Profile for Crynsos

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Defeating the Undefeatable in The Exile Trilogy
Member # 8990
Profile #0
Maybe a bit late but... did you ever defeat one of the "Undefeatable" Characters in an Exile game?

Like in E3 (The only one I can speak of, since I HAD it registered), I managed to kill Rentar-Ihrno after a good, and LONG battle... the Empress was also supposed to be undefeatable, lived no more than a few minutes (Maximum) when I attacked her though...

Those are the only "Undefeatable ones I can think of now... anymore you killed?

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
OBoE Suggestion List in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #43
Good idea, which lets another ID pop up in my mind. As far as I've seen (and can remember from the Mac version, the BoE font "MaidenWork" isn't used anywhere in BoE itself. (At least I didn't see it, maybe something is wrong?)

If it's really nowhere yet, use it in all/most texts, would probably look great...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
OBoE Suggestion List in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #40
Another minor improvemet: Make it possible to use custom scenario icons. Currently you can only use the pre-made ones (and a few buggy item ones, see Echoes: Black Horse), and this is probably the only graphic, which can't be changed through a custom graphics file...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Win32 Scenario Editor in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #2
It's quite odd that you're missing that file... but if it's really not there (It should be usually in your Scenario Editor Folder), just reinstall the game... (and either delete the old version, or just move the new installed BladBase file and delete the rest again, works with both the full and demo version)

Or you can look around at the BoE Fansites for a edited BladBase files, there should be a few around with most/all remaining minor bugs corrected... (Which are still existent in the original version) quite useful edits...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
OBoE Suggestion List in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #31
Erm, Orcs?
The Exile Universe is made to be different from others, or did you often see Nephs or Sliths in other games/books?

There are enough other games with orcs, and few scenarios with orcs... (< 5 if any at all)
Ogres are brute and dumb enough...

The rest doesn't sound too bad...

[ Wednesday, July 18, 2007 05:48: Message edited by: Crynsos ]

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Avernum 5, June Update in Avernum 4
Member # 8990
Profile #76
IF suggestions are welcome (even though it's surely too late already), A5 (or A6 if it will come out someday) should be possibly a bit more like G4, like the characters should be able to move more anywhere than in squares like in all Avernum & Exile Games.
It was never a problem to me in all previous A & E games, but somehow this doesn't fit anymore into A4, probably because of the new town = outdoors feature... which would lead to another thing: Training and loot.

I played A4 for a bit, but believe to haven't seen any "unlimited" source of monsters or ways to get "unlimited" cash, in case a player got finance problems or spent too much skill points in non-battle skills and is too weak to fight properly...

Would be nice additions, if possible...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
creations in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8990
Profile #7
Don't forget we already have quite a lot of creations... if I remember right, ever creation has 2 special higher-leveled species, which makes...

15 Base creations (5 per type) x 3 = 45 creations... or maybe a bit less... but still quite a lot to choose from...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Whats your favorite rebel caracter in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8990
Profile #21
Greta was a great character in G3, and in G4 she's not much worse, just a bit more passive (at least at the beginning)
Don't know much more, haven't played further than the demo yet...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Thrown Missile Bug? in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #5
You sooner or later get a few returning darts, arrows or whatever anyway... or you make something yourself... but this is one of the things (which if not changed) makes Exile a bit more realistic than Avernum generally...

Like in Exile, big fireball, big area hurt, no matter which being is in there... (Friendly Fire hurray!)
In Avernum, cast, pick target, pick target, pick target... and never be able to hurt anyone else than your enemies... boring... and unlogical...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
OBoE Suggestion List in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #29
Yes, I have to agree clearly with you about it's simplicity, just thought that this would be another possibility if just enlarging won't work. Shouldn't be a problem with the file size anyway, most scenarios are < 1 MB anyway...

Good to hear that anyway...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Released BOE in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #1
Did you change the name of a scenario file or load a save file which was made in VoDT? (If you removed the VoDT scenario file from the BLADSCEN Folder)
If no, maybe try reinstalling BoE...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
OBoE Suggestion List in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #27
About the alien beast thing, if its not clear already, there's some problem in the program itself, not with the graphics or the graphic selection in the editor, the number to find the mind crystal graphic is just set twice or something like that...

And here another thing, not a fix but useful if possible, especially for longer scenarios: Make the game save dialogs records in seperate files, so more/unlimited notes can be saved. If not possible, try to enlarge the dialog records, would be probably quite useful...

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Selling items in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #2
Better keep it as it is now. I think it was possible in the Trilogy, but was changed now with a good reason. (as *i said)

Certain items in BoE are very valuable or even needed to win the current scenario, which really should be kept and not sold by accident.

Computers make very fast, very accurate mistakes.

TM about one of his own Scenarios: "Well... enjoy... nevermind."
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Spears Questions in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #6
Well, I checked it yesterday again, before I freed the sliths, all was fine, when I've done this and returned all MY stored items were not there anymore. At later playing files (Around after the Battle for Zaevess) I saw that even the other stored items (Which I'm not allowed to take) vanished as well.

Too bad that you don't fix them, I doubt it's a BoE error though... Well, I'll just leave Spears then just before choosing a side to play other scens.
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Spears Questions in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #4
Well, just after playing again, I noticed a bad bad bug, or misplaced special. Spears may be a bit old, but not too late for important bug fixes, or?

Well, I just noticed that ALL items in Fort Silver have disappeared, including all items which I stored there. (Not too few)

As much as I've checked, this probably happened around the time when I helped the sliths to free the slaves... Stareye, could you please at least look into it?
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
OBoE Scenario File Format in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #3
A thing about custom graphics for Mac users, to make it easier for everyone:
Try to make the Editor and OBoE player accept BOTH .MEG files (so older scenarios can still be used) and .PICT files. Pict is to my knowledge the standard Mac picture format, as it is BMP for Windows.

The Quality is quite the same as much as I've seen and .pict files are much easier to produce, which would be useful for every scenario creator. (And if a .meg file doesn't work but other graphic files are delivered with the Scen, the Mac user should be easily able to use it, once PICT gets accepted)
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Spears Questions in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #0
After playing Spears (great scenario btw) once again I found a few special alchemical brew recipes already, but sadly I got no idea how to make those brews.
I already got many of the items needed and tried to use them somehow in alchemical laboratories, but I failed to find a way to mix them...

Any idea how this can be done? (And where exactly?)
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Item Call Global Special Ability in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #5
Ah, sorry, forgot to write a part of my reply, I meant it calls outdoor/town specials when pressing on the "Jump To" Button...
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
OBoE Suggestion List in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #25
I just noticed that the Uncurse Items spell doesn't seem to work (after 2 uses) and I doubt that I need higher INT or something...

Don't know about the Mac Version, but I experienced this on Windows...
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Town Lighting in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #14
Well, if it's that complicated, scenarios can be of course released and updated later with OBoE features...

Oh, and do you think OBoE (Scenarios) would work in < Mac OS 10 as well? I use Windows XP and Mac 9.1 still...
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Item Call Global Special Ability in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #3
Of course I know that it's that easy, but I mentioned this only, because otherwise town/outdoor nodes would be called, which could be confusing.

Turning it off at all for this special would be an option as well, if it's possible... but due to it being a minor thing, maybe just forget it...
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Item Call Global Special Ability in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #1
The ability is the special number? What does that exactly mean?

Oh, and could you maybe make it possible to directly link to the scenario special, when the special number is given (instead of to the outdoor/town special as usual) or create a new SCENARIO special when using the "Jump To" - button. (Just like it's possible with Outdoor and Town Specials...
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
New Life - boat in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #1
Hmm, I hope this isn't too late, but I think the boat is in a underground lab, where you meet the evil mage guy... after a boss battle you should have access to it, it's a part of the earlier history inside the scen...

If nothing works, the scenario requires no password, so look for yourself...
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Town Lighting in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #12
Well, it's good to see that it's finally possible to change it... I'm currently working on a scenario with some nice extra features (I hope I get at least this one released) and without OBoE it wouldn't really work at all...

By the way, where actually is the download mirror for the OBoE "Player" and Editor which you are working at, Stareye? (If there is one yet, I tried to find one but failed)
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
Town Lighting in Blades of Exile
Member # 8990
Profile #9
If anyone didn't know before, changing lightning was used before BoE already, just rarely... remember Linda's Laboratory in E1... (was at least possible at Mac, no idea about Windows)
Posts: 37 | Registered: Saturday, June 16 2007 07:00
