The Vale RP

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AuthorTopic: The Vale RP
Member # 5360
Profile #150
From the shadows behind them, Munigant watched the main group enter the chamber of the Onion. Ironically, it was the chamber originally intended for its safekeeping, but the unexpected appearance of this mutated beast prevented them from protecting it. Grinning, he waved his hand over the only entrance. A seamless black wall of screaming, wailing souls flowed into view from the walls of the tunnel. Anything that passed through would release well over a score of death shades, bound to destroy life. Either the beast, or more likely the adventurers, would be destroyed, and the winner would have to contend with the barrier. He released an obsidian orb and turned his mind to it. He intended to have a say in this fight, as well as watch it.

Fear us, mortals, but never envy, for though we burn with power, our fuel is our sorrows.
Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 7420
Profile Homepage #151
Belinda glared across the room at the sword wielding Ivanhoe. “Vlad, you idiot! All those other adventurers at your command, and you still manage to get us here just in time to be beaten to the Onion by someone else!”

“One more word woman, and I swear!” Vlad raised his hand at Belinda.

Ivanhoe struck a dashing pose, pointing his sword at the Vlad, “Strike not the woman, oh, High Priest. If you wish to help the Anama to destroy the Vale, then it is I who am your enemy.”

The huge armored warrior and the archer women with Vlad, as well as Trinculo, looked to their leader with suspicion. “Don’t listen to him, you tickle-brained **** scuts. You know very well we were the only group commissioned by the Triad to fix the Vale! He was not part of our company! He is a liar! You, archer woman, destroy this wart ****ing, sword wielding, **** ****ing jolt-head!”

Though she was no great warrior, the archer cocked an arrow and moved towards Ivanhoe, counting on her ability to take him out at a distance. She drew nearer and nearer to the Glass Onion in the middle of the chamber, while Ivanhoe stayed in place, ready to deflect her arrows with his significant sword skills. Jeran waited in the shadows for the perfect moment to strike.

Meanwhile, the quiet clicking sound in the room grew louder, and the archer woman made it about half way to the shining beacon in the middle of the chamber when the thing appeared. A horrible creature barely visible in the darkness came from out of the black, with so many limbs curved in horrible directions, all falling upon the helpless adventurer. She screamed in pain as she was ripped apart.

Belinda and Trinculo looked away. The huge man in armor looked on in silence, drawing his own weapon, the huge halberd. Vlad seemed highly amused, “Oh! Sick! Who knew someone could be separated from so many different body parts and still be alive?” Indeed, in seconds, there was little left of the adventurer, yet her muffled gurgles could still be heard. Eventually, her various parts were pulled into the darkness. The clicking sound grew quieter once again. “You know, you’d think people would think twice before rushing into a room with a big ****ing pile of bones in the middle of it, but some never learn, eh?”

With a horrible chirping gurgle, the creature spat the bones of the unfortunate adventurer from the darkness onto the pile with the others. Belinda couldn’t hold it in anymore, she vomited off to the side. Vlad patted the huge armored warrior on the back, “Well, I vote you go next, big guy.”

“Don’t touch me, peasant! I need not your permission! Behold my might and skill!” The warrior rushed into the darkness. The clicking returned as the thing emerged once again, and howled at the armored man.

Vlad shook his head at the stupidity, then looked to the stunned Ivanhoe. “Hey, swordboy, can you use that thing or is it just there to compensate for your shortcomings?”

Ivanhoe was sick of this man’s insults, and, in an uncharacteristic burst of pride, he rushed the horrible beast alongside the armored warrior. The thing clutched the warrior with all manner of twisted limbs, but they were unable to penetrate his armor. Before it could spit acid, Ivanhoe swung Excalibur with efficiency, severing several of the alien claws. The creature cried in agony and dropped the beefy fighter. Soon enough, however, the wounds healed, and the limbs grew back.

Vlad and Belinda turned to face the Prophet, Munigant, whom they finally realized was there. Vlad was greatly angered by the stupid soul wall thing now blocking access to the Glass Onion. “Why did you have to go and pull a stunt like that, you rotting **** dank flax-wench?”

“The disappointment you feel now is but a taste of the agony and sorrow you will experience should you steal the Onion.”

Vlad sniffed, noting there was indeed a rotting smell that wasn’t the bones in the center of the room. “You fool, you forget I am, in fact, a priest. Repel spirit!” Vlad and Belinda both assaulted the lich with all the holy powers they could muster. Munigant was prepared for this attack, however, and he drew power from the nearby shadows to bolster his defenses.

While fighting Minigant, Vlad still managed to taunt Ivanhoe as he battled the mutant beast, “No mere warrior will defeat that thing! It regenerates too fast, you **** lily-livered clotpole!”

Misinterpreting Vlad’s taunts as being directed at him, the armored warrior spoke from behind his plated helmet, “I am no mere warrior! I am a smashcaster! Skilled in both melee and the arcane!” The Excalibur moved in a blur severing more and more limbs. Once they were separated from the body, the armored figure shot a stream of flame, cauterizing the wounds before new limbs could grow. Once the creature was missing most of it’s limbs, it retreated into the darkness, “Too easy.” The beast defeated, the smashcaster and Ivanhoe turned to battle each other.

As the two priests continued their offensive holy attacks on the Prophet, he began to falter, still weak from the recovery from his earlier wounds. He was forced to draw power from the soul wall, causing it to dissipate. Finally seeing the perfect opportunity, Jeran snuck to the center of the room and reached out for the Glass Onion, “I don’t suppose anyone will mind if I just…” As he reached towards the Onion, angels sang out. He was so close to the goal, only to be interrupted by a smite spell cast by Belinda, who turned her attention from Munigant to Jeran. He shrugged off the weak smite spell, however and drew his weapon. Jeran figured he would just charge her, he could take on a single priestess no problem, surely.

Meanwhile, the mighty Excalibur sliced through the armored warriors halberd, and the two pieces fell from his hands as he stepped back, stunned. He regained composure quick enough to blast the sword from Ivanhoe’s hands with a powerful arcane blast. Ivanhoe didn’t understand how one warrior could be so powerful. Who was this ‘smashcaster’? His question would remain unanswered for now as a mighty backhand knocked him off his feet, sending him head over heels. With Ivanhoe incapacitated, the warrior moved towards the Glass Onion.

Vlad’s offensive powers proved too great for Munigant. If only he had been at full strength, he would surely have bested the X-High Priest. He decided to cut his losses and shielded himself in an impenetrable wall of shadows. Anything Vlad shot at the wall was absorbed. When Vlad noticed Munigant was unable to attack from behind the shield, gave up his assault.

Meanwhile, Jeran had dealt Belinda a serious wound, managing to stick her right in the side with his sword. Seeing her fall, Vlad was enraged, and unleashed the rest of his powers he had been saving up on Jeran. Jeran used what little power he had left to shield himself, but it proved to only be enough to save his life. He flew across the room and hit the wall with a great deal of force. Vlad drew a metal spike and prepared to finish him off, but was stopped by the armored warrior.

“Hold, old man. Leave him alive.”

“Why in the name of Drakefyre’s ass would I do a thing like that?”

The clicking sound returned to the chamber. “Hear that? The beast still lives. Let it deal with these weaklings. The prize is already ours.” The mysterious warrior reached for the Glass Onion. Angels sang out once again, and the room grew even darker when he finally placed it in his pack.

Trinculo helped the wounded Belinda to her feet, “Should we perhaps be going, master?”

“One second.” Vlad quickly approached the pile of bones, reached into his pack, and pulled out the now stale half-eaten loaf of bread he had been saving. He placed it on the bone pile where the Glass Onion once rested. Trinculo shook his head, it was so like his master to add insult to injury like that. He took one last look at Ivanhoe and Jeran, who were both already beginning to stir, and he also noted the shadow shield was beginning to dissipate as well. “Right, let’s get the **** out of here.” In seconds, they were gone, back down the twisting black halls, leaving the other three heroes to their fate.

You lose.
Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #152
Ahonar, having slipped It and some sort of false priest behind in the labyrinth of a catacomb, walked over to the passageway which led to the Onion, with a sense of purpose in his stride. Sighing, he noted the barrier as he walked towards the chamber. With a flick of his wrist, he dispelled the barrier and walked through, leaving the way open for anyone who might wish to enter.

Then, finding the chamber terribly dark, he said in a godly voice: "And the God Ahonar said: 'There shall be light!' and with that there was light in the Chamber of the Onion." He was, of course, narrating himself, but it was true, there was light instantaneously and inexplicably. Ahonar looked slightly surprised at the fact there were others in the chamber, but relaxed as he saw who they were.

"Give me the Onion, Vlad, and I will restore you to your former glory and then some. You will have gold enough to fill all of these catacombs, and the women will be ready and willing. If only you just give me the Onion!" Inside his head meanwhile, Ahonar mentally chuckled at the thought of golden golems, of Goldenking's design, filling the catacombs, along with women ready and willing to kill the adventurers.

"I'm happy I'm the mentally disturbed person I am." -Nioca
"Yes, Iffy is a demon." -Iffy
The Two Universal Truthes:
"All I know is that I know nothing" -Socrates
"I think, therefore I am." -René Descartes
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 5360
Profile #153
Hidden beneath his shadow-wall, Munigant heard the boom of Ahonar's voice as his protection was shredded into nothingness by the light generated. He drew his knife and slowly cut a long slash across his chest. Slightly energized, he sent small little tendrils of smoke from his "robe" snaking along the chamber of the Onion. Wrapping themselves unnoticeably around the unconscious body of Jeran and began to drag it out of the chamber. Several also gripped the ankles and shins of the armored warrior, dragging him to the floor and towards the beast, which instead of regrowing its old arms, had opted for tentacles that split into hundreds of hair-fine strands at the end. Strands that slipped into the warrior's armor and cannibalized his throat while holding his halberd-wielding arm down.

The tendrils began to snake to Vlad, but Munigant wrinkled his nose and drew those away. Too much beer, sex, and filth on that one. Human weaknesses.

Fear us, mortals, but never envy, for though we burn with power, our fuel is our sorrows.
Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #154
Two sleek gray wolves bounded into the Chapel of Fallen Might, smoothly shifting into human form as they stopped. "Finally," panted Taliesin. "It took long enough to catch up with everyone."



Taliesin and Alyssa were almost to Manarina. As they neared the end of the boat journey, the craft sprang a leak, and they had to put to shore immediately. Neil handed Taliesin a map, and wished him luck as Taliesin and Alyssa set off on their own. Since they had to make so much of the journey on foot, they arrived much later than the other adventurers, and had to follow many clues. Eventually, they traced the quest to the Chapel of Fallen Might.



A monk greeted them humbly. "Welcome to the Chapel of Fallen Might. Have you come to make an offering to Nalyd?"

"No," answered Taliesin frankly. The monk nodded.

There was an awkward silence.

Suddenly strange echoes became audible to Taliesin's sharp ears. "What is going on here?"

The monk said he did not know, "but feel free to investigate for yourself." He shuffled away silently.

"Caught your breath yet, Alyssa?" said Taliesin softly.

"Oh, yes, dear. I feel fine now."

"I believe we are near the end of our quest. Although we have not done much, we may make a difference yet."

They kissed once, then both transformed to wolf form and dashed down the corridors.

Soon, they had arrived at the chamber of the Onion. Taliesin froze as he realized who stood just ten feet in front of him - Ahonar himself, trying to coax the Onion from a drunk-looking fat old man. He probably didn't have it, but risks weren't worth taking now. Taliesin quietly shifted into bear form as he drew to full height behind the oblivious Ahonar, who was too outraged at the fat man's obscenities to listen carefully. Concentrating all his strength, Taliesin swung his heavy paw at the back of Ahonar's head.

Ahonar dropped like a stone. What a humiliating experience for a god it must be. All-but-immune to just about anything, and brute force knocks him out cold! But Taliesin knew it would only last a few minutes.

Vlad looked dumbstruck. He stared at the huge bear, and his eyes only got bigger as it changed into a strangely dressed man. Then a young woman stepped out and hugged the man, and Vlad's eyes got even bigger. I love adventures, he thought. You meet so many hot girls out in the middle of nowhere. Too bad this one's taken. Taliesin read Vlad's thoughts in his eyes, and knocked him out too.

"Standing on the rooftops, Everybody scream your heart out."
My poetry
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #155
OOC: The number of times some one has godmodded something about Ahonar is really starting to get to me. I shouldn't do this, but I will anyways.


Ahonar stepped out from Ahonar and looked at Ahonar's unconcious form dubiously. To think he could harm a God was laughable. Going back into Ahonar, Ahonar rose silently and like a phantom. The... things that had attacked him were distracted, and with a flick of his godly hand, Ahonar sent a spear of magic that would surely kill the woman as it flew speedily towards her back, where her heart was. Then, with a blow of energy, he sent the man face forward into the wall, into what appeared to be unconsciousness, most likely breaking a few bones as well. Then, he revived Vlad and implored him to give him the Onion.

"I'm happy I'm the mentally disturbed person I am." -Nioca
"Yes, Iffy is a demon." -Iffy
The Two Universal Truthes:
"All I know is that I know nothing" -Socrates
"I think, therefore I am." -René Descartes
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 10578
Profile Homepage #156
Before he fell unconscious, Taliesin threw all his remaining strength into a shielding charm. A wall of magic seared forth, clashing with Ahonar's brutal bolt. Alyssa fell to the ground, unhurt but very shaken. One glance at Taliesin told her that they were facing a power no man could fight, so she made her choice.

Alyssa crawled to where Taliesin lay. Ahonar saw, but did not care. He only cared about the Glass Onion. She spoke a few words, and both druids vanished.

As she healed Taliesin's wounds in the forest, she wondered why they had ever been summoned at all. They had made no difference. How could they? What the gods said, was. No mortal can defy them and live.

When Taliesin woke, he agreed. "It is time to go home, love," he whispered. And so they did.

"Standing on the rooftops, Everybody scream your heart out."
My poetry
Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Member # 7252
Profile #157
OoC: Mind fixing your post Taliesin? Face it..the guy who started the RP killed your wife..@_@

"Is that the lot of you?" Dazzle said, addressing the group in front of him.

Silence answered him.

"Oh, being dumbfounded does have its downsides. Maybe a forcecage will do." Dazzle waved his hand, dispelling the dumbfound curse, replacing it with forcecage. A cacophony of greeting aroused. Some of the group was groggy, while some was clearly excited and anxious.

"What the **** is ******** *****! This is that damn ****** of a priest's fault!" said one of the one man in the group.

"Now everyone. I am sure that you are the adventurers that were sent to fix the Vale." addressed Dazzle again.

Everyone looked at where the voice came from.

"Lich!" the group suddenly shouted. Clearly all of them are uncomfortable. Who will? A damned creature, loss of soul, holds them against their will.

"This is getting nowhere." Dazzle thought. "I'll just keep them like this with a dumbfound spell, to decrease a possible riot." With that, Dazzle waved his hand restoring the past curse.

"The other adventurers on hold. Force barriers in place so nothing goes in or out, at least not easily, it took some time to make them." Dazzle wheezed a sigh. "Enough of this dawdling. I must go quick. I sense something not mortal." Dazzle said while slowly fading away. "Ahonar." He hissed before finally disappearing.

OoC: I'm wanting to duel Ahonar in terms of magic but..

[ Friday, January 04, 2008 19:28: Message edited by: Azuma ]

Humans fight to enter insanity.
You ain't evil until you hear this!
Looking for group to slaughter the world..
Posts: 732 | Registered: Saturday, June 24 2006 07:00
Member # 8030
Profile Homepage #158
Chapter 10
Ivanhoe groaned. Numerous thoughts raced through his head, most of them involving his misjudgment. Worst of all, he failed to realize Vlad was among the number he charged at.

Ivanhoe rapidly moved his hand towards his scabbard. He sighed with relief, the Excalibur was still in place. However, Jeran was nowhere in sight.

Ivanhoe hadn't slept since he left Bustoke. He tried to stand up, only to stumble like a drunkard. His body defeated his willpower, and he collapsed to the floor. Sleep came to him instantly.


Caledfwlch hacked haphazardly at the door. The thick oaken barrier crumbled with his last axe swing. He kicked down the pathetic remains and stumbled into the dust laden chamber. Inside lay the various implements formerly owned by Ivanhoe.

He removed a wickedly sharp steel halberd from the rack. He swung the blade at several imaginary targets, fatally missing. Unsatisfied by his incompetence, he donned several items of armor. The iron chain mail itched him uncomfortably, the helmet irking his ears, and the greaves pinching his thighs.

He stumbled in the steel-toed boots he was wearing and wandered off to his quarters. The window was wide open, waiting for his exit. Below he had tossed many cushions. Muttering a brief invective at "his" armor, Caledfwlch leaped from the window onto the cushions.

His ankle cracked loudly. Caledfwlch cursed under his breath and limped off into the night. As he left, a vampire fire bolt corrupted the wall to its downfall. The undead were shambling in. All the people he loved were surely gone now, but adrenaline taught him to limp as fast as he could.
Several days later Caledfwlch arrived in Stonewell. His ankle had healed, but not his grief. Events had forced him to leave Bustoke behind.

Caledfwlch approached Stonewell's docks. A rusty old man clambered aimlessly about the docks.

"Give me a ticket to where the Anama are," Caledfwlch said sternly.

The man was clearly drunk, but managed to speak coherently, "Hey man, don't be so foul. The Anama are all over the place."

Caledfwlch tossed his halberd on the ground and seized the man. He shook him violently as he spoke, "Where are are their damn leaders you wanton weasle?"

The man was clearly frightened, he cowered away and tore off a ticket from his belt. Caledfwlch snatched it from his hand, and promptly kicked his shin. Caledfwlch then boarded the boat, attracting quite a sight as he shifted uncomfortably in his armor.

I dub thee...
Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00
Member # 7557
Profile #159
OoC: By ET's last post his party has left the room

Jeran did not appreciate the tendrils snaking around his legs, partly because they were taking him away from the action and mostly because they were dragging him in the opposite direction from his sword. With a mental suggestion he tugged his way free of the creeping tendrils and wriggled on his stomach towards his weapon. Behind him there was a truly horrible sound as the beast, whatever it was stirred and began seeking new targets. In desperation Jeran managed to flop himself forward so his hand was just touching his weapon. One touch was all he needed, the reserve of magic he had stored in it shot through his limbs like an electrical fire. He was no-were near fully regenerated; however he had at least regained full control over his body.

He stood up, eying the mutated thing as it snuffled across the chamber, looking for another meal. Jeran didn’t intend to give it one, swinging the awesome blade he lept from the shadows, the stroke cleaving flesh and horribly twisted bone in one movement, slicing the creature clean in half. For a second he thought he had one, then to his horror the creature’s two half’s stirred, each sprouting new limbs to compensate for the loss of legs and arms. Jeran grinned horribly then went into a frenzy of chopping and slashing, tentacles, arms, legs and even a few extra mouths went flying as Ravvijac divided the creature into ever smaller pieces. Finally the horrible thing lay in slivers of gore, still twitching under their own power. Feeling somehow that this was not the end of it, but powerless to do anything but watch Jeran sprinted from the room, stopping only once to grab his last energy elixir.

"Fear that which mortality has rejected" -Galvin Magnus
Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00
Member # 8030
Profile Homepage #160
Chapter 11

Ivanhoe opened his eyes suddenly. Excalibur's blessing had rejuvenated him, but consumed valuable time. He quickly got up and leaned against the wall while he rubbed his eyes. The wall crumbled away, revealing a small corridor.

Ivanhoe realized the darkness of the hallway, and then withdrew his sword as a light source. He walked in, disappointed by it's sudden end. Inside lay a table and several potions which he sniffed for identification. He pocketed the graymold salve, energy elixir, and heroic brew.

Ivanhoe left the corridor, left the pile of bones, and surfaced upon the point where he battled Vlad.
Several abandoned weapons and shields were scattered on the ground. Ivanhoe hefted a steel large shield, which was forged for a shorter individual.

Ivanhoe paced aimlessly about the hallways in search of Jeran. Instead of Jeran, he walked straight into the chamber housing Ahonar and Vlad's party. The people in the room looked surprised by his presence. However, Ivanhoe paid no heed to their notice. He braced himself for what Ahonar had in store.


Caledfwlch wobbled of the ship. He fell flat on his face when the greaves he was wearing pinched his knee. Vacating sailors snickered by, but Caledfwlch responded with an offensive gesture. He got up and hailed several horsemen passing by.

Caledfwlch withdrew a ruby, "Take me to the Anama's main temple."

The jockey who was currently with passenger wooed his customer away. He accepted Caledfwlch's bribe and the two rode off towards the Vale.


Caledfwlch approached the recruiting section of the temple. A wizened priest greeted him and asked his business there.

Caledfwlch swung his halberd, and miraculously struck the priest square in the nape. The man's head rolled on the floor.

He galloped down the hallway and encountered another priest. Having seen the rage in his eyes, the priest called an alarm. Calefwlch stabbed the priest fatally as a legion of other priests ran down the halls.

Caledfwlch screamed in agony as the priests surrounded him with a cloud of blades, then smothering him with divine fire.

There upon the marble floors, lay the pitiful remains of Ivanhoe's right hand man. His body was consumed by dogs, his soul taken by TM for his demonic uses.

I dub thee...
Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00
Member # 7557
Profile #161
The ‘conversation’ between Ahonar and Vlad was interrupted by the arrival of Ivanhoe, and at that same moment; Jeran. Leaping out from darkness of the walls he charged Ahonar, whose response was in the form of a powerful lightning bolt. Jeran simply allowed the energy to ground on his armour without hurting him. Sizzling with stray sparks he put on a tremendous leap which Ahonar countered with a shield which caused his attack to bounce off. Landing nimbly, Jeran unleashed his own magic, catching Ahonar directly in the face with a fireball, the godling staggered, his mortal form susceptible to the woes of gravity, during this split second Jeran was on him, Ravvijac curving in a terrible sweep that struck his arch-enemy directly in the midriff. The blow once again sent Ahonar reeling but only inflicted a tiny scratch which healed almost instantly. Jeran had lost the advantage, his enemy now out of reach and rapidly recovering, unfortunately Jeran had forgotten about Vlad who had come out of his stunned incredulity to let off a roaring cone of divine fire which lifted Jeran in a hand of heatwaves and hurled him away from Ahonar.

While still reasonably energized, Jeran was now decidedly off-balance, a mistake which would have proved fatal except for the fact that Ivanhoe, having had time to down the heroic brew had now charged Vlad who was unable to counter the blessed and hasted swordsman fast enough. His partially-formed defence saved the high priest from becoming two lesser priests but was unable to take the kinetic shock from the blow, which sent him flying through the air to land with a heavy thud. Ahonar, seeing his prize so near to being lost sent a whirlwind of magic storming between Ivanhoe and the badly stunned Vlad. Trinculo, who had until this point been cowering in a corner with the wounded Belinda made a dash for his master, grabbing the glass onion as it rolled out of Vlad’s pocket.

“No you bloody well don’t!!” Yelled Jeran, who leapt for the servant, only to be sent flying himself as Ahonar sent a shockwave through the room. He landed with a crunch, looking up just in time to see Trinculo running for dear life. Ahonar cast a forcecage on him which distracted him long enough for Ivanhoe to stab him again. Seriously enraged by this turn of events, Ahonar blew most of the chapel’s floor up in Ivanhoe’s face, sending him flying once again. Seeing a trend emerging Jeran struggled to his feet, bringing his sword up just in time to defend himself from Ahonar’s next attack. Knowing he had maybe seconds left before the godling ordered himself enough to blast them out of existence Jeran put all his energy into a magical blow that cut through the Forcecage, snatching the Glass Onion from Trinculo’s frozen hands and rolling himself against the wall.

"Fear that which mortality has rejected" -Galvin Magnus
Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #162
An angry smile twisted on Ahonar's face, and time slowed dramatically. Walking over at a brisk pace that would look like a confusing blur to the others, he unleashed his powers on the Onion. Then, as the arcs of energy inched towards the Onion, he returned to Belinda, shielded her, and set time right. Moments later, the Onion was destroyed.

"I'm happy I'm the mentally disturbed person I am." -Nioca
"Yes, Iffy is a demon." -Iffy
The Two Universal Truthes:
"All I know is that I know nothing" -Socrates
"I think, therefore I am." -René Descartes
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 8030
Profile Homepage #163
Chapter 12

Ivanhoe witnessed the event with rage. Having been angered to such an extent, Ivanhoe hurled his blade with all of his temporary might towards Ahonar.

Since both parties were hasted, the sword appeared to spin slowly in its horizontal path. Ivanhoe lost balance due the force he applied, and as he sat upon the ground he watched hopelessly as his precious blade flew towards Ahonar.

[ Saturday, January 05, 2008 13:48: Message edited by: Excalibur ]

I dub thee...
Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00
Member # 7252
Profile #164
In the catacombs...
Excalibur missed it's target by a hairline. Ivanhoe sat in defeat. Their hope was lost. Their probably last chance against the mad Ahonar was destroyed and soon, they will also be.

Ahonar laughed maniacally. "It is done! Their is no hope for you now foolish mortals!" boomed Ahonar. He floated mid-air, his body was covered with a blueish-white flame. "Prepare to die!"

In one last final retort, Jeran shouted. "You've finally destroyed our only hope and all you can is 'Prepare to die!"?" Ivanhoe chuckled his possibly final.

"The blue guy has a point." said Vlad.

"SILENCE! You will now perish from existence!" With that Ahonar stretched out his hand to them, sending a monster of a fireball. A sudden flash of light, and a figure stood between the men and the raging, flaming, fireball of carnage. The figure dispersed the fireball into nothingness and leaving the room full of smoke.

"Ahonar!" The figure said, slowly coming into view. "You are still as mad as you were in the War of the Gods."

"Dazzle? Is that you?" Ahonar asked towards the figure.

Dazzle came into view of both parties. Jeran and Ivanhoe somewhat relieved but still shaken up. Belinda was shocked to see Ahonar's power been deflected so easily. Vlad saw what happened and was quite a bit shaken.

"Ahonar, cease your madness!" Dazzle shouted with his hollow voice. "Haven't you have your fill of bloodshed in the War?"

"Bah! My fill in bloodshed? It has been magnified! After I deal with you, those who are in my way, not with me, or simply I don't like will die!"

Ahonar stretched out his hand, this time cackling with energy. He surged out a bolt or rather, a moving pillar of lightning towards the three.

Jeran and Ivanhoe as clearly nervous. "Uh, Dazzle? If you don't notice it, there's a 20 foot of lightning coming towards us." Jeran said.

"I will try my best to halt Ahonar, flee the catacombs. I have placed barriers around the Chapel, which would be weak by the time I fight Ahonar. The other remaining adventurers also. I held them in forcecages, which will also be weak. Including the dumbfound spell I put on them. Go! Flee! Dazzle said hastily.

Ivanhoe stood up and bowed. "Thank you. We shall meet soon."

"Yes, and we now have to go." Jeran said, dragging Ivanhoe. Both men disappeared from view.

"Bah! I shall deal with them later. For now, I shall take care of you personally Dazzle." Ahonar said, motioning Belinda and Vlad to come closer, the latter not coming and the former following.

"Let there be no more death than be ours Ahonar!" Dazzle said, raising his hand into the air, glowing with violet-black. A black void appeared and swallowed Ahonar and Dazzle. Vlad and Belinda was left alone.

In the void...
"Void magic? Oh, Dazzle, you have surprised me well." Ahonar smiled.

"Do you seriously think I spent all those centuries in that prison without doing nothing?" Dazzle fire a bolt of energy at Ahonar.

Ahonar raised his hand, and a barrier enveloped him. "Surely you jest Dazzle. Was that your preemptive strike?" teased Ahonar, sending a massive ball of crackling energy towards Dazzle. "This being a void, you can use your possibly powerful spells, without worrying about casualties."

Dazzle sent the same thing towards the energy ball Ahonar sent him. A brilliant flash of light appeared when both masses of energy clashed. Dazzle went closer to Ahonar, and so did Ahonar to Dazzle. "Oh, but that was just to warm me up." Dazzle said.

"Good" replied Ahonar. "Let's take this up a notch." Ahonar raised his hand, sickly white light emanated.

Back in the catacombs...
"Where alone now." Vlad said, coming closer to Belinda.

"This is not the time for this Vlad." Belinda shouted but Vlad paid no heed. He continued.

Belinda steps backwards as Vlad came closer to her. She continues this until she ended up with a wall.

"Let the anointing of oils begin." Vlad grinned. He moved in for a dirty, stinky, full of saliva touching of lips, barely callable of a kiss.

Belinda fired a mild Smite spell against Vlad's face. Vlad was pushed back holding his hand, uninjured but hurting.

"Your a feisty ****** one are you?" Vlad smiled as he came to Belinda again.

Belinda, clearly angered and disgusted, ran away from the ex high priest.

"A chase between two lovers! How romantic!" Vlad followed. "I'm coming my dear!"

In the void
They found themselves in a field, complete with sunlight and trees.

"We're still in the void, I just changed the terrain." Ahonar grinned. Ahonar stretched out his hands and massive flames of blue-ish white color in the form of a phoenix was sent out to Dazzle.

Dazzle quickly raised up his hands, and walls of dirt surrounded him, blocking the spell. "Is that all you've got?" Dazzle taunted. Dazzle began to mutter some words. The sky suddenly became dark as clouds enveloped the "sun". Fierce lightning striked the ground. Dazzle raised his hand an a bolt struck him, but he was not hurt. He pointed at Ahonar. A giant of a lightning wall surged through the ground, breaking it, almost letting the black void be visible again.

Ahonar met with the same force but was a tad bit late. He felt singed. "Goodness. This will be interesting!" Ahonar said, before laughing maniacally. Ahonar raised up left hand, and the ground began to tremble, mountains upon mountains of earth appeared, and was heading towards Dazzle. Dazzle casted a shield to protect him from the juggernaut of a wall and was clearly smiling.

"Is that it? Make me dirty? Bah!" Dazzle teased.

"You assume too much, old guard!" Ahonar stretched out both of his hands, and made gestures of the most arcane way. The ground where the wall of earth crumbled and the wall of earth itself began to rumble. Dazzle, not knowing what Ahonar is doing, summoned up an anti-magic field.

"Fatal mistake!" shouted Ahonar.

The ground began to become sandy and Dazzle coulnd't move. He was trapped. His arms were locked in place. The ground and the wall began to hover above Dazzle.

"That will be your sand coffin Dazzle!" Ahonar shouted. And it all fell down at tremendous speed, force, and sound.

Dazzle was hurt, but still strong. "That hurt a bit. But you were careless." Dazzle smiled.

Ahonar was aghast when he Dazzle smiled, he turned around. A ball of energy greeted Ahonar, clearly hurting him, making him bow to the ground.

"It seems we are clearly even matched, Ahonar," Dazzle said.

"Evenly matched?" Ahonar stood up. "Fool! I shall let you experience again what godhood is!

Ahonar floated in mid air and shone like a star. His power was magnificent. "I shall bring you judgement!" he echoed.

"It will be I who brings judgement here!" Dazzle shouted.

Ahonar released raw, powerful magic upon Dazzle. The kind of magic the gods has privilege to exclusively use. The kind of magic that defeated Dazzle.

Dazzle formed a large magical shield, it's purpose was to absorb the attack.

"Fool! That is the same force that defeated you." Ahonar shouted.

Dazzle knew it. But he still did not falter. He conjured up the magical shield, up to his limit. But he felt something was different.

Ahonar's spell clashed against Dazzle's magical shield. But it was not as Ahonar expected. Dazzle was still alive, unscathed and not hurt.

"Impossible! This is farce!" Ahonar shouted beginning to cast the attack again.

Dazzle, still surprised at what happened, began to prepare for Ahonar's attack but not with a defensive action. He hovered up mid-air and glowed with energy.

"Trying to match my power Dazzle!? Surely that shield was pure luck!" Ahonar said.

Dazzle stayed silent, focusing all his reserve of energy. Maybe Ahonar was right? It was a stroke of luck, a very lucky stroke of luck.

"Be sent to oblivion!" Ahonar shouted releasing the raw magic upon Dazzle again. Dazzle did the same but something was still different. He felt he did not reach the limit of his power. It was either good or bad.

The two force clashed mid-way between the two. Ahonar's one being hued crimson red while Dazzle's a deep blue.

It seemed a long time before Ahonar's force was swallowed by Dazzle, which still surged forward him.

"Impossible." Ahonar muttered. The force came closer, letting Ahonar feel its power a lot more. "This is J-". The force cut the stunned Ahonar, smothering him with pure magic. Ahonar howled. And all ended.

Dazzle fell back to the ground. He was tired. The void he created was gone, returning Dazzle to the real world. But the force he created was not. It did not disappear with the void for it was not a part of it. It is a good far distance from Dazzle but currently expanding and out of control, disintegrating every object it came contact with. And currently, Dazzle is an object that it can contact with.

OoC: And this is a call for help..

Humans fight to enter insanity.
You ain't evil until you hear this!
Looking for group to slaughter the world..
Posts: 732 | Registered: Saturday, June 24 2006 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #165
Halfast stood in shock as Ahonar reveal his true self. Then self preservation took over. Time around him slowed as he hasted himself and fled out of the temple. The skyship would serve as a safe place to wait and see who emerged victorious.

The barriers placed in the corridors slowed him down as he fled. However rock could be weaked with acid and blasted away by lightning to create an opening.
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
Member # 5360
Profile #166
Backing away from the terrific display of power before him, Munigant slipped on one of the scraps of flesh from the beast, and fell backwards, breaking his neck on the wall and dying.

Fear us, mortals, but never envy, for though we burn with power, our fuel is our sorrows.
Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 7420
Profile Homepage #167
Vlad continued to chase his little vixen of a priest through the winding tunnels until Belinda finally found herself at a dead end. She turned to face Vlad, totally exhausted, out of mana, and unable to resist his advances any longer. “Ah, at last, my little poppet, you are mine.” No one else was there, and she could no longer fight it… perfect. He began to tear at her robes while she gave only a half hearted defense. Soon the only sounds audible in their little corner of the world were the sounds of garments being torn and the quite prayers being uttered from Belinda’s trembling lips.

Vlad became distracted by the prayers. They were to Ahonar, who, interestingly enough, was only a few rooms away yet far too busy to heed the words of a mere priestess who was of no further use to him. Yet she called to him, because she loved him, because she trusted him, because she believed in him. What did Vlad believe in? Here he was, not a friend in the world to turn to, not a god in the heavens to pray to, about to what… rape a helpless girl? Vlad felt sick, he shook his head and rose. He removed his own somewhat battered robe and threw them over the partially naked Belinda. The shoddy tunic and pants he had on under the robe made him look like a peasant, like any other sucker in the world.

But wait… there was someone who cared! There was something worth living for! There was Trinculo! The one person who had stayed at his side through thick and thin, the one person who wasn’t just using him to advance his own goals, the one person who ever cared for Vlad. The X-High Priest decided to find Trinculo and get the hell out of there. There must surely be some other way to find riches and Vlad was confident that between the two of them, they could accomplish anything.

Vlad backtracked through the catacombs. When he finally made it back to the Onion chamber, he found it, for the most part, abandoned. The Prophet of Nayld was dead, his head up against the wall at an impossible angle. The only foe Vlad had ever met that was a worthy match… gone. But there was still Trinculo! Where was he? That mysterious armored smashcaster the had saved Vlad’s life with his other-worldly skills was dead as well. Now none would ever know his secrets. But there was still Trinculo! While one or two battered heroes remained, they seemed uninterested in him. Vlad assumed it had to do with the glass shards on the ground; the Onion was gone. Magic was going to end. Vlad would lose what little he had left in the world. But there was still Trinculo! Where was that little…

Vlad, at last, found the Least in a shadowy corner, but the shadows were not enough to cover the scene that confronted Vlad. Trinculo was flying face down in a puddle of blood. When Vlad turned him over, he saw that everything from his face to his legs was charred almost beyond recognition. He must have been hiding in the corner when a stray bolt of energy from one of the more powerful beings here hit him by total accident. He was gone. The only person free of guilt within all of Rune had turned out to be one of the few slain in the battle to save it. Others guilty of far greater crimes still lived, and continued to do further damage to an already battered world. Then there was Vlad, a thousands times more deserving of death than poor Trinculo, but still alive. Trinculo, that was his name. Vlad had finally remembered, finally got it right.

But Belinda would never revive him, neither would Ahonar, the scum. The little guy’s remains were in no condition to make it back to a town. Vlad damned himself for never bothering to learn healing spells. Now Trinculo, the only one Vlad had left, was gone. Vlad wandered past various adventurers in his way out. Even those in peril and those that hated Vlad didn’t even bother to so much call out to this broken man as he passed them by. The look in his eyes was so distant, so aimless. He had nowhere left to go.

He exited the catacombs into the main hall of the Chapel of Fallen Might. After collapsing onto a dusty pew, he was surprised to find a black robed figure standing above him. Hmm, it was one of the monks of Nalyd, probably come to finish him off for murdering one of his companions earlier. Of all the crimes Vlad had committed, this was the one that would bring him down?

The figure spoke in a hushed voice, “Vladimir Vortigern? High Priest of TM?”

“X-High Priest.” Vlad corrected.

“The sorrows you feel… they are powerful. They tell you that all is lost, when it is all just beginning.”

“No, I’m quite finished, I’m done in this world…”

“I know what burns within you, Vladimir. I know what you feel in your heart. It is as if you no longer even have one.”

Vlad did not respond.

“The Prophet Munigant is dead, yet our god is not silenced. He has replaced your heart. He speaks through you now, Vladimir. I can see it in your eyes. Please, come with me.” The acolyte reached out a hand, “Come with me.”

Vlad rose and blindly followed the acolyte down a twisting passage towards their seminary. Once they were inside, they closed their quarters off to the rest of the chapel. Locked tightly inside, they would disappear from the world, as they had in times past, to appear again when the world had need of them.

You lose.
Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00
Member # 7557
Profile #168
Jeran, with Ivanhoe close behind him burst out of the catacombs into the main floor of the chapel seconds after the barrier behind them overloaded and exploded. They both leaned against the pillars, getting their breath back. Jeran, being the better off spoke first.

“I...wonder what…Dazzle did back there” He panted.

“You’re…the…magic user” Spluttered his friend.

“That kind of magic is a lot stronger then anything I can use, I don’t even know what it was”

“Something…to do with the...Orb…maybe?”

“On that subject, here’s your sword” Smirked Jeran, handing the weapon back to Ivanhoe, who propped it against the pillar with his hand on it.

“Th…thanks” he managed.

“Not a problem” Jeran murmured. Then suddenly something hit him so hard he doubled over. Pain exploded in brain, blotting out his senses. He heard Ivanhoe shouting something at him, then blood began to pour out of his mouth, ears and nose. The pain was incredible; it felt as if his brain was being torn apart, he was screaming incoherently, paralyzed on his knees by a force that was squeezing his brain like a vice. As quickly as it had begun the force retreated, not vanishing completely, but somehow scrabbling backwards like a smacked dog deeper into his mind, he threw up violently, the bleeding simply vanished as if it had never been there but the pain was still real. Finally his nerve impulses realised their mistake and shut down, or simply overloaded.

“The….the orb!” he spluttered “It….it’s inside me! I can feel it in my mind, somehow when it was destroyed the energy within transferred to me!”

“What are you talking about? How could that happen?” Demanded Ivanhoe, helping him back to his feet, Jeran was still weak from the mind-burst, vomiting and convulsions, but now that his senses had calmed down he felt proper thought return to him.

“The energy trapped inside the onion was the power of the creator, without a consciousness however it’s just a mindless energy. Plus the fact that it’s been imprisoned in a space the size of a fist for untold years has probably devolved it even further”

“But why didn’t it kill you?”

“I only absorbed a small portion of that energy; the rest just…just…went”

“Went were?”

“Everywhere!” Snarled Jeran, suddenly feeling very angry.
“You’re the one supposed to have just housed the creator” Snapped Ivanhoe.

“Oh bl…forget it!”

“Can you do anything with this power”

“No, nothing, my mind can’t control something as powerful as the creator’s energy for Vogel’s sake!”

“But CAN you do anything with it?”

“Aside from teach it to do tricks and herd my stray thoughts like a pet sheepdog!? NO!” Bellowed Jeran, half in the mind to grab his weapon right then and there and leave Ivanhoe a foot shorter then five minutes ago.

"Fear that which mortality has rejected" -Galvin Magnus
Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00
Member # 8030
Profile Homepage #169
Ivanhoe appeared flustered, "Woa Jeran, calm down! Why don't you take this," he removed the graymold salve and cautiously handed it to Jeran. Jeran winced as he drank it, but the salve still delivered its magnanimous benefits.

Ivanhoe, having calmed after Jeran's anger, spoke again, "There is no way to restore the onion. Nicothodes, Goldenking, and Excalibur were required to create the artifact. We must seek out the Creator, such is our only hope."

Ivanhoe slumped to the ground. Fleeing the chapel demanded commendable effort, the effects now taking its toll. He swayed his weapon aimlessly, attempting to assuage his stress. However, the sword struck a dark rock, prodding several sparks to the air. The grass caught fire, and Ivanhoe tried desperately to extinguish it. The flames rapidly consumed the shrubbery, prompting Jeran and Ivanhoe to flee once again.

I dub thee...
Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00
Member # 8014
Profile #170
Edit -UBB ate me.

[ Sunday, January 06, 2008 15:50: Message edited by: Iffy ]

Don't judge a sentence until you know all the words.
Muffins n' Hell|Muffins n' Hell: The Muffins Are Back Again
Muffins n' Hell: The End is Near
Not in your shed -We are sort of done. Helpful criticism is welcome.
Everyone, just call me Iffy. Please.

Be grateful you have your unsellabe trowels -Goldenking

Just so you know, I am working on Muffins n' Hell the scenario.
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Member # 8014
Profile #171
It felt stupid. Really stupid. First he lost the trail of the creature after 3 seconds. Then he heard something happen and he has been trying to find that area. Now he knew how Iffy felt.

It finally made it to where the noise happened, but something else was happening. It wasn't sure what happened, but he saw a skeletal body nearby.

It felt the need to pick it up and run. So It did. He quickly found the entrance and went outside. He put down the skeletal body.

Don't judge a sentence until you know all the words.
Muffins n' Hell|Muffins n' Hell: The Muffins Are Back Again
Muffins n' Hell: The End is Near
Not in your shed -We are sort of done. Helpful criticism is welcome.
Everyone, just call me Iffy. Please.

Be grateful you have your unsellabe trowels -Goldenking

Just so you know, I am working on Muffins n' Hell the scenario.
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Member # 7252
Profile #172
It blankly surveyed the figure he got from the catacombs. It was not like anything he has ever seen but felt he already knows the being. He poked at it but to no avail. He resorted to more vigorous action. He rubbed its face, knocked on it, kicked it sides, roll it on the ground, and stabbing it by It’s blade but nothing seemed to waken it. Tired from his futile attempts to revive the thing he got, he lied on the ground to rest. It has been quite a day for him. An actual adventure! He stabbed some monks, befriended a monster, rescued a thing, and ran away from his possible doom! Boy oh boy, what a day he had but he was tired. To rest he will go. And so he dozed off.

It has been a few whiles since It has slept. He was comfortable on the ground, seeming as he spent most of his time under it., and he was happily dreaming of having a party with his adventurer friends complete with games and dancing and food. There was fish! It liked fish. So he continued to sleep and dream his nice dream, causing him not to notice that the figure he got was slowly stirring up.

Dazzle was dizzy for a short time. A feeling he hasn’t been accustomed to for a long while. He stood up and surveyed the land. It was night time and he was still in the barrens. He looked around to his surroundings, the closer ones and noticed a thing sleep-talking about how delicious fish is. He bent to poke it, trying to waken it. He succeeded, only to find the being to utterly scream in a high pitched tone.

“Hello there.” Dazzle said to the being who beginning to calm.

“I…I…It! I’m called It!” the being replied.

“It, is it?” Dazzle chuckled, but found himself to be dizzy again but soon the feeling was gone. Dazzle looked intently at It.

“Do I know you?” It said in a quizzical look.

“I do not know. But I have to admit. I do recognize you in some ways. Do you perhaps know someone named Iffy?” Dazzle said.

“The god Iffy.” It replied, clearly stressing the ‘god’.

“Ah. I thought I knew you. You were one of the designs for humans that Iffy blundered.” Dazzle said, laughing quite a bit.

“How…how did you know?” It asked.

“Oh, you don’t have to know about that.” Dazzle said. “What happened to the adventurers in the chapel?”

“They were gone! A big explosion went BOOM! And everyone ran far, far away! They left me.” It said, clearly getting sad at the last part.
“Oh. Is that so?” Dazzle said.

He tried to sense people in the waste. There are. He recognizes the magical properties of some other people, including Ivanhoe’s and Jeran’s but something was different. He felt Jeran’s power increased many-fold. He was also disturbed that he did not sense Munignant. “What happened…” Dazzle muttered.

“Huh? What did you say?” It piped.

“Oh…nothing. Do you mind telling me what you went here for?” Dazzle asked.

“Well, I came with the adventurer party and we killed people!” It gleefully said. “Mostly they were the ones who killed the people, but I stabbed one!”


“I also befriended a monster! But I bet the adventurers killed it.” It said sadly, while cutting Dazzle off.

“I see.” Dazzle pondered the events that had happened. The fight with Ahonar was the one that he was most specially intrigued. He know he would have lost to Ahonar’s full might and is probably obliterated but here he is. Alive, well, and fully recharged with energy. Scratch that. Alive, semi-well, and quasi-recharged with energy. And stuck with It. He didn’t notice that It was continually talking about himself.

“I like fish! Do you like fish? I like them a lot! Though sometimes the sharp thingies get stuck in my throat but I practiced a way in getting them out! Not using your hands!” It demonstrated how.

Dazzle was least interested. Looks like it’s going to be a long night.

OoC: OotS mention! :P

[ Monday, January 07, 2008 04:49: Message edited by: Azuma ]

Humans fight to enter insanity.
You ain't evil until you hear this!
Looking for group to slaughter the world..
Posts: 732 | Registered: Saturday, June 24 2006 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #173
Ahonar screamed. The pain, it was like... the time in which Vogel killed him. Exactly like it. But unlike then, Vogel was weaker, and Ahonar stronger. Vogel lost power, or atleast some, when the Onion was destroyed, and when he made the Vale. Meanwhile, Ahonar gained the power from the Vale, becoming a true god. No more was he a subordinate to Vogel, he was an equal. But there was still only one way to kill him for good, and that required the dagger.

And so, staggering in and out of portals, Ahonar finally arrived at a pyramid. It looked like a mountain almost, made of perfectly fitted slabs of granite, rising to a point somewhere beyond the clouds. Obelisks of obsidian with bizarre, prehistoric magic glyphs carved in them were planted in front of an entrance. Looking at this entrance, he saw that it was made of what looked like diamond, and shaped like a snake head, with it's mouth open and the mighty fangs supporting it. Fitting, Ahonar thought, as he walked into the pyramid and collapsed to rest. Here he was, at the tomb of an ancient god, one of his brothers. And soon, there would be more then one god buried here.

"I'm happy I'm the mentally disturbed person I am." -Nioca
"Yes, Iffy is a demon." -Iffy
The Two Universal Truthes:
"All I know is that I know nothing" -Socrates
"I think, therefore I am." -René Descartes
Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00
Member # 8014
Profile #174
OoC- That was quite a bit of godmodding, but okay. Even if you were exaggerating It's character a bit, it was funny.

IC- It smacked itself. He was getting way too hyper active. He saw two people, one of which had a lot of power with him.

It grabbed Bazzles's hand and ran toward them, keeping hold of Dazzle. It soon reached them.

Don't judge a sentence until you know all the words.
Muffins n' Hell|Muffins n' Hell: The Muffins Are Back Again
Muffins n' Hell: The End is Near
Not in your shed -We are sort of done. Helpful criticism is welcome.
Everyone, just call me Iffy. Please.

Be grateful you have your unsellabe trowels -Goldenking

Just so you know, I am working on Muffins n' Hell the scenario.
Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
