Mac or PC?
Author | Topic: Mac or PC? |
Shock Trooper
Member # 3605
written Saturday, March 20 2004 14:02
Well im tired of this anti-pc game releasing. Time to vote on your platform of choice (yes i know someone has done this before...) Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 67 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=fifSKkKpAWxR"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=fifSKkKpAWxR"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- BOAC, youll know if you click... Posts: 358 | Registered: Monday, October 27 2003 08:00 |
Member # 5
written Saturday, March 20 2004 14:17
SWers are the only people in the world who like Macs better. Posts: 455 | Registered: Tuesday, May 17 2005 07:00 |
Member # 869
written Saturday, March 20 2004 14:20
Jeff programs the damn things on a Mac and then has to port them to Windows. What do you want him to do, delay the Mac release until he can get both out simultaneously? -------------------- I'd be tender, I'd be gentle And awful sentimental Regarding love and art I'd be friends with the sparrows And the boy who shoots the arrows, If I only had a heart. Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Member # 5
written Saturday, March 20 2004 14:24
yep. Posts: 455 | Registered: Tuesday, May 17 2005 07:00 |
Member # 246
written Saturday, March 20 2004 14:30
For mac it should be "I am a slave to Apple since they're the only company that sells hardware and therefore can charge a great deal more". Okay you're right. That was flamming. Best thing is to have a little patience. Or buy a used Mac. ![]() Posts: 117 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00 |
Member # 734
written Saturday, March 20 2004 14:33
LOL I hate to wait just as much as the next person but let the Mac users do all the debugging! Less problems for all of us PC users that way. ![]() -------------------- Instant Human-Just add liberal doses of Coffee. Posts: 87 | Registered: Sunday, March 10 2002 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 2775
written Saturday, March 20 2004 15:00
Just speaking from personal observation, at various jobs I've worked with PCs and Windows operating systems for about 15 years. There's always something going wrong that requires a team of IT people to fix or maintain the PC. At home I've had a Mac for a little over ten years. I plugged it into the wall and it just works. The Mac operating systems are much more user-friendly, IMO. A friend told me once she thought there were two types of people who use computers: "process people" who are interested in how the computer works, and "content people" who are interested in other things besides computers and just use the computer to help them do something that interests them. I think Mac users tend to be "content people". I accept that the controversy over which is better is never going to end. -------------------- "I can't give you brains," said the Wizard of Oz to the Scarecrow, "but I can give you a diploma." - L. Frank Baum Posts: 381 | Registered: Sunday, March 16 2003 08:00 |
Member # 869
written Saturday, March 20 2004 15:02
Well, any computer that's used by multiple people is likely to have more problems than one that's just used by one person. -------------------- I'd be tender, I'd be gentle And awful sentimental Regarding love and art I'd be friends with the sparrows And the boy who shoots the arrows, If I only had a heart. Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Member # 2628
written Saturday, March 20 2004 15:26
Most non-Spiderweb games are released for windows first, and ported to mac later - if they're ported at all. Spiderweb does it the other way round because Jeff has a mac. If he was rabidly anti-PC, he wouldn't bother to port at all. Note that I am a windows user. I can wait a few months - it gives people time to find bugs missed in beta testing, start writing walkthroughs/faqs, and in the case of BOA, start working on scenarios. The strength of BOA (like BOE) will be in its player-written scenarios. It will take time before there's a collection of quality scenarios. Once we've played the 4 scenarios that come with the game, the game will probably sit unused while we wait (for those of us not interested in writing them). That waiting period between purchasing the game and downloading good scenarios will be shorter for us windows users - in case you hadn't noticed, mac users are already starting to create scenarios. -------------------- We meet and part now over all the world; we, the lost company, take hands together in the night, forget the night in our brief happiness, silently. -- Judith Wright My website Posts: 512 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00 |
Member # 1104
written Saturday, March 20 2004 15:47
A question for Mac users: Which version of Mac's is currently the latest and which do you prefer using? To answer the poll, I'm a PC user with a Mac emulator. ![]() -------------------- Chance Forums Posts: 1307 | Registered: Tuesday, May 7 2002 07:00 |
Triad Mage
Member # 7
written Saturday, March 20 2004 16:09
Answer to both questions: It's Mac OS 10.3.2, give or take a security update. -------------------- "At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander ==== Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead ==== You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse! Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1217
written Saturday, March 20 2004 20:59
WHY DO YOU IGNORE ME? I DID THIS BEFORE, AND IT TURNED TO A FLAMEFEST! YOU ARE DOOMED!!!!! [/Late Warning] -------------------- ALBATROSS!!! -John Cleese !!!Long live Monty Python!!! Not a Chance! Long Live The Weather Balloons! Posts: 304 | Registered: Monday, May 27 2002 07:00 |
Member # 3521
written Sunday, March 21 2004 14:00
I've always used a Mac, and not being the type of person especially receptive to radical alterations in life, I've stuck with Macs since. Currently, I'm using a first-generation iMac equipped with the thoroughly obsolete OS9, although as my computer is currently self-destructing a change will probably need to come soon. -------------------- Stughalf "The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others."- Theodore Roosevelt, 1903. Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00 |
Member # 1220
written Sunday, March 21 2004 14:20
Just cause you have a PC dosen't mean you run windows -------------------- Getapc -------------------- The Flaming Sword of not perfict grammer has now become The Flaming Sword of Pretty Good Grammar. -------------------- Warning pretty good grammar behind.▓ -------------------- A guy with not so perfict grammer has changed to A guy with pretty good grammar. -------------------- I shortened my signature more. Posts: 484 | Registered: Monday, May 27 2002 07:00 |
Member # 1877
written Sunday, March 21 2004 14:25
I use both a mac and a PC, but im still anti windows, and super pro mac and linux. And I just ordered BOA! Eat that windows slaves! And don't call me a windows slave, even if I have a PC, I would rather call myself a windows parasite! ![]() -------------------- For Ancelot the ancient cross of war for the holy town of gods Gloria, gloria perpetua in this dawn of victory The one and only StD! 33111-CRUSADER-4849 Posts: 662 | Registered: Friday, September 13 2002 07:00 |
Member # 2155
written Sunday, March 21 2004 15:43
I haven't had much experience under the Mac OS, but I hear it's the OS of choice for graphic work... And no, the Mac users do not get all the initial bugs out of Spiderweb games. There is a good reason why there is a separate Window's Beta; ask anyone who was on the Geneforge 2 testing team. The conversion between systems can generate a whole new world of painful unexpected knots. ---Your MSslave, Necris Omega -------------------- Is the triadmage X named X because he's really pornographic? What would anorexia Nervosa look like on a Vahnatai? Posts: 168 | Registered: Saturday, October 26 2002 07:00 |
Member # 1220
written Sunday, March 21 2004 17:13
Speaking of computers I just got a new one today and it's a PC ![]() -------------------- Getapc -------------------- The Flaming Sword of not perfict grammer has now become The Flaming Sword of Pretty Good Grammar. -------------------- Warning pretty good grammar behind.▓ -------------------- A guy with not so perfict grammer has changed to A guy with pretty good grammar. -------------------- I shortened my signature more. Posts: 484 | Registered: Monday, May 27 2002 07:00 |
Senile Reptile
Member # 547
written Sunday, March 21 2004 17:19
There are Mac emulators for pc? Please direct me to such madness immediately! -------------------- Polaris Posts: 1614 | Registered: Wednesday, January 23 2002 08:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 4000
written Sunday, March 21 2004 18:02
Here It won't emulate BoA because the system is running under Mac OS 7.5.5 and BoA needs 8.1+ but the emulator is still fully capable of supporting Mac OS 8.x -------------------- ♫ The truth is screaming BIG ♫ ♫ A light so bright ♫ ♫ Whether day or night ♫ ♫ It can't be hid ♫ § § ►► Chance is back online! ◄◄ Posts: 245 | Registered: Tuesday, February 17 2004 08:00 |
Member # 3442
written Monday, March 22 2004 02:23
Although I am a windows user, I do not declare to be a slave to Bill Gates, or globalisation of any sort. In fact, if I had the money, I would buy a Mac as soon as I could. But I can't. >Sigh< -------------------- Please visit Random Stupidity to see the amazing Spamness, or the wonderful-seven-posts-in-a-row-topic. And have fun! Bod rules!! Thus endeth this post. Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 4034
written Monday, March 22 2004 07:53
PC but I have patience. I'd rather get info on the game before hand to see if its worth getting. -------------------- "When one thinks to him or herself about who they really are, They usually come out of it empty handed for the question be -not who am i-, but -what have i acheived?-" Experimental forum Posts: 113 | Registered: Friday, February 27 2004 08:00 |
Member # 1468
written Monday, March 22 2004 08:01
I prefer windows because it's supported by many more companies than macs are. And also, I find windows easier to work with than the mac os. I remember one time, when a friend and I had to work on a mac here at the school (I'm a "tech cadet"). I took us 30 minutes to figure out how to do what we needed to do (hook it up to the school's internet connection), then another 5 to do so, when, on a windows pc we both could have done it alone, and in 5-10 minutes. -------------------- "We can learn a lot from crayons. Some are short, some are dull, some are sharp, some are tall. Some have funny names and they are all different colors, but they all learn to live in the same box." "Happy is the man that has wisdom and gets discernment. For having wisdom as gain is better than having silver as gain and having wisdom as produce is better than gold itself" Proverbs 3:14-3:15 The horrible part about life is, you'll never get out of it alive. A really cool flash movie about subliminal messages Posts: 818 | Registered: Tuesday, July 9 2002 07:00 |
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
written Monday, March 22 2004 08:38
I've used a Mac before and whilst I found some things more difficult, that was mostly due to having learnt on Windows and there wasn't really anything I couldn't have picked up given time. But the suggestion that Mac users are 'content people' more so than Windows users seems pretty silly to me. Most people who have a computer but aren't particularly technically proficient and mostly use it as a glorified typewriter and an internet machine will probably be Windows users. -------------------- "I particularly like the part where he claims not to know what self-aggrandisement means, then demands more wing-wongs up his virgin ass" Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3149
written Monday, March 22 2004 16:10
You left out my platform. -------------------- Beatoff Valley: A story told out of order. Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 4000
written Monday, March 22 2004 16:29
Unix/Linux? -------------------- ♫ The truth is screaming BIG ♫ ♫ A light so bright ♫ ♫ Whether day or night ♫ ♫ It can't be hid ♫ § § ►► Chance is back online! ◄◄ Posts: 245 | Registered: Tuesday, February 17 2004 08:00 |