Interested in spiderweb games, where to start?
Author | Topic: Interested in spiderweb games, where to start? |
Member # 16132
written Thursday, March 27 2008 11:41
Hello, do I have to start from Avernum 1 then work my way to 5 for the full story? Is this the same case as their other games? Thanks Posts: 2 | Registered: Thursday, March 27 2008 07:00 |
Member # 8030
written Thursday, March 27 2008 11:45
You don't have to, as each game has a rather independent plot. I myself have never played the fourth installment in the series, and playing Avernum 5 without it works just fine. What's nice about starting from the beginning, though, is previous games are referred to in later ones, but again, won't confuse the plot at all. -------------------- Decca Records - "We don't like their sound. Groups of guitars are on the way out." Posts: 1384 | Registered: Tuesday, February 6 2007 08:00 |
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
written Thursday, March 27 2008 12:07
Strangely enough, I would recommend that you start with Geneforge. With the culmination of the 5 part series due by the end of the year, you are positioned perfectly to play all five games in order without too long of a pause. Then, in October you can pick up the discounted Avernum games. Check out the various games forums below for in depth assessments of the various games, as well as the requisite hints and strategies. I found Geneforge better in terms of strategy of interpersonal choices, and Avernum better in terms of character build strategy. Mostly that is due to Jeff's maturation, but it is still a valid part of the gaming experience. Good luck, I got hooked in '97. -------------------- Synergy, et al - "I don't get it." Argon - "I'm at a loss for words..." Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Thursday, March 27 2008 12:24
The Geneforge games have more complicated plots and a more monolithic overarching story, so I'd say playing them all to get the continuity right is more important. That said, I jumped in at G4 and had no trouble enjoying the game a lot. The Avernums are all worth playing, but they also all give you adequate summaries of prior games in the series somewhere near the beginning . You'll miss references and recurring characters, but the games are all fine as standalones. —Alorael, who recommends playing through the demo of A1 at least. The background of Avernum and the Empire there isn't said as well any other way, and it's rather important. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
written Thursday, March 27 2008 14:04
The advantage of playing the games in order is that you won't become frustrated with the earlier and less advanced game engines. Going from Geneforge 3 or 4 to Geneforge 1 gets you mad when spells llike daze are less effective and the number of action points to switch a weapon make combat less effective. The games are stand alone so you can start anywhere with some past information given to you during the game. Most new players start with recent games and go back later to get the background information. Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 6489
written Thursday, March 27 2008 20:30
![]() -------------------- "Dumbledore returns from the dead and declares it to be hammertime, Harry proceeds to break it down, Voldemort is unable to touch this." —Dintiradan Spiderweb Chat Room Avernum RP • Summaries • OoC • Roster Shadow Vale - My site, home of the Spiderweb Chat Database, BoA Scenario Database, & the A1 Quest List, among other things. Posts: 1556 | Registered: Sunday, November 20 2005 08:00 |
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
written Thursday, March 27 2008 21:46
As others have basically said, you don't have to, but it might be most enjoyable to. -------------------- Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens. Smoo: Get ready to face the walls! Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr. Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00 |
Member # 16132
written Friday, March 28 2008 08:57
Hey guys, thanks for the response. I guess I'm going to start at the beginning for Geneforge then work my way up in the series. I've been looking for a really good story based rpg, and this looks to be the answer... Thanks! Posts: 2 | Registered: Thursday, March 27 2008 07:00 |
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
written Friday, March 28 2008 09:14
The Geneforge series has a strong continuity, with ongoing story and gameplay throughout, so I agree with suggestion to start from the beginning. The games of Avernum series, on the other hand, are more loosely connected and have different gameplay focus from each other. Avernum 1 is about unstructured exploration of untamed new world. You can go anywhere and do anything you want. Avernum 2 has a stronger storyline and more structured gameplay until letting you roam freely in the second part of the game, but the story is strong enough to push you towards completing main quests even then. Avernum 3 has perhaps the biggest world of all Spidweb games, but you explore it in stages, while solving a mystery. Avernum 4 is all about shiny new engine and is the best one to skip if you care about good story. Avernum 5 is supposedly the best, but I haven't played it yet. So in summary, with Avernum series you can start with whichever game sounds most appealing to you, and work your way down priority list. (Just be aware that the mystery of A3 will be ruined if you start with later games first, or read too much of Avernum forums.) Nethergate is also worth considering, especially for the unusual feature of letting you play through the same storyline from different sides. PS And I forgot to mention BoE/BoA. Those are editors that allow people to create their own scenarios, some of which are at least as good as official Spidweb games. You can find scenario ratings here: (for BoE) and (for BoA) [ Friday, March 28, 2008 09:22: Message edited by: Zeviz ] -------------------- Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword, For it too has the power to kill. However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword, Can also have the power to heal. Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 4638
written Friday, March 28 2008 09:36
You have to start with Exile: Escape From the Pit The original where you could only move one space per turn. -------------------- Be careful what you pretend to be because you are what you pretend to be. Posts: 93 | Registered: Tuesday, June 29 2004 07:00 |
Member # 16125
written Friday, April 4 2008 08:16
What are the differences between Avernum and Geneforge in terms of gameplay? Wikipedia say little about Geneforge 4 =( I'm almost done Avernum 5 and I'm quite impressed so far. The story isn't Shakespeare but the boss fights are stellar. They are more of a puzzle problem than fighting a monster with bigger stats than you. I'm wondering if the rest of Spiderweb games are like this. In terms of going back to the older series, I'm vehemently against recommending it. The user interfaces are terrible, and IMHO, not worth the little you gain from the story line. Posts: 14 | Registered: Thursday, March 27 2008 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Friday, April 4 2008 12:10
Geneforge has real-time movement except in combat. You control a single character and your creations (who can be permanent or temporary), sometimes augmented by allies who are also sometimes rather temporary. The games are much more faction-based rather than linear like Avernum. And speaking of Avernum, it's all turn-based and you generally start with the party you end with. There are NPCs who will join you, but if they do they're treated just like any other party member. —Alorael, who thinks the easiest way to understand gameplay differences is to download the demos and try them. The differences become very apparent very quickly. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 16605
written Sunday, April 6 2008 07:46
quote:I'm approaching this from the angle of someone who's played through (but not necessarily is good at!) other CRPGs... I found Geneforge (from what I've played of it so far) reminiscent of Neverwinter Nights or Diablo - you don't exactly fight with a party so much as you fight with you and your creations; Avernum (from what I've played of Avernum 4 and 5) reminds me a lot of Icewind Dale and Dungeon Siege, where the dynamic is heavily dependent on your different character's skills. It makes me wonder what it would be like if the next Spiderweb game incorporated the intra-party relationship aspect of Baldur's Gate II - I have to admit though, I really didn't like my CRPG degenerating into a soap-opera style love triangle between my druid, my mage, and I. :rolleyes: Posts: 5 | Registered: Saturday, April 5 2008 07:00 |
Member # 15187
written Saturday, April 19 2008 03:16
In re: Rampancy's unfortunate love-triangle... maybe this is something that's missing from the Geneforge series. Seriously: I remember in G3 that every time Greta stopped me on the road and said: "Shaper, can we talk for a moment?", well, I could feel my heart thumping. I was hoping she wanted to confess that she had... well... certain feelings for me. But no! Every time, it was about the Serviles. Always about the Serviles! ...We could've done great things together, she and I... . Posts: 178 | Registered: Saturday, March 8 2008 08:00 |
Member # 14343
written Saturday, April 19 2008 05:17
I would recommend playing the games in order....or even starting with Nethergate and Geneforge. In terms of Exile, I used to play Exile 3 a lot (it's how I discovered spiderweb games) and I was very recently trying Exile 1 and 2 and I couldn't do it! It was weird....the interface was really bugging me, it just seemed to claustrophobic, closed in. I can play Exile 3 still, but maybe that's because I used to play it. Maybe after you play the newer games, you can't go back to the older games. [ Saturday, April 19, 2008 05:27: Message edited by: TobyLinn ] -------------------- "And if I had the choice I'd take the voice I got / Cause it was hard to find. / You know I've come too far to wind up right back where I started." - Concrete Blonde (True) Posts: 72 | Registered: Wednesday, February 20 2008 08:00 |
Member # 3442
written Saturday, April 19 2008 06:13
quote:She's exactly the same as all other Agents, though, right down to the same taste in fashion! [ Saturday, April 19, 2008 06:13: Message edited by: Nikki. ] -------------------- Nikki's Nook - we are the dollars and cents, and the pounds and pence. Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 8014
written Saturday, April 19 2008 07:35
I say congratulations, since Spiderweb Software games are very fun. Even A4, though bad to many people here, has its good parts. Oh, and when you are finished with Geneforge and Avernum 1-3, I suggest Blades of Avernum. Blades of Avernum is never ending, since people can make scenarios. There are still a few people making BoA scenarios, and I am a beginner so that makes another one. Also, you could try doing it too. -------------------- Don't judge a sentence until you know all the words. Everyone, just call me Iffy. Please. Be grateful you have your unsellabe trowels -Goldenking My scenario: Muffins n' Hell I have been gone for a month and a half. I shall not share the reasons. I still won't be here every day. Posts: 1799 | Registered: Sunday, February 4 2007 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Saturday, April 19 2008 09:53
quote:It's a uniform. And you know what they say about women in uniform... —Alorael, who very much hopes you do, because he actually has no idea what they say. It's been bothering him for some time now. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 3442
written Saturday, April 19 2008 10:00
quote:No. I googled it and everything, but all i could find was this: quote:I don't see how a scruffy leather jerkin and travelling boots convey those things, but who am I to argue with the internet? :P [ Saturday, April 19, 2008 10:01: Message edited by: Nikki. ] -------------------- Nikki's Nook - we are the dollars and cents, and the pounds and pence. Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00 |
Member # 6600
written Saturday, April 19 2008 10:12
Originally by The Internet: quote:That really sounds more like Miranda than Greta. And Miranda comes with a wicked sense of humor too. :P Dikiyoba. -------------------- Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded • Episode 5: Spiderweb Resistance Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 869
written Saturday, April 19 2008 10:45
quote:She's basically a sociopath, you know. I mean, I like that about her, but I'm pretty messed up. -------------------- The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure! Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Member # 7538
written Saturday, April 19 2008 14:48
quote:Actually, wasn't there something that Jack Nicholson said in A Few Good Men about women in uniform? Gosh… if only I could remember what it was… -------------------- Do not provoke the turtles. They do not like being provoked. -Lenar ET reminds me of myself before I was taken into a small chatroom by TM, Alec, and various other members. They then proceeded to beat some sense into me... -Lt. Sullust My website: Nemesis' Refuge (Last Update: 3/7/08) Posts: 743 | Registered: Friday, September 29 2006 07:00 |
Member # 16812
written Saturday, April 19 2008 15:42
Oooh, excellent. That gives me another reason to re-watch A Few Good Men. I love that movie. -------------------- This is a link to an awesome game: Posts: 33 | Registered: Saturday, April 12 2008 07:00 |