Artwork request - Encyclopedia Logo
Author | Topic: Artwork request - Encyclopedia Logo |
Member # 6581
written Sunday, October 1 2006 01:07
quote:Of course. The one with the cave worlds. :) -- About the lastest... Yes, is a little too much professional. Try this in silver, with an uniform pattern. [ Monday, October 02, 2006 17:37: Message edited by: Robert Daniel Oliver ] -------------------- Download Geneforge 4: Rebellion You have 6 posts. Nobody cares what you think. - Thuryl Wikipedia may be your friend, but UBB is not. - Dikiyoba Posts: 1310 | Registered: Tuesday, December 20 2005 08:00 |
Member # 7254
written Sunday, October 1 2006 03:04
(ubb still freezes, eh?) [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 03:11: Message edited by: ValenciaRaptor ] Posts: 73 | Registered: Monday, June 26 2006 07:00 |
Member # 7254
written Sunday, October 1 2006 03:10
drakey don't bother doing the magic, i'll be gone again after this ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() quote:sigh. quote:goddamn no one told me we're doing a logo for a *game* :( quote:i'll be kind and won't share my opinion of your works. no wait, i think i just did. :/ quote:ask aran, it was his idea (you know, he's the guy that *owns* the website for which we're designing logos). *** BOO *** [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 03:11: Message edited by: ValenciaRaptor ] Posts: 73 | Registered: Monday, June 26 2006 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, October 1 2006 03:17
The lack of satin/burn/shades or what those patterns on the sun were actually makes it look better. There's one point on which I agree with Slarty, and that's the position of the crown - it is a bit confusing to have the sun "wearing" it, because Avernum doesn't "wear" the Empire either. If the sun were a little smaller, and the crown a bit larger, perhaps that effect would vanish. As for professional, there are different definitions of that. The opposite can be "playful". In the sense I meant earlier, the opposite would be "unprofessional", or in other words, unskilled/amateurish. Just because it's a hobby project for a game doesn't mean it has to look like it was made by the 10-year-old cousin web designer. :P Also, we'd be better off discussing this on Polaris or the EE boards. Wouldn't do to tick off Drakey... -------------------- Encyclopaedia Ermariana • Forum Archives • Forum Statistics • RSS [Topic / Forum] My Blog • Polaris • I eat novels for breakfast. Polaris is dead, long live Polaris. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 2476
written Sunday, October 1 2006 03:44
quote:It makes a lot of sense, if you think about it. Who got thrown into Exile? Everyone who was creative, individualistic and had a mind of their own. Exile/Avernum has everything it takes to create an empire, though it may lack that which just clings to the power that is. If the empire wants to rejuvenate itself, it needs its cave world, its dynamic, its life and its sun. -------------------- Polaris Rache's A3 Site reformatted 2/3 done Rache's A3 Site, original version Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Sunday, October 1 2006 05:50
An interesting motif that just occured to me. Since the empire logo is really supposed to be a crown with a sword through it, what about a crown with a wave blade through it? Anyway, I like the silver version. TGM, ADOS certainly could have been more tactful with what he said, but he was only stating an opinion. If you can't handle a little bit of criticism, submitting creative work to be judged on the internet is definitely not a good idea. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 6600
written Sunday, October 1 2006 05:51
![]() This one looks very nice. I like it a lot. Still, Dikiyoba wouln't mind seeing the crown enlarged some. Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 73
written Sunday, October 1 2006 05:53
![]() Embellished the crown. Fancier now, yet still no cheesy gradient. Note that you can use any of the various versions of these logos I made, you don't have to use the latest. Just in case that wasn't clear. TGM, I do apologize. It was a bit rude, looking back on it. What I meant was the high-contrast, busy textures used inside the sun, crown, and E's were too... umm... high-contrast and busy, to the point where it's distracting. The second one in the new set is a marked improvement. The crown still seems a bit insignificant in comparison to the sun, though, as others have stated. EDIT: I'm thinking my crown resembles a cake a bit too much now. Thoughts? Maybe just extend the bottom stripe all the way across, and remove the silver from the upper one? EDIT 2: Here's that. ![]() [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 06:04: Message edited by: The Almighty Do-er of Stuff ] -------------------- My Myspace, with some of my audial and visual art The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 6600
written Sunday, October 1 2006 06:12
![]() Dikiyoba likes that one, too. Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Sunday, October 1 2006 07:11
I like the new crown. What about the size, though? Have you tried shrinking the crown slightly and enlarging the sunburst slightly? -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
Member # 73
written Sunday, October 1 2006 07:47
![]() Added some tildes too. I think it looks a bit more balanced now. EDIT: ![]() Centered the crown and sun horizontally. ![]() Simplified the swords, since Aran apparently likes simpler designs. [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 08:26: Message edited by: The Almighty Do-er of Stuff ] -------------------- My Myspace, with some of my audial and visual art The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Triad Mage
Member # 7
written Sunday, October 1 2006 08:41
The one in the post right above this looks way too childish and cartoony for me. TGM's don't seem to fit, although I like the third one with the silver crown and silver letters the best. Still ADoS with the cave and surface for me. It looks the best on and off the Encyclopedia page. [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 08:42: Message edited by: Drakefyre ] -------------------- "At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander ==== Drakefyre's Demesne - Happy Happy Joy Joy Encyclopedia Ermariana - Trapped in the Closet ==== You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse! Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Sunday, October 1 2006 08:50
I like the second of the three new versions ADoS posted the most, but it's still not as good as his cave. I still can't quite agree with TGM's, although the second new one is the best of the lot. Avernum shouldn't be wearing the Empire, the Empire shouldn't be smaller, and the Empire shouldn't be silver. Making both gold would make things worse, not better. —Alorael, who still thinks that TGM's are the most professional in appearance. The cave has a strong Exile resemblance, though, which is nice. It's so hard to choose! Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 7420
written Sunday, October 1 2006 09:42
I think the crown in the crossed swords logo is all wrong. Isn't the Empire's crown symbol usually shown with no jewels at all, and with more points like in my logo? -------------------- You lose. Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00 |
Member # 73
written Sunday, October 1 2006 10:01
Encyclopedia Ermariana, oddly enough, says nothing about the Empire's crest. It mentions the flag, but it is simply four colored bands. Also, there's something odd in the Arena Canon article... :P EDIT: ![]() Now with shadow, since that apparently makes it more "professional". EDIT 2: Looking at it, I think it really does. I was being sarcastic, but whatever works, I guess. ![]() [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 10:19: Message edited by: The Almighty Do-er of Stuff ] -------------------- My Myspace, with some of my audial and visual art The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 7420
written Sunday, October 1 2006 10:18
Oh, right. I keep forgetting that this web site is filled with tons of non-cannon stuff. I guess the symbol I was referring to is what appears in the games on walls and in the Avernum 2 title screen. -------------------- You lose. Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00 |
Member # 73
written Sunday, October 1 2006 10:46
I looked at the A2 splash screen, and you're right. I see no sword through it, however. ![]() ![]() I don't know which crown I like better, really. [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 10:47: Message edited by: The Almighty Do-er of Stuff ] -------------------- My Myspace, with some of my audial and visual art The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 7420
written Sunday, October 1 2006 11:19
I still think the crown should be pointy on the top, otherwise it looks too much like the Budweiser crown. Same goes for TGM's logo. -------------------- You lose. Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00 |
Member # 7254
written Sunday, October 1 2006 12:08
quote:i can't handle criticism, true, but that has nothing to do with ADoS' attempts looking horrid (and i'm only stating an opinion, here), now does it? quote:blame aran for that, you guys. quote:funnily, all of the modifications are done based on either aran's opinions, or on the opinions of you guys. so you really can't blame me for not trying my best to please you. :) quote:i'd like to think it's because of the overall smoothness, but hey. quote:i'll try that tomorrow. [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 12:12: Message edited by: ValenciaRaptor ] Posts: 73 | Registered: Monday, June 26 2006 07:00 |
Member # 1851
written Sunday, October 1 2006 12:16
ADoS, your different versions are certainly going for the quantity, but they're getting a little hard to keep track of (and compare). Could you make a page or something listing them in order so we might judge them more effectively? Or just admire, whatever fits. -------------------- "I'm not crazy!" "Well, whatever. Maybe you just ate something really questionable, or perhaps someone hit you on the head with something large, blunt and heavy just now. By the way..." Gil nudged Grul pointedly. Ooh! Homepage - Blog - Geneforge, +2, +3 - My Elfwood Gallery and DevArt page So many strange ones around. Don't you think? Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
written Sunday, October 1 2006 13:33
The all-silvery one is giving me the impression of a rough Xerox copy or fax. Adding another element (such as a sword or waveblade) would clutter up the logo. The size of the crown could still be bigger, and it could cover the sun a bit more (so yes, TGM, you can blame me for saying "on top of", when "in front of" would have been clearer :P ). Here's the graphics sheet from Avernum 3: ![]() And the funny part is, of course, that the crown in this picture is absolutely horrendously drawn. :P [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 13:50: Message edited by: Robert Daniel Oliver ] -------------------- Encyclopaedia Ermariana • Forum Archives • Forum Statistics • RSS [Topic / Forum] My Blog • Polaris • I eat novels for breakfast. Polaris is dead, long live Polaris. Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1851
written Sunday, October 1 2006 13:41
Oh, with the crown being gold (or bronze-ish) also, not silver, much like in the third one. And the sun colored like in the fifth version. Both of their colors lighter than now too. And the sun's lines a little less thick. -------------------- "I'm not crazy!" "Well, whatever. Maybe you just ate something really questionable, or perhaps someone hit you on the head with something large, blunt and heavy just now. By the way..." Gil nudged Grul pointedly. Ooh! Homepage - Blog - Geneforge, +2, +3 - My Elfwood Gallery and DevArt page So many strange ones around. Don't you think? Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00 |
Member # 73
written Sunday, October 1 2006 14:01
Here you go. t tgm: Antialiasing is for sissies! Real men like their lines crisp, solid, and jagged! (Read as: It was made as a raster and I'm too lazy to go through it meticulously antialiasing everything or make it over from scratch. :P ) [ Sunday, October 01, 2006 14:06: Message edited by: The Almighty Do-er of Stuff ] -------------------- My Myspace, with some of my audial and visual art The Lyceum - The Headquarters of the Blades designing community The Louvre - The Blades of Avernum graphics database Alexandria - The Blades of Exile Scenario database BoE Webring - Self explanatory Polaris - Free porn here Odd Todd - Fun for the unemployed (and everyone else too) They Might Be Giants - Four websites for one of the greatest bands in existance -------------------- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
written Sunday, October 1 2006 18:28
I agree with Drakey. Let's just vote the cave/surface pic in, commission whatever changes are necessary, and be done with this mess. -------------------- Slarty vs. Desk • Desk vs. Slarty • Timeline of Ermarian • G4 Strategy Central Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00 |
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
written Sunday, October 1 2006 18:35
quote:Next you'll be welcoming the boot that grinds your free will into the dusty plain. :eek: -------------------- quote: Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00 |