Profile for Squirrel Grrl

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Cool monsters in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #8
The dragons are my favorite in Avernum. Speaking of dragons one of my favorite graphics was the custom Khoth that was in the third Blades of Exile scenario, Zakahzi (sp?) Run.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
A3 Tower of Magi Help in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #4
Well poo.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
A3 Tower of Magi Help in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #2
It's kind of depressing all the same. Hypothetical question here: If I managed to kill Linda before the disaster, would it still occur?

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
A3 Tower of Magi Help in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #0
During the disaster at the Tower I ran into the ghost of Bernard who asks me to find his fellow student, Carrie and tell her that he loves her. This didn't show up in my quest list nor can I find Carrie. Is this possible to do?

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Harry Potter *WITH SPOILERS* in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #28
Throwing in my two cents here... while everyone else is griping about how the book ended (I'm in the party of it-wasn't-great-but-it's-done) did anyone else love how Neville turned out? Anyone?

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
A2- Third Guardpost in The Avernum Trilogy
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #0
How do I get through that third guardpost on the way to the portal? I've check the walkthrough but it confused me more.

EDIT: I don't believe it. Right after I posted this, I figured it out. lol Either way I still think the walkthrough is a little complicated for this area.

[ Saturday, June 10, 2006 23:37: Message edited by: My Name Rhymes With Orange ]

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Best of the Avernum series? in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #25
I would say Avernum 3. I've always been biased to Exile/Avernum 3 simply because it's the game that introduced me to Spiderweb. Avernum 2 has the best plot but I prefer to be on the surface and not in the caves. (In-game claustrophobia?) I haven't played A1, and BoA doesn't have enough scenarios to make a good judgment of it (plus the non-user friendly editor pisses me off) and A4? Well... I played through the demo then promptly deleted it from my computer. I hate the Geneforge graphics so much and the automatic combat. Sorry.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
1 Score in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #10
Happy Birthday. I just turned 20 several months ago, and lemme tell ya, being 20 in Indiana is the worst age to be. You've been legally an adult for two years, teenage life is behind you, but you still can't go to bars or those other kinds of bars with the nice women with very little on. *ahem*. It just annoys me 'cause the guys I hang out with are older and we like to hang out at a local bar and play pool. I like pool and I don't like to drink (yet) and it sucks that there is no pool hall in town that you can be uner 21 to get into. ARGH! *deep breath* Ok... I rambled a bit. I'm done. Happy birthday though.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Classics in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #19
My favorite classic list:
1. 1984 by George Orwell
2. Animal Farm by George Orwell
3. Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
(I love Dystopia stories. I read Brave New World, but I like George Orwell more.)
4. Beowulf (I've thought about making a scenario on this one)
5. Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (a pain in the butt to read, but i love the story)
6. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien. (Is this a considered a classic?)

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
The Boy From the Bush is Back in Town in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #6
You have been missed. Me? I'm still not sure who you are, but I welcome you back nonetheless. :D And I do like your new sig, lol.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
The Boy From the Bush is Back in Town in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #1
The reports of your death have been greatly exaggerated...

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Testing in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #7
Ha! I love the dancing vahnatai. Reminds me of a graphic I saw when I first started playing. It was dancing deva that had ghoul legs when it lifted it's robe and I think a chicken head. Yeah, I know. It sounds odd, but trust me, it was funny. I liked it. I always wanted to use it as an avatar so people on the other forums I visit would look and go, "Huh?" and if anybody understood it I would hug them.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Custom Graphics in Blades of Exile
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #0
Does anyone know of some way of making custom graphics easier? I want to use some, but I have hard time lining them up correctly so that they're not overlapping.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Truly Innovative Games in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #5

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Attn: Thuryl in Blades of Exile
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #4
The Mooing! Revenge of the Cows!!!

Now I have this picture of cows with machine guns in my head.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Nethergate - 9.04 (10.0/8.0) in Nethergate
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #1
It's been a while since I've played this, so my memory would be fuzzy I think my score would be an 8. I agree with Lurker about all the likable things in the game, plus I'm a history nut, so I think about Romans and pee my pants. :D Anyway.... the only things that bugged me were the (both understandable but annoying nonetheless) lack of good magic and women players on the Roman side.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Nethergate - 8.65 (10.0/6.5) in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #1
It's been a while since I've played this, so my memory would be fuzzy I think my score would be an 8. I agree with Lurker about all the likable things in the game, plus I'm a history nut, so I think about Romans and pee my pants. :D Anyway.... the only things that bugged me were the (both understandable but annoying nonetheless) lack of good magic and women players on the Roman side.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Blades of Exile - 10.0 (10.0/9.25) in Blades of Exile
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #4
10. Easily. It's just so easy to use. There's no way I'd rate BoA as high.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Blades of Exile - 9.82 (10.0/7.0) in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #4
10. Easily. It's just so easy to use. There's no way I'd rate BoA as high.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Asking help on picking scenarios in Blades of Exile
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #10
I've not played many of the scenarios but now that I'm back into my Exile kick, I WANT TO PLAY THEM ALL!! *crazed look* One of my favorites (and probably no one elses') is the game "Election." Not sure why, but that one always had a spot in my heart.
Also, "Tatterdemallion" is worth a look, though I don't remember the level range. The programming in that game is incredible, especially if you have attempted to do something like it in the editor and have failed miserably. If I remember correctly, it also won a Scenario Design Contest. (The first one, I think. It really has been a long time.)

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
I need to clear things up in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #5
Ahhhh.. thanks. I'm less confused now. *bows gratefully*

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
I need to clear things up in General
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #0
Ok.. before I ask my questions I humbly beg you all not to chew me up and call me a brainless newbie. I've been here since 2001, I just don't post often as my attention span with Spiderweb games comes and goes like the tide. *ahem* And now with the proper kneeling, praying and sacrificing I turn to my questions.

I'm back on a Exile/Avernum kick from being several years gone and with that comes a desire to rejoin the people on the forums. Unfortunately, that leaves me out of the loop of what the heck is going on. So could you guys clear a few things up for me?

1) Who is TM? I assume it's Terror's Martyr, (it's a name I remember) but with the ability to change names here I'm not sure anymore. I see TM get refenced a lot in posts and in sigs, so I wanted to clear that up.

2) I don't want to get into the whole "Ash got banned" discussion, but while looking through it, people have referred to him/her as "The Creator". Why?

3) And finally, there's a Richard White cult?

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Character Choices in Avernum 4
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #5
Worse choices? How? Where? When? WHY!?

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Character Choices in Avernum 4
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #0
Is it just me or was anyone else a little disappointed with the choice of characters to play? I mean, two sliths and two nephils? Kinda rules out an all slith or all nephil party. I'm just kind of upset I can't do my usual party. I have this trio I've run in every single Avernum game with the same pics (all human) and in A4, only one of the three pics has survived. :(

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
Brings back good memories in Blades of Exile
Member # 380
Profile Homepage #4
Blades of Exile wasn't my favorite game, but it was up there on the list. I just love the scenario maker. I've never seen anything so easy. I can relate to the sun shining feelings. I would sit outside on a beautiful summer day feeling the great weather and think, "This is an Exile day" and then go in and play the computer. Screw nice weather.

When the portal to Upper Avernum starts to blow, first dump a bucket of water on it. Then run like hell.

We're all heroes! Hamsters and rangers everywhere, rejoice! Wait.... wrong game.
Posts: 154 | Registered: Wednesday, December 12 2001 08:00
