Profile for Itsuart, the altered
Field | Value |
Displayed name | Itsuart, the altered |
Member number | 5941 |
Title | BANNED |
Postcount | 23 |
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Registered | Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
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Your platform in General | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 07:37
quote:rofl Oh that was realy funny, thank you! Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Your platform in General | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 07:24
quote:You have my forgiveness :).Read below about your mistake. quote:They are, you right. But I'm interested not in just gaming platform, but in every-day-work / gaming platform. Looks like Merphy's law in action: If there is any chance to be missunderstanded - you will. :) Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Your platform in General | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 07:01
quote:No it shouldn't. Nor Linux nor Windows (MS DOS, Unixes,Mac OS, PC DOS, OS/2, BeOS, Minuet etc) are platforms. They are OSes. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Your platform in General | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 06:55
quote:A flame starting question. Use google, it will give you much more information than me or anybody else in this board. Edit reason: wrong pronoun. Fixed [ Wednesday, August 17, 2005 06:57: Message edited by: Itsuart, the altered ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Your platform in General | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 05:42
Finding out which platform most used by community Poll Information This poll contains 2 question(s). 42 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=wkRAlOluTHIc"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=wkRAlOluTHIc"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
any chance of.... in General | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 05:16
But it's interesting question born: Will anybody play in a MMORPG based on an SW world? If yes, which game you prefer? And how frequent you plan to play? Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
any chance of.... in General | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 04:54
quote:This will be possible only when SW Software will have more than 1 programmer, 1 musician, 1 graph. artist, 1 designer in one person. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Campaign Against Illiteracy: Chapter I - Piracy in General | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, August 17 2005 00:53
Homepage Almost everything in this article - truth. I hope that those who will read this article will stop writing nonsense about piracy, etc. PS Ahh, yes, I have almost forget. If you decide that you know better about subject than author(or me) - kill yourself, save the Earth. Thank you. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
My thoughts on hex editing and keygens... in General | |
Member # 5941
written Tuesday, August 16 2005 00:54
quote:Such Will you dare to be honest with community? 2CPeters Considering level of knowlege of about 90% of the board users you better write some simple tool which will give ability to rewrite registration information by given reg. code & key. As far as I know this will not breach any laws. However writing an tutor is even protected by laws :) Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
GF3 Trainer in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Friday, August 12 2005 02:49
quote:"Oh no, that will spoil the game!"(c)I-us Beter something like that: spoilsafesaveedit str And it will increase by one str stat. And to be shure that writing simple script will not again spoil the game, somewhere in code must be called sleep(60000) :) )) Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
GF3 Trainer in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Tuesday, August 9 2005 21:03
Nothing changes in the world: only small number of persons interested in learning or/and have abilities for this. That's frustrating. However. Last lesson for Indeterminatus: And last lesson for him and K-on,K-es: Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Turning off full-screen? in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Monday, August 8 2005 09:37
This mode is not supported. You can try to hack it however. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
I desperatly need a new 4-5 digit cd key in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Monday, August 8 2005 09:35
quote:Then, if he have a little brains, he will just find keygen for it. If he have some more brains he will write keygen. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
GF2 NOSE v0.1 in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Monday, August 8 2005 01:59
quote:OMFG. What I can say on this? Only one: you too young to talk with me. Your behaviour is too common, and I tired long ago to talk with ones like you. BTW I don't use canisters, I drink vodka. Dixi. [ Monday, August 08, 2005 03:32: Message edited by: Itsuart, the altered ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
GF2 NOSE v0.1 in Geneforge 2 | |
Member # 5941
written Monday, August 8 2005 01:59
quote:OMFG. What I can say on this? Only one: you too young to talk with me. Your behaviour is too common, and I tired long ago to talk with ones like you. BTW I don't use canisters, I drink vodka. Dixi. [ Monday, August 08, 2005 03:32: Message edited by: Itsuart, the altered ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
GF3 Trainer in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Monday, August 8 2005 01:50
quote:I'm always say what I think. That nice that you fight for your app. But this also means that your programming life at a very beginning. You will learn much and your attitude to your apps will change. And please before teaching me how to write programms develope at least 1 (one) enterprise level app. Now lets talk about your hmmm "points of interest". -NOSE lets you edit each single stat. -Your editor doesn't. Just because I don't need this. However clicking 10+ times on each button is most stupid thing to do. -NOSE weight 400k. -Your editor weights only 3k but requires to dowload the *cough* *cough* 20mb NET framework. Tha-ha-ha. Compare number of .NET Apps and Allegro's. Think about, this is kind of programming lesson, he-he-he :) And there is a hint: Allegro not an adequate lib for this task. Google will "save father of russian democracy" :) -NOSE is absolutely portable to Mac and Linux. -Your program cannot be possibily ported to anything else. Second lesson: never say anything about you don't know. You look funny :) However app of such level may be written from the scratch in a few hours.(My own written in about 10 minutes) -NOSE doesn't insult his users and asks them to suicide What an overwhelming plus. But I realy think that if someone don't have enough brains to use such stupid tool, he/she should commit suicide ASAP. -NOSE doesn't spoil the game. This is start of an philosophical debate? PS/Third lesson/ If you rewrite your app using pure C/C++ it will a) weight much less b) fully portable c) but will be console. -Dixi [ Monday, August 08, 2005 02:04: Message edited by: Itsuart, the altered ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
GF2 NOSE v0.1 in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Thursday, August 4 2005 04:02
what a *****y app. Write it without useless large lib and add editboxes - pressing mouse button 100+ times quite stupid thing to do. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
GF2 NOSE v0.1 in Geneforge 2 | |
Member # 5941
written Thursday, August 4 2005 04:02
what a *****y app. Write it without useless large lib and add editboxes - pressing mouse button 100+ times quite stupid thing to do. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
GF3 Trainer in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Thursday, August 4 2005 01:23
This tool will patch your save file to make a godlike pc. 4k Requires MS .NET Framework 1.1 Why I made it? Because NOSE is too crappy. Have fun. PS And yes, it's not for deadend brunch of evolution. I mean mac. [ Thursday, August 04, 2005 01:38: Message edited by: Itsuart, the altered ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
What do YOU want to see in G4? in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Wednesday, June 22 2005 21:40
What do YOU want to see in G4? I want see ocean around Terrestia full of Shapers enemies blood. I want see how shapres will slowly tear to small pieces stupid Ghaldrig. I want see that Council reveal Shaper's ancestors abaility to shape any living thing from distant(as they do in GF1) I want see more big and ugly battles. Summary: I want see total eradication of every non-loyal being, everyone who dared to go aginst Shapers or even think about it [ Wednesday, June 22, 2005 22:55: Message edited by: Itsuart, the altered ] Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Some thoughts about Shapers World in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Monday, June 13 2005 05:02
quote:No doubt, this will not be easy.We know that Second Shapers Continent(SSC) is bigger, more settled and far from Terrestia. This means that Rebels don't have enough force there to hold Shapers to help Terrestia for long. Shapers from SSC should not immediatily send all forces they have, to fight rogues but spend time to plan and doing research. And they quite confident on this in contrast to Rebels. And I don't think that Shapers with their centuries-old history of creation making and controling will not find the way to rapidly eradicate theirs foes. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
G1 and G2 plot summaries plx in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Monday, June 13 2005 03:43
G1 Ending: Geneforge destroyed, Traykov and almost all serviles killed. Is geneforge used by shaper or not - i don't know - no iformation about it. Sholai contacted, diplomacy with them started. Sholai - explorers from very far country with Russian's names :) G2 Ending: Barzites, Takers, Awakened killed. Eass creation, Ghaldrig hidden behind "strange cold door". G3: Ghaldrig awekend.War rages. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Some thoughts about Shapers World in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Monday, June 13 2005 03:32
About discipline wand:"All creations are made to be vulnerable to certain poisons. This wand sprays a venom which is deadly to creations, but harmless to humans and natural beings" And discipline wand give alot of damage to every creation in Geneforge series.Ur-drakons, gazers and so one too. And it's none unexpectedness in this: drakons came from halfdrayk, halfdrakon in G2(don't remember it's name). So they still have vulnerability to the poison. So it is really way to terminate rebels. Say Shapers can use artillery and airforce to bombard enemy territories with poison bombs :) [offtop] I will be gladly play to "Shapers War": kind of war strategy :) . [/offtop] Delicious Vlish, reread 3.3. And remember one of the G1 endings: OO killed Shapers, ones of his kind, and I don't think that serviles or drakons will be treated differently. Awakened line impossible. Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
Some thoughts about Shapers World in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Saturday, June 11 2005 10:32
Before start let me refresh yours memory with some historical information: 1. G1: Sucia Island is far from an unknown continent 2. G1: Geneforge destroyed but some knowledge taken by some agents 3 G1: Maybe Overpowered Shaper established his kingdom. 3.1 G1: "But the world is young. There are many unsettled areas...then you set off into the woods" 3.2 G1: Owerpowered One is _MOST_ powerfull being("The Shaper council soon realizes that you are too strong for them") 3.3 G1: He have a horde of creations and they are all TOTALY OBEDIENT. His life is very long.("You form your nation in the wilderness, populated by creations, your creations, multitudes of them, sprung out of your power and will. They live under you, under your absolute control, as it should be. Your kingdom lasts as long as you live. And you live for a very, very long time.") 4. G3: Sholai contacted and Shapers have friendship with them. 5. G3: Shapers rule two continents and Terrestia is less setled one("The Ashen Isles are a distant province of Terrestia, which is the wilder and less settled of the two continents ruled by the Shapers.") 6. Without help of Geneforge(read as ur-drakons(pfuh! only ur-drakons! Alot of them were slain by me in G2)) Shapers at least equal to rebels. Even with it's help rebels doesn't have advantage over Shapers. 7. G1,2,3: Shapers mastered ultimate techniques to control their creations but even they time after time loose it. 8. G1,2,3: altering being makes it more arrogant and mad. 9. G2,3: Drakons can alter themself. They intellegent enought to begin rebel agains rebels. Now lets look at situation in G3. I)According to 3,6,5 : it's very possibly that Overpowered One(OO) is in Terrestia. And I'm shure rebels will try to kill him to "free" his creations. All their attempts will fail and OO can deside to begin hunt rebels. I think if Shaper Council will humbly ask him for help he will. According to 5 and 3.2 his help will be lethal to rebels. Rebelion will be terminated. II) If OO doesn't exists or it's not in Terrestia. Anyway he isn't in game. Then lets look at 5&6: If Council will send force from another continent(and they shurely will) rebelion will be terminated. Of course they can cowardly make Terrestia Barren. But I strongly believe they'll not. And with this help rebelion will be terminated. III) If Shapers in Terrestia will be killed. Look at 7,8,9 and remember rogue gazers from G2. I'm shure soon without enemy on the sight creations will start fight with each other for power. Shapers from not-Terrestia can use it and strike hard at moment when too intellegent creations will be weakened by "civil war". IV) Without "civil war" Shapers from Terrestia killed. Shapres from main land land enormous number of spawners in Terrestia and while rebels fighting with complitly rogue hordes prepearing to war. And with one mighty blow wipe out everything in Terrestia. Summary: Rebels will be killed in any way. Drakes, Drakons and Gazers will be haunted and killed one by one. Serviles will be replaced with new kind totaly obedient. Terrestia will become wasteland. Anyway living in the continent will be impossible. Shapers rule is unquestionable. And evidence of their's laws wisdom will be Tirrestia and mindless war happened there. What do you think about all that? Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |
I'm stuck!! (closed) in Geneforge Series | |
Member # 5941
written Saturday, June 11 2005 09:05
Did you talked with hmm main guardian in inner Dhoral Keep? Did he gave you quest about general? Posts: 23 | Registered: Saturday, June 11 2005 07:00 |