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G5 wishlist. in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6433
Profile #37
First i'd like to say IM BACK.

Then i would like to offer a few ideas about Geneforge 5... First off, you could find a shaper/rebel npc near the begining that, like you can shape, that is also willing to team up with you. This would give you the ability to have like a kind of family tree so you have 14 possible creations (just a suggestion)

Or to adapt this theory you could have it were your home/school/werever is attacked and you pair up with a more powerful shaper for a short time... kind of like need for speed underground 2 were they start you off driveing one of fastest cars.

I'd also like to see you being able to mount/ride your creations to give yourself a speed increase while moveing normaly and a slighty harder to hit chance from melee wepons attcking them and them attacking you but easyer chance to hit for range wepons.

Other possibilitys that i would like or could come into the storyline is that the rebel drackons invent a geneforge to turn the humen rebes into drakons and you have been choosen, so not only are you fighting for the rebelion but your also fighting to gain pride and power in the drakons eyes.

I like the idea of towns changeing quite a bit but would also like towns to offer a lot more reasons to revisit them like in geneforge 4 there were only 5 canisters to get from the people that make them... why cant they make more? and also you could change it from instead of everytime you travel it increases the day count as one make the day count increse every 10 minuits with the area darkening and brightening.

There could also be like 3-4 geneforges throughout the game and you use the second only if you have used the first or the 3rd after the 2nd else they kill you.

In Geneforge 4 there was hint of shapers throwing some laws out of the window... how about in geneforge 5 the shapers throw them all out the window and in there last moments create a global problem for the rebels to clean up.

Another point i would like to make is that i would like to see you being able to make every creation that exists... well most im not suggestion being able to make plants... but anyway being able to make serviles and them worms.

Anyway i hope thats enough to chew on... My puntuation is better :D and im glad to be back.

[ Thursday, May 31, 2007 07:42: Message edited by: sharx ]

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
Cheating/Editors in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
Member # 6433
Profile #16
err... i would think you edit an existing item useing notepad (or have times moved on?) so that when you equip that sword/sheild/whatever it is you get a huge stat increase. it would likely be in the items file. ;)

[ Thursday, December 14, 2006 13:09: Message edited by: sharx ]

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
change shaper graphics? in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #16
Lol i'll try that a fat battle alpha hehehe.

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #212
Lol thats what i thought but some may have liked it so i posted it. But i could always write a story I have the imagination for it just not the writing skills.

[ Monday, April 24, 2006 11:07: Message edited by: sharx ]

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #210
Or mabey you could have started the war because of love... like you ran away with a big good and powerful guys wife, he rebels to get revenge (goes evil) and then the shaper counsel has you go and stop him meanwhile your girlfreind gets murderd by her x-husband's creations and you find out and kill him. lol

P.S. Im not sure i like this idea though.

[ Monday, April 24, 2006 10:56: Message edited by: sharx ]

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #201
origanaly posted by robsavage:
p.s. I think Nick Ringer has a great idea with introducing Creations that have the ability to Fly(maybe using just ranged attacks).
Hay robsavage I thought of flying with creations!!! Read the first post on page 8 and nick, stop takeing credit for it.

origanaly posted by nick ringer:
Or, maybe my ideas regarding flight were better ...

[ Monday, April 24, 2006 00:14: Message edited by: sharx ]

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
Statistically Yours, on the First Anniversary in General
Member # 6433
Profile #71
Right, but topics by new members aren't always useless.
Like me have you read my posts on "a few advance notes on geneforge 4" (page 8) in the geneforge series section. I have loads more ideas...

[ Saturday, April 22, 2006 13:24: Message edited by: sharx ]

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
Power! in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #12
Yes well i found out you could use the geneforge the first time i played it, you'd have to be stupid not to try every possible way to use it!!!

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #193
Keeping my new found gramma cheaking in mind hears more ideas.

The enchanted forge:
1) Well i think there could be more items to be made with it and maby be able to make all the item enchantments instead of just a few.

2) Mabey you could add a new skill for the enchanted forge so it restricts what you can make until you improve it.

3) Mabey you could be able to use normal anvils useing metal and a hammer.

The posibility of mini-games:
1) Well as i offered earlyer the possability of flying there could be a mini game like a space invader game but useing the creation and enemys.

2) I understand this would be hard to build into it and some peeps may not like it but its a suggestion.

1) I suggested swimming before but now i've thought of running.

2) There should be a staminer bar and this goes up with strength mabey.

3) It would be faster to get around and you may be able to avoid some enemys.

Thats some more ideas from sharx! :)

One more idea:
Maby lanken could have masterd his powers and shaped you?

[ Saturday, April 22, 2006 13:31: Message edited by: sharx ]

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
Geneforge 4 spells in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #10
I think some spells should be replaced so 1 additianal spell and one replaced but I definatly(?) want to keep aura of flames maby jeff could make it so you can make it your default attack i just love it, seeing flames drop on your enamys its awsome!!!

[ Saturday, April 22, 2006 07:30: Message edited by: sharx ]

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
change shaper graphics? in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #14
I know I tryed them things lol I wouldent even ask for someone to copy and past them graphics so i dont mind anymore if i dont turn the shaper into a drakon as i know now what it involves thanx anyway. :)

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #192
Lol just to let you know the big post of mine with the ideas well... That took me 30 mins to puntuate and other stuff.

Sorry about the double post forgot to cheak if id posted last (plz note this is the first time its hapend and i know for next time and i noticed quite quickly) and once again sorry.

[ Saturday, April 22, 2006 12:40: Message edited by: sharx ]

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
change shaper graphics? in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #6
I hope so i've been up all night on these fourums lol since 9:00 PM for me its now 5:00 AM, lol thats the power of strong coffee i was hyper scince 3:00 PM yesterday lol night hope i get a helpful reply.

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
change shaper graphics? in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #4
read the P.S. lol i like the graphics

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
change shaper graphics? in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #2
Not the shaper into a drakon... The shaper looks into a drakon (there different i only want the shaper to look like a drakon not act like 1).

P.S. i like the graphics

[ Thursday, April 20, 2006 18:42: Message edited by: sharx ]

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
change shaper graphics? in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #0
I just thought seen as I havent started a thread I might aswell and since I posted in "A few advance notes on geneforge 4" a wish to have the shaper as a drakon i thought id ask if anyone knows how to do it and give me quite a detaild (detaild enough for a 13 year old) description on how to do it???

P.S. i thank you for reading this post and if you help i thank you even more :)

im back in turn based RPG!!!
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #190
nice graphics you drew them?

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
Item Recipe Locations in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #11
lol and nick sorry about posting in a 3 day old p[ost but i got the impression that you DON'T revive threads from a week old so i thought i could but obviously i cant im so very sorry to revive this thread everybody

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
Getting the guardian and agent (problem) in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #5
oh yeh dint thinck bout that sorry guys 'n' girls

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
Item Recipe Locations in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #8
and out comes the O.P.A.L we know as felix (O.P.A.L=outrageously persistant and annoying lepracaun (couldent find a better word begining with L lol) just kidding.

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
Getting the guardian and agent (problem) in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #2
felix im getting pritty tired of loading up the geneforge series bored and seeing 10 topics opend by ... guess who... felix :eek:

[ Thursday, April 20, 2006 17:00: Message edited by: sharx ]

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #188
yeh tryed that but the funny thing... if i equip a wepon i show up as a few puddles of blood lol. and i think we are going a bit off topic?

[ Thursday, April 20, 2006 16:45: Message edited by: sharx ]

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #186
yeh well i use open office cause its FREE lol well spell cheaked and now it should be fine...

and as a post to zeviz yeh ive done them (played all geneforge versions a number of times thrugh more than 10 times each but still cant remember much of the specifics) but i like the graphics of the drakon. :D

[ Thursday, April 20, 2006 16:39: Message edited by: sharx ]

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #183
err... hmm... well theres a problem i dont seem to have word on my computer... how did i lose that?

oh yeh its not word i use its open office

[ Thursday, April 20, 2006 16:24: Message edited by: sharx ]

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
A Few Advance Notes On Geneforge 4 in Geneforge Series
Member # 6433
Profile #181
oh yeh i just went though my post and put some in is that better?

im a demon kid (next bday = 06/06/06)
Posts: 32 | Registered: Saturday, October 29 2005 07:00
