Servile player
Author | Topic: Servile player |
Shock Trooper
Member # 10374
written Thursday, October 25 2007 03:27
I played G4 2 times as shaper and as rebell.But both times I played as human and not as servile.I noticed people saying that its different with a servile so I want to kinow what exact differences are betwen servile and human characters?And by differences I mean text and plot not combat skills. And also can you play as loyalist as servile and help them or they won't use help of serviles? -------------------- If you listen to LakiRa@ all will go well! Posts: 263 | Registered: Sunday, September 9 2007 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 10488
written Thursday, October 25 2007 04:12
Based on circumstantial evidence, I don't think the people react any differently than in you are human. That said, I started the game specifically to determine this, and I only talked to one loyalist. So at least at the beginning there is no difference. Posts: 334 | Registered: Friday, September 14 2007 07:00 |
Member # 7557
written Thursday, October 25 2007 07:14
I think I recall one talk-mode that was slightly differant then the human one's. Thats about it. As far as I know it makes no differance. -------------------- "I must admit, killing mortals is much easier then killing demons. If you remove a demon's head, all you end up with is something that tries to bite your ankles." -Valen Noob: lol 1337 lol woot Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00 |
Member # 7472
written Thursday, October 25 2007 07:25
You can also access one shop that's inaccessible to humans. -------------------- Scenarios need reviews! Please rate these scenarios at the CSR after playing them! Amnesia • El Presidente • Where the Rivers Meet • A Visit to the Madhouse Avatar • Aphobia • IMAGINE THIS SCENARIO Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
written Thursday, October 25 2007 09:55
The major differences come at the end. Loyalists will have slightly different dialog options, but there really isn't as big a difference in game play. Poryphra Ruins when you talk to Shaper Grim is the most interesting one where he talks about what happens after the war. Any servile that doesn't go back under control is to be considered a rogue creation. He feels that serviles should allow themselves to be reabsorbed. Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00 |
Member # 3629
written Thursday, October 25 2007 12:47
Playing as a servile, there are a few different dialogue lines... a few very touching lines too... <spoilers> Player: "I am a servile. A rogue creation. Nothing but death awaits me at your hands."; Crowley: "You really think that? Recent events have forced us to ... to reevaluate some of our policies. Make no mistake. You will not be hailed as a hero. But you will not be destroyed." ... Crowley: "That is why we can forgive you for your crimes. We can even ignore the way you, a creation, have gone so completely rogue. We can learn from each other, instead of us having to destroy you. But only if you aid us. Help us to help you" Awwwwww... I almost cried. Seriously. It made me think for a moment there was still hope for the Shapers :rolleyes: Posts: 51 | Registered: Friday, October 31 2003 08:00 |
Member # 10578
written Thursday, October 25 2007 12:57
I like serviles... because they do my drudge work so well! Muahahaha! No seriously, I'm a benevolent tyrant. :) -------------------- "We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves?" - Switchfoot ---- My poetry Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 10488
written Thursday, October 25 2007 14:50
quote:Isn't Crowley the general you speak to in the Shaper camp? Does he say those things there or do you meet him again later? Posts: 334 | Registered: Friday, September 14 2007 07:00 |
Member # 5012
written Thursday, October 25 2007 15:05
Yeah, Crowley is the guy in the Shaper Camp at the start, but you meet him later at the Shaper Camp in the Fens. I haven't played Loyalist Servile before, so I don't know which camp that dialogue is at. -------------------- Yes, my username is an anagram. It's a long story. Posts: 25 | Registered: Wednesday, September 22 2004 07:00 |
Member # 6600
written Thursday, October 25 2007 16:52
General Crowley says those lines in the demo-area Shaper Camp. The non-servile version is very similar to it. Dikiyoba. -------------------- Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 3629
written Friday, October 26 2007 15:17
It's similar, but also not similar. To pardon a a rebel criminal is one thing, but to step down and actually request help from not just a servile, but a magic wielding servile with the ability to shape... well that really shows how far the shapers have come. So yeah, I'm having a lot more sympathy for the shapers playing as a servile, as it really changes the story just by changing the context. Posts: 51 | Registered: Friday, October 31 2003 08:00 |
Member # 5360
written Friday, October 26 2007 15:49
It's a start in the right direction for the Shapers. -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Member # 4574
written Friday, October 26 2007 18:56
Funny. All it says to me is that the Shapers are desperate for a victory. The ending of the loyalists speaks to how much they appreciate you in the end. -------------------- "This is the King of the Knob Goblins. All Knob Goblins everywhere bow to his rule! Which would be impressive, if there were Knob Goblins anywhere except Cobb's Knob." Posts: 1186 | Registered: Friday, June 18 2004 07:00 |
Member # 5360
written Friday, October 26 2007 19:31
Desperate to win or not, it's still better than "Kill the rogue on sight!" -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Member # 10578
written Saturday, October 27 2007 13:05
My qualms about fanatical loyalism are dissolving away. How refreshing. :) I hope this means more acceptance for Khyryk among the Shaper mainstream... -------------------- "We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves?" - Switchfoot ---- My poetry Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00 |
Member # 3629
written Sunday, October 28 2007 20:15
someone want to spoil it for me? How does being a servile change Shaper ending - still ****ty? It doesn't seem like it would change Trakovite and Rebel endings much. Posts: 51 | Registered: Friday, October 31 2003 08:00 |
Member # 6292
written Sunday, October 28 2007 21:32
Please keep in mind that this disallowment of the CoC is still in effect: + Using vulgarity and/or obscenities in any language (whether it's in the open, masked, or abbreviated) I know that, in most cases, each of us is capable of more creative and succinct adjectives to describe our opinions. That's actually my primary beef with language usage: too many perfectly fine words feel lonely and left out because we instead overuse and render meaningless once perfectly utilitarian words like "awesome," "gay" "discrimination" and "@^$*%!." -S- -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 10374
written Monday, October 29 2007 04:14
Do dracons still don't trust you as servile?It's really anoying afterall you all are on same side. -------------------- If you listen to LakiRa@ all will go well! Posts: 263 | Registered: Sunday, September 9 2007 07:00 |
Member # 3629
written Monday, October 29 2007 08:40
quote:I didn't censor it, the message board did. I'm perfectly capable of deciding what language to use on my own. thanks though. Posts: 51 | Registered: Friday, October 31 2003 08:00 |
Member # 1668
written Monday, October 29 2007 12:22
I think that was the point -- that when you're in a shared space such as these boards, you actually can't choose what words you use. Well, you can, but only within the parameters of the rules set out in the CoC. That you didn't reduce the explitive to asterisks doesn't exactly make your post more praiseworthy... -------------------- "Mongo only pawn in game of life" -- Mongo Posts: 75 | Registered: Monday, August 5 2002 07:00 |
Member # 6292
written Monday, October 29 2007 12:34
quote:Yes you are. And you will experience consequences for any choice you make. There are consequences here, if you choose to post thinly-veiled obscenities. I have blotted your poorly-chosen word, since you did not choose to make it more CoC compliant after a friendly reminder. Don't make me do it again. It is my choice to reasonably honor the parameters set up by the owner of these boards, which I have agreed to do. -S- [ Monday, October 29, 2007 12:36: Message edited by: Synergy ] -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |
Member # 3629
written Monday, October 29 2007 15:36
christ, get real dude. Again, MY CHOICE OF WORDS WAS TRANSPARENT. There was NO deceit on my part. I DID NOT CHOOSE TO VEIL MY CHOICE OF WORDS LIKE YOU ARE SUGGESTING. But as such, the board did not find my choice acceptable, and changed it accordingly. That is PERFECTLY fine with me. It should be clear that ****-py IS accepted, as the board changed it from crappy to ****-py, adding the dash, instead of just omitting the entire thing completely. The board changed it - okay, whatever, no one gets hurt, I move on. HOWEVER, I'm not in the mood to be bossed around by a moderator who feels the need to exercise his phallic rights. It just irks me. I hope you understnad. [ Monday, October 29, 2007 15:38: Message edited by: Travers ] Posts: 51 | Registered: Friday, October 31 2003 08:00 |
Member # 6292
written Monday, October 29 2007 16:15
quote:Yes, that was precisely the problem. The letters you left behind were not "-py," lest you are inclined to censor your memory, rather than your choice of words. Apparently, you are having difficulty understanding or accepting what is not okay according to the CoC. The CoC is the law, not the auto-censor function of the board. Please familiarize yourself with it. There will be no more time wasted on this here. -S- ![]() -------------------- A4 Items • A4 Singleton • G4 Items • G4 Forging • G4 Infiltrator • NR Items • The Lonely Celt Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00 |