Profile for Yatta
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Displayed name | Yatta |
Member number | 798 |
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Postcount | 1046 |
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Registered | Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
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2 Questions in General | |
Member # 798
written Thursday, January 5 2006 14:55
You know Yo is common amongst Italian Americans as well. Especially amongst the older generations. For instance, "Yo What's going on here". Anyway I go bye regions of Italy due to the fact that prior to the 1870's Italy was a country of over 200 seperate city states, often waring. That is why all though I am full Italian American I concider myself to be of two diffrent eccnics. However when the Italians first came to the US in the 1890's In the East Coast the first place they settled in when they came to NYC was East Harlem, prior to settling in The Lower East side which they split amongst the jews, Prior to The Jews and Italians settling in The Lower East side it was previously Irish. When they first came to Boston before settling in The North End they actually settled in The Orient Hieghts sections of East Boston, check it out on Wikipedia incase your not familiar with Boston. Prior to them it was Jewish prior to the jews it was Irish. And when they first settled in New Orleans they first came to The French Quarter. Which is now The Jazz District, allso the last remaining section of New Orleans. In NYC they came to Brooklyn and The Bronx as well, and bye the way incase people didn't know this, when the Italian Immigrants first migrated to NYC as in The Lower East Side and East Harlem Central Harlem was largly Jewish. Look up the book, When Harlem was Jewish. The Italians and Jews Allso largly migrated to East LA in the turning point of the centory as well. There were many other Italian Districts of The US, Canada and Latin America as well, many of which I do not know. Allso The Jews and Sicilians allso started The Mafia as well. Anyway back in Italy. Itay was once a mighty Empire during The Classical Age of Rome. Remember Ceasor. Than Europe went through The Dark ages, When Europe first hit The Renaissance One of The first places it hit was Northern Italy, as in Florence. Which was the city centor of The Italian Renaissance. I do not know much of Italy from this point onto when it was first united in the 1870's, however when it was first united northern Italy was largly Affluent and Southern Italy was largly poor. Hence Most of The Italians who migrated to the country in the turning point of The Centory were from Southern Italy, as in, Sicily, Naples, ect. There are still Little Italy left in the country such as The North End in Boston, and what is left of Bensonhurst in Brooklyn, and Arthur Ave in The Bronx. Allthough many Italian Americans marry into other eccniccities, like the Irish, and Polish, and other eccnics do. Many try to keep There ancestors cultores alive in there homes. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "I was Escobars guy, I was untouchable". George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
2 Questions in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, January 4 2006 16:55
White is a very general term. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "I was Escobars guy, I was untouchable". George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
2 Questions in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, January 4 2006 15:39
I would like you to know that I too am a Italian American. But I was just wondering if your from Italy what part of Italy do you come from. I know a few of the provinces. Naples and Abruzzo are the provinces of which my family originated from. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "I was Escobars guy, I was untouchable". George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Books Being Made Into Movies in General | |
Member # 798
written Saturday, June 18 2005 07:53
I personally liked Mystic River which was based on a book bye the same name. As for The Lord of The Rings Trilogy. I feel as though you need to read the book to understand all three movies. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
LHS. in General | |
Member # 798
written Monday, June 13 2005 16:15
They never call the police. They only use Apex. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
LHS. in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, June 12 2005 08:26
I would like you to know that my parents do know what goes on at this school. I would just like a better school opend for students who have a mild form of Aspergiers or OCD. I do not agree with how The LHS or The Capitalistic Pigs called The Federal Government goes about there problems on dealing with children and Teenagers with Special Needs. So I want to reform The Federal Governments policy on Special Needs. Actually I would like to reform The Federal Government period. But that's another story. So, I know that the majority of The People here do not live in The US. But I am extreamly desperate for help. Whose going to get better schools opend. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
LHS. in General | |
Member # 798
written Thursday, June 9 2005 15:55
No ADOS is right. Fighting back physically is not the way to do it. Because the'll restrain me. What I want to do is start a group to get better alternitive schools opend.So whose joining me? -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
LHS. in General | |
Member # 798
written Thursday, June 9 2005 13:26
I can't leave for the simple fact that there is nothing else out there for me. However I was hoping that some of the powerful people that visit this site, like The Attorneys. Could join forces with me and have this school closed down, and a better one opend up. That's all. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
LHS. in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, June 8 2005 16:22
I would like to tell you about the new school I am attending. It is called, The LightHouse School. It is quit unbelievable, you'll never believe the stories I'll tell you about it. This is what they do. Most of this stuff is constitutional. And I'm pretty sure DC knows about it, but some I don't thing DC knows about. But in order to tell you about it I must tell you the entire story. First. If a student gets out of line There is a actual Light House School Police force that patrols the corridors of this school. It is called APEX. If a student gets out of line, such as telling a teacher to go **** himself. They will come in, possible restrain him if he is really uncontrolable, and than bring him to this blue padded down room with three blue padded down walls, and a masculant man or woman holding guard over the entrance. If you are controlable than they will just take you to a cubical and make you write a paper on why your there. Second. There is a sheet that LHS makes you sign that says if you don't agree with the restraints than your student can't attend the campus. Now I think that DC knows That LHS is doing all of this. However I did see in the past, in the past meaning today. A staff member not Apex semi push a student. It was more of a restraint than a push, but it was still a semi push non the less. I don't know if DC gave them permission to semi push or not. Third. I have been attending this school for three months now, and I decided that I needed to tell some one about this and go public. So I told my therapist about this, and I went public. Fourth. I was wondering what the people on this board think I should do about this? Fifth. I allso think that Apex has really pushed slaped and possibly beaten students in the past. But I've never seen that being done so I can't prove it. Thank's for your attention. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
NEW POPE! in General | |
Member # 798
written Saturday, April 23 2005 08:30
This is my idea on how to kill the mother's. Decapitate them, do it French Revolution style. [ Saturday, April 23, 2005 08:30: Message edited by: The Lord of Evil ] -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
NEW POPE! in General | |
Member # 798
written Friday, April 22 2005 18:19
Thank you ADOS. And bye the way, this is my opinion on Abortion. "If your gonna kill someone kill the mothers. I know what your gonna say, If you kill the mothers than the baby will die, but the baby is going to die anyway so let it go down with the ship". The Bird Cage. [ Friday, April 22, 2005 18:20: Message edited by: The Lord of Evil ] -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
NEW POPE! in General | |
Member # 798
written Friday, April 22 2005 04:04
quote:Please tell me your kidding. First of all, A Ratzinger won. B. Most African Americans are Baptists, it's diffrent for the African African however. C. As much as I would like to see it, you will never see a American Pope in your lifetime. A again A women can not become Pope, B again, someone would have to win. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
NEW POPE! in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, April 20 2005 17:48
[ Wednesday, April 20, 2005 17:48: Message edited by: The Lord of Evil ] -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
NEW POPE! in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, April 20 2005 17:47
I personally find Abortion to be a sin, but in a libraled way because your killing a innocent baby, but that's just me. As for things like Gay and Lesbian Marriages, well, I'm sort of indiffrent to it. The only thing I do not like about this Pope is that he ceases to address the Scandles in The Church concerning the priests which I do not have to spell out for you. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
NEW POPE! in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, April 20 2005 07:25
quote:Okay, first of all, I was talking about The Popes voted in in modern day times, not Popes that were Voted in you know, Back in The Day. Second of all, The 14 year old Pope your talking about might be the last Emperor of The Western Roman Empire who was 14. I don't think it was The Pope. Anyway, carry on. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
NEW POPE! in General | |
Member # 798
written Tuesday, April 19 2005 15:56
Here is my feelings on the new Pope. I really have nothing against him except for the fact that he's 78. I would have prefered a Younger Pope in The Vatican, specifically from The US. Probably from The US because I am American, and I allso want a American Pope to address Problems in The US. Such as Gang Related and Drug Related Problems. I know those problems are everywhere these days, but there really bad in The US. As for the fact that he might last a decade, well has anyone ever seen a young Pope, The Youngest Pope in my life time that I ever saw would have to be the last one because he was in his fifties when he was first made Pope. But anyway usually Popes are old I don't know how old, but Old when there first made Pope, and are even older when they die. So this Pope might, but don't quot me on this, live to his ninties, and so he'll be Pope for allmost twenty years. But you'd never know that from The Pope Before our last Pope who lasted only a Month. But our last Pope lasted for A good Twenty seven years. So who knows how long this Pope will last. Anyway, Chances are this Pope will be around for a while, and so if you are Catholic such as myself you have no other choice but to grow to respect The New Pope. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "I would like you to meet, my little friend". Tony Montana, Scar Face. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
The Aviator in General | |
Member # 798
written Friday, March 4 2005 18:41
If you would like to learn more about Howard Hugs watch The Mysteries and Scandles version. I haven't seen The Movie so I wouldn't kow how it is. However if you would like to see Scorcessies finest works watch Good Fellas or Mean Streets or Taxi Driver. [ Friday, March 04, 2005 18:43: Message edited by: The Lord of Evil ] -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "I would like you to meet, my little friend". Tony Montana, Scar Face. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Favorite Movie. in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, February 13 2005 15:15
quote:If Splinter got kidnapped than you must be talking about, The original. Anyway I liked The Lion King, it's one of my favorite Disney Films. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "I would like you to meet, my little friend". Tony Montana, Scar Face. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Favorite Movie. in General | |
Member # 798
written Sunday, February 13 2005 08:24
Forest Gump is up there. Not LoTR though. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "I would like you to meet, my little friend". Tony Montana, Scar Face. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Favorite Movie. in General | |
Member # 798
written Saturday, February 12 2005 10:01
I think The orginal Batman was the best comic book movie. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "I would like you to meet, my little friend". Tony Montana, Scar Face. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Favorite Movie. in General | |
Member # 798
written Saturday, February 12 2005 09:13
My favorite would have to be either A Bron Tale or American History X. or Mystic River. [ Saturday, February 12, 2005 09:16: Message edited by: The Lord of Evil ] -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "I would like you to meet, my little friend". Tony Montana, Scar Face. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Favorite Movie. in General | |
Member # 798
written Thursday, February 10 2005 16:28
Yes this topic was started along time ago and somehow turned into a flame war. But alot of newbi's have joined since than. So I just want to know, What is your favorite movie? -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Naples in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, February 2 2005 15:39
Isn't The discovery channel accurate? -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "I would like you to meet, my little friend". Tony Montana, Scar Face. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Hello, I'm new member. in General | |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, February 2 2005 15:32
Welcome to the boards. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
I'm back in General | |
Member # 798
written Monday, January 31 2005 15:15
I am very easy to forget. -------------------- "I am Batman". Batman. "No one could touch me, I was Escobars Guy" George Jung-Blow. "Dare to disturb the Universe". The Chocolate War. There is nothing sadder Than wasted Talent. Lorenzo, A Bronx Tale. Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |