Profile for rivka

Error message

  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type int in element_children() (line 6595 of /var/www/
  • Deprecated function: implode(): Passing glue string after array is deprecated. Swap the parameters in drupal_get_feeds() (line 394 of /var/www/

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cathedral of winds in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #4
Sorry, i figures it out - wrong machine!
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
cathedral of winds in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #3
Yup, shades of gray. But no, there's no error message. Just 'the machinery is unresponsive' in the dialog box at the bottom.
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
cathedral of winds in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #0
so, I swapped out the control crystal and nothing happened. Now what?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Exodus sequel? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #9
Awww. I really don't get why Exodus would be panned. My second fave (right after bahssikava!)
Oh,well. If Kelandon's still about, maybe he could post spoilers for what the sequel would have been?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Exodus sequel? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #0
I don't want to seem greedy, but is there a sequel for the Bahs/exodus duology? I REALLY wanna find out about those vahanatai pillars!
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
exodus - why can't I cast inferno? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #2
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
exodus - why can't I cast inferno? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #0
I got taught inferno and filth, but i can't figure out how to cast them. Are they mage spells? Priest spells? What letter?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
End Sequence in Nethergate
Member # 5854
Profile #6
Thanks. I guess I assumed he did. This is gonna be boring....
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
End Sequence in Nethergate
Member # 5854
Profile #4
As I walked to the north wall, I got told it rolled off to the east. I went to the wall, and walked east, and when that didn't work, I walked along the east edge of the platform. Still nothing.
Edit: I have now walked over every frickin' square of that platform. What gives?

[ Wednesday, June 06, 2007 12:20: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Hall of the Lamp as Romans in Nethergate
Member # 5854
Profile #8
If you're strong enough in the circle, 'sever seal' works for the celts.
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
End Sequence in Nethergate
Member # 5854
Profile #2
OK, I followed these instructions - and I still can't find the blasted thing! what am I getting wrong?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Burial glen puzzle in Nethergate
Member # 5854
Profile #2
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Burial glen puzzle in Nethergate
Member # 5854
Profile #0
OK, I've placed the crates as crate crate barrel diagonall starting from the north corner, and along each wall. Still nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
groping rubbery fingers under goagh-nar in Nethergate
Member # 5854
Profile #4
Thanks guys. Well, that's frustrating.
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
groping rubbery fingers under goagh-nar in Nethergate
Member # 5854
Profile #0
I'm pretty sure Im under goagh-nar, and I'm trying to walk down the hall to get to a crypt where I'm pretty sure there are lots of goodies. I've dissipated the barrier, but when I try to walk forward, I get told I'm being groped by rubbery phantom fingers and can't walk forward.

Any idea what I'm doing wrong?

[ Wednesday, May 30, 2007 19:02: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Avernoss? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #0
OK - where the heck is the avernoss camp? is it on that same bit of land as the peninsula? or is it downstream?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Dread curse in Exodus in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #4
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Dread curse in Exodus in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #2
OK - I've never really used the character editor before - how do I remove a curse?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Dread curse in Exodus in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #0
is there any way to get rid of these things? Do they wear out?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Stuck in Exodus in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #32
OK, I'm probably being idiotic, but I got through the black land and up to the beach across from the west bank camp. Problem is, my boat is still down below the waterfalls! what did I do wrong?

[ Monday, December 18, 2006 20:02: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
"Where the Rivers Meet" bug in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #4
Hi! I went and looked at the code. Set you Get Stuff don Flag in Advanced Features of Character Editor to 26,6,0 and you can walk out of the town, but mayor ruth still doesn't seem to know what's going on. this needs more beta!

[ Friday, December 15, 2006 18:19: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Stuck in Za-Khazi Run in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #6
The charm to help you through the 'shrooms is nice, but, if you are running at fewer than 7 days, when you get to that cave, there is a path across where you only hit the shrooms twice.

[ Sunday, September 03, 2006 16:36: Message edited by: rivka ]
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
Problem in backwater calls (2) in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #0
I have 2 problems in backwater calls, and it's occurred to me that I dodn't have any problems with it when I had a windows maching.
First: No matter what I do in the rock-paper-scissors cave, nothing happens. Now, granted, it's been a while and I don't remember what happenned last time, but I do remember doing something there that worked.

Second. i went into the mine and wiped out all the sliths (except for the one room I can't get into because I don't have the key. Where is that?) and my dialog options in sattle don't change.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong?
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
BoE on Intel Macs in Blades of Exile
Member # 5854
Profile #9
Sorry, but I'm a computer illiterate. How do I do that? I don't mind the no sound (I frequently turn mine off), but talk of servers scares me. I only have the one computer.
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
The next Scenerio Design Contest? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 5854
Profile #30
Oh, man, BoE too? I can't GET BoE on my new computer! I'm begging the designers out there - please, put up alternate BoA versions for those of us with new Macs!
Posts: 51 | Registered: Saturday, May 28 2005 07:00
