Profile for SoItBegins
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Displayed name | SoItBegins |
Member number | 10408 |
Title | Apprentice |
Postcount | 13 |
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Registered | Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
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The Oscars! (for Mad Scientists) in General | |
Member # 10408
written Saturday, May 3 2008 13:52
In case you're wondering, I am a regular in a collaborative forum story called The Mad Scientist Wars. It's starting a new storyline, which will end with the traditional giant battle at the Mad Scientist of the Year awards. Well, if they can get past me (handling the security) and a whole swarm of nanobots, that is. Anyway, I get to choose the awards, so... -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Important Message About Board Upgrade in General | |
Member # 10408
written Friday, May 2 2008 18:02
What - Not Invision Power Board? -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
The Oscars! (for Mad Scientists) in General | |
Member # 10408
written Friday, May 2 2008 08:34
Did you know: Yesterday he had 14553 posts. I started up Avernum 5 for the first time, and my registration code is 14453. WIERD! -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
The Oscars! (for Mad Scientists) in General | |
Member # 10408
written Friday, May 2 2008 07:50
Alorael again? :D -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
The Oscars! (for Mad Scientists) in General | |
Member # 10408
written Friday, May 2 2008 00:56
Here's a question: If there was an awards ceremony, like the Oscars, but for Mad Scientists, what would some of the awards be? The top 3 awards would probably be the Maddest Scientist of the Year award, followed by the Most Evil Madsci award and the Best Madsci Overall award... ...but what would be all the rest? -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Geneforge 5 - March Update in Geneforge 4: Rebellion | |
Member # 10408
written Saturday, April 5 2008 23:23
My questions are several. 1. If this is a Geneforge game, will we finally be able to use the Geneforge [at the end of the game] and become über without ending the game or dissolving to a helpless lump? This is all I would really desire. 2. Now that Geneforge 5 will come out and Avernum 6 is due (which will wrap up both series), what's next? What will be the next Great Creation of Jeff Vogel? 3. Once Avernum 6 comes out, will Avernum be offered in boxed-set form (i.e. ALL 6 GAMES, registered, with hintbooks, for the low, low price of, say... $150 or $175)? I would buy it (if I could afford it at the time). 4. (I've been meaning to ask this ever since I went poking around in the innards of Geneforge 2, approximately 4 years ago) Jeff, exactly what scripting language are you using? Also, did you make the game engine yourself, and if not, where can I find a copy? And if you DID create it all yourself, how much (out of idle curiosity) would it cost to license the engine? [ Saturday, April 05, 2008 23:25: Message edited by: SoItBegins ] -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Why I Will Not Play Avernum V in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10408
written Wednesday, September 12 2007 20:41
Oh. Thanks. I was freaking out again. :rolleyes: -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Why I Will Not Play Avernum V in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10408
written Wednesday, September 12 2007 18:35
Aagh! I'm finished! I'm done for! ...has Jeff picked all the testers already? -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Why I Will Not Play Avernum V in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10408
written Wednesday, September 12 2007 16:36
!!!?!? How do you know this?! -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Why I Will Not Play Avernum V in Avernum 4 | |
Member # 10408
written Wednesday, September 12 2007 15:51
1: Geneforge 3 was not hard to get around in! 2: I have signed up as a beta tester-- if Jeff picks me, I'll be able to see whether it's like Geneforge... 3: but I won't be able to tell you because of the Non-Disclosure Agreement! :D Ha ha ha ha haaaa...(goes off laughing maniacally) - -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Avernum Fanfic in General | |
Member # 10408
written Wednesday, September 12 2007 15:12
It's not that bad, but it's not the next Lord of the Rings, either. I might read it when I have some time. -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Who Wants to be Superhero? in General | |
Member # 10408
written Wednesday, September 12 2007 06:07
It works for villains, too... ![]() Don't be fooled by the smile. As a side note, here's her profile. It's very weird in a few parts, and I had to spend a while tracking down all this information, but I can guarantee it's pretty complete. ********** F.E.A.R. Supervillain Roster Note: F.E.A.R. stands for the Federation of Amalgamated Rogues. ----------- Madame Sarcasta (Head of F.E.A.R.) Real-World Alias: Mariyah Stelle Turner, lesser rich Origin of Abilities: Some learned, others from bonding with printed-word medium, others unknown but probably innate Type: Human bonded with some sort of printed-word medium. Powers: Madame Sarcasta is human, and an incredibly beautiful human (think supermodel-beautiful) at that. However, if you were to look really closely (as in, with a microscope), you would find she is composed not just of matter, but also of WORDS. This makes her resistant to any physical attack and some mental attacks. She is also the only known entity to be at least partially resistant to X's Reality Engine powers. She is fond of rather bad puns, but only occasionally gives voice to them. She can change her appearance at will, but: 1) While she can change the appearance of herself and anything she is wearing, any objects she is carrying won't change appearance. 2) The changed form will still be humanoid and female. 3) Finally, her eyes never change and will always stay that same brilliant green. She can spin things out of the air with words, but this is very tiring and thus, is not done often. She is expert at armed and unarmed combat, and always carries at least one sharp-edged weapon of some sort hidden on her person. Though she may not look it, she's incredibly athletic. Finally, the words aspect means that she may possibly have the powers of a Reality or Chaos Engine. Appearance: <Supervillain outfit> See above. Hair may be an illusion (so it can't be grabbed/get caught in anything). Near-chartreuse green eyes. All of costume is slightly glossy. <when socializing, as normal person> A satin evening dress. Gloves carry over from previous outfit (see above), although they've magically shortened. High-heeled shoes. Dress has a flower on one shoulder. <normal identity> Normal clothes, though she seems to gravitate towards clothing with an ornamental flower, pin, brooch, etc. <all> Looks her most alluring after she's done something villainous, with the intensity of the attraction determined by the 'villany level' of the crime. Thus, she looks her ultimate best (goddess-level pretty) immediately after she has killed. Yeeeouch! Temperament: "Madame" is clever and follows some tenets of the Evil Overlord List, though she's never seen it herself. Likes sarcasm and irony. She is fond of pranks and jokes, though these are never more harmful or destructive than could be bought at any normal joke shop. She has been known to go to highly elaborate lengths to set a joke up, but she never lets her jokes interfere with her villany. Which is her SECOND passion. Her motives for becoming a villain are unclear, but it's been speculated that it's simply because she likes it. Villany Range: Theft/Robbery: Yes. Armed Robbery: Yes. Kidnapping: Yes, but not often (too much trouble). Murder: Yes. Oh yessss. Her forté. World Domination: No (certain trouble) Domination/Destruction: Yes Weaknesses: If you could find the source of the type medium she's bonded with and destroy it, you could cancel these powers: Physical Attack Resistance, Spinning things out of words, and, to some degree, any Reality or Chaos Engine powers. You WOULD NOT cancel: Mental Attack Resistance (hers), Reality Engine Resistance (it's thought that she has some powers in addition to what bonding did, but where THEY came from are unknown), Appearance Editing (see what I just said-- it would be diminished somewhat, though), Combat Skills (those are hers). Wikipedia Classification: Martial Artist, (with a hint of Shape-Shifter) and some Editing -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
# of games bought from jeff in General | |
Member # 10408
written Tuesday, September 11 2007 06:00
I have DEMOS of: Avernum 1-4, + Blades of Avernum Exile Geneforge Nethergate + Nethergate: Ressurection BOUGHT: Geneforge 2-4 -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Avernum 1 2 and 3 speed in Tech Support | |
Member # 10408
written Tuesday, September 11 2007 05:49
I don't have any problems-- but I'm a rabid adherent of the old architecture, still unchained and unmastered. It will rise again-- I swear it. It will rise again!!!!! ...heh-heh. Sorry. ...what? ...hey, the sign said 'Leave Sanity at Door'! -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Ever bought someone a Spiderweb game as a gift? in General | |
Member # 10408
written Tuesday, September 11 2007 05:44
No, Jeff explains everything you need to know pretty carefully. That said, I'd just yield to avarice and buy it for yourself instead. :D -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Beta wait time in General | |
Member # 10408
written Tuesday, September 11 2007 05:40
Thanks! The first part is adapted from something I read on the Ambrosia Software webboard, the third part something I said on that board, and... well, I'll let you find out about the second part. :-J -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Beta wait time in General | |
Member # 10408
written Monday, September 10 2007 21:08
PHEW! I was already getting tense and worried. (If you haven't guessed yet, I signed up to test Avernum 5.) -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |
Beta wait time in General | |
Member # 10408
written Monday, September 10 2007 19:47
How long after Jeff Vogel closes the beta-tester application form does it take before you know you're a beta tester (or, you can give up hope)? -------------------- Microsoft is like a herd of dragons with amoebic dysentery: massive, difficult to redirect, awe-inspiring, entertaining, and a source of mind-boggling amounts of excrement when you least expect it. Death takes a holiday. How not to do it: "Hi, Mr. Dragon. I've come to destroy you, so would you mind if I borrowed your Fireproof Skin Balm recipe first?" Posts: 13 | Registered: Monday, September 10 2007 07:00 |