ask this here, but I'd love to hear whatever you have to say.
Posts: 953 | Registered: Wednesday, April 17 2002 07:00
Member # 6700
Profile Homepage #1
(Didn't I just do something like this?)

I am a senior Electronic Media double major, focusing on Film and Radio Prduction, with minors in music and Biblical Theology.

I chose my field because 1, I love doing production work and almost every facet of it, 2, I finally found a way to outlet my creative energies, 3, because media is one of the most powerful and effective means of communicating to a mass culture.

Now, I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with it. I'd love to get into mainstream film; however, I'm told that my true skills lie in manipulating audio.
My dream is to end up running my own independant production studio. We'll see.

The Silent Assassin wants to see if he can create a comprehensive communications curriculum involving power drills and floodlights.
And now my emergency radio has just alerted me to a disturbance on I295... must run...

-Lenar Labs
What's Your Destiny?

Ushmushmeifa: Lenar's power is almighty and ineffable.

All hail lord Noric, god of... well, something important, I'm sure.
Posts: 735 | Registered: Monday, January 16 2006 08:00
Member # 32
Profile #2
I'm double majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. I picked them because I enjoy doing them. As it turns out, I'm graduating this saturday...

Lt. Sullust
Cogito Ergo Sum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #3
Double-major in Classical Languages (Latin and Greek) and Astrophysics. Both happened because I took an intro class and enjoyed each a lot.

Which reminds me of my Astro final tomorrow that I'm supposed to be studying for... darn it.

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 1934
Profile Homepage #4
I just finished my Freshman year as a Biochemistry major. It could have gone better.
Chemistry is fun, and that's pretty much the only reason I picked it. Oh, and I plan on minoring in Ethics. Just because.
And congrats Sullust!

You acquire an item: Radio Free Foil
Posts: 1169 | Registered: Monday, September 23 2002 07:00
Member # 73
Profile #5
Hey, it's Drezin. I remember you.

I don't have a major yet. I can't handle full college so I'm transferring to a community college to brush up on basic skills for a semester or two before returning.

Yes, laugh it up guys. I know you want to.

My Myspace, with some of my audial and visual art
The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community
The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database
Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database
BoE Webring - Self explanatory
Polaris - Free porn here
Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too)
They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance
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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 5576
Profile Homepage #6
I'm majoring in Physics with a minor in German. I chose physics because I just enjoy finding out why stuff works. The german minor is mostly a convenient way to fulfill my distribution requirements.

I spent most of the day today learning about applying to grad school. Now I feel like just giving up and hiding somewhere. Viewed from my current position it seems like an awfully daunting process.

Überraschung des Dosenöffners!
"On guard, you musty sofa!"
Posts: 627 | Registered: Monday, March 7 2005 08:00
Member # 8596
Profile #7
I am planning to major in foreign languages and business, as I am hoping to land a job as a translator someday.

But of course, this is all really because master wants me to translate all of his pornographic games. Oh you~ <3

Posts: 28 | Registered: Friday, April 27 2007 07:00
Member # 7420
Profile Homepage #8
Majoring in Policial Science. Haven't decided whether I'll go for Law School eventually or not.

And no worries ADoS, I totally did community college for a year before transfering. Best decision I ever made. Saved a ton of cash, and got a chance to figure everything out before making commitments.

[ Thursday, May 10, 2007 18:12: Message edited by: Emperor Tullegolar ]

You lose.
Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #9
I'm an aerospace engineering major. Mostly because it has just the right balance of salary and enjoyability for me. I just finished up my 2nd year, my last semester was the first where classes actually got difficult. I barely squeezed by in Dynamics, and Thermo gave me a lot of grief as well.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #10
Yeah, that doesn't really sound like a bad thing, ADoS. Good idea, really.

I'm an environmental studies major, and I just finished my sophomore year (I literally moved back home for the summer today). It's been interesting, and the past semester was the first where I actually took a majority of classes within my major. Of course, one had a more or less worthless professor, but it's all fine now. No major damage on grades, and I actually feel smarter... which is odd.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
Member # 5437
Profile #11
My major is biological sciences. Though school is off and on I really enjoy studying all aspects of science and medicine.

I'm not very good with foreign languages and most forms of art/music, but science comes naturally for me.
Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00
Too Sexy for my Title
Member # 5654
Profile #12
God, this topic is turning out to be one of those "let's bring it back twice at month" topics. Kind of like the BoG ones. Which reminds me, we haven't had a Karma topic in a while. Karma topic!!

Actually Ados, that's a great idea. I regret not having done it myself. Well almost, I met my best friends from school during Freshman Year. I have a friend who went to a community college for 2 years, pumped up his GPA, and then transfered into my school. He saved over $20,000 and got a high GPA without putting in much effort. Not to say that all community colleges are easier than private schools, we have a couple of really good ones. However, the one I'm referring to is like extended HS.

Anyways, I just finished my Junior year in college. To not being in school! I'm currently an Accounting Major who has still not made up her mind about whether or not she should go for her Masters.

Edit: I might be minoring in Italian as well. A minor in my school is a joke. You can get a minor on any foreign language with just four to five extra classes.

[ Thursday, May 10, 2007 22:03: Message edited by: M. ]
Posts: 1035 | Registered: Friday, April 1 2005 08:00
Member # 6401
Profile #13
My main subjects were Swedish and French, with a little German and Italian alongside them. Also did a fair bit of literary and translation stuff.

And yesterday, two years after graduating, I was finally offered my first permanent job. Sweet! Nothing beats not having to job-hunt all summer. It'll be marketing with an environmental organisation.

I think this is really wonderful.
Posts: 147 | Registered: Tuesday, October 18 2005 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #14
Originally written by Niemand:

I spent most of the day today learning about applying to grad school. Now I feel like just giving up and hiding somewhere. Viewed from my current position it seems like an awfully daunting process.
At least you're not applying to med school. That process is doom.

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
Profile #15
I did physics, then physics, then more physics. Then, finally, some more physics. Now, I do a lot of physics. I guess it has been 13 years. Time flies when you're having fun.

My undergrad program was initially going to be a double major in physics and English. Writing clever little undergraduate essays about old poems came pretty easily. I liked it, but I guess it came too easily, because it seemed as though I could handle literary criticism well enough to have fun with it, without further training; but I was never going to be able to understand modern physics at all without a lot more courses. So out of 40 one-semester-courses in my degree, in the end 32 were physics (plus a few math and chemistry). With the remaining 8 electives, I worked my way up to upper year seminars in English, by concentrating narrowly in Renaissance poetry.

I suppose my main reason for spending time here is that it gives another outlet for writing little (well, tiny) essays, in between all this physics.

EDIT: Woops: 23 years, not 13. Flies more than I thought.

[ Friday, May 11, 2007 01:23: Message edited by: Student of Trinity ]

We're not doing cool. We're doing pretty.
Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00
Member # 8131
Profile Homepage #16
I'm just curious, of you college going folk, do you have a major (and for people who already have a career, what did you major in back in college)? Why did you choose that as your major?

I'm not sure why exactly I was compelled to ask this here, but I'd love to hear whatever you have to say.

Well I entered college back in 2001 as a Communications major, emphasis in tv/radio. The program sucked and after a year or so of that I switched to a business major. Well I didn't like business either so then I switched to a major in Social Sciences emphasis in History. Throughout this course of time I took several classes in philosophy as well. I graduated December 2006 (5 and a half years baby) with a degree in Social Sciences Comprehensive emphasis in History. I currently work as a technology support specialist at a small private college in Iowa which I started September 2006 (let me tell you finishing a last semester of college 3 hours a way while starting a full time job, not so fun). Why did I end up as a History Major (Social Science) well the classes I had taken for gen eds, were fun, I enjoyed them. I figured none of this other jazz is working for me why not enjoy my college career. So thats what I did (I also took a smattering of education classes, like halfway to a teaching license If I ever decide to go that route.)

Anyway how did I get into my current career path. In high school at a small rural school I fell into tech support back then and did school to work at the school with the tech coordinator for a couple years. Then after I went to college I still worked there part time for a couple years after that and full time summers. The summer before starting college I started at the campus Radio Station (at the time going into communications major) and over the years I worked in several positions there ranging from productions, news, and I was even assistant program director for a year. This was long after switching to history, but I still enjoyed radio. I also worked for the TV station on campus doing live and prerecorded work (TV is stressful don't do it). My freshman year I was hired as a network consultant for the campus Resnet services. I worked there for several years until getting hired in September at my current place of employment. Was a Lead Network Consultant and Imaging Supervisor at the end of my stint. During my college career a freind and I would enter stuff in the campus film festival as well (usually netting first or second since we'd do some pretty FX laden stuff) Suffusive to say I've done a lot of odd tech and communication work in my short years on this planet.

Summer of 2006 I'm working at ResNet, planning on a May 07 graduation (I was going for a philosophy minor) I decided to toss out a few resumes to local places get a feel for the market and get some resume experience. I ended up sending one to this wicked sweet position at this small college in Iowa, never expecting to get hired. This is like in the beginning of the summer anyway. Well I don't hear from most of the places over the summer, no big, come start of August I get a call from this college, they want to do a phone interview. Ok sure, do a phone interview. They want to set up an onsite interview in a couple weeks. Hmmm ok, I'll do it. End of August went and did that. Next day they call me they want to hire me for quite a reasonable wage. Ok sure. Since the school is so small their tech department is small, while most schools have separate AV and tech departments this one all falls under one, since I had computer and AV experience it set me ahead of the pack. Anyway I had to scramble to see how to graduate, I had completed all my requirements for graduation except 1 400 level credit so I talked to my advisor and got a couple 3 credit independent studies A.K.A. 20 page research papers. Also got married in October. Starting new job, doing 2 research papers, and getting married, thought I was gunna die.

All I can say to the people entering college, do what you want, don't conform to make parents or something happy.

NETWORK, get to know people, get to know business owners, do lots of odd jobs, whatever just get your name to people. You never know who you can call on in the future.

Try to get decent grades, employers will look at your transcript and while the degree doesn't tend to be that important they want to know how you handle things.

Don't be one of those people who says well I only need to get good grades in my major (Engineers and computer science folks tend to be terrible with this), employers look at your transcript and think oh you did good in the classes you liked but terrible in the ones you didn't like, how is this person going to be when I assign them a project they don't like.

Have fun, college is a blast, take extra time if you need, try different things. You never know how it will end up! If someone had asked me last summer where I was gunna be right now I would have said well preparing to graduate, probably prepping for unemployment. Now here I am prepping to deploy 300 new computers to a new science facility.

Man that was long.....
Posts: 145 | Registered: Sunday, February 18 2007 08:00
Member # 8030
Profile Homepage #17
Currently, I'm a high school freshman. However I plan to attend University of Nevada, Reno after I graduate from high school. I intend to earn a bachelor's degree in secondary education and chemistry. I might minor in computer science and business also.

Of course, there's always finances that become obstacles to higher education. Nevada offers something called the Millennium Scholarship. The prerequisites are becoming increasingly higher, as the funds for the program are decreasing. However, since I easily manage a 4.0 GPA, and am going to exceed the current requirements by the large margin, I'm not worried about it being unavailable to me.
I've been pumping money into a bank account, so I'll have some of my own money for college. There's also a lot of scholarships offered to the school I attend that I meet the requirements for.
I'll have to move away for awhile to attend college, but I wish to live here in Winnemucca the rest of my life.

Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00
Member # 6193
Profile Homepage #18
I graduate highschool next week (wOOt) so I guess I now qualify to talk about majors and the like.

I filled out my school's Preview prep form (Basically a weekend where you see the campus and sign up for courses) and I listed Chemical and Electrical engineering as my two potential majors. Those are probably the two specific majors I'm most interested in, but I'm still considering just about anything in the field of engineering.

Guaranteed to blow your mind.

Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot?
Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00
By Committee
Member # 4233
Profile #19
I majored in Classical Languages in undergrad, initially as a means of learning what the Bible actually said, and then as a result of that learning eventually abandoning Christianity altogether as a bad idea. Thank you, Ancient Rome! :) Seriously though, if I had it all to do over again, I would have double-majored in comp sci and econ, or maybe math and econ. If you're serious about a career outside of the very tight world of academia, you'll want to have something marketable. (On the other hand, classical languages has been pretty good background and training for law school, which is my current nemesis.)

I think the most important thing is to start college without any severe preconceived notions of what you want to do. I felt like I needed to do that, and started out as a double-degree vocal music performance and physics major, and as you can see, neither of those lasted. However, they did have the effect of eating up a lot of my electives that in retrospect I would rather have used for exploring other interests.

Also, the community college move is a solid one, and no shame in it, ADoS. Taking a couple of years to explore those electives and figure out your direction is time and money well-spent.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Member # 3040
Profile #20
I thought I posted a reply here, but either I imagined it or UBB didn't like it.

I'm currently a sophomore in college, majoring in math and philosophy. Math was always a sure thing (I'm already very close to finishing the major) and philosophy is more recent. I don't remember exactly what prompted me to consider it as a major, but I've always liked logical thinking, so perhaps that's it. In any case, I was pretty certain of it as a major after last term, after having taken Metaphysics and Logic (which is more mathy than philosophyy). This term I'm taking Epistemology and a class titled "the Ethics of Belief."

At various times I have thought my second major (after math) would be music, German, and linguistics. None of those really worked out.

ADoS, I think you'd be disappointed if no one actually laughed, so HAHA.

Posts: 508 | Registered: Thursday, May 29 2003 07:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #21
In 4th grade I planned ahead and decided I was going to be a math major in college. Needless to say, that didn't happen, but it did set a precedent of wanky overplanning. In 6th grade, I decided on physics; in 7th, classics; in 8th, philosophy. High school brought plans for medieval studies, creative writing, film, anthropology, and finally mythology (which I likely would have followed through on had it existed at U of C). In college, I first registered as Near Eastern Languages & Civilizations, flirted with an interdisciplinary studies major, switched to Religious Studies, and finally (after a leave of absence) switched to Linguistics, which stuck. Of course, now I'm careening towards grad school in clinical psychology.

...I don't really think there's a lesson to be learned here.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Member # 3428
Profile Homepage #22
I'm a computer science major. Programming, Hardware repair, and Networking; no degree yet. I got bored about 90% the way through my associate's track [90 credits, spread myself really thin], so I'm currently working at office max and not going to college.

HIHI!!!! *hugs indescriminantly* take that, FEEL THE LOVE!!!!
Posts: 47 | Registered: Wednesday, September 3 2003 07:00
Member # 991
Profile #23
I'm very happy that this topic is getting many replies and that feedback is quite informative.

I asked this mainly because I myself am in my second year in college and having a tough time at finding a major. I decided to ask different sources for their experiences to help me "find my way".

Thanks many times over for all the responses, I will continue to read whatever is posted here.

I'm sorry if this has been posted several times before. I rarely come by here it seems these days.

And I remember you too ADoS :)
Posts: 953 | Registered: Wednesday, April 17 2002 07:00
Member # 4537
Profile Homepage #24
Right now mine is Sociology, but that's a temporary measure because this campus doesn't offer the major I really want, or rather the major for which some of the classes I'd be most interested in are required and which is most relevant to my chosen pursuit - art. When I transfer I'll change it to something else, either arts or a hard science.

-------------------- - My drawings!
Waka Laka love and fantasy~
Posts: 147 | Registered: Sunday, June 13 2004 07:00
