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Geneforge 5 in Geneforge Series
Member # 8425
Profile #29
But not feeling comfortable with any faction is one of the things that makes the series great (at least in my opinion). There's no obvious good or evil, just different shades of grey. The choice of which shade is lighter is one of the best part of the games.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Why there? *warning: displays secret of G1* in Geneforge Series
Member # 8425
Profile #42
Ah. That explains it. I haven't played through all of the Spirit City. Rather, I ran through on my way to a certain Shaper. Apparently, I missed out. Now going to play through that part again.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Why there? *warning: displays secret of G1* in Geneforge Series
Member # 8425
Profile #37
Apropos of nothing, (always wanted to use that phrase):

Where does it say that shaping was created on Sucia Island? I've played through all of G1, and I didn't notice anything about shaping starting on Sucia. It just reached the height of its art on Sucia.


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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Names for Creations in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #7
Torchlight is from Geneforge. And Icingdeath is the sword.

I have yet to name a creation.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #436
Something I did not know. Thanks.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #434
edit: honestly can you imagine a drakon sweeping a floor

And i can`t imagine Monarch washing the toilet.
ET has already pointed out the fallacy in this, but I'd like to add that this seems suspiciously like double standards to me. If we pointed out one war-crazy drakon to prove that all drakons are war-crazy, you'd (rightfully) shout us down. When you do the same things to humans, not a peep from your side.

Also, if we make a mistake, we're ignoring facts. If you make a mistake, you're- actually, you haven't even tried to justify it yet, or admitted your mistake. It's as if it never happened.

I'll admit that if their survival was at stake, drakons probably would eventually stoop to menial labor. (Although the transition would be smoother with humans.)

Shapers would not accept drayks, there is no assumption here. The facts are that their existence is illegal.
So are the Awakened, but if you run from Sucia Island in G1 without doing anything to Goettsch or Trajkov, the Shapers ally with the Awakened. And the Awakened never change their beliefs.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #420
There is no way in hell shapers will team up with the drayks but drakons teamed up with rebel humans.
If they knew what the drakons were capable of? After the Unbound? I'll admit that it's less likely to happen than not, but a team-up is possible. You can't just assume that it would never happen. (Of course, the Shapers would probably betray the drayks as soon as the drakons were dealt with.)

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #413
Dead? But we haven't beat nephil vs. slith yet!

Seriously, it doesn't look good when you try to declare the argument over. It seems like you know you're beat but are trying to save face. I may be misreading your intent, but it does seem like you're giving up.

And you're right. We are a riot. (I never claimed that we were always logical. Just that you weren't.)

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Ideologies of Geneforge (4) in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #16
I really hope this doesn't turn into another Drakon vs. human debate. We've already got one of those.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #403
What does variety have to do with war anyway? The idea is efficiency. Any engineer will tell you that they want to use the same materials and resources for as many different jobs as possible. Making something completely new uses energy and is to be avoided.
Very good point, and one that I don't think I can rebutt. So I guess I have to accept it.

The drakons are the brains of the operation. I can't see how the guy tightening bolts on the incubation vats matters in this discussion.
Yes. Who needs mechanics? I know what a car looks like, I can figure the rest out. Who needs people to build computers? I know what they look like and what they end up doing, so I can figure out the rest.

And at the risk of being labelled politically incorrect, I would have to say that your average Pakinson's sufferer will accomplish less than your average healthy individual, and would be forced by the disease into inferiority by most of the standards used in this thread, by no fault of their own. Please don't flame me.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Best PC class? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #54
Originally written by Sir Spiff:

I find that suicide squads, while effective, get boring quick.
What are you talking about? That's my favorite tactic! (Assuming run in and bash it doesn't work.)

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #390
Ooh, pretty picture. (No sarcasm intended).

And just so there are no misunderstandings, I wasn't questioning the existence of three types of Unbound. That was simply a new fact to me.

And from the picture, they look very similar (apart from attack styles). I still say that three completely different creations show more variety than three creations that are basically the same thing wih different attacks. But at least the drakons have some variety.

[ Tuesday, April 03, 2007 14:06: Message edited by: Morior ]

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #385
There are three types of Unbound? This I did not know. Answer this question, though. How much difference is there between the three types? Or are they the same thing, just with different attack forms? (Now watch me be completely wrong and they be completely different.)

Also, to answer your question, no, you have not met anyone superior to Monarch, Barzahl, or Trajkov. You also have not met the shaper council. I realize that this is pure conjecture, but it's also only guesswork whether Monarch is stronger than the council.

And lastly, could you provide a quote showing that the drakons can control the Unbound without Blaze?

[ Tuesday, April 03, 2007 11:12: Message edited by: Morior ]

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #376
Okay. Apparently, I got the wrong impression from what I've read on this thread (assuming you're correct, of course). While it is always worth mentioning that Monarch was one man in a basement and thus not the best that the Shapers could pull out, I will concede that the drakons as a whole are somewhat better at shaping than Monarch. (Although whether a lone drakon could make the Unbound from a basement is still in question.)

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #373
3. Monarch was not capable of controlling the Titan, whereas the Drakons were capable of controlling the Unbound.
Debatable. One drakon (Blaze) is able to control them. The rest are only able to point them in the right direction (And that takes many casualties)

It wasn't my rebuttal, it was Thuryl's, and Stillness did acknowledge it.
Could you provide a quote?

There's also a lot more drakons than there are Shaper Monarchs, genius.

Hey! No need to get mean.

Both sides need to learn how to concede otherwise this will never end.


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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #366
1. True, and this is probably the most reasonable side. It still doesn't change most of my arguments (although it may invalidate the example I used to demonstrate illogicalness, I don't know)

2. Are you talking about his claim that you acknowledged his rebuttal of a quote as true? I wondered about that. Still, that's a very petty thing to fix on and is in no way worth ignoring the rest of his arguments.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #364
So you're right and I'm wrong? Dang. Let's pack it up and give in fellas. The Emperor has spoken. He opinions are facts, the facts that dispute him don't exist, up is down, and good is bad. He can tell us what we said even if we didn't say it and still be right. Why even try?
Yes, let's all ignore the good points someone makes just because they also make bad ones. Let's just bring out the big ol' illogical label and slap ET with it. Who cares if he's right on some points? He's wrong on others and he doesn't counter everything you say, so let's just ignore him.

The Unbound do not prove Drakon superiority. They are stronger than anything the shapers have created so far, but that only proves that the drakons worry less about control than the Shapers do. Whether or not the Shapers could create something as powerful if they gave up control is pure guesswork.

For example:
Pro-drakon point: We built the gazers!
Anti-human rebuttal: The gazers are just improvements on the vlish, so they don't count.

Well? Which is it?

I agree. The point was to point out how the pro-drakon side is arguing two contradictory positions at once. Not saying that we haven't done that, but you guys can't claim the logical high ground. And before you say "Well, you guys just ignore the facts," at least try to rebutt the argument that your new favorite quote only proves that the Unbound were made with more skill than Monarch's junk creations.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #349
I have to agree with Suspicious Vlish here. What the drakons have accomplished in 20 years is very impressive, and is more than humans could probably ever accomplish. However, all this proves is that drakons are superior in the way that a longsword is superior to a Swiss army knife. In a fight/war, drakons have an advantage. In many other situations- farming, architecture, democracy- humans are still superior. We have adaptability and variety.

I highly doubt it's true that all drakons are either fighters or hoarders. But from what I've seen of drayks and read in this thread, that seems to describe a majority of drakons. There are no one or two traits that you can apply to a majority of humans.

Also, in response to Vid:

Resources do apply to superiority. I'd say that someone able to make a bomb from household items is superior at bomb-making to someone who has to have a full lab and all sorts of chemicals, even if the first bomb is slightly inferior.

To your quantity-vs-quality statement, I say that
simply dumping more power into existing creations creates a quantity of force, not a quality. Quality force would be force appropriate to a situation, such as, say, wingbolts (flying artillery), or war tralls (brutes with range). A quantity of force would be relying on one uber-creation for all situations. (I'm sure this can be explained better, if someone could help me out.)

And don't say that just because someone disagrees with you or you don't understand them, their logic is broken. Both sides of this argument are equally (il)logical.

For example:
Pro-drakon point: We built the gazers!
Anti-human rebuttal: The gazers are just improvements on the vlish, so they don't count.

Well? Which is it?

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00
Are Drakons superior beings? in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 8425
Profile #324
Wow. 13 pages of reading this and I'm still sane. I'm surprised.

So far, my interpretation of both sides arguments has been "this is the way it is and you're not providing basis for your claims." While good points have been made for both sides, they've been either ignored or shouted down. I'm going to try to correct that.

(Note: I've only played G1, so I had no preset opinions before reading this. Also note that this is all opinion.)

Pro-human arguments:
1. Drakons are only capable of killing/war/violence.
Could go either way from what I see. Not taking a stand.

2. Drakons have no empathy.
It depends on whether an act of kindness which benefits you is still empathic. You'd have to explore motivation, which is simply guesswork.

3. Drakons are clumsier.
So? Agility isn't everything.

4. Shapers aren't using canisters, and they're still winning.

5. Shapers have restraint. (i.e. they make sure that they can control their creations.)

Pro-drakon arguments:
1. They're better at shaping.
I disagree. From what I've read, all they've made is better drakons. Even assuming that wingbolts, etc. are just improvements of old creations and not new developments, the shapers have variety and more radical improvements.

2. Many different arguments that add up to "Humans aren't superior." (Including art, empathy, etc.)
Okay. I'll grant you that drakons aren't mindless beasts. Now prove that drakons are superior.

3. Drakons are better fighters.

I'm sure there are more arguments, but those are the ones that stood out to me. My final opinion is that humans win, although it is close.

Also, I'd like to mention that ignoring your opposition after complaing that they ignore facts doesn't look good. Especially when your arguments have are about as (ir)rational.

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Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, April 1 2007 07:00