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Displayed name | SkeleTony |
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Title | Shock Trooper |
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Registered | Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
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Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Tuesday, March 1 2005 13:31
quote:Not even (over)simplified but outright wrong! You are still not really understanding what I am saying. Basically, RPGS are, at their core(and as Toasted said) a slight evolution of tactical wargames(keeping in mind that "evolution" does NOT mean "progress", just change). The chief difference in the two is that RPGs introduced the concept of improving "units" through experience and variable inventories. Also as part of this evolution, RPGs went even further than small unit tactical wargames to concentrate on teh very smallest units possible...the individual characters. The fact that these games are ripe for hanging all manner of plots, stories etc. on is to be celebrated but don't make the mistake of assuming a game with such marvelous scope is better served by removing much of what makes it so(the mechanics). Simplifying/dumbing down these games so that what is left are a few people sitting around a table(or posting at a message board) doing improvisational acting/storytelling(ala Exquisite Corpse) might still be considered a "game" but it has little, if anything to do with RPGs(e.g. D&D, RQ, BoA etc.). quote:EXACTLY!! Starting to see where I am coming from now? If the scenario designer(or game designer or whatever) creates the characters and leads them by the nose through his linear story, relegating you to the role of glorified mouse-clicker(re:page turner) then how is it different than reading a book? quote:I too enjoy scenarios where I can have interation and my decisions affect on how the adventure plays out. Which is exactly why I don't enjoy scenarios where the designer has created the characters and expects me to simply turn pages to reveal how his grand creative vision looks with the pixelated illustration. quote:You may be right to one extent or the other about BoA. Time will tell. But I will enjoy it just the same(though I prefer less linearity). My point in here was simply that this commonly parroted mantra we hear so often that rules/mechanics are inconsequential to RPGs and/or 'any activity you can imagine is the same as playing D&D/RQ/BoA' is wrong. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 14:34
quote:Again, you are still not understanding me here. Politics: This word comes from the Greek "Poly" meaning "many" and "Ticks" meaning "small blood-sucking insects". Therefore Politics means "many small, blood-sucking insects." Funny, but not accurate. You are doing a similar thing with the term "roleplaying game". If the term were so broadly defined as you indicate then everytime someone mentioned an RPG in conversation you would have no idea what they were talking about. They could mean anything from a Pong-clone(with shield-bearing knights replacing the rectangular "paddles") to a game of "Candyland" to a sexual liason which involved you dressing up as an anthropomorphic animal('furry'). But you DO know what people mean when they say "I want to play a good RPG." You immediately recognise a gaming concept that involves creating characters with quantified attributes/traits and a fictional world/setting filled with adversaries and dangers. If your psychaiatrist says "Let's do some roleplaying" you know full well that this will be nothing like D&D or BoA. You know that this term, in this context is going to involve either you assuming someone else's identity in order to empathise with someone else or the doctor taking on the role of someone you have issues with so you can work out your issues. In THIS thread, the context of "roleplaying game" is clear. We are not discussing puppet shows, therapy sessions, Monopoly(in which you "roleplay" a real estate investor) etc. It is easy to make the mistake of looking at the components of the term seperately then applying the term as a whole to anything which can be said to encompass those components(I.e. "I am pretending to whip my girlfriend using a length of yarn while humming the theme from Raiders of the Lost Ark and mentally tallying a point evey time she yells "knock it off!" therefore I am playing the Idiana Jones RPG!") but this is wrong. We cannot have a meaningful discussion about the term because your defintiion is so broad and unlike the common usage that it is of no real meaning or distinction. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 14:13
quote:I believe I read it back in the 80's if it is the book I am thinking of. But I am not "confusing" anything. RPGS ARE simulations! We cannot really temporarily become a hulking ogre running from the militia of Somewhereville adn objectively match our Ogre msucles against the rusted portcullis to escape the militia's halberds. In a RPG we simply quantify different attributes as numbers and apply modifiers due to archetypes(races and classes and whatnot such as "ogres" and "warriors") and the GM quantifies the 'strength' of the gate our character wants to lift. THis gives us a definite chance(usually expressed as a percentage or a 1 in X chance) Dice are rolled(or numbers are otherwise randomly generated) to determine if we succeed. Same goes for most conceivable traits from intellect to 'pocketpicking'. They are simulations. quote:Depends on the game. In Chess, combat is a straightforward puzzle disguised as a skirmish between nations/armies. In RPGS combat is not a puzzle unless you are using the term in such a broad manner that "puzzle" has no real signifigance or distinction. When I think of puzzles I think of something which is solves solely by contemplation and/or trial and error. Riddles, button-pushing/color-switching schemes, mazes, etc. Combat can and often does indeed entail tactical thought but even the poorest tactician ever can simply mow down his enemies through brute force, blazing speed and blind luck. In other words, while cobat CAN be something to 'figure out', such contemplation is not a requirement for it to be combat. Two idiots charging one another is combat(and not a puzzle). quote:I understand what you are saying, it's just that by this line of reasoning EVERYTHING is a puzzle and the term is of no consequence here. Talking with the king about joining the navy is a puzzle wherein you offer a proposal or communique to the king and this triggers a certain response and eventually the conversation/dillemma/goal is realized/solved. "Fishing for small-mouthed bass" is a puzzle. Trying to start a fire is a puzzle. quote:EXACTLY! So there is no point in even invoking the term in this discussion. It is just like the guy who defines "roleplaying game" as any type of game you can think of(from Half-life to 'Cowboys and indians' to Monopoly). If we are going to discuss definitions then we must make distinctions. quote:I hate free-form RPGs and there is a whole contingent of veteran RPGers who share this view. Free-from RPGs & play-by-post are not games. They may well be "roleplaying" but they are not roleplaying GAMES. Roleplaying Games consist of mechanics and yes, the mechanics DO make the game. Otherwise you might as well say that RuneQuest and sitting around daydreaming that you are a rock star are the exact same activity(both are "roleplaying games"?). Mechanics, in ANY game can break a game if not well thought out. Monopoly is a perfect example of this. That game is broken four ways and it's design is simply the opposite of elegant and consistent. It is ugly and cumbersome. In RPGS you have many examples of games that are brought down by poor mechanics...D&D, Warhammer FRP, Marvel Superheroes(the one from the 1980s) etc. but they are still RPGs precisely becuase they have mechanics for resolving situations and tasks adn quantification. quote:No. What does this have to do with gaming? I also do not want to feel a knight's lance disembowleing me when I play chess. Precisely why I play games rather than grab an actual sword and set out on a quest to be shot by Tacoma police officers. quote:What does that have to do with anything?!? Non-sequitor? quote:I am of the same mindset(except for the "going light on the mechanics" bit I guess) but you seem to draw a false correlation between having 'realistic' game mechanics and experiencing real life tramau!?! When I say that I appreciate good game design as far as the mechnics go, this in NO WAY equates to "I want to play a game where I work 40 hour weeks in an office and try to keep up on the house payments while I spend my leisure time on teh internet talking with gamers!". RPGs are divided into the subject/setting and the systems/mechanics. You can have an utterly fantastic setting adn utterly logical game mechanics. You do not have to sacrifice realism in game mechanics for 'fun' or ease of use or fantastic settings. I have seen hardcore realistic RPG systems that were FAR easier than any 'rule-less play-by-post game(this may sound counterintuitive but trust me, it happens). quote:No "Cops and robbers" does NOT. It has no mechanics and that's why there has not been an episode of "cops and robbers" in history that did not feature the traditional argument that precedes one or more children leaving in anger(The "I shot you!"...No you didn't!" argument). Game mechanics, again, are defined as (more or less) objective systems for quantification adn resolution. If Fred has a Strength of 17 adn Tom has a Strength of 10 then Fred will ALWAYS be stronger than Tom, so long as this does not change. In "Cops and Robbers", whether Fred or Tom is stronger varies from moment to moment adn is usually resolved by an actual blackening of someone's eye(as opposed to a mechanistic resolution within game) or somesuch. quote:There are no such rules. Kids simply point fingers or cap guns at one another and bother declare they are trimuphant. quote:Not in the strict sense, no. It may well be the precursor to all wargames but Chess itself is a simple(not simple to master mind you) board game. A huge step up on the complexity-meter from Checkers but of the same "family" as checkers(not part of "Advanced Squad Leader"'s brethren). quote:Again, you are making the same mistake the other guy made. By YOUR definition almost EVERY activity we can think of is a roleplaying game adn we have no use for the term as a distinction. "Pong", daydreaming while knitting, "Battleship", Mario Bros., Duck-Duck-Goose, King of the Hill, etc....all RPGS. That is nonsense. The term "roleplaying game" did not even come into common use until 1976, with the advent of D&D adn ever since then RPGs have stuck to pretty standard conventions that easily distinguish them from non-roleplaying, GAMES as well as Non-gaming, ROLEPLAYING. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 13:11
quote:Again, to each his own but what I find weird is that when I want to experience the sort of "excitement" you describe, I read a book(or two). In so doing, I get swepted up in a (hopefully) great story adn follow these great characters through their trials and tribulations. But what is the point of calling this a "game"? A scenario where you have no choices is a book or movie(however good or crappy one thinks it). A scenario with FEW choices/options is a "choose your own adventure" book. A scenario in which the player has a good deal of input/interaction is a roleplaying game. THat is what distinguishes RPGs from books and movies is the interactive part. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 13:04
quote:You are missing the point here. Let me try another example: "Burying the hatchet" This term, when examined literally, would seem to mean the act of physically burying a small axe-like tool for chopping wood. However, the term, when invoked in it's most common usage and in a context outside of discussion of literally burying tools in the earth, means to forgive or forget old grievances/grudges(e.g. "I am tired of fighting over whose kid is the best ballplayer Carl. Let's say we 'bury the hatchet' and start anew as friendly neighbors?"). The term "roleplaying game" can only be defined as you are defining it if one ignores the historical/common context of the term and attempts to apply a literalist interpretation where any sort of "playing" = "game" and any sort of "roleplaying" = "role playing game". This is an incorrect usage however in THIS discussion. Clearly in here were are talking about a specific type of gaming which evolved from tabletop wargames, the first of which was D&D and appeared in 1976. Before that there were no "roleplaying games". It is a very specific type of game that encompasses quantified mechanics for resolving situations in simulated fashion. A "cop" in a roleplaying game has a specific chance to shoot the "robber" based on his skill, experience, the weapon he is using, the robber's defensive measures etc. Roleplaying games solve the dillemma of the children's game "cops and robbers"wherein any pretend 'shooting' results in an argument which cannot be solved(i.e. "I shot you before you ducked behind that truck!"...No you didn't because I blocked it with this hubcap!"..."No way because I richocheted the bullet off the side of the house and hit you in the kneecap!" etc.). Again, you have to make a distinction between "roleplaying" and "roleplaying GAMING". "Roleplaying" occurs between husbands and wives and hookers and Johns in bed. It occurs between children at the playground("Let's play superheroes! I will be Spiderman!"). It occurs in drama club/theatre. It occurs in therapy sessions. None of these forms of "roleplaying" have jack to do with roleplaying GAMING which takes place at a table(with players, a GM, dice, pencils etc.) or on a computer(where there is usually a single player(unless online) and the GM, die-rolling and such is all handled by the computer. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Million Dollar Baby in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 09:40
If you liked 2Fast 2Furious, you will not like Million Dollar Baby. There are no car crashes or explosions in MDB. Unlike 2F2F, MDB is a well written, well acted, well directed film. MDB is a very sad movie and one well deserving of the Oswars it won IMO(though I don't think Morgan Freeman should have won over Thomas Hayden Church and Jamie Foxx when he was just playing the same Character he always plays(The Character he played in Shawshank Redemption only now he runs a gym)). [ Monday, February 28, 2005 09:41: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 09:29
quote:"Cops and robbers" IS 'roleplaying', but it is NOT a roleplaying GAME. People often make the mistake of breaking the term down into it's literal components in trying to define the term, which is good for comedy but poor for understanding word orgins and terminology. For example: 'Polytheists' could mean quite literally "Many theists". If you were to break the term up into it's two components, that is exactly what iot would mean. However, if you bother to delve into the word's orgin and historical usage, it means people who worship many GODS. Likewise, "roleplaying games" are not just an activity that involve roleplaying. You can't compare D&D to "Honey, can you put on this French maid outfit and bend over the dresser while I spank you with my riding crop?". One is "roleplaying" and the other is a roleplaying GAME. RPGs are number crunching affairs. They involve quantified mechanics for task resolution. Cops and robbers have no such mechanics and there is no way to objectively determine if the robber got away from the cop or avoided being shot. Invariably, what you have is an argument, not a game("I shot you!"..."No way, I ducked!"). [ Monday, February 28, 2005 09:30: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - bjlhct2 On Scenario Design pt 1: Linearity in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 08:35
quote:Not really. But the goal should not be to make single player CRPGs like MULTI-player tabletop but rather make single-player CRPGs like SINGLE PLAYER tabletop rpgs. Not that any P&P RPGer would want to play a lot of 'one-GM & one-player'(as opposed to a whole group of players) P&P games but single-player CRPGS should try and emulate THAT experience to great extent. quote:I absolutely DISAGREE %110!! I have always wondered how this thinking came about?! This sort of 'new wave' of tabletop gamers just took over adn replced brilliant game systems like RuneQuest and the HERO system with crap like Warhammer FRP and "Free form" nonsense. The game mechanics themselves are what MAKE a rpg a rpg. We already had "cops & robbers" and "Cowboys and Indians"(roleplaying sans game) before Gygax and Co. gave us the GAME mechanics. "Cops & robbers" is NOT a's an argument between children. There is no way to objectively resolve who shot who or if the "robber" ducked behind that tree before the "cop" shot him. Tabletop RPGS gave us mechanics to resolve such issues. D&D may be amongst the very worst game systems ever created but it was the first true RPG and better systems followed(RQ, Champions/HERO, etc.) Mechanics do not have to be 'complicated' but they SHOULD be logically consistent(re: realistic). When designers present "dumbed down" systems they are not creating RPGs. They are just borrowing elements for their platform/adventure/arcade/action game(or boardgame ala Talisman or HeroQuest). Good, well-designed game mechanics do not necessarily entail endless dice-rolling. They just demand a little thought be put into the player-characters in terms of the quantified statistics(and hence the "interactive" part of teh game). quote:No. They are essentially simulation games, like wargames only instead of measuring the firepower of the M1 Abrams against the structural integrity of a suspension bridge or command bunker, you are measuring the strength and agility of your barbarian rogue against the aim of some crossbow weilding sniper or the halberd skill of the local watchman. You can have a cliche' story/plot and still have a good, fun RPG as long as the mechanics are not dumbed down or too simplistic(or outright bad/inconsistent) but if the mechanics suck it does not matter how innovation you are as a storyteller Some examples of CRPGs that feature some bad mechanics that hinder the ejoyment of the game: Natuk( & POWS : In Natuk you create a party of orcs, half-trolls and ogres on a quest for revenge. The half-trolls and ogres get a sizable bonus to the strength attribute due to their immense size(they are HUGE!). This inidcates that 'Strength' is, to some degree or the other, rooted in physique/stature/mass. But then spellcasting(and other physical activity) drains Strength from PCs(leading players to boost their mages' Strength attribute with gained experience to ridiculous levels so they can cast more spells without falling unconcious. Because the mechanics were not well thought out, this leads to player character orc & human wizards and such being twice as strong as the Ogre warriors. A bunch of "bodybuilder mages" running around. If the designer has thought to distinguish the physical size/muscle from the stamina in his attributes(The way that GURPS reversed the HP/Fatigue values so that HP is now based on ST rather than HT and Fatigue is based off HT rather than ST) then this would not be a problem. As it stands however, it distracts from the enjoyment of the games because I cannot help wondering why my tiny gnome mages are stronger and consequently do more damage in HtH combat than my "big guys". That's just one small example but is typical of "simple" RPG designs that try and "go light" with the mechanics. quote:I disagree. Combat is not just another kind of puzzle. Puzzles are dillemas which the player himself can figure out by simply thinking the matter through. Combat measures the accumulated skills & traits of the characters vs. those of their adversaries/monsters taking into account all sorts of factors from chance/luck to cover, range, encumbrance etc. IF I spent all of my experience points building up my "2 handed sword skill" in all the modules/scenarios I had played through and then get into a fight were I am disarmed by some bugbear and must fight with my bare fists, it is a dynamic situation but not a "puzzle". quote:I hate puzzles. Plot I can take or leave. Good mechanics are a must(combat and otherwise). quote:I don't know or much care if "complete interactivity" is even possible. I just don't want to always be forced to be a spectator to the designer's magnum opus. "Final Fantasy" is not even a RPG by any stretch of the imagination. A bunch of young console kiddies have usurped the terminology over teh years and now do not even have any idea that P&P tabletop RPGS even existed or what they were about. TO them a "player character" is 'STR., DEX. ATTACK, MAGIC and HP', along with a stupid name and bad anime graphic. To them a RPG is taking said cutout through a tiled forest and fighting slugs and slimes every ten steps. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Registering/buying BoA/BoE in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 07:28
Well, If you register BoE, you get the game on CD, along with the physical manual(that is a manual you can sit on the toilet and read for what that's worth). And yes, when you register BoA you get a code sent to you via email within hours(for me it was a few hours anyway but I live in WA state probably about an hour's drive from Spiderweb. Not taking into account the lameness that is driving and parking in Seattle) and snail mail. As for which is "better", that is purely subjective. BoE has a lot more scenarios right now but this will probably change within a few years. BoA generally has better game mechanics overall but BoE has better spells(and allows for two-weapon combat), IMO. Then there's the 6 PC party vs 4 PC party limit thing. Basically, play the demos. If you like BoE VotDT better than BoA VotDT then get BoE and vice versa. Or get BOTH and you get a discount on BoA(cost $15 if you own BoE). -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - Party vs. Designer in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 28 2005 07:09
Well, I didn't quite get as much BoA playing done as I wanted to. Some friends needed some t-shirt designs and flier art done for their band and I had to work on that stuff a bit. I got to the final boss in Canopy, General Shroud, and beat his first two incarnations before losing interest and getting out of that scenario. I think I am going to star all over (again) with a completely different party and scenario continuity(this last party was Cave of No Return => Perfect Forest => A Small Rebellion => ZKR = DWtD => Canopy, without doing every sidequest I could find so by the time I got around to Canopy I was probably level 30-31 or so). Some things I DEFINATELY disliked about Canopy had little to do with linearity. The removal of Cloud of Blades struck me as artificial. I do not even use the spell much normally but it seems to me that if a particular spell would have unbalanced your combats then there are other ways to deal with this as a designer(don't get me wrong. Canopy is easily better than anything I could have done.) but this is probably a minor quibble. I was much more put off by the attempt at inserting new "spells" via wands like Natureshand and so on. I think we all would like to see Jeff take a different stance on allowing designers to create new spells but this is not the way to do it IMO. I realize most disagree with me on this but I can't stand it. Just create new items and give your baddies susceptibilities to those items, ala LoTR(which is basically what TM was doing with that Ubermensch - or whatever his name was - guy anyway) but don't try and pass the wands off as 'new spells' that take up an inventory slot and read as "wand" and don't show up in my list of spells when I go to cast. Reminds of when certain BoE - kiddies try to create new PC races by suggesting we use a custom graphic and pretend our Nephils are "elves" or somesuch nonsense. Get over it. The Avernum universe does not have other spells or races or skills beyond what is allowed in BoA and calling a wand you have created a "new spell" in your readme file does not make it so. THat's the sort of "r0L3Pl4y1nG" crap that can ruin a scenario for me. Dammit...this belongs over as CSR I guess, Sorry. Still Canopy was, overall a good scenario(not better than Jeff's scenarios IMO but good). -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - Party vs. Designer in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Saturday, February 26 2005 01:05
quote:Actually, I was NOT talking about TM's work. I am the last person to critique someone's work on how nifty the plot is(I don't personally care about plot beyond it being at least somewhat cosistent). I was speaking generally about adventure/scenario designers who sometimes fall into the 'console trap' of emulating Final Fantasy type games(I see some of this in TM's stuff but so far I have not been too put off by him) where the PCs are lead from point 'A' to cutscene 'A' to point 'B' to cutscene 'B', etc. and the player cannot deviate from this path by ANY means. quote:Actually, I prefer a series of tactical challenges of varying difficulties. I just don't want to be FORCED to go from *this* fight to *that* puzzle then to *the next* fight etc. If my first level party stumbles into the dragon cave and gets toasted, I can figure out for myself when I want to try that again and how I will go about beating it. quote:No argument there. Don't get me wrong...even if I play, for example, a scenario by TM in the future that is entirely linear(and way longer than EM) does not mean I am going to trash it at CSR or something(in fact I doubt my own reviews would be below the average). If one looks for what is good about a scenario, one will find it. I would reserve outright bad reviews for outright bad scenarios(regardless of linearity). If a scenario is designed for pregens or somesuch, I simply won't play(or review) it due to my personal tastes being what they are. I have never played many BoE scenarios such as Nebulous Times Hence, Emulations, Election and one or two of Alcitris' because of this very reason but not because I thought they were objectively "bad". quote:Maybe right. It's kind of a weird thing because BoA's combat is actually, from a tactical perspective, in many ways inferior to BoE. It's little things like taking dual-weilding(two weapon) combat out and replacing Fireball with "Fireblast". Robs the game of a whole lot of tactical considerations. Anyways, it's early still and I should be through Canopy and Bhassikava(I know I spelled that wrong) within a few days and might even trek over to CSR adn give my thoughts on what I have played thus far. Time will tell exactly how intertwined, 'Creative vision' is with tactically satisfying scenario design. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - Party vs. Designer in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Saturday, February 26 2005 00:29
quote:But it comes DAMNED CLOSE to being a "design error" in a roleplaying GAME. We are not talking about a writer's novel or a screenplay. RPGs are interactive affairs by definition. You take away the player's interaction and what you have left is a designer who may or may not be a brilliant storyteller, shoving a chair under the player's ass and having him watch his masterpiece unfold. Some people undoubtedly enjoy this sort of thing. I may not understand why but I do not hold it against them. I just think that I am not alone in wanting the interactive part to remain a standby of RPG/scenario design. The most important player interaction that occurs is in character/party creation, not in deciding whether to taste the chef's cookies or kick his ass(though these choices are a bonus as well)! quote:Aren't ALL BoA players relatively "new" since the game has barely existed long enough to see 7 or 8 scenarios released(most of themn very short)? Besides that, it is not about BoA players used to feeling like they are in (complete) control adn being angry that we/they are not. It is about (C)RPG veterans, like myself, used to having some interaction with our CRPGs...being able to create our OWN characters according to OUR tastes adn taking them on wonderful adventures designed by others. I played TM's Emerald Mountain AND Stareye's Perfect Forest(in addition to VoTD, ASM, etc.) and thought they were absolutely terrific! Both were pretty linear but EM was so short that it would be foolish to expect anything else and APF at least preserved the illusion of my party's decision-making being of some consequence(at least for most of the scenario I did not feel like I was being artificially bottlenecked). But as much as I liked EM I was turned off a bit that so much work went into the technical aspects(cutscenes) which did little for me, while the 'meat' of the scenario consisted of a single mini-dungeon and a couple other fights(don't want to be too spoily here). quote:Nah. Got no problem with the designer taking me into his world. What I don't want is for him to handcuff me to a railcar bound for "Big fight with end boss". It is not about "trust" either. I am not seeking therapy when I play someone's scenario. I just want to enjoy a game the same way I enjoy a game of chess(only different). It's me against whatever crafty conundrum the designer has dreamed up and whatever nasty baddies he has stocked his scenarios with. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - Party vs. Designer in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Friday, February 25 2005 23:48
quote:Agreed. I think you are misreading me here. I have no problem with such background details as "Your merry band decided to take a break from adventuring. A small vacation in the province of Suchandsuch when something strange happens..." or whatever. What turns ME off, and this is purely a matter of personal taste, is stuff along the lines of "This scenario is not only designed for singletons but SPECIFICALLY for the singleton I have crerated and included in the zip file as a saved game." or Cut scenes that feeature my party in a 10 minute discussion with some Nietzche-clone in which they are trying to convince him that radical skepticism(bordering on solopsism) is the ONLY rational way to view life or somesuch nonsense. quote:I have been with BoE from the beginning(or damned near. I have been playing Spiderweb games since around Exile II) and have played probably 30 - 50 of the scenarios available. I did not bother with ones so obviously bad(ala "Lost King" scenarios) according to the CSR or scenarios which were designed with pregen's or Singletons in mind(no matter how good they probably were, judging by the reviews(such as "Election") because of my personal tastes. I tend to get bored with any game, no matter how good after playing it for several hours a day for a month or two straight, including BoE but this temporary boredom is not due to the combat being too boring or because I did not play enough linear, story-heavy scenarios.quote:There's a problem with this that BoE players are very familiar with. After 200 different scenarios, ordinary BoE combat just isn't new or interesting any more. Either a designer has to do something very original and clever in combat (in which case he's at risk of being pilloried for it by new or occasional players who claim the designer is cheating), or he has to make the scenario interesting in ways other than through combat (in which case he's at risk of being pilloried by new or occasional players who only play for combat). In a few years we'll be in a similar situation with BoA scenarios. Tom Proudfoot's games(Natuk, PoWS, Nalakh) have combat mechanics that put Spiderweb's games to complete shame(except for the "Spell use drains your muscles" snafu) and I get bored with those just as well. Jagged Alliance 2 the same. Speaking only for myself, I don't think there is much ANY scenario designer could do to keep me interested in BoE, BoA or any other CRPG construction kit or modded game beyond myone or two month threshold. quote:I was not arguing that there was a single element that was universally integral to some objective standard of "good" scenario design. SOme people like puzzles. I cannot even feign slight interest in them anymore. After 4 Monkey Island games, countless King's Quest, Discworld, Tex Murphy, Maniac Mansion/DoTT, all the Zorks and many other Infocom games, The Ultimas, the Wizardrys, the Might & Magics, and so on over my 20 something year career of playing video/computer games, I simply cannot stomache another puzzle. Some people seem to have a similar distaste for "hack and slash"/combat but not me *shrug*. I am with Vogel in thinking that "Roleplaying is overated." only I also tend to feel that puzzle-solving and 'storytelling' is also overated. I have never finished any of my own BoE scenarios so I cannot really comment on how exhaustive designers' attempts to make combat interesting have been. I know that if Jeff had included some means to directly design the layout of the battlefield(i.e. placing obstructions, placing monsters in specific spots etc.) it would have helped. quote:Was talking about CRPGs in general, be it BoE/BoA scenarios, RuneSword "tomes", Exile III, Avernum IV, Wizardry 8 or what have you. quote:Agreed. quote:Yes...WE have and it never gets old :D (unlike linear, being led by the nose through someone's creative vision type scenarios). quote:While I agree with you about the weakness of the BoE engine in this regard(but fail to see how this refutes my points!?), I am not so sure that BoA will become old-hat as quickly. It seems that BoA is capable of about 20 times what BoE was capable of but maybe I am wrong(I have only really been glossing over the Avernumscript stuff). -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - Party vs. Designer in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Friday, February 25 2005 12:03
quote:I visit the Lyceum regularly to read BoE reviews but I could not tell you what my handle is there(I AM registered threre though as far as I can rememebr). -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Article - Party vs. Designer in Blades of Avernum | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Friday, February 25 2005 08:30
While the article itself is, like most of what TM writes IMO, a good and interesting read, I find myself agreeing with Toasted Marshmallows. I absolutely DETEST linearity, even though I recognise that it is, to a certain degree, unavoidable. I think that anytime a designer imposes severe restrictions on the party or tries to usurp the party(putting words into their mouths and motivations into their adventuring etc.) this is just plain egotism. Rather than writing a book where he is free and expected to create all the characters, the plot, the dialogue etc. and decide what devices are employed to tell his story, he tries to force his grand creative vision into what SHOULD be an interactive venture. My characters, in ANY decent RPG, should be generated by ME and I should decide if they have some particular motivation or personality quirks or philosophical leanings. Computer RPGs, moreso than P&P RPGs, are tactical simulators. The goal is to improve your character(s) by overcoming obstacles. Plot CAN be an incidental bonus to a scenario or CRPG, as can well developed NPCs and such but it is not integral to a good scenario no matter what the poetry-reading, new-age spirtualist-intellectuals will try and tell you. These are GAMES. You take the "GAME" out of "Role Playing Game" and you are left with drama club or improvisational storytelling(which are NOT role playing GAMES). RPGs are, like it or not, primarily number-crunching, die-rolling, character-building(and character-challenging if you are a scenario designer) affairs. I, and I suspect just about everyone who plays CRPGs, enjoy the thrill of bypassing that "first level dungeon" of goblins and heading right for that orc Chieftain's cave(which I am not supposed to be able to do until AFTER defeating the goblins), figuring out a legal way to beat that dungeon and then reaping the rewards of my unorthodox decision. To play a scenario that forces a player along a narrow path of 1)Defeat lowest level pests 2)Sit through 5 - 10 minute cutscene that demonstrates the designers intricate mastery of the scripting language and little else 3)defeat more dangerous pests 4) More cutscenes(and a plot twist you cannot help but see coming) 5) More pests...and so on until you face(and hopefully defeat) all three phases/versions of the big foozle is not necessarily bad(after all, when RPGs are good they are GREAT and when they are bad...they are (usually) still pretty good!) but I will take a well designed "monster plague" scenarior over that any day. That's the reason I cannot stand "Final Fantasy" and any otehr console styled CRPGs. They feel more like watching a bad movie than enjoying a good game. [ Friday, February 25, 2005 09:38: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Root of all evil in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Saturday, February 19 2005 19:13
quote:Nope. Logic says that I must accept a starting point...what we have been refering to in this thread as an axiom or 'first principle'. Otherwise we could accomplish nothing while we sit around chattering mindlessly about the infinite regressions. Also, the claim that things do not come from nothing is a groundless assertion(especially considering that positron-electron pairs seem to do just THAT(pop into and out of existence uncaused)). [ Saturday, February 19, 2005 19:20: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Favorite Movie. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Monday, February 14 2005 08:01
quote:I have not(and will not) post any of my disagreements with anyone's offerings here(for obvious reasons) but I will whole-heartedly agree that the first Blade was one of the better C2F(comics to film) translations to come around(sure, there are some ridiculous moments where the sword-wielding vampire-hunter is beating a uniformed policeman in broad daylight while shoppers mill about in the background, apparently oblivious but overall a great movie). I will warn you NOT to go see Blade: Trinity. It is absolutely horrible with a capital "Horrible"! quote:Yes, TMF is a great movie. The way they used light and shadow in those old B&W films...awe inspiring. However, I don't recall any "black" trenchcoats in TMF. IIRC, Bogart wore an off-white/beige colored one(but who says I remember ANYTHING correctly?). [ Monday, February 14, 2005 08:02: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Root of all evil in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Sunday, February 13 2005 02:30
quote:Not an about face. I may have misunderstood you but here is the original exchange/context: quote:See ...? Different context. If you go back through the whole discussion(as I just did) then you will note that I have been EXTREMELY consistent on this point(that existential claims for undefined entities are worthless). YOUR assertion was offered in support of your contention that if there are no abstract thinking entities around to create languages and infer "meaning" then matter ceases to exist. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Getting my butt kicked, advice needed in Blades of Exile | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Sunday, February 13 2005 01:26
Sagi's suggestions are one way(and for all I know may be the most efficient way to do things) but I have always tended towards a similar party to your own(1 SLith Pole-Tank, 1 ambidextrous 2-sword wielder, 1 "Big axe/Big sword" guy, 1 Nephil archer-thief(who usually also knows mage & priest spells), 1 priest-type(usually slith) adn 1 mage) and I have never had any problems. Been a while since I played through "Valley of the Dying Things" but starting off, just 'stick to the script' so to speak. If what's-his-name offers you a mission to beat up on lowly goblins or bandits or rats or whatever then do that to build experience. Consult the hint book/walkthrough that came with the game(and is accesible from the menu atop your screen via the "Help/help with the demo" section or whatever it's called). What Sag' says about spellcasting is absolutely right also. Haste and Bless are your friends. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Root of all evil in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Saturday, February 12 2005 00:31
quote:First of all, I do not say that "other dimensions" are impossible. THe claim that "other dimensions MAY exist" is to insubstantial/vacuous for me to make any sense of. Second, there are two possible reasons why we might not percieve a thing: 1)Some deficiency of or too-limited a capacity for perception. This is the one YOU are assuming in your argument. That humans do not see God because we lack a "God detector". 2)The thing does not exist. Now if we were talking about, say a henceforth undiscovered breed of dog or a planet or somesuch, then 1) would be a valid consideration. Your reasoning would at least be solid enough to say such a thing cannot be ruled out. Since we are NOT talking about such a thing but rather a TRANSCENDENT GOD(pay attention to that, it is important), 1) does not suffice anymore than saying the reason we cannot see a round square is because our eyes are faulty or too limited. We are left with 2). Such things do not exist. quote:Not true. "Other dimensions" by itself is not nonsensical. There is not enough info there to say ANYTHING about such a claim(not even that it is "possible"). Logic rules out transcendent gods as "nonsense" because in order for them to be transcendent, there can be NO WAY for us to know them, detect them, understand them etc. They must be INDISTINGUISHABLE from an imaginary thing in terms of existence within OUR reality. Either WE become "gods" and part of God's reality OR God becomes natural and part of OUR'S. Trust me, I didn't see it at first either and I remained a weak atheist for years and years not seeing it. quote:I have no idea what you are talking about here or what it might have to do with ME. quote:Nonsense DOES = "false". Nonsensical things do not exist and CANNOT exist. If I am wrong then it will be an easy task for you to prove it by showing us a square shaped circle or a God who is both WITHIN our reality and outside our reality. quote:No. My stance is that the universe has limitations. It MUST have limits or we cannot know ANYTHING about it and there would be no consistency to it. The question then becomes : WHat are those limitations? Where ARE the boundries? That is where science comes in. Science is about exploring the limits and discovering the boundries of reality. Logic is a sort of tool we use to help us out. Logic works in our reality and logic tells us that round swquares and transcendent gods do not exist. Those are some of the limits of OUR universe. Some find this depressing. SO depressing that they plug their ears and scream at those who would say such things. They scream at skeptics for telling them that psychics are not using ESP and they REALLY scream when strong atheists have the gaul to say there is no God. As if aknowledging the plain truth that Santa Claus does not exist is fine but to do so in regards to God makes one "closed-minded". We live in a reality and universe where things work a certain way. People do not age backwards, going from death to birth. A ball is not thrown because it was caught to someone. A geometricx shape cannot be both "round" and "not at all round" at the same time adn transcendent gods do not exist either. quote:The burden of proof is not on ME. It is on whoever might claim such a thing. I do not have to prove that round squares do not exist anywhere in the universe. You cannot prove a negative adn "God doesn't exist" is STILL a negative because the "God" in question is either undefined or logically inconsistent(nonsensical), like a round square. quote:And this claim is automatically dismissed because it is absolutely void of ANY meaning. What "other dimension" are you talking about? WHat does this term mean?!? What is "God"? quote:"could be"?!? When you get it worked out then come back here and we will discuss whether it is possible or not. quote:But YOU have the burden of proof, not I. YOU are the claimant here, not me. NOTHING can be "disproven" to the proponent of the existential claim in question. Try disproving Santa Claus right now. You cannot do it. Also, if this God is passing in and out of dimensions then it cannot be omnipresent. You might want to iron out these bugs before having another go. [ Saturday, February 12, 2005 00:33: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Favorite Movie. in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Friday, February 11 2005 23:45
Sorry but I have to break this down in categories. Only way I can do it. Action movie(not Sci-fi or Fan.): The Road Warrior - No action flick since has been as visionary or compelling. Sci-Fi : Pitch Black - Say what you will about the sequel and all other Vin Diesel movies but this one was perfect. Great dialogue and pacing.Actually tied with Blade Runner to be honest. Fantasy : LotR - I am not a fan of Tolkien(more a Moorcock, Howard & Lieber fan) but Jackson did about as good a job as anyone possibly could and the actors took the film seriously. Dragonslayer starring Peter McNichol is a close second. Comedy : Half-Baked - WAYYY underated movie. Made CHeech & Chong look like rank amatuers. Funny even if you're NOT high. Drama :Gladiator - I know, I know...could be an action flick as well. Really though this film was brilliantly scripted. Probably tied with The Shawshank Redemption and a few others. Suspense/Thriller : The Usual Suspects - 'Nuff said. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Root of all evil in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, February 10 2005 13:05
quote:You're still not getting what I am saying(and the "Blind man analogy" was a false one as has been demonstrated). The assertion that "God MAY exist(somehow)." is on par with saying "Snozzwoggler may exist". If you leave it at that it is, at best, a worthless/meaningless assertion. I do not have to prove or disprove it because it is vacuous. But when you try and define "God" is when you run into the problems I have mentioned a dozen or more times now. Either you describe something that, by your own definition, CANNOT exist in any way that would be meaningful(i.e. God could exist as just another human and therefore be indistinguishable from any human claiming to be God such as David Koresh OR he is "GOd" adn we are ALSO "Gods" and so are able to comprehend this "higher dimension") OR you describe something that is natural and we already have a name for(i.e. the Sun). -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Root of all evil in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, February 10 2005 08:11
quote:Completely irrelevant. The question is NOT whether God can say that we exist. It is whether WE can say that God exists. The claim is nonsensical because God would have to be indistinguishable from other mundanities(Maybe Koresh WAS God?) OR we would have to become God-like ourselves. -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Root of all evil in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Thursday, February 10 2005 05:33
quote:You misunderstand. The "sphere" could ONLY interact with the 2D world as a 2D entity. It effectively had NO 3rd dimension when doing so. What's more, no one in "Flatland" could possibly percieve the "Sphere" as anything but another "Circle". To apply this to "God", if a God were interacting with OUR reality he would be indistinguishable from another mortal human(or, theoretically some other type of sentient animal life). UNLESS...We somehow became part of GOD's reality(re: became gods ourselves). -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |
Root of all evil in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 156
written Wednesday, February 9 2005 06:17
quote:I am sorry this bothers you. DO you have a God concept that refutes this idea? EDIT: Also, this is a strawman. I never said that any god-concept outside the tri-omni one was necessarily too vague to be useful. [ Wednesday, February 09, 2005 06:19: Message edited by: SkeleTony ] -------------------- "I am in a very peculiar business. I travel all over the world telling people what they should already know." - James Randi Posts: 219 | Registered: Saturday, October 13 2001 07:00 |