Good news!

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AuthorTopic: Good news!
Member # 6581
Profile Homepage #75
Hey, you can attack with one AP... This only applies to Meele, right? Not on Missiles, Firebolt, right?

Download Geneforge 4: Rebellion

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Posts: 1310 | Registered: Tuesday, December 20 2005 08:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #76
It's been stated that it doesn't apply to item use (missiles), but I would assume ranged attacks (Fyora breath, Firebolt) are treated the same way as melee attacks -- they always have been.

I'm still excited about getting a Melee/Magic PC.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #77
I prefer melee/magic and magic/melee - they're both really, really fun.

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Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Member # 6581
Profile Homepage #78
Originally written by Rotdhizon Calzone:

It's been stated that it doesn't apply to item use (missiles), but I would assume ranged attacks (Fyora breath, Firebolt) are treated the same way as melee attacks -- they always have been.
But then, a Fyora can be very though! Moves away, attack. A swordman would be doomed.

Download Geneforge 4: Rebellion

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Posts: 1310 | Registered: Tuesday, December 20 2005 08:00
Member # 3357
Profile Homepage #79
But the swordsman would be able to reach the fyora and attack it if was in range to attack him.
Posts: 76 | Registered: Saturday, August 16 2003 07:00
Member # 6559
Profile #80
Originally written by Guardian Magma:

But then, a Fyora can be very though! Moves away, attack. A swordman would be doomed.
This only works if the Fyora's movement range and attack range are greater than the swordman's movement range. (All living swordmen have studied this stuff thoroughly at school.)

[ Wednesday, October 25, 2006 05:01: Message edited by: Silb Aran ]
Posts: 27 | Registered: Thursday, December 15 2005 08:00
Member # 6292
Profile #81
I played a magician/melee solo PC all the way through to the end for my first full beta run. Magic rocks with melee! I was able to make him very potent in both by the end, and he was phenomenally successful ultimately, but some fights were very challenging where sheer numbers would be helpful. Playing as a lonely melee tank means carefully not biting off more than you can chew in combat, knowing when to retreat, replenish, and return, and so forth. It is much more sneaky, calculated, and strategic in nature, and will probably involve much more trial and error.

There is, at minimum, one optional area in the game that will require some creations to assist or you will not be able to survive the encounter. I was forced to invest very late skill points and cash into some shaping ability so I could summon two rothgroths to lend an acrid hand. In fact, it was very difficult to get through a number of sticky and varied encounters as a singleton, and Jeff beefed some of those up subsequent to my successfully mopping them up as a singleton. They may be nigh on impossible now without help. Everything essential in the game is accomplishable unaided by creations however, and a good fun challenge.

Playing with swarms of creations is also very gratifying, and I am playing a shaper/fighter sort this time through. Keeping your lowly fyoras alive for a long time can really pay off after a while. One of the strengths of G4 is the variability of experience possible. It's a bit akin to Nethergate in that respect.

I have enjoyed it a lot. This game will do well, and should duly gratify the fans. I never even played the first three Geneforges, liking the fantasy genre so much better, but this was good game. Synergy recommends and will have plenty to comment upon, advise or tease with when it's out in the open for all to enjoy...or at least all you Mac-ky sorts for starters.

-S- is for Superb Singleton Satisfaction.

[ Wednesday, October 25, 2006 17:57: Message edited by: Synergy ]

A4 ItemsA4 SingletonG4 ItemsG4 ForgingG4 Infiltrator NR Items The Lonely Celt
Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00
Member # 7472
Profile Homepage #82
How is GF4 in terms of graphics?

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AmnesiaDileciaThe Empire's New GroveExpress Delivery
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Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #83
The graphics are mostly the same ones that have been appearing since GF1, but you get new appearances for your character and some very nice new special effects.

—Alorael, who again could speak with more authority if he were more familiar with older Geneforges.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 6600
Profile Homepage #84
Have you looked at the screenshots yet, Nioca. It seems like they would give you a fairly good idea of what to expect visually.

Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00
Member # 7472
Profile Homepage #85
I just looked at the screenshots. In the Kyshakk attack text, did Jeff mean to describe it as 'a huge, sticky reptile'? Or did he mean stocky?

At any rate, I know which one I'd be more afraid of, and it isn't the stocky one.

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AmnesiaDileciaThe Empire's New GroveExpress Delivery
Twilight ValleyWitch HuntWhere the Rivers MeetFoul Hordes
Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #86
Jeff replaced some of the older graphics but mostly for items.

I think Jeff didn't like how we were going through some of his "impossible" encounters so he's been beefing them up to prevent single characters from walking through the game as gods and I called some of them wimps.
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
Profile #87
In the previous 3 games, all of the "impossible" encounters could be blown apart by the Agent. The more difficult it was, the easier it was for the Agent to do it. Mostly because of Terror and Dominate. While a Shaper could not shape a Battle Gamma say, an Agent could sieze control of one and cause all kinds of mayhem. When a shaper was fighting higher level creations, like dryaks, but could not yet shape dryaks, the Agent could easily have her own (temporary) dryaks. In short, the nastier the monster the game threw at her, the easier it became for the Agent to progress. In G1, dominating an Augmented Sholai was unbalanced. Even more so on Torment. As you racheted up the difficulty level, the game became easier and easier because the monsters became tougher and tougher, and therefore, could cause a lot more mayhem and damage when the Agent siezed control. If you went beyond Torment somehow, the Agent would only continue to gain strength, while the other two classes, the Shaper and the Guardian, became weaker and weaker.

One of the expressions an Agent lives by is "I am only as strong as my enemies."

When the enemies became impossible, so did the Agent.

If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish.

Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish.
Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #88
There are a few at the end where you only have a single thing to fight for most of the encounter. You do need to suvive for a while to use dominate or equivalent spells on its summoned creations. Still if your character can withstand the damage the fight can be trivialized.
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
Profile #89
The good news is that it is finally worth it for an Agent type to invest in shaping skills.

Coming from me that is really saying something.

If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish.

Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish.
Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00
Member # 6581
Profile Homepage #90
Maybe you will be able to shape something useful like a tasty Vlish. But knowing how they get around, it may be difficult. Very difficult.

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Posts: 1310 | Registered: Tuesday, December 20 2005 08:00
Member # 2759
Profile Homepage #91
Yes that's a point, is it still the case that vlish are over-powered in GF4? They are ridiculously effective in the trilogy.

"I can't read this thread with that image. But then, that's not a complaint." -Scorpius

Geneforge 4 stuff. Also, everything I know about Avernum | Avernum 2 | Avernum 3 | Avernum 4
Posts: 1104 | Registered: Monday, March 10 2003 08:00
Member # 7472
Profile Homepage #92
Maybe I just play weird, but I never really found vlish to be all that effective.

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AmnesiaDileciaThe Empire's New GroveExpress Delivery
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Posts: 2686 | Registered: Friday, September 8 2006 07:00
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
Profile #93
Originally written by Archimandrite Micawber:

Yes that's a point, is it still the case that vlish are over-powered in GF4? They are ridiculously effective in the trilogy.
I am not so sure I can answer that. I know we talk about some parts of G4 here, but because of non disclosure agreements, I don't know if I can address specific things.

If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish.

Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish.
Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00
Member # 6581
Profile Homepage #94
Originally written by Nioca:

Maybe I just play weird, but I never really found vlish to be all that effective.
So do I.

Download Geneforge 4: Rebellion

You have 6 posts. Nobody cares what you think. - Thuryl

Wikipedia may be your friend, but UBB is not. - Dikiyoba
Posts: 1310 | Registered: Tuesday, December 20 2005 08:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #95
Are there any other creations that somebody wrote an entire tract about the overpoweredness of?

No, I didn't think so.

Vlish aren't really overpowered in G1, although they are still extremely useful there. And in G2, they are slightly overpowered, but not head and shoulders above every other creation as in G3.

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
Profile #96
Terror Vlish are overpowered in G1. They allow you to roam through any area of the game killing at will while taking no damage. Monsters run in to corners and suck their thumbs... And do not defend themselves at all.

One Vlish all by its lonesome isn't all that impressive, but whole packs are terrible. Shuts down monster packs.

If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish.

Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish.
Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00
Member # 2759
Profile Homepage #97
Yup, I ripped through the shaper crypt with terror vlish.

I guess I'll just have to wait and see about GF4...

[ Friday, October 27, 2006 12:38: Message edited by: Archimandrite Micawber ]

"I can't read this thread with that image. But then, that's not a complaint." -Scorpius

Geneforge 4 stuff. Also, everything I know about Avernum | Avernum 2 | Avernum 3 | Avernum 4
Posts: 1104 | Registered: Monday, March 10 2003 08:00
Member # 6292
Profile #98
I will generally mention that Jeff has taken lengths to balance and improve many of the kinds of features (or creatures) being questioned here, and I think it shows.


A4 ItemsA4 SingletonG4 ItemsG4 ForgingG4 Infiltrator NR Items The Lonely Celt
Posts: 2009 | Registered: Monday, September 12 2005 07:00
His Mighty Tentacle
Member # 627
Profile #99
He has, but it does not change the fact that Magic Shaping in general offers more bang for the buck than any other type of shaping. Artillas with acid damage, vlish with slowing and stunning, glaahks and their stingers, a new creation, eyebeasts and gazers. Well, the last two are somewhat over rated.

That said, battle creations are no longer quite so hobbled, and violence really DOES solve everything in a pinch. Battle creations also tend to be cheaper on essence costs, so a guardian type has lots of reasons to use them now. You can go and just beat the bejeezus out of everything and any one in sight and Vlish be damned. It will be harder, for the lack of good ancillary effects, but there is a great feeling of tactical joy in uncontrolled combat. You can overrun your foes in swarms of plated bugs that get 10 action points and with the new action point system, they are exceptionally dangerous creations now.

Yeah, Jeff really did do a good job.

If I could make just one wish, I would want a tasty vlish.

Geneforge IV. Still no tasty vlish.
Posts: 1104 | Registered: Tuesday, February 12 2002 08:00
