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AuthorTopic: Nudism
Shock Trooper
Member # 3801
Profile Homepage #0
What are your thoughts on nudism? I mean if God/parents/whatever made us naked then why not stay naked? And clothes don't do us that good either, they are expensive and weigh a lot and are pointless. I think we would all be a lot happier if the world was nudist.
This poll has been moved to another forum.

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Somethings just shouldn't be seen, some temperatures just shouldn't be beared.

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Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
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... I can see this topic turning sour at a physics defying speed.

I like pockets. If I had no pants, where would I put my wallet? Or car keys? ...

On second thought, don't answer that. Clothing is there for a reason, and even as an artist I cannot possibly say that the naked human body is a thing of beauty.

At least the male human body isn't... And what about fat people, huh?

---Your overdressed maniac, Necris Omega

Razordisk Frisbee Golf
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Shake Before Using
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t syntyrael you left out people wearing clothes for warmth and comfort

t necris there's nothing wrong with the male human body from an artistic perspective

And, as much as it seems rude, there are many, many people in this world who I would rather only see with their clothes on.

[ Tuesday, August 10, 2004 08:03: Message edited by: Imban ]
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
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I believe you forgot an option: Everyone should wear clothes all the time except for a rare occasion in the presence of only their spouse.

People just don't go naked all the time, and that's not, in my mind, going to change all that much (with the exception of nudist groups and strip clubs, of course). Besides, when the winter gets to be 0 degrees, I'm happy for some clothes. Also, most people have something known as morality and dignity. My advice: If you want to run around naked all the time, go join a nudist club.


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I'm all for nudity wherever possible. I.E., where frostbite (hi, Morgan) isn't an issue.
We wouldn't really mind seeing fat, ugly, unshapely, etc. people after a generation of nudity -- we'd be as used to it as we are seeing them clothed now.

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As for why, blame Eve. And that funky reptile.

Clothes are stylish - that's reason enough to wear some. And think about all the (ehm) gentlemen magazines. Who would buy those if you'd get the same by looking out of the window? What if clothes simply are one big Hugh Hefner conspiracy? Wicked!

ahhahaha i rule u droool
Posts: 756 | Registered: Monday, August 4 2003 07:00
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Nothing has to be taboo. Nudity is made taboo after millenia of people saying it's taboo. The 'dignity' of people keeping their clothes on is irrelevant. But this should be so utterly obvious it's not worth pointing out.

I'm with the warmth and comfort here. The Canadian winter is not exactly conducive to nudity, you know. And neither is a lot of furniture, or playing sports, etc. Think of the poor original Olympians running naked. Ouch!

t ben People will and do covet through clothes, ya know.

[ Tuesday, August 10, 2004 08:57: Message edited by: My Other Name is Roger ]

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Sorry, Ben, I will continue to have sex with my girlfriend in the buck and believe there's nothing wrong with that. Funny how none of our great conservative leaders you kow tow to will come out and vouch for their abstinence policy push by serving as true examples. Hypocrites!

Clothing may conceal things we might not like about ourselves, but then, without this concealment, maybe people would take measures to do something about it! :) From my own experiences in mass groups of naked people (there have been several), the initial discomfort of being exposed vanishes once you realize everyone else is in the same boat, and most notions of sexuality or shame dissapate - what was taboo no longer is so, which eliminates the mystique of it all. It's quite comfortable - nakedness eliminates class distinctions the same way that school uniforms do - and very human feeling, I think, especially when it becomes apparent that, with a few exceptions, no one is a supermodel.

We wear clothing because we are afraid. Note that according to the Bible, God made Adam and Eve naked and unaware of it - it was the fruit of knowledge that made them want to clothe themselves, to protect themselves, I imagine, from God, seeing as they already were familiar with one another.

This pole left out "Clothing optional for utilitarian purposes." Four winters in Wisconsin taught me the value of clothing for certain! Not to mention that it would be very difficult to run in a city without shoes for protection/support for my flat feet.

[ Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:13: Message edited by: am ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Member # 2238
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I'm just astonished you said "clothes are pointless." Are you absolutly insane? Clothes have far more point than not. Biggest one? Protection. After that probably utility, as said with the pockets.

I, too, am an artist, and am particularly interested in the human body. No, I'm not a pervert. It's just interesting, and I think it's a wonderful thing. Nudity has it's uses, but human kind would be a much smaller species without the invention of clothes. It's kinda like saying that the use of fire is pointless. Let's be real.

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"Rare occasion", ben? I bet you're a god damn animal in the bedroom.
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Actually, he said somewhere else that he was fourteen. As for my point of view, I think that it would depend on the situation.

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His dignity and morality probably go by the boards when he's surfing the web for porn, anyway.
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
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I refuse to vote in a poll that doesn't allow me a middle way. Honestly, clothed *all* the time? Heck, what about showering? :P

On the other hand, justifying nudity by saying we're born naked is just plain dumb. We're born small, why grow? We're born without being able to speak, read or write, so why learn it? Learning to wear clothes isn't any less natural than learning to read - in some ways more natural, since clothes were invented long before written language.

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Off With Their Heads
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Clothing serves not only for warmth, but also as protection from damage. If you're wearing shorts and you fall on pavement, you're more likely to scrape up your legs than if you're wearing long pants. Clothing of some kind over the most sensitive areas is probably necessary for daily use.

Several people have already pointed out that nudity is basically what you make of it (it only has to be sexual if you're a pervert), so I won't bother going over that. Clothes are useful most of the time as an extra layer of skin, but under any circumstances where that extra layer isn't necessary, I see no reason that nudity should be a problem.

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Good points.

If you want to be nudist, then by all means, go ahead. Whatever makes you happy. But trying to tell people that wear clothes that they are wrong, is wrong itself.

This all reminds me of that one caller on Chatterbox 109, the GTA3 radio station. He claimed that "he was born naked, he'll die naked." Lazlow replied, "and shrivled up from the sound of it."

[ Tuesday, August 10, 2004 10:52: Message edited by: The Demonslayer ]

The critics agree!

Demonslayer is "a five star hit!" raves TIMES Weekly!

"I've never heard such thoughtful comments. This man is a genious!" says two-time Nobel Prize winning physicist Erwin Rasputin!
Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00
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Member # 4233
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Aran: Note the distinction between "made" and "born." I was merely using the religious reference in an attempt to rile Shaker ben*.

Nevertheless, the growing example you use doesn't work - we grow as a matter of course. Although some might argue that speech recognition and acquisition is a matter of nurture, small children still pick up language at a rate too frightening for me to believe it's anything other than hard-wired into us.

Clothing and reading, however, are foisted upon us by society. Undoubtedly clothing originally came about for utilitarian purposes only; it was later that any aspect of morality was attached, and I would assert that morality is a human invention - I've seen far too many issues of National Geographic with the nekid African ladies to believe otherwise. :)

[ Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:03: Message edited by: am ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Member # 22
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Nudism's cause is not helped by the fact that the vast majority of nudists (or those that I've met) are insufferable morons.
Posts: 2862 | Registered: Tuesday, October 2 2001 07:00
Member # 1993
Profile #18
This poll is not votable. Neither you are naked all the time (see frostbites) nor can you wear clothes all the time. Geez, eleven voted nevertheless?

To be naked is a natural condition in various situations - nothing to be ashamed. Also I can see through clothes *_*

edit. Nudism has a long tradition. Remember the Naturists 1920/30, the Sunbathing Association, all the nudist clubs where they practiced yoga, naked in the sun. Light and sun to the body! Remember the Riefenstahl movies: all the steely bodies doing gymnastics - it was the beginning of sports and fitness ... btw "gymnastics" or "gym" come from "gymnos" - that's naked in greek.

[ Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:42: Message edited by: spy.there ]

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Posts: 1420 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00
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And they get so addicted to staring at naked people that they forget the values they grew up on.

I think public nudism is totally unnecessary. am, at those "large masses of naked people" what were you thinking?


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Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #20
Originally written by ben*:
And they get so addicted to staring at naked people that they forget the values they grew up on.
Uh, get a clue. People will stare when other people have clothes on, too. The only way to stop people from staring is to force everyone to wear burkhas.

Yet again, nudity is only sexual if it's rare or if you're a pervert. It doesn't have to be.

Besides, not everyone "grew up on" values that made human bodies shameful and made sexuality despicable and immoral.

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.

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Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
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Ben*: I felt invigorated by the fact that I was naked and it didn't matter after all. It's very liberating. Like the fear of being naked, the sexual aspect of it vanishes almost immediately - once you get used to how people look, your curiosity is sated, and you move on to other things.

I would recommend it to you too, though it would probably compromise your values, such as they are. :P

[ Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:26: Message edited by: am ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
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I tend to remain clothed as a public service.

That and the fact that if responsible nudism went on the rise, you'd want to buy stocks in sunscreen companies. I'm proud to be extremely pale pretty much everywhere except my forearms and head; this is because overexposure to the sun is stupid, leading to cancer. And stupidity is just never sexy.

I'm more or less apathetic to this topic, because I've never taken the sort of perverse joy most people tend to in either clothing or unclothing myself.

ben*: So what, you bathe with swim trunks on? :P

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Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
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I hate when people accept things as right or wrong, moral or immoral, just because someone told you to. The random knee-jerks of some man in the sky you can't even prove exists is no basis for a moral structure. Instead of just accepting what the Bible/your parents/whatever says, why not think about why what it says is right or wrong?
To stay on topic, I wear clothes only for utilitarian reasons. I see no morality or immorality attached to wearing or not wearing clothes.

[ Tuesday, August 10, 2004 11:44: Message edited by: The Almighty Doer of Stuff ]

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3801
Profile Homepage #24
I know I know, Im not the greatest poll maker, I'm sorry :( made good points though, I can understamd your logic, and I agree with the person who said something about getting used to seeing people naked. I believe that humans are made to adapt to and move on form things, people move on from death, divorces, and the like, so people would most likely adapt to seeing people naked. Just as likely, if you were a visitor in a different country where people wore bikinis all the time, you would get used to that and any other bizzare things that people did. If we were all nudists then people would start to expect it, then when our generations had kids, they would grow up with it and be comfortable with it. I think the only reason we thing nudism is wierd is because we are not used to it and we dont know a lot about it, as they say, humans tend to fear ( or some other emotion) what they do not know about. and as for the protection and warmth issue, well there would be exceptions that I don't know about, I am just making a suggestion of the general idea.

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Posts: 323 | Registered: Thursday, December 18 2003 08:00
