Profile for SkeleTony
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Displayed name | SkeleTony |
Member number | 156 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 219 |
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Registered | Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
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16 but MS-DOS error in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Friday, March 4 2005 14:46
This is a common problem in XP. What happens is that some files became damaged or removed at some point and this randomly causes some applications/games to not run and display the error you are getting. There are three small files in total(altogether around 92kb in size) and I happen to have them all in one self-extracting file if you want me to mail it to you. All you have to do is run the self-extractor and the files will be unzipped into the correct places. Otherwise you can do a search for the files individually and then manually place them but this is a pain in the ass for most people. If you want to learn all the details or just confirm what I am telling you then do a Google for the error message you are getting and select a link from a tech support forum. I went through the same thing adn it took me a while to hunt down this easy fix from some tech support guy at some forum whose name I don't remember(the guy went by the handle of "Blackbeard" or "Bluebeard" though). I held onto the file for just such an occasion as this. Alternatively, you can search yourself for the file "XPHomefiles.exe". It should be 92kb in size and posted at some type of help forums. EDIT: I sent the file to the email address in your profile. [ Friday, March 04, 2005 14:54: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, March 3 2005 15:16
quote:"Good" is a subjective term and I don't even know what "completely non-linear" is!? I think you are reading too much into my posts. quote:1)I think ALL CRPGs can be argued to be, to some extent, linear. Kind of depends on how you define the term. What we are debating here is the extent to which a game or scenario should be linear. 2)I believe that BG1 is pretty open ended(been a long time since I played it) and BG2(and BG1?), IIRC, allows you to "switch sides", in a manner of speaking( you can play as "evil" or "good") 3)Why did you invoke the Bioware/BG games to make whatever point you were making? quote:No, but you guys keep trying to pin this one on me... :rolleyes: quote:Neither can I. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Next question rollin in... in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, March 3 2005 15:06
"Misc. was a spook-story that crooks told their kids. Rat out your pop, and Misc. will get you! You think a guy like Misc. comes this close to getting caught and then sticks his neck out? My guess is that Misc. will pop-up once more just to get rid of me and then you will never hear from him again. *Limps out of office then turns to look back "F***ing cops." -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Backwater Calls submitted. in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, March 3 2005 07:20
Smoo: My party was a 1 slith, 1 nephil, 2 human party. I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I took the boat from Grimson and went stright to that town that was ruined by undead and from there went right over to Sattle. Perhaps I skipped some important step or something that is causing this but it seems like, for whatever reason, the non-applicable dialogue options are just not being removed as dialogue is initiated. I figured that english was not your native languge and this is a minor nitpick anyway. I only mentioned the grammar concerns because there were so many of them(albeit minor infractions) that I thought you might want to know incase you are updating sometime and run out of bugs to fix. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, March 3 2005 07:00
quote:I don't care about pinky fingers either. I do care about comabt being "fresh and interesting" though and to that concern I am more impressed by a game which allows you a wealth of tactical options such as targeting an enemy's 'soft spots', berserking/all-out-attacks, defensive posturing etc. over a system which consists of 'Attack', 'defend' and 'cast' as it's only options. quote:And I never said it should be. quote:Agreed. We see things differently. Viva le difference! -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, March 3 2005 06:51
quote:I wasn't talking about BoE or BoA in the above example btw and if you have never been put into a tough situation due to a random encounter then you have not played many non-linear CRPGs. There is no way you could have. If a game allows for low level beginner parties to stumble on high level beasties because they decide to try exploring an area that, unbeknownst to them, is dangerous then the likelihood is there that you will run into trouble. Even in BoE I could design a random encounter that would give your beginner party problems(dragons anyone?). quote:Why can't they? I would say just the opposite! A competent designer/author will most certainly try to tie in the wandering monsters and such to the main storyline. In any case this is simply an irreconcilable difference of opinion. You like hardcore linearity and can't stand divergences and I could really care less about the storyline for the most part. I play 'Roguelikes'(Nethack, Angband etc.) where there is no storyline and they are some of the funnest RPGs ever created! quote:1)Why must enemies be "interchangeable" if they are not scripted encounters? Are you seriously suggesting that the tactics you use against giant venomous spiders will be the same as those employed against a group of mages? 2)A boring or dumbed down engine can ruin a CRPG regardless of "storyline"(or lack thereof). quote:Again, I am not here to defend BoE adn I am not sure why BoE keeps getting thrown in my face? quote:I enjoy having a central storyline as much as the next guy(I just don't place quite the degree of importance as you do on this aspect). You have to play games other than BoE/BoA to get a feel of what good non-linear CRPGs are made of. quote:Wasn't a challenge(how could it be???). It was my opinion offered in contrast to YOUR assertion of the contrary. We can both state our personal tastes as if they were objective facts but it will do us no good in this discussion. quote:1)Again, BoE is not the be-all and end-all of CRPGs. I LOVE BoE, don't get me wrong. 2)How do you propose we measure one scenario against another to determine which is objectively the better scenario? It seems to me that this is an impossible challenge. What I consider to be 'good' and what I consider to be 'meh' is quite different from your standards. 3)I recognise the talent and achievement of An Apology and still I enjoy Farmhands and even The Wreck of the Slug more. quote:Compared to a well-written book like Shadow of the Torturer or Elric of Melnibone'? Yes in the sense that it is less an interactive game than it is a writer turning pages in a book for a reader sitting in front of a monitor. BoE is not supposed to be a 'Graphic Novel construction Kit' to allow aspiring writers to distribute their works to readers. They cannot compete with games because they are not 'gamey' enough and they cannot compete with actual books because if I want to read, there are WAYYY better written works out there. quote:Not my idea but you will need to replace the straw in that dummy you created pretty soon. ;) [ Thursday, March 03, 2005 06:53: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Million Dollar Baby in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, March 3 2005 06:09
To add to Aloreal's nitpick, many of those cars are not only expensive but have a several year waiting list to purchase IIRC. Nobody who waits 5 years and spends one hundred grand or whatever on a car is going to race it 180 mph down the city streets against gang-bangers putting the title on the line(if he survives). My sister also works at the theatre(where one of my best friends is the manager) and sometimes as a projectionist. I see my movies for free and I still won't go see the likes of Catwoman and such. [ Thursday, March 03, 2005 06:12: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
canopy v1.0.3 bug in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 16:52
quote:I will try and recall everything I can. I basically made my way from the ground floor of the fortress/keep, up through each subsequent floor defeating all enemies and scripted combats until I reached Uber-player-hater, at which point the impassible force/magic barriers went up, the cut scene(s) played and the battle commenced. I took out the skeletons first because they were burning me hard then I used my casters and archer to take out everyone within range as far as laser-operators and apprentice mages were concerned. I figured out(after a few reloads I think) that I needed to use the special wands/spells to defeat Uber-monkey and did so. After the battle was over and I grabbed up the loot, I realized I was depleted and about out of energy potions so I tried to head downstairs and see if I could somehow get out of the fortress/keep to rest up and/or buy more potions. When it became apparent that I could not do so, I headed back up to where Uber-Grinch used to be and the intro cutscene played as if he was going to reappear again(but he did not and neither did any other enemies) and the impassible barriers went back up. I was forced to reload at this point because I could not exit the level(apparently the only way to dispell the barriers to the stairwells is to defeat Uber-nut). EDIT: As far as whom I might have talked to, there was the lady on the ground floor(the one who was not a traitor. I want to say her name was Karen or something but I am probably wrong). I am fairly certain I talked to her AFTER I left Uber-git's floor(and not BEFORE). I cannot recall if the blacksmith guy was met before or after Uber-skank. [ Wednesday, March 02, 2005 17:00: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 16:37
quote:Yes, but this is a chance event I am talking about. My party was not informed via scripted event that their ship was blown off course and when I awaoke I was in a dungeon with monsters blocking my escape or some such. Everything was rooted in MY decision-making and some unfortunate chance-events. quote:I agree. quote:I disagree but it does not help that you chose a notoriously mediocre scenario like "TWotS" to represent open-endedness and pitted it against An Apology. I would go even further to say that a competently designed/written non-linear scenario beats a masterfully crafted linear adventure by a LONG MILE! This is largely due to the fact that scenario and game designers are seldoim half the storytellers they think they are and computer games do not easily lend themselves to great writing anyway. Scenarios and CRPGS that try to masquerade as books come off like movies based on video games(i.e. Double Dragon and Mortal Kombat) best they are mediocre and yet pretentious storytelling affairs. When I want masterful scribery, I will turn to Gene Wolfe(The Book of the New Sun) or Dostoyevsky. When I want a fun computer game, I will NOT ask Gene Wolfe to write one for me. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 16:24
quote:Don't base your evaluation on my oversimplified description. You may try it and not like it anyway but you are, as of now, conjuring misconceptions based on my concerns for brevity. POWS is no less story-driven than most of what is available for BoE or BoA. It just lacks the strict linearity that some feels is so necessary. It is also 2D and top-down(like BoE) so may not appeal to many BoA players. Not all of the quests(and certainly most of the dungeons) are integral to the main plot/story and some of the endings are easier and less satisfying to achieve than others and there are no scripted events forcing you to go from 'A' to 'B' to 'C', holding your hand the whole way. Still, it is free and has many interesting features. The combat is second only to Jagged Alliance 2 in terms of detail(and just barely so), allowing for various two-weapon options such as attacking with both, parrying with one etc. as well as aimed locations(you can aim for the neck, hands, vital organs etc.). This stuff may not interest you but it is a damned site better than BoA/BoE! Also, the randomized items make for insane replayability you don't find in most other RPGs. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Backwater Calls submitted. in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 16:05
I pointed out the spelling and grammatical errors in my previous post in this thread. There are far too many to even keep track of. Every town and dungeon has at least 10-20 of them it seems. SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!! ______________________________________ An even bigger problem is with the dialogue nodes in the town of Sattle. There is something wrong with the code that is causing nearly every NPC to execute both of two possible dialogues at once, rather than executing only one depending on a specific condition. For example, the following code is from the backwater Calls scenario and the "t025Sattledlg.txt" file: quote:I do not yet have a handle on AvernumScript so I cannot say what is wrong but when I talk to Mahrmrrr he responds with BOTH text1 AND text2 if there is a nephil in my party, rather than simply uttering the second text. Similar problem with teh following code from the same t025Sattledlg.txt: quote:The NPC responds with two or more of the possible responses when I have a slith in my party rather than using one or the other. The result(as is the case with the Mahrmrrr dialogue) is a repition of the "Mmm...looks like we got..." with both variations being displayed at once in teh dialogue box. Hope this helps. There are many otehr problems but I will have to get to those later. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Huh, where to start ? in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 11:14
"Thieves"/"archers" are, overall, not anywhere near as useful as they should be but they are also not as useLESS as some macke them out to be. It depends on playing style and scenarios. For example, when in a dungeon that respawns enemies wherein you cannot rest to recuperate spell points, a lockpicking thief is handy when you come upon 5 or 6 locked chests behind a locked door. In this case you don't want to waste 15 -25 spell points casting 'Unlock'. Still, you are probably better off investing your points in 'Disarm Traps' and 'mage/priest spells'. Archery and thrown missiles CAN come in handy but do so rarely. For the most part you are better off with melee and repeated castings of 'Wall(of force) and 'fireball' type spells. I myself tend not to go with the most efficient party composition so I always have an archer/thief/caster(jack-of-all-trades) in my parties. Makes for more of a challenge and is less boring. (Note: Avoid "The Wreck of the Slug" scenario even though it kind of sounds inviting in an old-school AD&D campaign sort-of-way. The designer did not include a single shop that sold arrows in the whole scenario so your archer will be nothing but baggage) Also, throw continuity to the wind and just pick the most appealing "beginner" scenario(s) and follow that with the most appealing "low-level" one(s), then the best "mid-level" etc. A lot of the scenarios mentioned above are exactly NOT what you are looking for because they are designed for pregenerated parties(which does you no good if you are wanting to take YOUR characters from 1st level to level 40). Nephil's Gambit is good but probably too difficult for new BoE players. Farmhands Save the Day is also good but it's comical nature probably won't appeal to serious RPGer looking for serious adventure. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
BoE problem : game awfully slow on a recent PC in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 10:33
This sounds like a problem with Windows 98. I have a whole list of games that run fine in bopth Win 95 and win XP but run exactly as you describe Blades running under Win 98. WIn 98 was, simply put, the worst version of Windows ever released. Yes, you should turn off firewalls and all other programs(which you do not absolutely need to be running) running both when installing Blades and playing Blades. It is my experience that this will solve such problems %90 of the time. Also, make sure the game is running in 256 colors(not 16 bit or 24 or 32) even though it doesn't sound like a problem with your display/graphics settings. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
canopy v1.0.3 bug in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 10:27
Another bug: After killing Ubermensch(or whatever his name is. The guy with the flamey skeletons and laser-cannon wizards), if you head down the stairs(as in trying to find a way to exit and rest up) rather than up(to the next fight) and then come back to where you defeated Uber-dude, he will still be dead but you will be stuck adn unable to exit the level due to barriers and also the pre-fight cutscenes will replay again as if you never defeated Uber-man. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 10:19
quote:I agree that this would not be "undramatic". My only contention here would be that such a scenario is, again, to much like sitting passively and reading a book. Tom Proudfoot's freeware Pirates of the Western Sea is a good example of non-linear RPG design. There is a main plot(even if not revolutionary in scope) and some linear elements(certain quests must be done which are common to ANY of the multiple endings) but basically, you can do what you want and go anywhere right off the bat. It is not obvious how you can do it but it is possible to steal a ship and set sail for any city or dungeon in the world, even as brand new PC + RPCs. It is advantageous to go see the mayor in the starting town and do his quests(typical 'kill the kobolds', then 'kill the goblins', then 'kill the ogres' et al) for experience but, if you can pull it off, it is also potentially advantageous to head for a large city and recruit an experienced RPC/NPC wizard or priest. The drama would not be heightened if Tom forced the player to do the 'beginner quests' through his narrative by limiting options, regardless of how good a storyteller he may or may not be. Most of the dramatic tension one feels when playing a RPG comes from the circumstances one is trying to overcome, regardless of whether one was 'forced' into those circumstances or one stumbled into them via unorthodox decisions. I suppose if you, as a player absolutely NEED to be told where to go next and what to do then this type of game will not appeal to you. quote:To an extent but not to the extent you indicate. quote:How so? When I spend xx minutes exploring some ruin and gathering loot and then realize that high level baddies have come up behind me, blocking my escape route(forcing me to either defeat them somehow or reload from WAY before I entered said dungeon) then I feel I am in real danger! quote:Why do you conclude that non-linearity eliminates the feeling or potential for "real danger"? [ Wednesday, March 02, 2005 10:20: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, March 2 2005 09:51
Drake': I will concede that episodes within a scenario being "linear" is not necessarily a bad thing. A dungeon that must be traversed in which there is only one entrance and one exit, for example, will not ruin the whole scenario for me. In fact, such instances of linearity are probably, to a large extent, unavoidable and/or necessary. I also see your point about being able to actually solve the puzzle(or play the combat or whatever) making a linear scenario different than reading a book. But just barely on that last bit. Such a scenario is sort of akin to watching a movie or reading a book wherein you cannot progress to the next 'chapter' or 'scene' until you solve puzzle 'X' or defeat enemy 'X'. Interactive I guess but a RPG? I don't know... -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 23:13
PODperson: I was with you to some extent until you had to muck up everything you wrote with this bit of nonsense: quote:If you find some argument I made to be lacking(quite possible) then try addressing that. Post the quote where I have been "condescending" or incoherent and explain your contentions. If what you say then is true, then I will be the first person to aknowledge it. But what you did was to toss out a bald assertion and ad hominem and nothing more. Poor form. We have a different preferences & perspectives. No one is objectively "right" here but I at least supported my contentions with argument rather than characterise POD or anyone else as a loud screamer. If verbiage indicates "screaming" then you are guilty of what you accuse me of. The irony is palpable. "Screaming" in an internet post is characterised by all-caps posts, exclamation points adn emboldened words(and usually insults). -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Million Dollar Baby in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 22:57
Betamax: Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow was a brilliant movie. I think a lot of people who crapped on it were just young and unfamiliar with the old serials and pulp fictional adventures of the two-fisted thirties(1930's). It was WAY better than Raiders of the Lost Ark as far as I am concerned. Also, I love Morgan Freeman as well, in pretty much anything. I just think that, in a perfect world, other actors worked harder and achieved more in their roles(Foxx being one). Michael Mann is my favorite director also(ever since Manhunter(aka the original "Red Dragon"). Spring: Take what I say with a grain of salt but 2F2F was one of those Brucheimer-esque movies(like Gone in Sixty Seconds) that is hard to watch. The first "Fast and Furious" movie, with Vin Diesel was absolutely terrible but at least Diesel has screen presence. Replcing him with Tyrese and a bunch of rappers...sorry but there was no way that was gonna work. Of course you cannot expect much from a script that is basically an excuse to show cars that very few people on Earth could even possibly own being raced at ridiculous speeds and crashed left and right but bad is bad. Calling 2F2F a "classic" is right up there with calling Aliens vs. Predator "a masterpiece of sci-fi horror!". -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - Party vs. Designer in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 16:42
quote:I agree with you almost %100. RS II is, for the most part, crap but this is due more to the dumbed down mechanics(character creation, spell-casting etc.) than the world/setting. My point is that, with enough work, it is possible to change anything and everything in RS II and allow for one to put their own creative stamp on everything from the settings to the systems used. Edit: If your problems with RSII WERE simply that you disliked the setting, that is the whole point of having a "world construction" feature. Say that BoA scenarios always included a file with the extention '.wrl'(i.e. Tolkien.wrl' or 'Avernum.wrl'. THis would be the "world file". Whenever a party was created or a scenario designed, the engine would first ask for what "world file" these were being created for. These "world files" would be selected/loaded BEFORE parties & saved games were loaded everytime BoA was started up and these world files would(probably) be selected before loading a scenario to edit in the editor. So then people like yourself, who only want to play in Avernum, using only the three races and standard Avernum character creation can do so. Someone who wants to create an orc shaman singleton and adventure in "SkeleTonyworld" would load up 'SkeleTony.wrl' and create that PC/party. My only point of contention is with your assertion that having more races and such as options would somehow be "stupid". If Jeff had simply allowed for seperate "world files" ala RuneSword III(and to a lesser extent RS II) then this would not affect parties generated for the official Avernum world-setting. It would just allow for the hypothetical Tolkien copycat to design a middle-earth-esque world in which players would generate characters that were elves, orcs, dwarves and what have you. Not saying I would prefer such a world or not, just that having the option would be nice. I think "lizardmen" and "Cat-people"(regardless of what names you give them, re: "Sliths" and "Nephils") are the most annoyingly generic conventions of CRPGs aside from dwarves and elves but that is just me. Edit: In response to Thuryl- Good points. I hadn't even thought of the 'Mac compatible' situation. I like your ideas on ways to go about "special spells". [ Tuesday, March 01, 2005 16:58: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Million Dollar Baby in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 16:29
quote:Wasn't Foxx nominated for "Best Supporting Actor" for his role in Collateral? I know he won "Best Actor" for his role in Ray. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Backwater Calls submitted. in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 14:34
The only problems I have found so far were grammatical errors. A TON of those. In the intro text there are one or two. In the scenario itself there are many misspelled words and syntax errors. There is a weapon merchant in the NE town(Grissom? Something like that) and in the descriptive part of the dialogue it says that there is a Greatsword "slammed" on the counter. "Slammed" would be correct if you were describing an action (e.g. "John Slammed the sword down!") but it does not work as a description of how the sword is located in general. Run your scripts through a spell checker should fix the spelling stuff I imagine(but may be a pain as the SC will catch every AvernumScript line of code adn assume it a spelling error). Fun scenario so far but it is damned easy, combat-wise. I took a level 30 party that had not done canopy or Bhassikava and mowed through the goblin caves like they were giant rats. [ Tuesday, March 01, 2005 14:35: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - Party vs. Designer in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 14:24
quote:Again, this was a minor quibble and I am probably in the minority in being bothered by such artifice. As for thinking of a better way, that would be beyond my capabilities ATM but note Thuryl's inspired thinking below. quote:No I am NOT a better man adn even if I one day find the time to make a concentrate effort at learning AvernumScript adn designing the types of tactical challenges I prefer, it will not make me a better designer than you. It will just mean that I have different preferences. quote:You could not call the wands you invented "wands"?!? You were forced to refer to them as "new spells"? I KNOW that is not right! The engine does not allow you to create new spells but DOES allow for new items. That is my point. If you really desire to create your own worlds with your own races, spells etc. then use a construction kit that allows such(The open Source "Runesword II" for example even though that would require a lot of work) but if you want to create scenarios in BoA, which absolutely does NOT provide ANY means for such alterations, don't create a new item, which reads as an item(not a spell), behaves as an item(and not a spell), and does not show up in the spell menu. Just create the item and call it what it is. The effect is the same and you don't have the weirdness of refering to "items" as "spells"(or Nephilim as "elves" or a 'special item' as a 'new mage skill' or whatever). quote:Teh game engine for one. No matter what you try to do with BoA, no matter HOW gifted a designer you are, you have no way of removing or adding new races in BoA adn never will have. You can include a read me file that tries to convince players to pretend their Sliths are Dwarves and use a custom graphic that looks like Gimli but everytime you examine that PC in game it will stil be a slith or a nephil. It will have no "dwarvish" abilities or physical traits. It will read "Nephilim" or "Slithzerikai" or "Human" under "race" and when you take the PC into other scenarios it will be a slith or nephil, not a dwarf or elf. quote:[qb] No. I would strongly prefer that Jeff had created a true RPG construction kit that allowed for "world files" and such and his excuse that this would be impossible for a small company is b*llsh*t. Adam West has been doing it(now working on RS III) for years. My point is that you can either accept this and have fun creating scenarios within such restrictions(What I have chosen) or you can try and deny the restrictions exist and pretend you Nephilim are elves and your wands are new spells(which may or may not work for you but the rest of us still see the wands as wands because of the engine restrictions). quote:Now that is just silly :rolleyes: . You are saying that designers either do the things you have done the way you have done them or else make cliche' and unintersting combat?!? I think there are other options. quote:Same team bro'. Let go of the ball. I am not one of those Avernum/Exile purists. I could give a rat's ass about continuity or setting scenarios within the established settings or history of Avernum. Oh...and I DETEST "fanfiction"(including "play-by-post" crap). quote:Not my proposal. You misunderstood me guy and I don't care what those guys might think. All of the half-finished scenarios I did for BoE were set in non-Exile settings and featured monsters(and terrain) that did not exist in the Exile universe. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Canopy Help in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 13:46
Which wands don't work in which combat? I seem to remember that some wands required like 50 SP adn some enemies were immune to certain effects when they were in certain incarnations. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Need help with canopy (spoilers) in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 13:44
IIRC, the 9th emblemn was in a secret passage in teh SW corner of the bugbear town(ground level). Cast "True Sight" near those SW buildings and you will see that one has a secret hallway on it's east side(I think). -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 13:38
quote:Who is "screaming"? I can be convinced of ANY truth provided you can make your case through argument. I am probably about the LEAST 'closed-minded' person you will meet. Thuryl disagreed with me as well but he was able to make some points which I came to agree with(e.g. the point about playing pre-generated parties to experience playing one you would not otherwise have thought to construct) and a few points I don't agree with but he did not have to characterise me as "screaming loudly". Anyway, take care and thanks for the replies. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |