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World building poll in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #49
A Mobius strip, in the middle of a star system too cool, magic lots o it, no f-ing humans, maybe a passive god, not much animals, awesome terrian, i dont care what, nature.vs.Civillization, you choose which, name: Desomnica, technology: people are zapping each other with four arms armed with nova cannons, a.k.a really cool ****. Just make it intresting i voted to help (yay) Remember space battles are cool, like "Skies of Arcadia" in some aspects

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Only 666 days till G5.
The Shiny experimental LaserlaserrazermaserdazershmaserX-rayergoawayserbobaserbananafanafofasergazer-of-destiny-with-improved-special-effects-A-MATIC!
that is an actual weapon
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded. Something like that anyway. in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #518
Oh, and I wouldn't be surprised if the zombie ended up saying "braiins".

Vivan los Drayks! Viva Khyryk! Vivan los Serviles! Vivan los Travokites!
Tastes like Bambi, delicious
No matter what name I have, people can call me Xel
Pylons! this is what you send to blizzard if they cancel Starcraft 2.
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Hardist Special Zones in Geneforge Series
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #1
G4, nothing hard as a 5000 point shape-shifting self-regenerating monster who is protected by sentrys and who can shape, try killing him with a stick.

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Only 666 days till G5.
The Shiny experimental LaserlaserrazermaserdazershmaserX-rayergoawayserbobaserbananafanafofasergazer-of-destiny-with-improved-special-effects-A-MATIC!
that is an actual weapon
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #179
Gah. This thing seems to have almost started completely over, thanks to an influx of new debaters. Amazing how it's still only on page 8.
I guess

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Only 666 days till G5.
The Shiny experimental LaserlaserrazermaserdazershmaserX-rayergoawayserbobaserbananafanafofasergazer-of-destiny-with-improved-special-effects-A-MATIC!
that is an actual weapon
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #177

Geneforge 3 & 4 show quite clearly the Drakons are prepared to go to any length to kill the Shapers. For example killing all the students in the greenwood academy, because they might be dangerous in the future. And of course, unleashing the Unbound.

Ho boy, listen, the shapers shaped a new creation, a dragon-like creature named a drayk, but lo and behold, if they wanted to they could attack shapers, so they go on crusade, drakons kill students at shaper school, because they ARE being trained by the shapers to kill them, but they didn't go on a genocidal crusade, they like to kill shapers who choose to be a shaper, not humans, which is a sect, not a type of race, while shapers go after a race, which they did not choose to be

Its like shapers going after African people, and drakons going after all christens, by terms of sect and race, u cant choose race, you can choose sect, therefore i side with the rebels on this one.

I agree on the unbound matter, however it was a crusade, but not targeted genocide, for all they know there could be a hundred drayks and drakons and they would still send unbound.

So how do those too relate? They don't
Thank you finally no more political pointless refences.

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
An ode to Jeff Vogel in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #2
Christmas song?

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
An ode to Jeff Vogel in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #0
A little poem that popped into my head, All Hail Jeff Vogel

There is a man with Jeff Vogel for name,
His productions the Geneforge and Avernum games,
Even with Leopard causing trouble,
As soon as hears, hes on the double,
He will be known for awesome fame.

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Why aren't their any cats or dogs in Geneforge? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #9
Child: "Oo, look at the dog, come here boy!"

Dog: "Pant pant."

Child: "That's a good boy." BOOM!!!
Yes, the shapers want to kill children, that was the whole entire point of roamers, to kill children, thats why there are no more children in G4. :rolleyes:
But seriously, where the hell are the children?

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #168
Originally wrote by Safty

However the shapers have two saving graces that the drakons don't:
1 Drakons gentic self shaping causes maddness. It has been made evedent in the unbound, the drakon's tendencies, canisters, and geneforges that maddness is an unavoidable side effect of their pursit for power. The only way for them to survive is to conintue research that will make them unstable and no one with that out amount of power should be unstable. Let me put it this way, Drakon techinques increase the likely hood of becomeing menstable by several hundredfold (if not thousand), where as traditional shaping techinques the chances are nill.
2 The shapers have experince. Some of the shaper laws are meant to keep them from being challenged. They also make a good point about the dangers of letting every bum off the street shape. The shapers also have some pratical rules like not making new stronger crops becuase they will exhaust the soil and poteinally destroy the enviorment. Are the drakons likely to adobt the shapers more pratical rules? I doubt it. The Drakons who have proven themselves just as cruel as shapers will have to make all of the mistakes the shapers have just when the shapers where starting to learn from them.

I don't support the trakvoite ending for three reasons.
One is that you can't eradicate shaping nor can you erdicate shaping research. The fact that the rouge shapeing techinques have surived despite the shapers best efforts is testiment to that. Even if the whole of soceity was against shaping the shapers and rebel lifecrafters would go into a quite life until horrors of shaping where forgotten and bring back shapeing a new. Only this time no one would no how to deal with it.

Two is that society will find a way to destroy it self. With them it is shaping, with us it is nukes. Even if you could somehow manage to find some method of stoping shapeing, how long would it be before it was replaced by some magic or technolgy equally destructive?

Three is shaping is useful. To compeletly remove shaping from soceity would be the same as banning electricity. Even if you did it over time, it would be an indication of soceitys slow driffting into poverty if nothing else. Their society has depended on shapeing for untold millieums, and yet you want to remove it compeletly with in a few decades?

edit: Trakovites may be right about shaping being dangerous but it would better to figure out how to control shaping before trying to learn some new dangerous magic which they know nothing about.
Good point about the shapers and drakons but, umm, do you see the drakons going on a organized genocidal crusade on humans because they have the potential to be dangerous? As on the Travokite matter, i agree with you, the Travokites have the right idea, but haven't thought it out.

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
New character build in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #22
Four? Oops. Well that only leaves 1 extra upgraded version for a creation if your intrested in making the best creation in the game, Ur-Drakons and sometimes unbound. Wait a minute, how many non-ability stat canisters? And how do you put links in your signature and not have to write out the whole entire bloody link?

[ Tuesday, December 18, 2007 16:05: Message edited by: Omnikenetic Blade ]

Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Touch of Bambi hits the spot, what what?
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
New character build in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #18
It really sucks, in order for you to go shaping, you cant shape drayks or drakons, because you need canisters to do, also you cant make any advanced creations because you can only be trained twice, sucks doesn't it?

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Do you hate it when your password is changed by your brother?
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
New character build in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #16
Hmmm well for Servile i would recommend,

-pump up melee, missle is worthless as LT proved.
-Get battle magic, ice spray is your friend, when your trying to reach the safehouse you dont need any melee fighting, just pump em full of ice.
-buy a few levels of spellcraft, but you can't really invest in it because it gets so expensive so fast.
-after getting 7 or 8 in magic you don't need any more levels to win, sure battle roar is a nice pick-me-up but isn't worth it from what iv seen, unlock will save you so much living tools
-don't waste your time leveling up shaping, if you want to shape get shapemaster boots and flameweaver greaves.
-You don't need alot of QA to get double strikes, 9 or 10 will suffice, and considering what awesome artifacts and items you get, doesn't take too long.
-get only a couple of levels of strength, for the rest that you would typically need, get talisman of might, saves you a lot of points. Endurance is what you should stock up on, get some levels of intelligence also.

For infiltrator:
-buy mental and blessing magic only to 9, then focus on battle magic and spellcraft.
-buy a bit of melee and QA, it will come in handy
-get intelligence and endurance, those are what you will really need later on, nothing like a 700 hp infiltrator that does 400 dm in one hit.

and for general, get 10 mechanics and leadership, it will go a long way.
Hope i helped.

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #164
Personally, I prefer the Neutral path, where I get to kill both the Shaper and Rebel heroes, and their leaders, Michael and Asura, pave the way for the reincarnation of the goddess, and still get the girl.
Ummm.....What? This is Geneforge and i dont remember a Michael or Asura. :confused:

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Best Spiderweb serious EVER in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #15
I find the Avernum series highly annoying and not much fun, if you want this type of thing, just play D&D.
Geneforge is original, good game play, good graphics (GF1 aside)and overall, has the best political (and best meaning most complex) sides ever, unlike Avernum, you gots teh good guys and Vahatti and the empire teh bad guys.
Haven't played Nethergate or Exile.

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #136
If Ghaldring takes the thoughts of other Drakons into account, it's only because he's afraid that his rule will come to a violent end if he doesn't do his absolute best to offend none of them.

Thats mostly what politics is.

That's because creations simply don't have the diversity of thought that humans do. It just isn't built into them. They're hardwired to follow certain patterns of thought, and the Drayks and Drakons were war machines, so they are hardwired to follow violent thoughts. It's okay for the humans to target Drayks and Drakons for extermination because the Drayks and Drakons are unanimously against them. The original slaughtering of Drayks was wrong, and Nalyd does not support that at all, but the current war is justified. If the Drayks were in power, then the humans would have been targeted for extermination. But they weren't.
That is EXACTLY my view.

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #134
PS By taking that condecending tone you basically should put yourself into the category of talking of things unrelated to the Geneforge world, like a 5 year old talking down to 4 year olds.
I was trying to end a trend so people can talk about more Geneforge related things, and I posted a lot of previous discussions and responded off of them, which I see very little in your previous post, making you a hypocrite. I wasn't being condescending, anyway, I'm not going to continue this conversation.

Drakons have no moral limits, unlike any other sentient species in this game. If they want something, they'll go for it, and God help anyone or anything that gets in their way (The revenge they pursue now, and the unbound they unleash). If you serve no use to them now or in the near future, you're discarded like trash (the human side of the rebellion; it's obvious that if Ghaldring hadn't stepped in, the humans would rot in the Forsaken lands). If you aren't a friend, you're an enemy (all of the innocents getting slaughtered by random drakon attacks). If you show dissent, you're mercilessly butchered (The cryodrayks near the broken bridge).

Compared to this, the Shapers are actually quite hospitable and friendly.
I agree with most of this, however Shapers are not hospitable and defiantly not friendly, if a starving person knocked on the door of a shaper keep and wasn't a shaper, they wouldn't even open, that is if they where human, anything else is a creation (Not just drayks or Drakons but serviles) They would not consider it if it was a servile, and if it was a intelligent creation (eyebeast, drayks and drakons) they would capture and question them.
Not very friendly or hospital, not that the drakons are any better.

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Who do you want to see in Geneforge 5 in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #21
Ok, but what type of sec do they follow, a kill-all, like the barzites, or something like that?

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #131

I mean, telling me to remain impersonal when I responded tongue in cheek to a particular rude poster calling me 'deluded'. He puts Faux News 'fair and balanced' analytical skills to shame, hmmm?

Oh, and note how he tells me not to be an idiot, while in the same breath stating that we should keep the debate impersonal. Such a tactic is surely conducive to a pleasant and to the point discussion.

It seems that some members on these boards can dish it out, but can't take it.

So let's end this posturing and empty rhetoric, and get back to the discussion at hand, hmmm? You could start by providing some sort of evidence to support your blanket statements regarding the Drakon race. You claim that you've already posted this evidence, so it shouldn't be too hard for you to comb through your previous posts and paste it into a new reply, minus the prattle and insults.

Oh for Christ's sake, shut up! Last time I checked this topic, this was a POLITICAL reference to Geneforge, not having three members insult each other, of the last few posts I have seen very little Geneforge political reference, the one I quoted has none. Seriously, your not three year-olds.

Ok, now to on-topic things:
I never denied that Ghaldring's strength does not play a role in his rule. What I did contest was Retlew's claim that Ghaldring's rule did not involve taking into consideration the thoughts of his Drakon comrades. In case everyone has forgotten: "Ghaldring rules by being the strongest, not by asking others what they think," Yet clearly Ghaldring retains his rule in part due to his taking into consideration the thoughts and opinions of the other Drakons. He didn't obtain popular support amongst the Drakons by bullying them . Quite the contrary, he garners their respect via diplomacy.
What you say and what Nayld and Nioca about this is all true, Galdring appears listening and democratic, but if a push came to shove, the Drakons would find themselves in an iron grip. I believe that if Salassar DID attack him, he would be an authoritarian until Salassar died. He had a mix of what you three said, or at least that what this humble servile thinks.

The types of danger you refer to are different than that which the Drakons pose. Ascending to political and economic power is completely different than being on the verge of waging racial war.

The reason that Drayks and Drakons are targeted for extermination is because they are too independent, and hence believed to represent a potential threat. Such a mentality is identical to that used to exterminate the Kurds, Armenians and Jews.
I agree with this, Shapers didn't like the fact that something that they created could be as smart as them (maybe smarter), Create this view in your head "The U.S. has found out a way to make a cat with DNA changes that enables it to be as smart as a human" How would you like it if your pet can figure out things faster than you, people as arrogant as shapers got angry when their tabby figured out Pi faster than they did. Some may say that this is off-topic, but it holds a point, you have a creature that you think is lower-level, smarter than you.

No, intelligent beings that were previously enslaved would want revenge, at least on the Shapers.
False. Revenge definitely is on the agenda for some Rebels, although survival and freedom clearly take a higher priority. And many drayks, and even some Drakons, have expressed that they would be willing to live in peace if the Shapers left them alone. For example:

Dryss from the Taker Toll road in GF2:

"That is too bad. Creations should not have to fight to be free. But if they must ...""Yesss. I suppose I would not kill and eat the Shapersss if I could avoid it. I would rather have happy, quiet life, being wealthy and eating meat. But that isss not the life I was created into.";

Issss-Ta, from Zhass-Usss in GF2:

"You don't want the Shapers to be destroyed?" "I do not want it to be necessary. But remember, it was your kind who created us, and then you decided that we should no longer exist. We have to defend ourselves."
Lepus, revenge is on MOST rebels list, not all but most, hell, why would you join anyway, there are 2 types of people who join them refugees and revenge. I know, I know, Blackrabbit, blah blah blah. Well Blackrabbit is a very unusual person, and while some people say he is morally right, I seem to remember him not having any problem with killing shapers.

And I'm not even going to continue the Nazi argument, Nazi evil and do bad experiments, shaper not-so evil and do no-so bad experiment, Period.
Oi, I hate insult trends.
Retlaw, fix your double post.
I took 30 minutes of my life to make this hope your happy
:rolleyes: You choose to make this, I don't feel sorry for you.

[ Tuesday, December 04, 2007 16:32: Message edited by: SlaughteringSevile ]

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
What have you been reading lately? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #605
Chill, seriously, it would be impossible to impersonate member 335's name, he changes it 3 times a day!

Vivan los Drayks! Viva Khyryk! Vivan los Serviles! Vivan los Travokites!
Tastes like Bambi, delicious
No matter what name I have, people can call me Xel
Pylons! this is what you send to blizzard if they cancel Starcraft 2.
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
do you edit scripts or use cheats? in Geneforge Series
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #8
Rat, can u post the enchanting times script?

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Tank Cat! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #44
That is not cruelty to animals, they didn't actually stick a cat under a matress

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
What have you been reading lately? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #603
Read the book Knots and Crosses

-Alorael, who is stealing member 335's signature, warns that it extensively talks about racism

Vivan los Drayks! Viva Khyryk! Vivan los Serviles! Vivan los Travokites!
Tastes like Bambi, delicious
No matter what name I have, people can call me Xel
Pylons! this is what you send to blizzard if they cancel Starcraft 2.
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Question in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #0
What was the Mister Fox incident i have heard about on the boards?

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Revised political-geneforge sympathies poll in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #122
No problemo

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
Tank Cat! in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 9906
Profile Homepage #40

Life's important Questions:
What is the best Artifact
Gloves of Savagery
Is there a more uber sword that the Puresteel Soulblade: No
Vie va la Travokites
Vie va la Kyryk
Vie va la Serviles
Vie va la Drayks
Your incompidence is your own fault
Before you complain, ask yourself, does anyone care? The answer, of course is No.
My life for Auir!
Posts: 301 | Registered: Tuesday, August 21 2007 07:00
