Protesting (In General)

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AuthorTopic: Protesting (In General)
Member # 9887
Profile #0
Today at school, about 1/5 of the students (my school is insanely small) held a protest (sitting outside skipping classes). There were several different reasons behind it, but it was mainly to be heard by the administation. They said that they had already tried petitions, and approaching different staff members but failed. The funny thing is I, as well as other people, never had the chance to sign any petitions at all, which is especially wierd since the school is tiny.

Also, the guy who started it allowed anyone to join, which made me think about half of the students out there just to skip class. Do you think that the guy was justified in doing this protest, should he have only hand picked students, do you think it will work, do you think that if it works will it happen again and again? What is your input on this? Also do you think protests are the best way to solve problems?

[ Tuesday, October 30, 2007 14:35: Message edited by: The Ratt ]

Let's all just shape gazers and hope it goes away.

I make guacamole at work
Posts: 454 | Registered: Monday, August 20 2007 07:00
Member # 8014
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Well, what is it?
Edit -What I meant is why they were protesting.

Also, protesting can be good or bad. It is imposible to compare them in "General".

[ Tuesday, October 30, 2007 14:38: Message edited by: Iffy ]

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You haven't even said what was being protested.


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That is to avoid a bias. Nalyd, personally, does believe that it was justified, even if he was protesting non-segregation in schools. He should not have hand-picked students. It will probably not work. Protests rarely do. If it works, Nalyd believes that it will probably be tried again and again, until someone higher up gets sick of it. Nalyd, personally, is disillusioned towards protests, but recognizes the right for people to hold them.

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Member # 9887
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Due to popular demand, why they were protesting.

One of the kids got in big trouble because he tried to run away a few days before, and they thought he was punished too hard.

They were upset about the internet useage policy and firewall used (even though most of them could get around it with a proxy server).

They want myspace and facebook unblocked.

And in general they want to be heard.

Along with a few other things.

[ Tuesday, October 30, 2007 14:48: Message edited by: The Ratt ]

Let's all just shape gazers and hope it goes away.

I make guacamole at work
Posts: 454 | Registered: Monday, August 20 2007 07:00
Member # 8014
Profile #5
Fools. Rules are there for a reason. Myspace is blocked, and saftey features are there for a reason.
They should try and see things from another point of view.

Muffins n' Hell|Muffins n' Hell: The Muffins Are Back Again
I have an addiction to Spiderweb games.
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Iffy= Infernal Flamming Muffin. The y is added to make a word.
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Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
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Well, in general, props on the activist attitude. As long as it was all peaceful, I see no reason why they shouldn't have done that.

Then, upon reading the reasons, I'm not entirely sure I understand all of them. Facebook and Myspace blockage is annoying, but depending on the institution, you really shouldn't have a ton of time to be screwing around with them anyway. It also depends on the level of institution we're talking about (college, high school, middle school, ivy-league university)... but yeah. Beats trying to work through the student government.

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Law Bringer
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All of those don't seem like the kind of thing that will be fixed by protest, but they also won't be fixed by petition. Adults look at all of those as cases of being adults and making rules for the benefit of children. The children complain, but they don't know what's best for them. Sitting down and listing exactly why the status quo is unsatisfactory and why things would be better for everyone if they were changed would be much more helpful.

—Alorael, who generally dislikes petitions. As a tool for showing political will they're useful. In a non-democratic environment they're shows of rabble-rousing. Unless you actually intend to rouse rabble, there are better forms of communicating preferences.
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For note this is a high-school level boarding school that is in a rather rural area. Very foresty. Nicely secluded from everything. Most cell phones don't get good reception.

Let's all just shape gazers and hope it goes away.

I make guacamole at work
Posts: 454 | Registered: Monday, August 20 2007 07:00
Member # 4574
Profile #9
Protesting in general? Power to the people, man.

Protesting in the education system? Unless it's an actual grievance (sexism, racism, etc.), it's a waste of time.

For this particular protest? Truancy is a crime, and should be treated as such. What's more, if you're messing around on MySpace/Facebook, you aren't paying attention to the teacher. There are better ways to be heard.

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Law Bringer
Member # 2984
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Meh. By the standards of mainstream America (though not on Spiderweb), I'm so liberal I lean towards the anarchist. So my stance is that they were perfectly right to protest, whatever they were protesting about. They were also right to invite everyone, and so was everyone who joined.

On the other hand, missing class and falling behind in the syllabus is completely their own responsibility, and little to no indulgence should be given for this. They are welcome to exercise their rights to free speech, but for the sake of their grades and future they should better have the discipline to get their academic work done in their spare time.

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Did-chat thentagoespyet jumund fori is jus, hat onlime gly nertan ne gethen Firyoubbit 'obio.'
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Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 9887
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Details about why Myspace/facebook was banned was that a few years back, a girl gave away too much information and a creepy stalker appeared on campus looking for her. Also there was some verbal abuse about/sent to other people, which was brought to the attention of the Administration. Both of those things have the potential to happen again, and the verbal abuse would probably start right away.

Also they decided to walk out at an all school meeting right before a Dios de los Muertos (pardon spelling) presentation, which made several teachers rather irked.

[ Tuesday, October 30, 2007 16:18: Message edited by: The Ratt ]

Let's all just shape gazers and hope it goes away.

I make guacamole at work
Posts: 454 | Registered: Monday, August 20 2007 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
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I didn't read what they were protesting earlier. Myspace? Well, what I said earlier about them protesting about anything remains unchanged. But I would like to add the qualifier that I think they're a bunch of crybabies, and that Myspace is not exactly the most impressive word to substitute in the shout "[...] or death!"

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Did-chat thentagoespyet jumund fori is jus, hat onlime gly nertan ne gethen Firyoubbit 'obio.'
Decorum deserves a whole line of my signature, and an entry in your bookmarks.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
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I've studied at a university that has designated protest areas that are reserved the same way you'd reserve a lecture hall or a video projector, and an administration official whose job title is "protest management". What happens in a place like that is that every sane person ignores the "professional protesters" who participate in daily protests. So nobody takes them seriously even if there is a real issue worthy of a protest.

The students at your school look like a prime material for "professional protesters". "We want Myspace!" is not much better protest cry than "More vegan options in the cafeteria!" And if they keep organising protests on trivial subjects like this, everybody will be so used to ignoring them that if there really is a problem worth protesting about, that protest will get ignored along with the rest of them.

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By Committee
Member # 4233
Profile #14
Hmm. Well, while they think they may have the right to myspace and facebook, the reality is that access at the school while you are there is a privilege. Furthermore, if it isn't a government institution, they technically could even regulate speech. If you object to that, then you don't have to go there. Again, attendance at a private school is a privilege, and if they don't like the conditions, they don't have to attend.

Even if it's a public school, there's still the distinction between rights and privileges. The former are worthy of protest; the latter will likely win little sympathy, and probably be reasonable grounds for disciplinary action on the part of the administration.

As for a student running away from a boarding school, when he does that, he exposes the school, which is serving as guardian, to liability. I'm guessing he was expelled, and if so, I think it's entirely reasonable that a school would not want to assume such a risk.

[ Tuesday, October 30, 2007 18:55: Message edited by: Drew ]

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I think they acted like a bunch of middle schoolers.

No facebook or myspace? Whaaaaaaaaaa!

Someone broke the rules and was punished according to established guidelines? Whaaaaaaaaaa!

Trying to establish yourselves as adults, or at least as being worthy of adult consideration, requires actions that are respected and understood by adults. Having a disruptive protest is not very adult. Like others noted, you had nothing to gain, and lost valuable education time.

It would have been okay to protest if one person had been unfairly singled out for computer privilege revocation, or if the runaway had been punished beyond the established guidelines, because you would likely have begun a dialog which could have enlightened you on the reasonings of the ruling elite. They might not have changed decisions, but (barring confidentiality) you would have at least understood the rational.

In short, protest for the sake of protest is a pathetic display of selfishness. Protest for the sake of productive change is to be admired.

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Shock Trooper
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Although I'm not sure I approve of the reason for the protest, I'm not sure I can say that it doesn't have a chance of succeeding.

We had a protest last spring, with about half the school (the exact number is unknown, but it was between 100 and 200, and our school has about 300 students. I know. We're small) taking part. We were protesting the forced resignation of a longtime teacher, despite the unorthodox manner of our notification. The issues were cloudy, and everything was quite partisan.

So, we walked out of school at noon, made a few speeches out front, talked to the press, and generally showed our support. We then went back to class. Although some people ditched afterwards, the majority of students finished the school day.

Other methods had been tried, and failed. Although the walkout wasn't the only thing to help the situation, is set the stage for student involvement which ended in the teacher staying, a couple changes in policy, and a few precedents set.

Here's a couple stories on the subject. The Post Independent isn't the best paper, but it's the only one with online archives this far back.
Newspaper Article on the Walkout
Article on the Effects

Not to say that I support activism for any old thing, but I just wanted to remind everyone that it can work.

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Posts: 344 | Registered: Friday, February 25 2005 08:00
Member # 4638
Profile #17
Protesting is largely ineffective and a waste of time unless the number of people organized is very significant.

In the case of a school, for a protest to be effective, I would say at least half of the school has to be part of the protest.

The protest ultimately has to be backed by some reasonable argument.

Generally I am against protests, since the protestors typically have not exhausted many of the remedies available to them. Protestors are typically reactionary and lack imagination. E.g. “We don’t like that rule… lets protest.” Protest doesn’t need to be a last resort; however it should be a later resort.

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Posts: 93 | Registered: Tuesday, June 29 2004 07:00
Member # 7557
Profile #18
Originally written by The Ratt:

Due to popular demand, why they were protesting.

One of the kids got in big trouble because he tried to run away a few days before, and they thought he was punished too hard.

They were upset about the internet useage policy and firewall used (even though most of them could get around it with a proxy server).

They want myspace and facebook unblocked.

And in general they want to be heard.

Along with a few other things.

I havent been to school in 9 years, since I was about 6. So I can sit at the computer and laugh. Arent I a swine, haha.

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Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00
By Committee
Member # 4233
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No, just a spammer.

In today’s America, there are more World of Warcraft players than farmers.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Member # 6670
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Is your school parentally run? I side with Drew here, but it's worth noting that if your parents financially support your school, that may be another avenue of discussion.

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Posts: 1509 | Registered: Tuesday, January 10 2006 08:00
Member # 9887
Profile #21
My school is a private boarding school.

The kid that ran away is still at school. I don't know what happened to him.

So far I do not think there has been a change to anything. Other than some teachers and administrators being irked.

The main reason they were protesting was so that they could be heard.

Funny to mention, the leader of the protest was a vegan. He also wore a bright orange jumpsuit during the protest.

Since it was so cold and I was annoyed at them, I thought about grabbing a squirt gun or something and spraying them with water, or having a protest against their protest. I don't think I actually would have done it though. Still fun to think about.

Let's all just shape gazers and hope it goes away.

I make guacamole at work
Posts: 454 | Registered: Monday, August 20 2007 07:00
Member # 5360
Profile #22
Nalyd sees the need for the right to protest, though, personally, he regards them as generally useless. In this case, Nalyd also does not agree with the "issue". If you attend a private school, you can go without myspace for a few hours.
Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00
Member # 10578
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Those students would just love it at my old school. *rolls eyes* Classical Christian school, huh? None of the above. Problem students unmanaged, Internet "rules" broken shamelessly (and when I say that I mean shamelessly), certain people being absolute... never mind. Sorry to rant, but I just escaped from there half a year ago. :mad:

The one redeeming factor is I met my girlfriend there. :D

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Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00
Member # 7298
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I went to a public school it was magnet school (sorta of like a gifted program)and I was one of 3 white people of a graduating class of roughly 300 students. It was a good school and I had lots of robotics team. Don't really have any complaints about my school.

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