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An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #240
Vida watched the Solaran emissary with cold, calculating eyes. "Your information is out of date," she said softly. "Kylen is dead. As for the Ironclads and the Populists-" Vida shrugged. "What gold have they to offer us that you do not?"

"And the weapons?" The Solaran asked angrily. "Seven orders! Seven taken straight to the Populists."

"All our shipments to you are delivered as per the manifests. What happens to them after they are delivered is not my concern."

The Solaran opened his mouth to speak, face lined with derision. Vida overrode him with a sharp gesture.

"You, however," she continued, "Are perilously close to breaking the heart of our contract. No- do not argue. Jehan Sol will know what I mean. You may tell him that I do not appreciate his threats."

She dismissed him with a cavalier attitude that no doubt grated him no end. Watching him leave, she smirked. "Damn aristocrats. Think they're too good for the rest of us."

Morgan nodded in wholehearted agreement. "The Captains are demanding a meeting," she said, bringing up the reason for her appearance.

"They are, are they? I've been wondering when they'd come out of the woodwork. What took them so long?"

Morgan shrugged. "Word is that Collinegan dropped anchor at the docks not two hours past."

"Figures." Vida grimaced. "What about Crandall?"

"He's waiting in your office."

Vida smiled. "Good. It's time I met this fledgling Emperor."


The large office felt crowded. Gideon Ironclad paced none-too-patiently around the polished oak desk. There were three soldiers with him; once watched his Emperor, the other two kept guard with a suspicion that did them credit and amused Vida greatly. Crandall stood to one side; he turned swiftly as she entered the room, a look akin to relief flitting across his face. His fingers weaved into gestures, discreetly hidden from the Imperialists' sights by the edge of the desk. The report was quick and to the point. She nodded minutely to him, then turned to the Emperor.

"I apologise for the wait, sir. There was a small matter that required my attention."

"Nothing too serious, I hope?" Gideon waved his hand airily, accepting her bow as a sign of greater respect than she probably intended.

"Not at all, simply aggravating." Vida watched him with the intensity of a horse merchant. She mouthed a few more pleasantaries, to which he responded in kind. Then she got down to business. "I am glad our ships could be of service to you, sir."

"Yes, yes," Gideon said. "Your loyalty to the rightful Emperor is most gratifying. I must see that you get a position in court once I have returned home. Lord of the Navy, perhaps. Yes, that would suit you well."

Vida blinked. Glancing at the others, she saw one soldier quickly suppress an expression of pain. Crandall merely shrugged minutely. She spoke only when she was certain he had intended no insult. "I thank you, sir, but our current arrangement is adequate for now." She paused, then continued carefully when the Imperial candidate showed no other reaction than smiling and nodding. "Now, our current arrangement is adequate, but it can certainly be improved. We have ships; you have need of transport and trade. Transport we have provided you with, the other can be obtained quite readily - for a small price."

She continued to outline a proposal that in peacetime would have been called outrageous at best, if not outright piracy. Gideon continued smiling and nodding, and Vida began to wonder if anyone could be that ingenuous. Curiosity got the better of her; she revised the starting prices upwards as she continued, watching for some sign that he knew what she was doing. He smiled and nodded. The soldier closest to him began to take on a distinctly panicky air. He whispered something too soft for Vida to hear at her next pause.

Gideon spoke then, for the first time in five minutes. "Ah yes, thankyou for reminding me. There've been some disturbing rumours going around that SAFT has allied with that upstart Sol. I do hope they're not true - it would be most unfortunate for our relations otherwise."

"If I may remind you, sir, SAFT is strictly neutral. But I will be frank; the Solarans sent us an offer. We considered it." Her eyes were hard. "He will receive our polite rejection very soon."

"Good, good. It would really be most unacceptable for you to side with Sol, you know."

Looking at him, Vida's expression softened. "Of course. Now, if we may continue-" The soldier who had the Emperor's ear grimaced, looking as though he were ready to interrupt again. Vida changed tack smoothly. "-I have news that may interest you greatly. General Warderson has returned with the Aizoan army, and is docked not far away. He has requested an interview with all the Imperial candidates. If you wish, we can take you to him as soon as you are ready."

Gideon's face lit up at the news.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #718
My brothers playing Warcraft on the other side of the house.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #669
Elgar's Pomp and Circumstance march no. 38.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #179
Two of the largest, burliest Sailors Taron had ever seen stepped between him and the Doomguard. They engaged him quickly in a streetbrawl that had him backing up for space to fight. A streetgang came then, the oldest thief looking to be no older than twelve, and busied themselves around the Doomguard under the direction of another Sailor. In short order they began hauling the thing away while the two bruisers kept Taron occupied.

Crandall hastened to reach Gideon through the ranks of bodyguards. "Sir!" he hissed. "Come back to the ship! We must leave immediately." His eyes were wide. The archer-captain – first mate, really – was looking to the side. One of the Sailor's in Linda's retinue crouched behind the partial cover of a woodstack, his hands weaving in an intricate system of gestures that told Crandall all he needed to know.

The secure channel had been breached. Damn the Cap'n! Not once, but twice, for he saw now that Vida would not have authorized the meeting between Linda and Gideon. The mage's words were proof enough of that.

"Sir," he tried again. "We've been compromised. I must get you back to safety." Crandall hesitated. He had no way to prove Linda's allegations of SAFT treachery false in the time he had. He could only hope that Gideon had seen enough of him to know his character. "I'll take you wherever you wish to go, but we must leave now."

He gestured discreetly with his fingers. The Sailor contact nodded and faded back into the alley.


The farrier looked up, squinting into the deep pool of shadow at the entrance made by the banked fire at his back. "Can I help you?"

The visitor spoke. "Sailor."

The farrier stepped back, suddenly aware of the large bag of gold stashed beneath one loose flagstone. The garotte snapped tight around his neck.


Solaran ships under the captaincy of SAFT held the Gulf and the southern coast of Solaran territory. SAFT ships passed through their lines unconcernedly, bearing trade goods in and out of the cities. And if their departing holds were full of Populist refugees and organisers with the means to buy passage, they were but another item that did not concern Sol.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #657
Return of the King soundtrack, Howard Shore.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #171
The remaining SAFT members edged back into the shadows. Gan grimaced as he crossed over the lip of an alley and onto the roof of the building. He was getting too old for this, and damn if he didn't wish Sam was here. Ah, but the lad was just too headstrong for his own good. Gan just hoped he'd be alright in that cellar.

Taron's attention shifted from the meeting. Turning to the side, he saw one of the newer members of Linda's little group sidle towards him silently but casually. Taron's hand tightened on the hilt of his sheathed blade; no matter Linda's apparent confidence in the power of gold, he didn't trust these men. After Vida's promotional spiel to him at SAFT headquarters, he'd wondered at the ease with which these sailors had joined them.

And he was right to wonder, he discovered, as something heavy and hard dropped on his head.

The sounds of a scuffle reached Linda from the alley where the doomguard lay in hiding.


"Who? Who is it?"

Morgan fought the urge to step back; an angry Vida was a common sight, but a furious Vida - that was something she'd seen only a few times. And strangely enough, at times very similar to this. A furious Vida was not a good sight. No, not at all.

"Who would dare betray me?"

Someone always died. Sometimes more than one. Vida rounded on the mage, and this time Morgan did take a step back - and ducked as the vase went tumbling over her head to smash against the wall. The last time she'd seen Vida this angry had been the day the Barracuda set sail, the day that Vida had discovered treachery hidden amongst her husband's notes. Word had gotten around after that, and she'd had no more cause for fury. Until now.


Morgan winced as Vida's piercing scream rang in her ears. "The captain sent word through the secure channels. There are only a few couriers." Morgan paused; she could see that the forced calmness of her tone was not having the effect she had hoped. "Or it may be that someone on the ship got word out."

Her expression had gone from fury to cold, cold rage. "The mageling is beginning to annoy me. Perhaps it's time I taught her a lesson."

At least, Morgan thought, she isn't throwing anything now. But she took note of Vida's face, and knew. More than one person would die. She felt a pang of regret for the doomed couriers. The leak in SAFT's security would be plugged. Vida's last order reached her from the figure rapidly diminishing down the hallway.

"Find the traitor."
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #646
Sibelius Symphony No. 2, first movement.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #156
"The mercenary's gone."

"Yes." Vida turned away from the window.

"You let him go?" Morgan's brow rose. "Why? And why to the Kylens?"

The woman chuckled, showing the first real amusement in too long. "Those weren't Kylenians. No, Kylenians would be familiar enough with this city to know that they cannot so easily surround us. And they have that cursed doomguard. If I were to gamble, I'd say you'll find our little Solaran mageling out there. Does she honestly think I am that naive?"

Morgan looked out the window. The intruders had disappeared from the compound with speed and efficiency. Her sharp eyes could pick them out now, moving through the streets of the city. She could not see the trailers, but she knew they were there. "So. What now?"

"Now we know what happened to that doomguard. The mageling's been nice enough to bring it here. Time to get it back, I think."


The waiter brought ale and a message: they were wanted out back. Sam and Gan followed him into a small dirty room. A woman stood there, clad in black robes. They recognised her immediately; Morgan, the only mage ever beholden to SAFT.

"Falcon's in drydock and you lot are free," she said without preamble. "We've got a job for you."
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #147
Vida smiled. "I run a guild of merchants and sailors. Or, as some would put it, thieves and pirates. How much trust do you think I have in my members? No, I do not trust traitors. What I trust is opportunity and survival. You have an opportunity here. Take it and be true, and you will have a better chance of survival than otherwise."

Judging Taron's expression with the ease of long practice, Vida changed tack. "I am not asking you to fight against your current employer. The cargo of the Falcon has nothing to do with him; he is far better off without it." There was nothing feigned about her obvious distaste. "I am not asking you to fight against any of the Imperial candidates. SAFT is neutral in this affair; our sole concern is trade."

Vida began pacing, slow and steady. "Of course, I expect a certain amount of fidelity from my members, and I discourage disloyalty quite strongly. I do not care about the past of anyone who joins SAFT. All that matters is what they do after they sign the contract." For an instant, her expression turned grim, and Taron remembered the journal. "And my members expect the same from me. What SAFT offers is the benefits of a large organisation - protection and advantage. SAFT is not built on trust. It is built on survival. Were I to let us be crossed, or were I to betray any of my members, SAFT would dissolve in an instant.

"I have never gone back on any commission or contract. If I did, I would not survive very long."


"I assure you, sir, that SAFT does not condone piracy. Nor do we support one Imperial candidate over another."

The new SAFT representative did not have the scurrying sycophancy of Keimen. She also did not seem the type to call anyone by a greater title than sir.

"Your charges of piracy have no base. And, though you may not admit it, you depend on trade. Whoever becomes Emperor will depend on trade. If SAFT were to be disbanded, you will find that the instances of piracy will increase; it is only through our vigilance that the trade lanes have been relatively safe in recent years."

The representative paused. She appeared to consider the issue dealt with, and moved on to another. "It has come to our attention that you intend to send an expedition to Aizo. We are prepared to offer our services on this endeavour - for a fee, of course."
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #633
Bram Stoker's Dracula soundtrack, Wojciech Kilar.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #141
"My package did not arrive at its destination."

"No." Vida tilted her head to one side as she looked at her guest. The man was hidden beneath a hooded nondescript cloak, but she'd seen enough of him before to know him as a mage, and a rich one at that. She did her best to hide her disgust. "The Falcon was boarded and her cargo taken by the Solarans."

"I did not pay you to give it to the Solarans. I paid you to deliver it to Kylen."

"We do our best, but nothing is certain in times of war. The cargo is lost; if you wish, we'll attempt the delivery of another one free of charge."

The mage shook his head. His voice was tight with anger. "It was very difficult to make, and almost impossible to replace. Do you have any idea what it is that you lost?"

"Armour, a few weapons. Magical, I assume, but nothing out of the ordinary." Vida shrugged. "We made an effort to retrieve it, but the cargo was already gone when my captains reclaimed the Falcon."

"Nothing out of the ordinary?" The mage laughed in frustration. "Lady, you are an ignorant fool."

Vida raised a brow. Other than that, her expression did not change at all, though she seethed inside. "Would you care to enlighten me?"

"It is a doomguard." The mage paused for a reaction. When there was none, he continued. "A magical construct, the deadliest and most difficult to build. No enemy can stand against it for long. Lop off a limb, and it will grow into another doomguard. It is unstoppable."

"Everything can be destroyed, one way or another."

"Of course, the art is far from perfected. There is a limit to the number of reconstructions, and the need for maintenance is constant and prohibitive in cost-" The mage stopped abruptly. "And you lost it! Were I certain it was deliberate, you would already be dead and your ships burned to the water."

Vida returned his glare, assessing his mood and how far he would take his anger. She reached a decision quickly. "We may be able to retrieve it for you. According to my sources, it's sitting in a Solaran warehouse under heavy guard. They don't know what they have, yet. It is an extremely risky undertaking and quite expensive, but it is possible."

The mage reached into his cloak and pulled out a heavy pouch. He tossed it to Vida, who caught it deftly. "See that it reaches its intended owner, and I will reward you with more." He strode out of the room, removing the scry-blanketing spell with a mutter and a wave of his hand as he went.

Watching him, Vida thoughtfully hefted the bag heavy with gold. She had not missed the flash of insignia revealed for an instant as his cloak had opened. An Imperial mage, directly connected to the Ironclad court. He must be both politically and magically powerful. An Ironclad selling to Kylen? Vida smiled with grim amusement. Always knew you can never trust a mage.


Linda was sent home with another offer:

Let SAFT have control of all sea trade to any port and control of all port facilities, including warehouses and shipdocks.


The bed was comfortable, at least. Taron sorely missed having a window, not to mention other escape routes. The guards at his door were no longer friendly, and he'd been stuck in this room for most of the day with nothing to do but read the journal. The documents had been taken off him very quickly. Someone knocked on the door. Taron had just enough time to sit up before it opened, and Vida entered the room. Her expression was neutral; he could read nothing in it, just as he hadn't been able to when she'd abruptly left his room that night.

"How do you find your accommodations?" she asked pleasantly.

Taron made a noncommittal reply.

Direct and to the point, Vida turned to the reason for her visit. "You must be quite good, mercenary, to have found those documents. Tell me, how much does Jehan Sol pay you? I may be able to offer you a better commission."
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What did YOU get for Christmas? in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #6
LotR Weapons book, The Princess and the Warrior soundtrack cd, bag, two scarves, socks, Evanescence cd, chocolate, RotK poster, soft fluffy toy, more chocolate.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #624
Elgar's cello concerto.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #619
The Princess and the Warrior soundtrack, Tom Tykwer.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #133
[big ooc] A couple of people have asked me for a summary. Here it is.

Current Player List:

leader: Drakefyre - Jehan Sol
Firedrake - Kevin Daleris (warrior/knight)
FZ - Linda (apprentice mage)
Arancaytar - Taron Gregor Merallion (mercenary)

leader: Alec - Kylen
Shilaroud - Jeremiah Brax (lizard rider) - not playing?
MSW - Petoria Carmine (sage)

leader: Sir David - Gideon Ironclad
A guy with not so perfect grammar - Alex Marrow (archer) - not playing
Lt Sullust - Link Sullust (soldier)

Aizoan Front:
leader: Omlette - Corim Warderson (general)
Morgan - Londar (marksman)
Zephyr Tempest - Sejii
Exile Master - Red Warlock (mage)
Master Chief STD -

leader: premonition - Vida
Benevolent Slith - Allos Nogan (pirate) - not playing?
Undine - Sam (sailor)


- Kylens attack passes over the Central Range (Ironclads).
- Solarans fortify around their cities.
- Sullust (I) is cut off from main (I) force by (K) contingent.
- Kylen plans attack on southern (I) supplies.
- Petoria (K) makes potions.
- The Falcon (SAFT) is captured by (S). SAFT reclaims it, minus cargo and captain.
- Corim (Aizoan Front) organises scouting force led by Londar.
- Sejii (AF) wanders.
- Linda (S) does housekeeping.
- Colonel Karadas (I) loses the central hills to General Hugo (K).
- Red Warlock (AF) wanders.
- (I) politics. Gideon thinks about regaining power.
- Taron (S) housekeeps.
- Londar (AF) scouts. He finds treasonous note and map on goblins.
- Krilon and Nihat (S) move into Pralgrad mountains. (K) outpost is ambushed.

page 3
- Sullust (I) attempts to break through (K) front.
- Linda (S) discusses politics.
- Daleris (S) fortifies Fort Leaziz.
- (K) sends peace delegation to (S).
- Red Warlock (AF) meets Sejii (AF). They talk for several posts.
- Petoria (K) gets servant to help make potions.
- (I) politics. The Council bickers, and Gideon asserts himself.
- Sullust (I) makes it back to (I) territory with three others.
- Krilon (S) accepts (K) ceasefire offer. Naval bases are set up in the Gulf of Jazen (S).
- RW and Sejii (AF) fight gazers for several posts.
- (K) consolidates eastern frontier and rebuilds navy.

page 4
- Linda (S) builds up navy and sets off to negotiate with SAFT.
- Sejii and RW (AF) finish fighting the gazers and go back to camp.
- Gideon (I) orders cavalry south against (K). The Council (I) makes naval protection proposal to SAFT.
- Sullust (I) discovers (K) building a trap for (I) cavalry.
- (K) threatens trade sanctions on SAFT if (I) offer is accepted. (K) cavalry, guerillas and army train.
- The Falcon (SAFT) is reclaimed. SAFT rejects (I) offer, brings Linda (S) to headquarters, and increases prices in (K).
- Linda (S) offers (S) navy to SAFT in return for joining (S).
- Fort Leaziz (S) is attacked.
- Sam (SAFT) explains about the Falcon.
- Linda (S) sends general order to (S) navy.
- (I) cavalry is defeated. Archers are sent to the region. Gideon loses more power. Some cavalry join up with Sullust (I).
- Hugo (K) is ordered to assassinate Karadas (I). Ardek (I) is ordered to assassinate Karadas (I).
- Sejii and RW return to (AF) camp. Londar (AF) reports to Corim.
- Jehan (S) sends Taron to help Linda negotiate with SAFT. The attack on Fort Leaziz ends. Gregan (S) fortifies the passes.
- Taron (S) receives his orders.
- SAFT stalls and increases fees in (S).

page 5
- Petoria (K) makes potions.
- Linda (S) waits for SAFT to move.
- Sullust (I) makes it out of (K) territory.
- RW (AF) is ordered into Londar's command. Senjii is sent to defend Tallport.
- Taron (S) is briefed. He goes to SAFT.
- Petoria (K) reveals herself as Kylen's mother. She and her servant head off into an ancient vault.
- RW (AF) is ordered to infiltrate native king's headquarters.
- Both Hugo (K) and Ardek (I) simultaneously attempt assassination of Karadas (I). Ardek dies, and Karadas is badly injured.
- Sam (SAFT) and the Falcon return to port.
- Linda (S) sends Taron to the library (SAFT).
- Taron (S) retrieves black book and documents. (SAFT)
- (S) builds ships. SAFT inspects ships. Fortified troops in the passes become restless.
- SAFT sends Linda with counteroffer to (S). Taron reads journal and deciphers documents.
- Vida (SAFT) puts Taron under tighter guard.
- Jehan (S) rejects SAFT counteroffer and sends Linda with counter counteroffer.

page 6
- Petoria (K) reveals prophecy to servant.
- Linda (S) returns to SAFT with new offer. Taron tells Linda that the Falcon cargo was a doomguard.
- Council (I) orders building of navy. Cavalry remnants go north. Sullust (I) finds fortress inhabitants to be useless.
- Kevin (S) pursues and ambushes mercenaries. He returns to Fort Leaziz.

I think that's about it.
edit: corrected

[ Saturday, December 27, 2003 18:38: Message edited by: premonition ]
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #604
The Princess and the Warrior soundtrack, Tom Tykwer.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #123
Taron had barely returned to his own guarded quarters when both he and Linda were called to the main hall of SAFT's headquarters. Vida stood waiting for them, expression hard as stone and just as readable. She started speaking without preamble.

"SAFT will take your fleet. We will ensure that no attack is made on Solaria by sea. In return, you will grant us autonomy and control of all trade into and out of Solaria. Go now. Mageling, you will take my offer back to your rulers. Mercenary, you will stay here."

Both ambassadors looked at Vida, trying hard to determine her thoughts. But she gave absolutely nothing away. Finally, both agreed to her plans, and were escorted back to their respective quarters.


It was full night, Linda long gone on her journey back via one of the small fast courier ships, when Taron finally got a chance to look at the documents he had picked up. He flipped through the black book first. It was not, as he had first thought, any official record. Rather, it appeared to be a personal journal. Taron picked a page at random near the back and read it.

...done as he asked. It will be hard to be parted for so long, but Devon is right when he says that opening trade to the Aizoan continent will greatly expand our operations. I have put Forhas Nogan, old friend and most trusted captain, in command of the Barracuda. They leave on the dawn tide.

Taron turned to the next page, dated nearly a week later. The writing was noticeably worse, and water-stains spotted the parchment.

Devon, my husband, my lover. My betrayer. Why did you do it? You must know that I would never let anything harm the organisation I have built. Not even you. No matter how much I loved you. No matter how much I thought you loved me. I-

The writing scrawled into illegibility. The rest of the lines were washed out, though from what Taron could make out he would have been hard-pressed to decipher them anyway. He skipped to the next readable line.

Morgan is a great help. I never trusted a mage before, but without her aid I would not have been able to preserve what I have built. I would not have been able to secure myself against the damage that he has caused me. It is done. I will never again allow anyone to come so close to destroying us again.

Flipping through the remainder of sheets, Taron saw that there were no more entries. His brow creased in thought. Vida, he knew, was the founder of SAFT. This journal was hers, then. He stood and wandered about his room. There were guards posted at every obvious exit, and Taron had a feeling that more would be at the less obvious ones as well. Knocking on the door, he gained the guard's attention.

He struck up a conversation with the guard, who was bored and friendly now that the word had gone out that SAFT was accepting Sol's offer. After a half hour of idle talk the conversation took a direction that interested him greatly.

"The Barracuda? Aye, she was a fine lady. Crashed on the reefs south of the canal, near five years ago it was. Only the cap'n and a handful of crew made it off alive." The guard leaned close, his eyes agleam with gossip. "An', you know what? Vida's man was on that ship. They say she's never been the same since. She grieved a good long time, see, more'n some thought 'e was worth, though I've nothing bad to say of the dead." The guard made a quick sailor's warding gesture with one hand. "Aye, but there's more'n one ghost ship out there that'll never come back to port, an' the Barracuda's one of the finest."

The guard's shift ended soon enough and Taron returned to his bed. He turned his attentin to the loose vellum sheets. There were only a handful of ships named, and he was not surprised to see the Falcon listed amongst them. And yet their cargo did not appear to be out of the ordinary. Studying the documents closer, Taron saw strange markings dotted here and there.

A code, then.

It took him nearly the rest of the night to work the code out with the aid of magic and natural intuition. What he learned when he was finally able to decipher the real ship manifests was enough to chase away any thoughts of sleep.

Already alarmed, he jumped up when the door opened abruptly and Vida entered his room. He had reflexes enough to hide the vellum sheets before she saw them, though he could see at once that it would make no difference.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #571
No music. All I hear is the (tick tick tick) (ticktickticktick ticktickticktick ticktickticktick) (ticktick ticktick ticktick) of my various clocks.

...must... sleeeep...

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #100
Morgan stood to the side. Her eyes followed Vida, back and forth, back and forth. "What are you going to do?"

Vida snarled. "Can't we just slit her throat and dump her in an alley?" she asked plaintively.

The mage laughed, though she answered seriously enough. "She's already got at least one message out. She's an apprentice mage of some sort."

"Couldn't you have stopped her?"

Morgan's shoulders stiffened visibly at the rough angry tone. "You know I can't. You know my skill is... limited." The flash of an old hurting wound shows in her steely grey eyes.

"Right. Yes." Vida sighed. "I'm sorry. I'll stall, for the moment. Send a representative to each of those ships as they come into port. Not to take command or accept their offer, just to take a look around and see if the deal's worth anything." She scowled. "It'll stop the Solarans from getting 'bored' for the moment. Damn the woman! I do not appreciate being forced like this. Let's see what the others do when they hear about the Solaran's offer."

The mage's head jerked as she looked at Vida sharply, but the SAFT leader was gazing pensively into the empty fireplace. Morgan relaxed after a moment.

"Meanwhile," Vida continued, "I will go remind that upstart little mage that SAFT are traders, not soldiers. Besides which, I will not allow our trading lanes to be monopolized by another. Increase the fees in Solaria, and make sure the rumour gets about that it's a direct consequence of the Solarans trying to force our hand."


Slith: you're the rep going on the first Solaran ship.
Arancaytar: SAFT headquarters are in the dockyards section of the capital city. Time seems fairly lax in this RP; you will have just enough time to join Linda before the first Solaran ship surrenders itself.
Regarding the map: where are the cities?
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #549
I tend to agree with Motrax on cursing. It has lost a lot of its effectiveness through overuse. And humour reliant on vulgar words never attracted me.

Sibelius' Symphony No 2, first movement, performed by the Berlin Philharmonic, conducted by Vladimir Ashkenazy. *swoon*

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
An RP in the World of Avernum in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #86
The captain squatted on the salt-slick wooden deck of the Falcon, regarding the bound merchanters thoughtfully. The merchanters were genuinely glad to see him and his men. They knew better than to bother him with demands for immediate release, though their silence was impatiently kept. The captain would not have heeded them anyway until he was certain it was safe. Times past, he thought idly, they would be my prey, their ship and cargo mine. But SAFT paid better and with more regularity than solo pirating did, and involved less risk.

The call came from below. "Cap'n! All clear!"

The captain nodded and rose to his feet. "Cut the ropes," he ordered his men. He turned to his first mate. "Who was it let that Solaran whelp away?"

"Boney was the closest, cap'n. But the whelp went o'er before any of us could reach him." The first mate shrugged unapologetically. "He didn't do too bad for his first boarding."

The captain's voice boomed out. "Boney! Double shift duty for three days!"

A shouted acknowledgement drifted down from the rigging, followed by a mutter of cursing that the sailor thought too soft to be heard. The captain allowed himself a chuckle of amusement before returning to the matter at hand. Turning to regard the merchanters again, he picked out one sailor from the group.

"What's your name, lad?"

"Sam, sir."

"Sam, eh? Well then, Sam. What say you tell me what happened to your fine ship and her captain. Not to mention her cargo."


Vida swiveled on the heel of one boot and retraced her slow path in front of the fireplace. "I'm sure you understand our position," she said.

The young messenger remembered enough of his court training to stand straight and tall, and not let his nervousness show. This woman, not as elegant as the noble ladies nor as richly dressed, wore none of the kohl or powdered sea-shell that he was used to seeing. She could perhaps be termed attractive by those predisposed to like her, but she was not beautiful by any stretch of the imagination, and her speech held the rolling lingo of the seafarers. And yet he felt more ill at ease in her presence than he did at court. She radiated a certain predator-like grace, the detached ferocity of the powerful. He swallowed. "Do you have a reply, ma'am?"

"Yes, lad. Tell the Council that I must respectfully decline their offer. SAFT is not an Imperial Navy; we are free traders. We cannot become an Imperial Navy. Merchant ships are not built for battle."

Opening his mouth, the young messenger thought better and closed it before expressing his comment - pirate ships were, and SAFT had plenty of those.

"However," Vida continued when she saw that the messenger would not speak, "we are always pleased to take on commissions in sailing or trading matters. One or two of our fast 'courier' ships are available for hire, should the illustrious Council wish to make use of them. Speak directly with Captain Allos Nogan, and he will advise you on the price." Vida smiled. She assured the messenger that the price would not be less than the total cost of building and fitting four new brigantines.

The messenger's brow rose twice; first at the name of an infamous pirate, and secondly at the exorbitant opening bid. He took his leave with a courteous bow once he was sure he had the message memorized perfectly. The door opened as he was leaving, and he took little note of the woman who entered as he passed by.

Vida whirled towards Morgan. Her eyes flashed with anger. "Damn Kylen!"

"We need them," the mage pointed out. "They control the rivers and the farmers."

"So they reminded me," Vida growled. "Send them a message - we are more valuable to their merchants than they are to us." She sighed. "No, don't be quite so blunt. But remind them that we do not like threats: raise the prices through the delta by 10%. Due to the Solaran blockade."

"Speaking of which, we've just received a message. The blockade runner Argyle sent a bird - they've picked up a passenger. It seems that the Solarans want to negotiate terms."

"Bring the Solaran here as soon as possible. Let's see what they have to say."

Morgan nodded. She hesitated; when she spoke again, her voice was less clipped and precise. "You can't keep juggling them like this forever. Sooner or later, they'll force you to choose a side, or they'll destroy you. When that happens SAFT will no longer be free."

Grimacing, Vida picked up a full goblet and tossed back the contents. "You're full of cheer today."

"It's why you keep me around. That, and my one magical skill."

"You do have more uses than just as long-range message relayer."

The two friends shared identical smiles.

[ Monday, December 22, 2003 07:46: Message edited by: premonition ]
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #524
"My Immortal", Evanescence.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Holding the Tavern Front -RP in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #266
[ooc] Woah, MSW! I never said your post was bad. That sentence was funny, is all. I liked it. C'mon, put the post back. Please?

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Holding the Tavern Front -RP in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #263
Originally written by Sherlock Holmes - MSW:

He realizes that she must think he is a monster now for acting like a demon ripping the creatures apart.
For some reason I find this line absolutely hilarious.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
What music (if any) are you listening to... in General
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #504
Tchaikovsky's violin concerto, one of the best pieces ever composed IMHO.

Ironweed: a tune? :P

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
