The Insidious Infiltrator
Author | Topic: The Insidious Infiltrator |
Member # 5650
written Tuesday, April 3 2007 13:51
quote:Heh, or decomposing it again, as the case may be. Have you ever tried ghosting a compound, leaving everything intact but the locks? Posts: 42 | Registered: Thursday, March 31 2005 08:00 |
Member # 6292
written Tuesday, April 3 2007 13:59
Yes, but not often in this game, in which Val is playing a certain extreme role. Note that Val did go through the Grayghost Gates and kill nothing. She went sleuthing into the Drakon chambers and past locks and traps to score the Infiltrator Shield and the Essence Armor canister, along with other loot. -S- ADDIT: In Chaper Two, Val used her stealth abilities to enter the furthest confines of the Turabi Gate to acquire the Essence-Infused Skin from a strongly-locked box. She didn''t even trigger a fight running past all the Shapers to get in or out. [ Tuesday, April 03, 2007 14:16: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Tuesday, April 3 2007 16:08
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Four: The Ties That Unbind Valeta contemplates her long, arduous sojourn leading up to this moment, when she finally enters the gates of Northforge Citadel. In this moment, she fulfills a goal she was given by Greta way back in Southforge Citadel, when Val was still sadly so much less Godlike. The memories of that earlier time also seem so far away now, except for the lingering awareness of that awesome power she felt infusing every cell of her being when she hesitantly submitted to the ecstatic ravages of the Geneforge. That feeling remains ever-present and fills her nightly dreams. God, why did she hesitate back then? She chuckles knowingly to herself, contemplating her youthful ignorance. Val wonders what she is going to find inside Northforge, tucked so secretly into the frigid depths of the Grayghost Mountains. Her toes ache vexingly in her Quicksilver Sandals. It will be good to return to a warmer, and hopefully more civilized, environment. It is warmer inside, barely. Val first encounters Greta again at long last. But what the sadly naive Greta has to share with Val is not at all encouraging. It seems the scourge of the Drakons and their disastrously shortsighted goals have wholly infected these halls. Greta urges Val to talk to Warmaster Karikiss. Hmmph. When she gets around to it. Val is more interested in meeting up with Jared again, whom Greta informs us is present here too. Jared is thrilled to see how the many canisters Valeta has assimilated have been perfecting her. He eagerly trains her in the last of the spells she lacks. ![]() And suddenly, that's it, that's all. There is virtually nothing left for Val to purchase anywhere. She is amply stocked in Living Tools, Madness Gems, Torrent Gems, Wands of the Inferno, and some Healing and Energizing pods and spores—everything a stealthy and ferocious battle spy could hope to possess. All future proceeds now go into the Valeta retirement fund—if she survives to enjoy one. Poking around the laboratory rooms nearby, Valeta blunders upon a Rogue Shock Trall who attacks Val without provocation. One blessed blast of Kill settles his hide. Sheesh. I thought this place was supposed to be secured. ![]() Val pokes around and discovers the Geneforge, reassembled here in Northforge Citadel. She feels a sudden and powerful compulsion to partake of its inner pool once again, but barely manages to resist the draw. She knows better. The Geneforge looks like it's not even properly operational, as if it were being neglected for some greater work on hand. Val also notices a most enticing jar protected by a potent projector field in a little room nearby. She determines to find out what is in that container before she leaves the Citadel. Next Val inescapably bumps into Warmaster Karikiss, so she listens to his demands that Val and Greta serve as his puppets to test the Unholy Unbound of Drakon creation. ![]() Val already blotted one Unbound out of existence back in Quessa-Uss, though she never got any credit for it, so it remains her private triumph. She is not too worried about having to face another, perhaps destroying it too, and with her persuasive words, she even smooth-talks Karikiss into letting her recruit some help from amongst those in Northforge. It turns out that the otherwise enthusiastic Jared won't help out (Val sneers with disdain,) but Val finds four Drayks in the back rooms which she is able to talk into joining her in the fight. The first three Drayks comply eagerly with Leadership of nine or less. The fourth Drayk takes Leadership of eleven to convince. What makes him so special, anyway? Val notices a most curious and suspicious thing in the SW corner of the Citadel, way back by the Drayk hovels. There is a simple little lever sitting almost invisibly behind a pillar. It opens a tiny room down the hall. What's in there, Val wonders? She finds a lonely power spiral with no indication of what it might possibly be powering. ![]() She acts on a hunch, and powers it down, hoping nothing happens to draw attention to herself. Returning to the little room off to the SE with the can in it, she finds that the projector fields are indeed off now. Ah-ha! Relieved that she doesn't have to buff up and take major, possibly lethal damage running through the projector field to find out what is inside the jar, she will now find out unscathed. ![]() She eagerly pries the lid open and finds a nondescript black key inside. What the—? She has already explored the Citadel and not found any other mysteriously locked doors. What might this possibly open? And then, through the parting mists of her mind, the answer dawns from old rumors she barely recalls being told...and she shudders. It's a long way off, and she has other fish to fry before she can hope to satisfy her curiosity. But surely, here in her hand lies the key to opening Monarch's foreboding Black Door. She carefully pockets this key. She suspects she alone now holds the knowledge of its significance. She neither doubts nor cares whether it will even be missed. Such self-indulgence will have to wait though. Presently, Val has a fight to pick on some Unbound. Reporting back to Greta that she is ready to proceed, the two enter the testing chamber. Val finds to her great disdain that she is being watched by a retinue of Drakons for a third time dueling some big beast for their amusement. Val vows here and now to exact her revenge upon the Drakons who repeatedly seek to use her so reprehensibly. Turning her attention forward, Val sees not one, but three Unbound waiting to taste her wrath. The four eager Drayks Val recruited join the ranks. Greta summons a Wingbolt and War Trall forth. This motley party approaches grimly and prepares to survive its ordeal facing the Unbound. Not all present look expectant to do so. ![]() One overzealous Drayk rushes the Pointfire Unbound on the left. The Pointfire Unbound backs away, but utterly obliterates the hapless Drayk with its lethal counterattack. The sight of the furious waves of energy the Unbound summons forth on its very breath is terrifying. Valeta keeps her composure and Mass Energizes the entire party, proceeding to hammer away magically at the Pacification Unbound on the right after Wracking it. Two devastating blows of Kill from Valeta take Pac-Man out of the testing. He never gets a chance to pacify anyone. Val notes, to her great disappointment, that the supervising Drakons will not permit her to kill these wretched Unbound. This only adds to the searing white-hot fury of her battle lust. She zeroes in on the Assault Unbound in the center, where Greta and two more Drayks are focusing their efforts and lets fly an icy halo of wrath. ![]() The Assault Unbound has been stopped in its tracks by the collective assaults. Two more Drayks fall to the savage breath emanating from the gaping maw of the Pointfire Unbound. Valeta silences the bellows of the malevolent beast with two final blasts of Kill. ![]() Three Drayks surrendered their cold, reptilian souls (if they have any) to these lumbering giants in combat. All others, thanks to Val's quick, furious work, have survived. Greta looks tremendously relieved and scurries out of the room with her pets and the sole surviving Drayk. Maybe he was the "special" one of the four? Val is alone with the glowing Unbound before her and the Drakon administrators still watching. What next? NEXT: What's Next. -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Tuesday, April 3 2007 18:14
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Five: Settling An Old Score (Catfight in a Cavern) Valeta stands before the smug Drakon panel, seething at their misuse of her and Greta. She would have loved to have finished off each of the three Drakons before her, but is not permitted the sastisfaction. ![]() Instead, the Drakons themselves initiate the destruction of their own test pets. Upon the bidding of their masters, the Unbound decay rapidly and crumple into bubbling piles of Creation leftovers on the floor. Valeta takes the opportunity to take this small reward for her bother from the chamber off the arena. ![]() This is normally my favorite armor to equip, but Valeta isn't nearly strong enough to heft it. This is the sacrifice she makes for being so magically purist. She'll have to make do with her Shaper Trueweave, as it's the best body armor she's going to be able to equip in this game. For good measure, Val also pilfers the golden goblet some Drakon carelessly left behind in the viewing seats. Valeta may have been inducted into fulfilling the wishes of the Drakons in Northforge, but she is still on her own mission. By successfully completing the Unbound testing, she is given access to the Northforge Warrens nearby. Karikiss informs Val that there has been some kind of disturbance back in the Warrens, and he wants her to find out what it is—and take care of it, if possible. Happily enough, Val's wishes coincide with those of cranky ol' Karikiss. It's off to the Warrens out the west doors of the Citadel. All these dangerous pylons have been thoughtfully turned off for Val's safe passage. ![]() Valeta helps herself to a Strength canister stowed away in a locked building in the Warrens. She has for some time been wishing she had more Strength to give her more options for gear combinations to wear. She could have been using the Quicksilver Chain now possibly, for instance, but she didn't think to check it out after gaining Strength here. So many distractions. While checking out the Warren, Val discovers the source of the disturbance when she happens upon an old acquaintance...Ms. Miranda. Miranda explains how she and Alwan and a small party of Shapers have sneaked into the Warren in preparation for making an attack on Northforge Citadel, but inconveniently got locked into the Warren temporarily. Miranda offers Val the opportunity to come join their party and make the assault on Northforge together. As much as Val performed to help out the Shapers, she is not surprised that Miranda would be expecting her allegiance and her compliance. Here is where Valeta must choose and have the die be cast. Valeta chooses... oppose Miranda and the Shapers. Miranda is not happy to receive this news, as she also receives some Essence Shackles in anticipatory response. Miranda does some nasty damage to Val in return with her Searer, and sensing that she is outmatched, summons a Battle Gamma to assist her. Val doesn't stoop to this tactic, but doesn't hesitate to Charm the big brute and let him do some of her work for her on Miranda. ![]() Which he thoughtfully does—Whump! Thud!—even as Miranda summons more help and tries to run off. Val Charms the War Trall too and douses Miranda liberally with Ice Spray, instructing her to cool it. ![]() Unfortunately, these tactics are too effective, and the Battle Gamma gets the finishing blow on Miranda, robbing Valeta of her victory—and the much coveted Xperience Points. That is simply not acceptable. So, Val has a second go of it. Again she challenges Miranda, slows her, weakens her, and Charms her summoned Battle Gamma. ![]() In your face! ![]() By the time the War Trall is Charmed and joining Val's side of the fray, Valeta is able to deliver a fatal blow of ice. The cocky, irritating Miranda is no more. ![]() Val resumes her exploration of the Warrens with wry satisfaction. The look on Miranda's face when she realized she had miscalculated...priceless. NEXT: 0ut of Stench, Sweetness -S- [ Tuesday, April 03, 2007 18:31: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Tuesday, April 3 2007 19:12
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Six: There's Something Rotten in This Den, Mark Valeta, still exultant over her thorough trouncing of Miranda, is startled by an unearthly presence emerging from the shadows ahead. Ever since her creepy encounter in the Wrecked Lab, the appearance of a rotghroth is enough to send a chill down her spine...briefly. Then she gets down to the business of sending this decaying corpse back to its grave. ![]() But as it turns out, this rotten one was not alone. Quite the opposite. Valeta stumbles upon a virtual infestation of Rogue Rotghroths in this dark, forsaken corner of the cave. Even more frightfully, one of them glows a sinister green in their midst. It is a Rogue Rotdhizon, clearly the menacing leader of the lot. ![]() Val wastes no time casting Mass Madness, hoping that her potent Mental Magic will find its way into some functional cranny of the rotting brains before her. She does indeed have some success. She manages to Charm one Rotghroth and the Rotdhizon itself! Two rotted minions attack the Rotdhizon, to Valeta's delight. Two more gang up on the other Charmed rot. Only one rot escapes the distractions sufficiently to attack Valeta. ![]() As the rots continue to whittle each other down, Valeta dispatches the one before her and then makes quick work of three more ailing rots. ![]() One more turn, and it's down to the Rotdhizon leader only. He whittles down as readily as any other rot. ![]() He also dies as readily as the rest. ![]() Now Val helps herself to what has been secretly beckoning her to this dark corner of the world...a canister...and not just any canister, but the third Create Drakon canister. She takes a deep breath...and inhales deeply. ![]() The power...THE POWER! It surges like liquid fire through her veins in shimmering, tremulous waves. She dashes out of the Warren like a bowshot. She must return with the utmost of haste to Derenton Freehold where she has left her Shaping gear. It is finally time for what she has been long preparing. NEXT: I Get By With a Little Help From My Friends -S- [ Tuesday, April 03, 2007 19:52: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Saturday, April 7 2007 18:28
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Seven: The Bleeding Pits Valeta dons all her Shaping gear on the green lawn outside Derenton Freehold. Her Fire Shaping is at +7 now, though she never trained in any at all. She focuses her energies upon her newly refined knowledge and it feels like a crack opens in her mind. The landscape goes a wavy green before her eyes as she exerts her concentration. And, as her mind drifts back to the daylit world, a mighty Ur-Drakon stands before her, blinking in the bright sunlight, ready to do her bidding. Val takes pleasure in finally being in the company of a Drakon who for once is not driving her to contempt. She rather feels an affection for this stately beast. She explains to her new friend about dark places they will soon venture together. The Drakon is not one to shrink back from the prospect of battle. Val takes the time to boost her Healing Craft by +1 up to Level 7 without using the Samaritan Sandals. Strength and Endurance have been a problem here in Chapter 5, but this will soon be ameliorated somewhat, and not only by her new devastating ally. It's an unusual and sobering sight, catching a glimpse of an Infiltrator with one great Drakon slipping shadowlike through the eastern lands, through Frostwood, into Northforge Warren, and finally down into the dark mouth of the Breeding Pits. The scent and sounds of malignancy issue forth to greet sensitive nostrils and ears. The prospect of unknown treasures draws Val forward into the inky darkness. Together hasted, Val and her pet make quick work of the many Reaper Spinecores which have infested the largest chamber to the east. Barely pausing to catch breath, they scramble south to contain and dispatch a stream of Hivetender Vlish and Stinging Clawbugs. It is important to take out those Vlish immediately when spotted—they're nasty. But this duo are potent and competent in unison, and soon the chamber is empty and still again. New dark pools of slowly spreading creation blood gleam black in the twilit gloom. They happen upon a laboratory, and a prickling sense of imminent threat alerts Valeta before she even stumbles upon the tall glowing shadow looming to the north. It is a Corrupted Unbound, and it is the reason this entire facility has been lost to control and ownership. Val habitually, almost as if from afar, launches an attack, sending her pet to keep the Unbound preoccupied at close range while she inflicts her devasting blows of Kill from a safe distance. ![]() The Corrupted Unbound is furious and ferocious, but it dies like any other Creation that gets in Valeta's way or arouses her ire. Meanwhile, her Drakon cohort seems to take silent satisfaction in his part in the duel and licks his lips. ![]() There is loot to be had from this laboratory, now that it can be scavenged at leisure. These Lodestone Gauntlets are highly tempting for a magical warrior like Val, and she tries them out for fun a bit. The +4 boost to Spellcraft really doesn't quite justify the losses to Strength and Dexterity though. ![]() The Essence Charm she finds, however, is even more valuable for her purposes now. This stays with her in her ever-growing collection of beneficent trinkets. ![]() Val and her big brute find some respectable opponents in the form of Spawners, Tralls, Rots, and Wingbolts in the western chambers, but methodically put them out of commission by taking on one batch at a time as she pushes through the chamber. Finally, Val finds something truly precious, a Pure Crystal Shard. There's nothing left to do here. She hurries excitedly back to the Valleja anvil and forges the Cloak of the Shadows! ![]() But something is off. Valeta is not thinking as clearly as she used to. Her mind drifts out of conscious fixation of the moment and into canister-laden visions emerging through the shining haze in her head. She remembers making this most precious artifact, yet somehow winds up leaving it with her cache at Derenton Freehold. She continues to use her Agent Cloak, and at times forgetfully leaves her Infiltrator Cloak on going into battle. Val doesn't even realize how the many canisters are incrementally taking their toll upon her psyche. She is no longer herself. Yet she remains an ever-increasingly volatile force to be reckoned with. NEXT: Reckless Reckoning -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Thursday, April 12 2007 06:44
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Eight: A Khyryk in Time Valeta has a moment to contemplate unfinished tasks in her mind, though it churns with agitated thoughts and visions in an alarming manner. It is hard to concentrate, or to relax. She has a thought. She and her lumbering pet steal back into Frostwood. She has been summoned to again cross paths with Khyryk, the Trakovite Shaper. She finds him in his cave, past numerous static creations. ![]() They engage in dialog. Valeta sympathizes with Khyryk's anti-Shaper/anti-Rebel sentiments. Hers have for a long time been parallel with this kind of thinking. She gets distracted when Khyryk mentions the blocked door to the south with odd scratching noises audible beyond. Valeta must see what is behind that door. Khyryk is an idiot. He is unable to find his way in, yet there is a lever to open the door right in front of his eyes next to the pillar. Valeta begins to doubt his grip on reality. But that can wait. With a skillful and vigorous upstroke, Val breaks the lever loose from its lock and the door to the south rolls open with a dull rumble and moan. A rank, musty odor issues forth. All is dark within. Valeta and her fearless Drakon step inside to investigate. Aha, a crypt. There should be something to loot in here: it looks like it hasn't been penetrated since it was sealed in some forgotten ancient past. Val is not alone in here. She spots the inhuman shadow in the back of the crypt. She doesn't hesitate for dialog. This will not be a friendly encounter. ![]() The Crypt Spirit gives her little trouble, and there are indeed some worthy pickings to sift through. Too bad there is nothing left to spend her hard-earned cash upon. Val is still in a battle fever when she emerges from the crypt. She dialogs with Khyryk further, but as it becomes apparent that he has no solid advice or plan, she becomes increasingly disgusted. He seemed a lot more impressive back in Monarch's tunnels. Now he just seems pathetic. In fact, the longer he talks, the more he seems like a dangerous fool. Valeta snaps. This useless cretin must perish! She summons her Drakon and lunges forth with a sudden attack at the unsuspecting Khyryk. He is not idle in response however. He summons help. ![]() With the help of her faithful Ur-Drakon, is not too hard to keep his Shock Trall at bay and whittle at Khyryk in the meantime. It gets dicier when the inert guardians from the corridor beyond begin to pour into the room. Val charms a Rotghroth to keep the War Tralls busy. Khyryk, caught in the corner, meanwhile summons another Shock Trall. ![]() Wingbolts may be nasty on the attack, but they are highly vulnerable to Ur-Drakon breath. Khyryk tries to flee from his corner, but he doesn't get far. Val continues to afflict him sorely. ![]() The last of the intruding creations falls immediately after Khyryk, and a sullen hush settles on the room. ![]() For a brief moment, Val has a vague sense that something has gone wrong, that somehow this wasn't quite her intention, but then she feels the heat from the lingering embers of her anger, and the thought vaporizes. This man was a dangerous fool, anyway. He didn't even have any useful magic to teach Val. Perhaps that was his greatest offense of all. NEXT: The Bigger They Are The Harder They Fall -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Thursday, April 12 2007 13:47
Is anyone still reading this? I realize that due to being picture-intensive, people on dial-up are probably foregoing the pleasure. I can write the quick and dirty end to this story, or continue with more elaboration as in recent posts, if a few people are digging it. You decide. How's that for democracy? -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6600
written Thursday, April 12 2007 13:56
I'm still reading it. Dikiyoba can do without the pictures, though, so long as the level of detail and humor is maintained. Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 4574
written Thursday, April 12 2007 13:58
I'd say as is, elabouration and all. Now, why does this post feel like spam? [ Thursday, April 12, 2007 13:58: Message edited by: Dollarking ] -------------------- Pass the sauerkraut and chips please. Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Thursday, April 12 2007 14:02
It is a good chance for a +1 to your post count, for a limited time only. At least a couple more replies here, and I'll continue as before. -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 247
written Thursday, April 12 2007 15:04
This is one of the few threads I do read. Continue as you have with all the pretty pictures. -------------------- The Knight Between Posts. Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00 |
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
written Thursday, April 12 2007 17:09
Stopping now would only make for an angry Vlish. And nobody wants that!!! :mad: -------------------- If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish. Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish. Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00 |
Member # 6292
written Thursday, April 12 2007 17:15
Eh, good enough for me...more story's waitin'. VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Nine: Fire And Ice Valeta notes—and promptly dismisses—the nagging awareness of unfulfilled duties. Karikiss at Northforge wants her reconnaissance report on the Northforge Warrens. Yeah, yeah, when she's good and ready to go back to that dingy, Drakon-infested hovel. She's got other fish to fry just now. She returns to Khima-Uss, remembering her disgust at the abomination hidden in the illicit lab here. Somebody needs to be accountable for this, and now is the time for it to happen. She approaches Drosstro, an infuriatingly smug Drakon who appears to have this enclave cowering in her choke-hold. Drosstro pours forth her smiling derision with every politely feigned word offered in return to Valeta's inquiries. Through great effort of will, she keeps the white hot flash of fury at bay—only through conscious fixation upon her promise to herself to unleash it very, very shortly. She holds her tongue now, for she knows it will push her over the brink to engage this beast in one moment more of his patronizing prattle. She spends the Living Tools to open the door to the lab behind Drosstro's chambers. Out of sight in the laboratory hallway and trembling with anticipation, she casts a long litany of spells upon herself and her pet...and takes one last deep breath. She casts open the door, and with an eerily stony visage, lets fly a savage first strike upon Drosstro, who in her infinite wisdom does not see her imminent demise coming. This act will bafflingly incite the entire town against Valeta as reward for freeing them from tyranny, but it will be worth the satisfaction of seeing the corpse of this unbearable beast crumple to the floor. ![]() Angry Cryodrayks flood in from all directions, but Valeta is anticipating their arrival. She was, in fact, counting on it. She casts Mass Madness and watches with supreme satisfaction, as one and all fall prey to her charms. They have become her allies for the rest of their rapidly concluding lives. Only Drosstro resists. She summons a Kyshakk. It does not last long under the fiery, withering breath of Valeta's towering wingman, who thrills at the opportunity and issues forth a lusty bellow again and again. ![]() Drosstro does not last long after this. She flees to the wall, where she perishes with scarcely a sorry whimper. Valeta is sure to deliver the fatal blow, while her obliging Drakon friend continues mopping up straggling Cryodrayks. ![]() There is a brief moment where it appears that a final inrush of Cryodrayks will overwhelm her with their twin icy blasts, but she manages to hang on long enough to unleash a final burst of unquenchable lethality upon all in her vicinity who yet dare to oppose. ![]() She scours the town and sends every last living occupant spiralling into the void. For a brief moment, a distant part of her feels a pang of remorse for the innocents—and then the sensation is swallowed up again into the blinding white maelstrom. The outrage at how the cowardly inhabitants of this township permitted themselves to be subjected and humiliated by the vile Drakon! No, they deserved it, every last one, she thinks reassuringly to herself, as she returns to the twitching corpse of the formerly mighty Drosstro. What's...this? Valeta pulls a barely-noticeable ring from the listless, clawed finger of the beast...and slips it onto her own. Her eyes ignite with delight at her discovery. This will never leave her finger again. ![]() NEXT: Habits Are Hard To Break EDIT: Made Drosstro female. Hey, with a voice like hers, you'd have thought she was male too! -S- [ Sunday, April 22, 2007 23:17: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 869
written Thursday, April 12 2007 17:15
I know my opinion doesn't matter to you, but I'm still readin'. Also, Drosstro is a lady. [ Thursday, April 12, 2007 17:19: Message edited by: Thuryl ] -------------------- The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Member # 8175
written Thursday, April 12 2007 17:18
Im reading this too its good. Posts: 43 | Registered: Saturday, February 24 2007 08:00 |
Member # 6292
written Thursday, April 12 2007 17:53
Aw, Thurly, it just ain't so. I decided you were all right after all some time back. Shrug. Let's just fuhgeddabowdit. -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 5360
written Thursday, April 12 2007 17:56
Yes, Synergy, do continue, graphics and all. It's actually quite interesting to see other playing styles. -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
written Thursday, April 12 2007 19:38
I'm still reading, although I usually skip the graphics the first time through and wait until the whole page is done. I've been saving the pages for comparison to my infiltrator whenever I get back to GF4. Keep up the good work since it's really helpful as a guide to the game. Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00 |
Member # 6292
written Thursday, April 12 2007 20:15
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Ten: Putting the Ghost Back in Grayghost Valeta is still agitated when she arrives at Gesselin Freehold, not even quite sure why she has wandered here. Head Cryodrayk Ssaroyen wants Val to brave a meeting with an envoy coming from Khima-Uss to make demands or offers or something or other. Sure thing—Val will not hesitate to pounce on the opportunity to trounce another Drakon, if necessary. She smirks once again at the cowardly Gesselin Cryodrayks who aren't gutsy enough to face the party themselves. Drakon emissary Ghall Khren has some gall indeed. He brought three rotghroths with him for one thing, and Valeta wrinkles her nose in disgust. What amuses Valeta just now is the fact that he seems entirely unaware that she just turned his stronghold into a ghost town. Boy is he in for a surprise. But his real problem at the moment seems to be that he says things that really annoy Valeta. And that is that. Her motions are virtually automatic. ![]() The rots mindlessly occupy themselves with her pet Drakon while they both hammer unrelentingly at Ghall Khren. He never even gets a chance to run away back to the empty shell of his town. Valeta notes, with displeasure, that none of the many Cryodrayks in the Freehold bothered to come out and make sure she survived her encounter with the impudent Drakon. She collects reward from Ssaroyen, and thinks about the mercenary prices he extorted upon her last time she was here. She decides to let it go. Problem is, one of the guard Drayks on her way out the gate comments less than favorably upon the slight green glow she now permanently exhibits. And off she goes again. Her Drakon seems delighted to be getting so much sport out of his association with his new master. Val views herself, as if from afar, Searing the offending Cryodrayk, then Charming another to keep some of the new arrivals distracted. ![]() Further Mass Confusing and whittling away in tandem settles the hash of the cluster of Cryodrayks who rush the gates, including Ssaroyen himself. Val meanders up to the former offices of Ssaroyen to scavenge and begins the thankless task of permanently removing the remaining guards there. ![]() She feels a burning on the back of her neck and simultaneously, through the haze, seems to see beyond her shoulder a halo of fire about the head of her Drakon. It doesn't quite register. It doesn't quite make sense. Even these Cryodrayk Shaman aren't skilled enough to cast Aura of Flames. She continues the assault. What the—? There it goes again! Undeniable this time. She diverts her attention and now spots the intruding Eyebeast who has slipped up silently behind her, having traveled all the way up from the southern part of the Freehold just to cause her some unexpected grief. This will not stand. ![]() Valeta heals up her wounds, Dazes the remaining guard, and turns her attention to the overly-ambitious and sadly naive Eyebeast. ![]() Fire and Ice seal the fate of Eye Trr Hla Prev. ![]() The final guard at the southern bridge falls before the mighty Valeta and her somewhat less mighty, but thoroughly respectable Drakon. ![]() The warming fires will not burn here any longer. Valeta will not linger here now. She turns around and heads for warmer climes. Her cold-blooded Drakon shudders in gratitude. NEXT: Things Are Shaping Up -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 8014
written Friday, April 13 2007 10:59
Yes, keep it up. I have been reading this, and I might even abandon my whole "always go with a guardian/warrior" sort. -------------------- I can transform into almost anything, though not sanity. My brother tried to type something here. I just erased it. Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00 |
Member # 6292
written Tuesday, April 17 2007 00:59
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Eleven: Shipping Out Some Shapers Valeta's mind contracts to a singularity point. She's on a mission from which nothing can conceivably divert her. It is all so clear now...what must be done. She is scarcely aware of her surroundings any longer. As she swiftly descends into the verdant lowlands, she indulges a recurring fantasy in her mind's eye. Yes, this would be most gratifying indeed. Fire from on high for one and all. ![]() But when she gets to the Poryphra Ruins, she instead acts with a cold and prudent precision. These wicked, conceited Shapers must all now perish, but no need to bite off more than she can chew at once. The complacent, outlying Shapers are first to meet a swift demise. ![]() Shaper Grim is foolish enough to next venture forth to Val and her Drakon. When he realizes his mistake and turns to flee, he does not get far. Val finds this moment particularly satisfactory. Grim was all too aptly named with conceit to match. ![]() Now Guardian Koerner and the rest of the Shapers can be engaged with full attention. Incoming Tralls are Charmed or Dazed. ![]() Val enjoys the sport of cleaning every last creation out of the ruins in various amusing ways. She breaks out her wholly neglected Reaper Baton and uses a hapless War Trall to gauge its effectiveness. Pretty colors, kind of fun, but she gets bored soon enough. Her own magic packs more punch. ![]() She staggers out of the Ruins, leaving them deathly quiet and heaped with corpses. She feels an unrelenting pull toward her next location, as her mind again occupies a solitary fixation. There is no question, not even reason. She doesn't remember traveling south. There is missing time. Was it hours? Days? All she knows is that her feet have taken her with their own mind to offer retribution to old friends at the Turabi Gate far south in Ilya Province. She remembers her vow to herself a long time back, to return to this place when she was stronger. Though she is adept at stealth, now all she craves is direct confrontation and testing of respective strength. She assumes hers is ever to be found the superior now, whever she ventures. As the figures in front of her materialize into focus, she realizes she is perhaps being a bit too careless, whilst lost in her smug fantasies. ![]() She hurries off for a more measured approach this time. ![]() Agent Hesione falls, soon followed by Shaper Tungsten. ![]() In another life, she'd storm the very gates to the Shaper lands to the west, but she has another fate to fulfill for this one. She turns heel and continues elsewhere, an unleashed juggernaut before which nothing will stand. There is still so much to do. NEXT: Many Unhappy Returns -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Sunday, April 22 2007 23:12
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Twelve: Solving The Population Problem Valeta notices her heart rarely stops beating at a strangely accelerated rate any more. This only passingly concerns her, as fresh blood floods into her racing mind. She is drawn back to her next steely thought, and she cannot resist acting upon it. No, she cannot pass up the opportunity to revisit the Shaper Camp near Northforge while she is in the warm southlands. Once terrifying Rotdhizons now fall like flypaper in a hurricane before devastating blasts of magic and paralyzing Drakon breath. ![]() Val and her pet Drakon delight in making quick work of the camp's scrambling, panic-stricken denizens and their summons in several rounds of attacks upon the camp. ![]() When she's mopped up everything that moves (and offers her any Experience Points), Val gets bored and leaves. There really was nothing too exciting here overall. The victory feels hollow, yet compellingly necessary at the same time. The Shapers must be purged from the land. Dillame is next to feel her scouring wrath. The Mayor who once gave Val a boon of Luck for flattering him shamelessly now finds himself bereft of luck entirely when he most needs it. Val vacantly yet thoughtfully relieves him of the duty of running the ghost town she has just created for him. ![]() Inside Rivergate Keep, Mouawad's smug confidence fails to fend off the lethal assaults of the unexpected intruders. ![]() And Duncan dutifully dies the death with the rest of them. ![]() Valeta's toes have warmed up again, so she heads back north to Aziraph Shaper Camp Gamma. Danell does not see her fate coming and pays the ultimate price. No one can withstand the wrath of the Insidious Infiltrator. And no one will survive to report the perceived treachery. ![]() But let it not be said that Valeta is not an equal-opportunity offender. Rebel Camp Aziraph really wasted her time with that annoying Shaper Monarch problem they were too lazy to resolve. Val resents feeling used by the over-zealous and haphazard rebels, who seem all too willing to lay her life down for the team. Now it's their turn to take one for the team. They are a threat to the future of this continent. Yes, they too must go, Val decides. She feels nothing inside, as old familiar faces crumple to the earth before her advance. Where has she gone? Where has her soul retreated? Someone else now resides within her familiar, flickering form. ![]() This pathetic hovel needed to be put out of its misery anyway, she thinks numbly to herself, as she strides out the north gates. ![]() NEXT: Deeper and Darker Places -S- [ Sunday, April 22, 2007 23:24: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Sunday, April 22 2007 23:50
VALETA III Chapter Five—Part Twelve (B): A Small Interlude Before Deeper and Darker Places There is another lingering infestation not far away, the very thought of which now afflicts Valeta's brain like a swarm of beetles crawling inside her skull. There is one more thing she must do before shifting gears. She pulls her cloak tightly about her and hurries back up into the snowy mountains until she arrives once more at the Grayghost Gates. She wrinkles her nose. Drakons. She despises them all. With a passion. Except her loyal pet. The rest must die if at all possible. Here it is possible. Valeta recites the familiar preparatory spells upon herself and her lizardly sidekick. She assures him that these Drakons are all very wicked and must perish. She opens the door and lets fly her antipathy in no uncertain terms. Chorss is the unlucky outlying guard to receive it. He cries out for backup before toppling to the stony floor. ![]() From this position, Valeta is able to manage the cluster of Drakons which arrive to defend their gates and attempt to avenge the outrageous insult upon the gatesman. This only serves to insure a common fate for them all, as they perish in rapid succession. The gates to Grayghost are heaped with the dripping corpses of rapidly stiffening, glassy-eyed reptiles. After the guards are wholly spent, Valeta saunters into the compound to take out the lingering few remaining. This Drakon may be irritated, but Valeta is downright ecstatic to be removing the source of her irritation. ![]() Sleeping on the job can be lethal. ![]() Valeta smirks with satisfaction upon heading back south toward the fens. The Black Key stolen from Northforge is burning a hole in her pocket. It is time to mate it back to its lock and see what good or evil comes of it. NEXT: The Deep Dark Door -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 2245
written Monday, April 23 2007 03:25
I love this thread. But... BOO HISS. The only thing worse than a Shaper Loyalist is a rebel traitor who plays both sides. At least rebels who turn to the Shapers are loyal to a cause. -------------------- VIVE LA TAKERS! VIVE LA REBELLION! VIVE LA GHALDRING! Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00 |