Profile for Diprosopus

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While We Wait for the Next Chapter in General
Member # 13806
Profile #39
Combat? Sir, I was not aware that fighting was permitted on these boards. A shame, that is: Sometimes, a battle can be amusing. No matter, I have enough diversions to keep you safe from harm. :)
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
About my scenario in Blades of Avernum
Member # 13806
Profile #5
I'm sure your next effort will suck the air out of our lungs.

I suppose what I'm saying is, it'll take our breath away. :eek:
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
If you could be any type of candy, what would you be? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #4
I was not aware that I hated Nicothodes. I have kept myself restrained, I simply wish to amuse myself on occasion. Sir, spare me such simple indulgences. I mean no harm. And I don't have any special concern for the jargon of dead Germans, I simply wish people would be more aware of their logical inconsistencies.

And upon further edit, I assure you, Mr. Andraste is also in error.

[ Thursday, April 10, 2008 17:00: Message edited by: Diprosopus ]
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
If you could be any type of candy, what would you be? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #0
Either way, you'd be DELICIOUS.


. . . . . . . . . . . . .[AND NOW I'M OVER HERE]











You're dumb.

I am annoyed because you people are boring. Do none of you thirteen-year-old persons have anything better to do than go cut yourselves? Are cheap gimmicks the closest you come to having a sense of self? Or should I not judge you by the fact that you are all completely and totally vapid?

Crackers who I am displeased with make me sick.




Here are some cows:


Now go die.

[ Thursday, April 10, 2008 17:33: Message edited by: Imban ]
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Future Series - What Would You Like? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #2
I would prefer to explore a unique setting. I don't think classes are the best idea, but even fluid growth should be impressionable by which skills are practiced the most. Also, I would like to see character growth. Virtually every character one sees in Vogel's games are one-dimensional, even if that dimension may be more or less interesting at certain times.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Why can't we just be happy? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #54
Or, to translate: It's absurd to use others as a standard to determine your own feelings.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Why can't we just be happy? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #52
I believe, sir, that CBT's success (even if it was simply due to the variants on "cheer up" you describe) can still be reasonably explained as '"cheer up" with qualifier(s)', which I didn't commit myself to condemning. I was also more interested in addressing a general attitude that assigning a responsibility to someone who doesn't see it as a privilege as well is a poor strategy to address depression, since it's typically incoherent to the person. Even if I see reason to accept responsibility myself, I'm hardly reasonable to demand responsibility in others.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
a scenario in Blades of Avernum
Member # 13806
Profile #8
That took less than a minute. Was I cheating?
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Global Warming is real and I can proove it! in General
Member # 13806
Profile #19
Mr. Zeviz is, of course, correct. Members of spiderweb are held to a high standard that frowns upon myths like debunking global warming, creationism or holocaust denial.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Why can't we just be happy? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #46
Dear Mr. Feet, I would simply suggest that it be clear that your comments only apply to those who are not subject to true tragedy, which truly does exist. And while depression among those not subject to tragedy is sad, "change your attitude" or "others have it worse" without any qualifiers are generally unhelpful because the former asks the impossible out of people and depression is based off of a sincerely-held, committed belief that one's situation actually is bad.

[ Tuesday, April 01, 2008 15:51: Message edited by: Diprosopus ]
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
What have you been reading recently? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #47
Not to question an adult perspective, but by "adult perspective" I assume you mean "perspective of having the most rudimentary of religious indoctrination"?

For clarity's sake, you understand.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Deathmatch Tournament -- Round Two, Part One in General
Member # 13806
Profile #186
Sir, your concerns have reminded me to mark off every other week on my calendar so that I might inject life into this thread. That way, it would never suffer any death from which to be revived, no? :confused:
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Why can't we just be happy? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #33
Words to live by, unless you're destitute, starved, dying, in chronic pain, abused, imprisoned or tortured. So, Miss Nicothodes, unless those things are happening to you, you probably do not have anything to worry about. Good news, right? :) That others are unhappy is solved by taking up responsibility, not assigning it. Or rather, if you want to assign responsibility, what binds others to accept it? So ask the questions: What can you do? Why should other people do what you want?
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Why can't we just be happy? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #30
You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you find you get what you need. ;)
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Party Size? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 13806
Profile #3
I'm aware of the short in question. I'm simply wondering if 3 or more player character parties are uncommon enough that I would be inconveniencing a large number of players with even the politest insistence on such parties.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Party Size? in Blades of Avernum
Member # 13806
Profile #0
Question: If I was to design a scenario that doesn't use a prefabricated party, would it be reasonable for me to assume that there are at least 3 player characters in an average party? Not that I plan on making any party size mandatory, but it would enrich the storyline a great deal.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
The 2008 Elections in General
Member # 13806
Profile #23
Obama's refusal to shake Hillary's hand was one of the most important events in the campagn for me, because we can see politicians' true character only when they think nobody is watching. And when somebody who builds his entire image around being "Mr. Positive" doesn't show common curtecy to his opponent when he thinks nobody is looking, that raises questions about the authenticity of his image.
I would hesitate to accept authenticity on behalf of any politician's image, nevermind ones whose most common forms of expression involve shaking the hands of one's opponents.

And as for acting quickly: How many senators read any of the legislation they "pass" nowadays, anyway? Wanting to pass legislation and having a generally outwardly progressive agenda is preferable to not wanting to pass legislation quickly and having an outward progressive agenda, since the latter option leaves room for obviously non-progressive candidates to ammend their bills to the whims of lobbyists.

(Clinton, as an example, receives more money from the health insurance industry than any other Democrat. Of course, both candidates are tainted--just last week, Clinton met with Boeing, and Obama met with Bechtel.)

I would simply make the point that, even if candidates are utterly hollow and will never do what we want, voting for a candidate with publicly endorsed views you support at least increases public confidence in those views if your candidate performs well. She or he would be something of a spokesman for your positions if pandering them is required for votes.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Feeling pompous? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #18
Stop showing off your big brains, Salmon. :(
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Feeling pompous? in General
Member # 13806
Profile #7
Well, it was certainly anal enough.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Pat Condell is a hero in General
Member # 13806
Profile #11
YouTube commentaries are what our televisions would sound like if they could speak.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Studies in General
Member # 13806
Profile #48
I believe, Mr. Ratt, that there is something particularly meaning about basing one's own arrogance off of another's cheap puns. Or perhaps I should be more explicit as to whom I'm referencing. :eek:
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Studies in General
Member # 13806
Profile #39
macdude, I find your final line to have a fair bite to it. :( Personally, I prefer the limb donation payment plan.

Mr. Trinity, bravo for insulting a commanding officer!

Mr. Excalibur, as much as you may rise above the skill of the average contestant of American Idol, it strikes me that perhaps Mr. Salmon was being facetious in suggesting it in the first place. Of course, I maintain knowing nothing. :confused:

And as always, Mr. Thuryl's puns are priceless. (Fortunately.)
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
Pat Condell is a hero in General
Member # 13806
Profile #8
It says that humanity behaves as stupidly as he does, which is worse still.
Posts: 134 | Registered: Sunday, February 3 2008 08:00
