Profile for Erika Maroonmark
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Displayed name | Erika Maroonmark |
Member number | 5969 |
Title | Shock Trooper |
Postcount | 242 |
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Registered | Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
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Registering (not quite a technical question) in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Thursday, April 13 2006 11:32
Ah. :D -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
What instruments do you play? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Thursday, April 13 2006 11:05
Well, there's complex xylophone technique, like those guys with, like, three mallets in each hand and stuff. I should think that would apply to all mallet instruments (I think that's what it is, unless I've confused it with something else). -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Registering (not quite a technical question) in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Thursday, April 13 2006 10:58
"FYT"? "For Your Tin-formation"? Either I'm missing something really obvious, or I've never seen that abbr. before. -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Point of the Demonslayer? in The Exile Trilogy | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 13:58
No, I'm not talking about the tip. I know that's in the Crypt of Drath, which is west of the Horrendous Chasm, so I can't get it. But I do have the other pieces, which Solberg wanted me to find so that I could fight the Haakai in the Tower of the Magi. Which I already did, and I got the Blessed Athame from it. (Edit: Um… yeah. I actually meant the Onyx Sceptre.) Which makes me think, what's the point of the Demonslayer? Does it serve any other purpose, or does it just make a fight that's not that hard easier? (Being unregistered, I've pretty much just wandered the demo levelling up and doing everything I can, so my levels when fighting it might have been a bit inflated compared to what they are when you normally do it.) [ Friday, April 14, 2006 07:46: Message edited by: Erika Maroonmark ] -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
How many people would like spiderweb software to make a game for the nintendo DS in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 12:34
True. The Zelda games for N64 were made I think six and eight years ago (wow, they're old now…), then there's stuff like Tales of Symphonia, which is OK (although at times it felt more like watching TV than playing a game, the battles and stuff were so easy, and it was just scene after scene otherwise), and Wind Waker is OK, but other than that, there's really nothing memorable. I'd think that Final Fantasy would be pretty good, but I've never played it, and most of those games are getting pretty old too, aren't they? Most of them are for Playstation 1. Everything else that's good is really old, like Chrono Trigger. -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
What instruments do you play? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 12:26
quote:I think I used to have 2001. When I switched to 2004, nothing was different. It sounded a little bit better, but neither sounded like MIDI. (Edit: Whoops. Just kidding. I have 2002, not 2001. Gah. Um… yeah. Second really dumb thing I've said in two days.) [ Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:44: Message edited by: Erika Maroonmark ] -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Which spiderweb software game is best? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 12:19
You're right about this loyalty thing (edit: whoever said that… a while ago…). I started with Escape from the Pit and didn't know Avernum (or Exile 2 or 3 or anything else) existed until less than a year ago. I like the talking better on Exile, for one thing. With Avernum, you have to cycle through a conversation, remembering what you said, to get back to a particular thing that you want to talk about next, whereas on Exile you just type the same 4 letters in again (or hit Back, on Exile 3). Avernum has more quests, which is always good, but Exile wins IMO. You can also have six characters. My favourite story line is also Exile/Avernum 1. I'm not usually a big fan of sequels. –The only person to vote for Exile 1. *preens* [ Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:21: Message edited by: Erika Maroonmark ] -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Happy pesach! in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 12:13
quote:*giggle* I'm all in favour of matzah meal versions of real food. Passover is one of my least favourite times of year– there's so little you can eat that's actually GOOD. *sigh* I've gotten through about 2 Passovers without giving up + starting to eat bread again. Out of sixteen. XD (Well, for the first couple I didn't eat bread because I didn't eat real *food*…) [ Thursday, April 13, 2006 16:46: Message edited by: Erika Maroonmark ] -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
How many people would like spiderweb software to make a game for the nintendo DS in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 12:07
An Exilesque game for some platform that's not a computer would be pretty cool (and definitely superior to so many fantasy games for stuff like the Gamecube and Playstation II), but not the DS. DS is pretty stupid. I also don't think it would have the necessary charm if ported to another platform. -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
How did you discover Avernum? in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 12:01
Couldn't you download the PC version to a Mac and then put it on a disk and transfer it to the PC? -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Are fantasy RPGs inherently conservative? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 11:57
quote:Wow. >< *absolutely DIES* Well, in *most* games you wouldn't. Man, I really need to buy the whole thing of these games... [ Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:02: Message edited by: Erika Maroonmark ] -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Registering (not quite a technical question) in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Wednesday, April 12 2006 11:55
Yeah, I'm actually from New York. =D I'm not actually British, I just say stuff like "colour" and "grey". Because it looks better. ^^ Money order is a good idea. Must try this. And puns are awesome. Thanks, everyone. ^^ [ Wednesday, April 12, 2006 12:35: Message edited by: Erika Maroonmark ] -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
How did you discover Avernum? in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Tuesday, April 11 2006 18:19
The computer my dad bought when I was 7 or so came with a lot of games on it for some reason (I think we got it used…). They were all those old classics like Civilization and Ultima III, and among them was the demo version of Exile 1.1.3. I had no idea how it worked (after a couple years, I found the instruction menu and found out that you don't talk in complete sentences), but screwed around with it a bunch, off and on. Then something odd happened and I apparently lost the actual application. (Don't ask me how…) I searched for Exile online, found Spiderweb Software's site, and redownloaded it (although it was 2.0.1, the graphics of which are vastly inferior, at least IMO). I had no idea there were more games. I played through the demos of Exile 2 (which, I found out, actually WAS named "Crystal Souls", not "Hordes of Monsters Ripping AT YOUR FACE!!!" or whatever the other title was =D=D) and 3, then Nethergate, then this weird "Avernum" business. (Huh?! A remake of Exile? So it was.) I don't know which I like better. Exile is classic, but Avernum has more quests, therefore character development… meh. -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
What instruments do you play? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Tuesday, April 11 2006 18:13
Yay flute. (And a lot of recorder…ists, too. o_O Awesome.) I use PrintMusic, too, but what you hear in the playback isn't actually MIDI instruments. It's Quicktime SoftSynth, which sounds a lot better than MIDI. Then, when you switch it to MIDI, to send as a file in an email or something, it sounds really bad. -_-;; -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Registering (not quite a technical question) in Tech Support | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Tuesday, April 11 2006 17:40
OK, this isn't exactly a tech support question, but I don't think it really fits under any other category. I'm 16 years old, a fan of Exile (and, more recently, nearly everything else ^_^) for 7 years, and I want to register at least something. (I've wanted to meet the awesome-sounding Erika for ages– I love you A3!!) However, I don't think my parents would buy me registration codes for computer games, because of the whole "computers waste your time" thing. I haven't got a credit card, which rules out the whole email thing; I could probably come up with $25 at some point from playing a gig or babysitting, which happen pretty infrequently, but existently. I know you can send checks, but I don't have a checking account, only savings. Anyway, is there a way to register Exile without my parents being uber-involved (because if it's up to them, at any point that something depends on them, even if they agreed to it in the first place, they could change their minds and say no)? If not, what way to register would require the *least* involvement from my parents? (Or am I just doomed to wait until college or whenever I can obtain a credit card? XD) I'd also be interested to hear from other teenagers who are/were in the same situation. ^_^ [ Tuesday, April 11, 2006 18:06: Message edited by: Erika Maroonmark ] -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Are fantasy RPGs inherently conservative? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Tuesday, April 11 2006 17:31
The violence in fantasy games in general could be a type of conservatism. You wouldn't see Our Heroes coming back from an encounter with Grah-Hoth or Emperor Hawthorne or Rentar-Ihrno or what have you, waving a document and proclaiming "I have in my hand… peace in our time!" (Right there under Special Items. =D) Liberals see negotiation as the solution to so many problems, but appeasement and/or negotiation often won't work. For example, when they just plain want to kill you. (Talk: Select someone. Creature is hostile.) Although I've never played the registered portions of any Spiderweb games (alas, alack), I think it's safe to say from the little I know of Exile that the Empire is reminiscent of totalitarian regimes, with the dissidents being imprisoned (or, in this case, Exiled) and such. Negotiation with such powers in the real world has proven mostly useless. However, I've noticed a lot of fantasy games and novels with very liberal messages. Take Tales of Symphonia, for instance. It has fighting in it (notably, for different reasons from Exile, i.e. the main characters are trying to regenerate the world, and the world is dangerous– since it needs to be regenerated and all, that's what you'd expect), but look at the story line: without giving too much away, the motivation of the bad guy is that his people were discriminated against by the rest of the world, so he hates everyone back, and the moral of the story is basically not to hate people for no reason. Also, a major religious organisation in the Tales of Symphonia world turns out to be an instrument created by the bad guys to control people (they think they're engaging in religious rituals, but they're actually achieving something the bad guys want). The novels of Philip Pullman also come to mind for their deliberate anti-religiousness. So, no, I don't think fantasy RPG's are inherently conservative. The author can change the storyline and concept of the game to fit his ideological needs. -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
funny animated videos in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Saturday, November 5 2005 07:58
And teh awesome Peasant's Quest! Also -------------------- A C, an E flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin runs up to them and says, "Hey, look! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Most excellent nomination. in The Exile Trilogy | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Saturday, November 5 2005 07:48
Yeah, the new graphics aren't as pretty. Not to mention that the Escape from the Pit version number "Exile 2.0.1" that I have confuses me to no end. ^^; -------------------- A C, an E-flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin walks up to them and says, "Hey! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says, "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Tuesday, November 1 2005 18:36
The one where you have to push the rock? >< "Moriar, domine" also comes to mind. I don't remember exactly what that's from. But as long as we're quoting Latin... ^^;;; And "Gaudeamus igitur" in the Tower of the Magi because it's the Tower of the Magi. Therefore, because it is the Tower of the Magi, and it exists, let us rejoice. =D [ Tuesday, November 01, 2005 18:41: Message edited by: Explore the Surface Now ] -------------------- A C, an E flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin runs up to them and says, "Hey, look! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Tuesday, November 1 2005 18:08
Stravinsky! Yeah! Infernal Dance is great for boss fights! ^^ -------------------- A C, an E flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin runs up to them and says, "Hey, look! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Tuesday, November 1 2005 16:10
*dies laughing* Or Debussy! Afternoon of a Faun, En Bateau, and The Girl with the Flaxen Hair are great fantasy soundtrack-ish things. They're also totally awesome and peerless per se, obviously. =P -------------------- A C, an E flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin runs up to them and says, "Hey, look! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Riddles & Brain Teasers in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Monday, October 31 2005 19:18
I thought you both said it was "language". >< That's my personal favourite variant of the riddle and the one I was setting up by saying "There are three words in 'the English language'". -------------------- A C, an E flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin runs up to them and says, "Hey, look! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Hpp Vwl Cnsrvtn Dy in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Monday, October 31 2005 19:16
Yy, hpp Vwl Cnsrvtn Dy t y t! :D -------------------- A C, an E flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin runs up to them and says, "Hey, look! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
*Also* in November 2005 in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Monday, October 31 2005 17:56
quote:Gah! What luck you've got! I'm stuck sitting through a whole day of school tomorrow! ;_; [ Monday, October 31, 2005 19:32: Message edited by: Explore the Surface Now ] -------------------- A C, an E flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin runs up to them and says, "Hey, look! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |
Avernum 4? in General | |
Shock Trooper
Member # 5969
written Monday, October 31 2005 17:54
*giggles* Romantic, adventurous-sounding music is always good. Like Sibelius. Finlandia makes good fantasy game music. Good "And the intrepid hero has slain the evil, er, whatever it was this time!" music. ^^ So does the Finale from the 2nd symphony. Mahler's first symphony is good for that too. -------------------- A C, an E flat, and a G walk into the Tower of the Magi. Ambrin runs up to them and says, "Hey, look! It's the Triad!" Kelner snorts and says "Pretty minor Triad if you ask me." Posts: 242 | Registered: Thursday, June 16 2005 07:00 |