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AuthorTopic: Superheroes
Member # 2669
Profile Homepage #0

1.) If you could have either the power to fly or the power to be invisible, which one would you choose and why?

2.) If you could have any superpower you wanted, what would it be? What would be the first thing you did with it?

3.) What would your superhero/villain name be?

Posts: 647 | Registered: Wednesday, February 19 2003 08:00
Member # 1169
Profile #1
1. Flying, naturally. That would rock.

2. Hmm...mind-reading would be cool. I'd go around delving into the twisted minds of all my teachers.

3. I dunno...superhero names are hardly ever creative, so I'd probably just be, like, Mind-Reading Lady or something. Or Telepathic Woman.

[ Monday, June 23, 2003 14:10: Message edited by: Mangophobia ]

"Man hands down misery to man. It deepens like a coastal shelf. Get out as early as you can, and don't have any kids yourself."--Philip Larkin, "This Be the Verse"

Fear the wrath of the Grammar Wench, lest ye be cut down by the Glistening Scythe.
Posts: 1150 | Registered: Friday, May 17 2002 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #2
1. I'd choose invisibility, of course. The Ring of Gyges tells all.

2. The ability to snipe with perfect accuracy! Or maybe the ability to imbibe endless skribbane! No, wait... I think I'd have to go with the power to prevent stupidity. Yes, an actual aura that prevented people from saying or doing abominably stupid things would be nice and good for everyone.

3. I'd be Intellectual Male Homo sapiens sapiens, of course.

—Alorael, who thinks RoR already has a perfectly good name and power. Wielding a scythe to end bad comma splices as the Grammar Wench is something everyone can aspire to.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Senile Reptile
Member # 547
Profile #3
1. I'd definitely fly. Being invisible on a whim would be nice, but I'd probably end up in places I shouldn't be, or would not want to be. Flying, however, would be a convenient way to skip out on all that rush-hour traffic!

2. Teleportation, definitely. Same as the reason above, but with increased mobility.

3. I'd be named Pemmin. If you understand that (and you'll know if you understand it), please drop me a PM.

Posts: 1614 | Registered: Wednesday, January 23 2002 08:00
Member # 2339
Profile #4
1.Invisibility(Oh, and I'd want to be able to switch back and forth between visible and invisible.)! I'd be able to get away with just about everything.

2.Uhhhhhhh....Extreme dexterity! That'll ake getting away even easier!

3.The Spectre!

[ Monday, June 23, 2003 14:34: Message edited by: Zephyr Tempest, The Windwarrior ]

This is MY link.
Click here,or here for the yoga dance mix!Click here to get to the misc. boards!
Attack, icons, attack!THIS PAGE ROCKS!!
Vicious virus stalks the web, has already infected over 150 computers: read more!
We have tried to not harm anything in the making of this commercial, but we failed miserably.
One Small Step for man, one giant leap(SHCKXXXXXX)STOP POKING ME!!!
-Starcraft Observers
R.I.P-Here lies NSI, may this rp be remembered.
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 3121
Profile Homepage #5
1. Invisibility (on/off, right?)
2. Time-Travelling, or at least stopping time. That way I could fix all the things I've screwed up in the close-past (is close-past a word? :P ).
3. Uhh, silly question. The Great Mister. :P

Posts: 761 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Member # 2000
Profile Homepage #6
This was part of my childhood. Sitting around and making up Super Heros. Among them included "HoboMan" The rich buisness man by day, hobo by night, who would hide in allies, waiting for the police to chase a hapless dupe down into it, in which he would then beat them with his bindle, and save the day.
Lemon Boy had Radio Active Citric Acid sprayed into his eyes, causing his hair and eyes to glow bright yellow, and gave him the ability to conquer Lemon Bombs (Much like Pumpkin Bombs) and hurl them each and every way.
And the Evil Canoe Guy. A man walking with a Canoe over his head. Lighting strikes. The Canoe is fused on. Seeing the world through two narrow holes in a canoe, gives you a very small perspective. Who wouldn't go insane and become the ultimate villian?
And many more...

Since Imban Likes to Edit my Posts ...

... And Drakey likes to edit your signature. Stop it, Ed.
Posts: 141 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #7
- I'd like invisibility best. You can always get an airplane :P .

- And teleportation would be nice. That or vast arcane power. Mmmmmh, which? Teleportation is incredibly useful; almost half your time is spent on getting from one place to another. Magic would be cooler though. :cool:

EDIT: Forgot completely to say what I was gonna do with that magic power. I'm not sure yet, but I know that it includes something painful happening to Bush. :P

- I'd stick with 'Arancaytar', maybe 'The Arancaytar'. I like the name. That's why I chose it for my board profile, duh! ;)

[ Monday, June 23, 2003 23:29: Message edited by: Arancaytar ]

"And all should cry, Beware, Beware!
His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge
"It is as if everyone had lost their sense
Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence
And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey.
Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #8
1.) If you could have either the power to fly or the power to be invisible, which one would you choose and why?
-Invisibility. I could afford a jet with the money I'll make robbing places.

2.) If you could have any superpower you wanted, what would it be? What would be the first thing you did with it?
-I would go for the ability to create magic fire, ice, and electricity. Then I would raze Pearl High School to ash.

3.) What would your superhero/villain name be?
-Not sure. Probably Lone Flame or Hino Shinsu.
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 517
Profile #9
Invisibility beats flying, I would suggest. While flying gets you places quicker, invisibility gets you places you couldn't get otherwise...I've also read the Gyges story.
As for any special ability...being able to create pure gold would be nice. Sure, it'd lower the value slightly, but hopefully not enough that I didn't end up ludicrously rich...


Let them eat cake!

Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially.
Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #10
1) Invisibility. Definitely.

2) I'd like to be able to stop time for everyone except me.

3) The Sneaky Sailor. Or not.

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It - We're Everywhere
The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead
You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #11
Omlette: You have to be careful about keeping it secret though, or some government will draft/abduct you and force you to gold-making the rest of your life - reminds me of some fairytale :P . Oh, and you'd be likely to be shot to prevent a price slump. Basically, it'd be a dangerous and unpleasant ability. No thanks ;) .

Time-stopping is nice too, but only if linked with immortality. What's the use of being able to put in a year in one day if it shortens your life by one year? Is that really worth it?

[ Tuesday, June 24, 2003 01:02: Message edited by: Arancaytar ]

"And all should cry, Beware, Beware!
His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge
"It is as if everyone had lost their sense
Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence
And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey.
Quote of the Week: "I have a high opinion of myself, which makes up for my total lack of intelligence." Anon.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 2064
Profile #12
1.Invisible.2.The power to drain other super powers.3.The invisible sponge!

Don't expect the expected
expect the unexpected
if you expect the expected
I expect you will remain unexpected.
Posts: 775 | Registered: Friday, October 11 2002 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3026
Profile #13
Invisibility, naturally. Less ostentatious.

Oh, I think the power to invent immensely complicated riddles and to always speak in rhyme. That'd be fun.

The Terrible Poet

And this was very odd because
It was the middle of the night
- Lewis Carrol

well well well aren't we resilient

Oh the fun

Most generalizations are, unfortunately, true.
Posts: 212 | Registered: Sunday, May 25 2003 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #14
1. Invisibility
2. The ability to emulate the powers of others :D
3. Wise Man (duh.)

Urban wisdom is not actual wisdom. It's more like the seemingly philosophical statements that sometimes leak out of my strange mind through my mouth, or in the case of message boards, my hands.
Clan Xeon - Warcraft III clan
Polaris - Weather Balloons YAY
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 3124
Profile #15
1. Invisibility--obviously the choice that would produce the most fun!

2. The ability to destroy men's minds with faulty syllogisms! Go to M$ and use: "If pc's are computers, and macs are computers, then pc's are macs."

3. Name, hmmmm, either Louie the Logic Lemming or William Schmiegelmeyer.

[ Tuesday, June 24, 2003 04:48: Message edited by: Flavius ]

The word 'politics' is derived from the word 'poly', meaning 'many', and the word 'ticks', meaning 'blood sucking parasites'.
Larry Hardiman
Posts: 110 | Registered: Thursday, June 19 2003 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #16
1. Flying. OK, maybe invisibility would be a bit more useful, but good Lord, have you ever had a flying dream? Or gone parasailing? From those two things, I think it's pretty obvious that flying is one of the most fun things in the world. And it would be useful too. And by flying, I mean with angel- or owl-type wings, not like Superman...

2. Hmm... either super strength or super dexterity... a combination of both would be nice though...

3. Most likely Sir David, although it doesn't sound very superhero-y... I don't know, maybe something about angels or owls. Or something.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 496
Profile #17
I am a superhero already. I have the strange power to make blue flashing lights appear whenever I walk down the road wearing a balaclava and my underwear on the outside. The string vest gets a particular reaction.
Posts: 2333 | Registered: Monday, January 7 2002 08:00
Member # 3042
Profile #18
1. Invisibility-I could go anywhere and do anything without anyone knowing
2. The power to turn back time-I would correct any mistakes I ever made
3. Um... a name for me... I don't know :confused:

[ Tuesday, June 24, 2003 11:50: Message edited by: xxo ]

The Club of All
Chance Forums
I was once member #2475, but then my account was deleted because of a bug.
Post count=406+whatever it says below.
Posts: 402 | Registered: Thursday, May 29 2003 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #19
1. Flying, no special reason, just the beauty of it
2. Complete inner freedom and I'd simply enjoy it
3. My own

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Member # 2669
Profile Homepage #20
Originally written by X:

I am a superhero already. I have the strange power to make blue flashing lights appear whenever I walk down the road wearing a balaclava and my underwear on the outside. The string vest gets a particular reaction.
I figured you were a superhero, but i thought your power was to summon arcane political lore at a moment's notice, and you used it to nick the wallets of your stunned victims while their brains tried to digest the information they had just been hit with. At least that's how i picured it.
1.) Flying. Invisibility would inevitably lead to evil. Plus, better thrills.
2.) Incredible luck. Not unlike Longshot from the X-Men or Gladstone Gander (anybody remember him?). First action? Vegas, baby.
3.) The Golden Turnip.

Posts: 647 | Registered: Wednesday, February 19 2003 08:00
Member # 2155
Profile #21
Flying or invisibility? I would have to go with invisibility. Why? Becuase invisibility is a power that grants one the ability to humiliate and confuse anyone. But only if it was true invisibility and none of that "visible though scent/body heat" garbage.

As for a super power, I'd go with telekinesis. Once more, this enables you to induce uncanny amounts of annoyance and bewilderment upon a person, and is easily the most dangerous thing I can think of.

As for a super villain name... Necris works for me... maybe Necris Omega for some sort of "super second" form. ('Ey, what kind of decent super villain has only one form adays now anywho?)

---Your evil maniac, Necris Omega

Sanity is a relative concept. And like most my relatives, I rarely see it.
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." ~ Albert Einstein
Posts: 168 | Registered: Saturday, October 26 2002 07:00
Member # 2080
Profile #22
Pity the second form never helps.

But in order to be a good villan read the evil overlord list.

[ Tuesday, June 24, 2003 17:06: Message edited by: Lone Flame ]
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Member # 1229
Profile #23
Flying. Definitely.

Unique power? The ability to my feet transform into rollerblades. With wheels and brakes that never wear down.

Name? Uh, The Kid That Can Pull Off Amazing Tricks With His Rollerblades, I dunno. :P
Posts: 69 | Registered: Tuesday, May 28 2002 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #24
Uhhh nice name, but if you had wings, why would you need rollerblades?

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

In case of emergency, break glass.
Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
