Profile for The_Other_Guy
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Displayed name | The_Other_Guy |
Member number | 5483 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 130 |
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Registered | Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
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The Abominable Glitch in General | |
Member # 5483
written Saturday, March 15 2008 18:07
Pretty much every game has at least one or two interesting glitches or bugs. A couple I rather like on the N64: In 007:Goldeneye if you go into the Goldeneye room in the Bunker and use remote mines to blow up the monitors on the ceiling anything other than a bullet will hang in mid-air where you were standing when you used it - even rockets. In Perfect Dark in one of the warehouses there's a hovercrate. If you carefully push it all the way to the firing range and block the door with it, you can use any weapon on the guy standing outside although he doesn't react. You can also blow out the lights although then you can't see him well. I rather enjoy filling him with arrows, placing a mine on his crotch. etc. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Quick Question in General | |
Member # 5483
written Wednesday, February 27 2008 08:04
quote:Actually you're not really "in" until Alorael takes a snipe at your head and leaves you either dead or insane, which is where the phrase "leave your sanity at the door" actually originated :D :P [ Wednesday, February 27, 2008 08:05: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Simulated Reality in General | |
Member # 5483
written Wednesday, February 27 2008 07:48
quote:Ever see the movie The Thirteenth Floor? A simulation created a simulation of its own so after observing it for a little while they shut it down and killed everyone who knew enough to reproduce it. Anyway for those who claim we would be able to tell if our reality is a simulation, consider this: let's go back to the early days of 3D rendering. Most stuff was quite blocky and the rendering of it wasn't very smooth. Now let's suppose you were born in a simulated reality very similar to this. You wouldn't know any different and have no idea that things should be smoother, etc. Therefore by extension you could use the analogy of the aforementioned simulated reality to this reality as this reality (if simulated) to the actual reality. As you can see the inhabitants of a simulated reality are unaware of anything outside the limitations of the program and therefore they wouldn't be able to tell the difference whereas in our dreams things differ from our experience in reality and we return to reality later and because of these we can tell the difference in our dreams and therefore dreams and a simulated reality can not be used in a good analogy. [ Wednesday, February 27, 2008 07:51: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Geology Lecture in General | |
Member # 5483
written Sunday, February 17 2008 05:59
quote:Let's look at the actual text: quote:The right of the PEOPLE to keep and bear arms, not the militia. The 2nd Amendment guarantees that the militia and the government can't take your gun from you. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Geology Lecture in General | |
Member # 5483
written Saturday, February 16 2008 15:27
I think the issue isn't so much whether we have gun restrictions and how strong they are as what restrictions we use. Good restrictions: background checks, waiting periods, usage training, and psychological testing. Bad restrictions: gun-free zones, placement restrictions (such as not allowed in car), etc. Anybody else realize that virtually every mass shooting has happened in a "gun-free zone"? Just try conducting a mass shooting at a gun show. Imagine how many fewer deaths would've occurred if teachers were allowed to carry firearms in school. If it's illegal for anyone to have a gun in a given area then it is very easy for someone to just come into that area and shoot everyone with little or no resistance. [ Saturday, February 16, 2008 15:30: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
shorthand in verbal conversation in General | |
Member # 5483
written Wednesday, February 6 2008 08:22
quote:Interesting hypothesis. You may have something there. Although cursing is a social norm where I am, the minority of people who have a problem with it are likely responsible for its continued use. It's quite ironic that their attempts to get us to stop using certain words are what cause us to continue using them frequently. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
shorthand in verbal conversation in General | |
Member # 5483
written Tuesday, January 29 2008 15:45
quote:I never understood the use of euphemisms. Why do some people consider it improper to utter certain words yet have no problem with using other words meaning the same thing? And what I REALLY want to know is why some people think they have the right to force this backward opinion on the rest of us. I could get into a long rant about it and the FCC in particular but It'd just be a waste of space really. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
shorthand in verbal conversation in General | |
Member # 5483
written Thursday, January 24 2008 09:52
Lately I've noticed some people engaged in verbal conversation actually spelling out things like "OMG" and "lol" even though they are the same number of syllables as the actual words and therefore take just as long to say and I was wondering what percentage of people are irritated by this. [ Thursday, January 24, 2008 09:55: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 5 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=kyrbdFrupyRS"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=kyrbdFrupyRS"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Is illegal downloading such a bad thing? in General | |
Member # 5483
written Monday, July 23 2007 14:48
quote:Actually they make little to no money from these sales. Programmers and such are paid for their work when they do it regardless of copies sold later. The publishers and retailers are the ones who make major mooolah off stuff and they make plenty anyway. Musicians do make money from their CD's but not much. They make most of their money from live appearances. Also many people do this just to try it out before buying or choose to buy it later because they liked it. Another major point to keep in mind is that most people who do this wouldn't have purchased the product anyway, usually because, like the starter of this thread, they don't make that kind of money and therefore no income is lost. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Europa, God, and you, or Where it all fits. in General | |
Member # 5483
written Monday, July 16 2007 08:24
"Acts of God" brings up an interesting point. One of my pet peeves (I'm an atheist btw) is when people are always saying thank God for x or thank god x did/didn't happen where x can be anything. Here are some amusing examples: thank God the water wasn't poisoned: are you perhaps thanking him for not poisoning your water? thank God I decided not to shoot myself: are you thanking him for not encouraging you to do so or what? thank God I sold enough to cover the rent: perhaps you believe God stood outside and demanded that people go in and buy stuff? Of course the reason behind this is that people are just so used to saying it they don't even think about it no matter how silly it is in that situation. Even when I was a Christian I didn't attribute divine influence to squat. Oh well. btw sorry if anyone was offended instead of amused. [ Monday, July 16, 2007 08:27: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
cussing in General | |
Member # 5483
written Monday, July 9 2007 11:41
quote:How about on Futurama Professor Farnsworth's "sweet zombie Jesus!" lol quote:For some reason when people who you normally think wouldn't cuss (such as small children and old ladies) do so (and well) it fills me with laughter although I don't know why. [ Monday, July 09, 2007 11:46: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
cussing in General | |
Member # 5483
written Friday, June 29 2007 07:52
Wow 22 replies overnight. Not bad for my first post in months. Well without school and with DSL hopefully that length of absense will never be seen again. quote:Controversy simply refers to people on both sides of the debate feeling very strongly that they're right. As for the change to make it recent, I said no such thing I simply stated that it was a current issue that could use some discussion. quote:Depends; do you consider jackass a cussword? Some people do and some don't. (I don't) quote:Good thing you dind't go to the same high school I did. S***head was what you called your friends. Example: "what's up, s***head?" Also you would hear nearly every word in the book almost every day and the rest usually every week. Other things were also said that you wouldn't hear in a lot of other places such as "you suck loose va(rest of word deleted in case of children present on thread)" Fortunately pretty much only freshmen got written up for it. I cussed many times every day myself and rarely even got told "watch your language." [ Friday, June 29, 2007 08:37: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
cussing in General | |
Member # 5483
written Thursday, June 28 2007 16:42
Today there seems to be a lot of controversy over whether cussing is acceptable and under what circumstances so I figured I'd see what my fellow spiderwebbers thought. If you check one of the first 3 boxes then check no others. Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 3 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=hUeuWgglZYHg"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=hUeuWgglZYHg"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
A survey that isn't a poll in General | |
Member # 5483
written Wednesday, May 2 2007 12:01
1. If Spidweb closed these forums, what would you do? - bash my head against the desk and shout obscenities, then figure out where everyone else defected to 2. If you could be any creature from a Spidweb game, what would you be? - human 3. Who would you like to see as a moderator? - I like the current mods just fine 4. If you had to change your user name, what would you change it to? - I just did 5. What's your favorite spell? - aura of flames 6. What city in the Avernum series would you want to rule? - none, what fun would that be? 7. How old are you? - 19 in June 8. What country would you like to live in besides the one you're in already - I think I'd rather die than forfeit the freedoms I enjoy in the US 9. Your favorite Spidweb game is... - the Geneforge series 10. Am I annoying? - sometimes -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
A Questionaire That Isn't A Poll in General | |
Member # 5483
written Wednesday, May 2 2007 11:57
edit: wrong thread [ Wednesday, May 02, 2007 12:00: Message edited by: your killer in 27 seconds ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Surprises in General | |
Member # 5483
written Monday, April 9 2007 12:57
This poll needed a "neither surprised me" option. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Exile or Avernum in General | |
Member # 5483
written Monday, April 9 2007 12:50
I actually didn't like either too much until A4 (which I loved)due to the stupid use the keyboard to move instead of the mouse. A4 took a few pointers from GF and It worked out quite well. Ironically Exile 3 is what brought me to this site in the first place, but then that was a long time ago. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
SSF time zone in Tech Support | |
Member # 5483
written Wednesday, April 4 2007 14:33
Maybe not the appropriate place to post this, but I couldn't find a bettter one. Is there any way to change what time zone the times that appear on posts are? It's a heck of a lot easier to tell when a post was when I don't have to subtract 3 hours. [ Wednesday, April 04, 2007 14:34: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Aranclonetar in General | |
Member # 5483
written Wednesday, April 4 2007 14:27
quote:Actually, in the movie with the returned Voyager probe, the planet of living machines it went to consisted of the early stages of the Borg, according to a Star Trek book I once read (I forget the title, it was a while back). I can't believe I haven't visited these forums in like 6 weeks :eek: . Work and school kept me busy. edit: I also started playing GF4 only yesterday despite the months of anticipation before its release [ Wednesday, April 04, 2007 14:30: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Disturbed's Believe Album in General | |
Member # 5483
written Friday, February 23 2007 07:03
quote:The WMP autorun didn't show a ripping option, but I tried just loading WMP and telling it to rip the currently inserted CD and it worked. Your post put me on the right track so thanks. :) quote:You do have a point there, but I didn't know where else to turn. As for the people dissing Disturbed, just remember that different people enjoy different types of music and just because you don't enjoy it doesn't mean it's crap. quote:It's nice to know I'm noticed and appreciated. :) -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Soda in General | |
Member # 5483
written Friday, February 23 2007 05:34
quote:I do have ADD, but not ADHD, but that could still be the cause. I would speculate that caffeine interacts with my medications, but my brother doesn't take any. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Disturbed's Believe Album in General | |
Member # 5483
written Thursday, February 22 2007 15:29
I got it from the library after a 2 month wait and I can't figure out how to access the songs on it, just the Prayer video and the Adobe Flash application. Can someone please help me out here? -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Soda in General | |
Member # 5483
written Thursday, February 22 2007 15:22
I definately agree that pop has WAY too much sugar. Also caffeine makes me tired for some reason, my brother's the same way but neither of our parents are. I used to drink a lot of pop when I was a little younger, but now I mostly drink Gatorade. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
The Shocking Truth in General | |
Member # 5483
written Thursday, February 22 2007 15:10
quote:I have more: On a Sears Hairdryer: Do not use while sleeping On a bag of Fritos: You could be a winner! No purchase necessary. Details inside. (isn't that encouraging shoplifting?) On Tesco's Tiramisu dessert (printed on bottom): "Do not turn upside own." (a little late for that) On Marks & Spencer Bread Pudding: "Product will be hot after heating." On Boot's Children Cough Medicine:"Do not drive a car or operate machinery after taking this medication." On Nytol Sleep Aid: "Warning: May cause drowsiness." On most brands of Christmas lights: "For indoor or outdoor use only." (as opposed to what?) On a Japanese food processor: "Not to be used for the other use." On Sunsbury's peanuts: "Warning: contains nuts." On a Swedish chainsaw: "Do not attempt to stop chain with your hands or genitals." that last one had me dying for several minutes and again each of the first few times I told someone else [ Thursday, February 22, 2007 15:10: Message edited by: The_Other_Guy ] -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |
Cheater! in General | |
Member # 5483
written Thursday, February 22 2007 14:54
I typically cheat to give myself a lot more gold for something than I'm supposed to, such as the shaper equipment that certain people pay you extra for. I don't feel like lugging around a bunch of loot in every area and going back and selling it all then collecting more. -------------------- Ignorance Is bliss -Cypher (Matrix) Don't think you can; know you can -Morpheus (Matrix) sanity is overrated :) Posts: 130 | Registered: Monday, February 7 2005 08:00 |