An Organized Geneforge 3 Wishlist (Please Read Jeff!)

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AuthorTopic: An Organized Geneforge 3 Wishlist (Please Read Jeff!)
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #0
This is the new improved version of the wishlist for easier reading. Also, hopefully Jeff will be more likely to read this than the 10-page, months-long other thread. I will edit this post to update the list as new things are suggested..
Simple Somewhat-Reasonable Things

-Add an "EXITZONE" cheat
-Fire creations get more power
-Include an option for the unlock spell in the locked door dialogue box
-More living tools
-More colors of clothing for your character
-More slots in your pack
-More different weapons
-Different pictures for special items
-More different armor
-Stealth (spell?)
-Leg armor
-Luck should be more emphasized
-Larger item graphics

Semi-Complicated, but Possible Things

-New low-level creations we can make near the beginning of the game
-Another category of creations
-Male/female graphics for your character
-More creations
-Third tier of creations, getting 6 in that creation opens another form of it you can shape, e.g. Fyora-Cryoa-????
-Class specific skills
-Dual wield weapons
-Primary stats influence other stats
-Hire mercenaries
-Ability to set default attack for the creations with both a melee and missile attack
-Put things into cabinets and things like that
-Better descriptions of items
-Faction should help in battles
-More different animation
-Stunning blow, piercing missile, or critical strike
-Ranks in factions
-Splash damage weapons/spells
-Make mines and turrets
-More stats
-Make an easier selection technique
-Shops replenish supplies/money
-Flying creations
-Larger cities
-More sound effects
-More complex opinions
-Advantages/disadvantages like in avernum

Technically Possible, but Unlikely to be Implemented

-Creations should carry things
-Creations should wear things
-Pack mule creation
-Talk to your smart creations
-Charms shouldn't take up any room in your pack
-Items disappear
-Have a home
-Have a storage chest of your own
-Not parry magic/acid balls/fire balls with parry, those need a different skill (magic parry vs. regular parry)
-Sparks when you parry
-Weapon durability
-Creations that can create creations
-Fuse creations
-Make weapons and armor
-Better graphics
-Translucent walls when your character approaches so you can see your character
-Able to shape more powerful creations from the begining of the game
-Life Drain=Take Enemy HP when you hit them and heal you with thier HP
-Cooking skills
-Smithing skills
-Alchemy skills
-Scenario editors
-Archive the custom scenarios
-Internet play
-Money weighs some thing
-Get the skill 'anatomy' back
-Online play
-’Adopted’ creations are talkable
-Character editor
-Finish game without going back to the shaper council
-Play with keyboard
-Trash should rot and be created by people

Suggestions I Didn’t Understand

-Fix obstacles
-No occasionals
-Drayks carry coins without places to put them
-Shield energy
-On guard ability
-Shaper lab
-More ways to get around fights
-Enhance creations with potions
-AI settings
-Mutate creations
-Network support
-Specialize smaller creations
-Different plot
-Balanced difficulty
-’Pin’ notes on map
-Left/right hand advantages

[ Monday, August 30, 2004 07:30: Message edited by: Archmage Alex ]

Take the Personality Test!
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Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 4592
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Have you tried e-mailing the list to Jeff? If so, did you get any reply?
It seems that the list has some very good suggestions, and since you cleaned it up and organized it (you rock!), it shouldn't take Jeff too long to read and maybe he'll see something he can implement in Gneforge 3.


[ Wednesday, August 25, 2004 10:02: Message edited by: Botched Some Corrigenda ]


"I suffer from spiritual malaise," said Cugel meaningfully. "which manifest itself in outburst of vicious rage. I implore you to depart, lest, in an uncontrollable spasm, I cut you in three pieces with my sword, or worse, I invoke magic."
Random Jack Vance Quote Manual Generator Apparatus (Cugel's Saga)
Posts: 604 | Registered: Sunday, June 20 2004 07:00
Member # 4484
Profile #2
Mhh, I don't know, but it sounds a little bit late to give Jeff some ideas...

But your ideas sounds great! :)

[ Wednesday, August 25, 2004 22:35: Message edited by: Blaspheme ]

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Member # 3349
Profile Homepage #3
Good ideas Alex. I have to say that list deserves to go to Jeff. Who knows? He might use some of the ideas for G3?

And everybody say....Yatta!
Posts: 1287 | Registered: Thursday, August 14 2003 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #4
He won't read it here, I know that. If you want him to see it, you have to email it. I think it's unlikely that it will have any effect on the game, but I suppose it's worth a shot. I really like the pack animal suggestion, by the way, but I have questions about that - would it take up one of the seven creation slots? Would it count as one of the three types of creations allowed at once? How strong would it be, and would it have any sort of attack? Would there be different levels, or would it be more like an ornk? You might want to specify some of that before sending it.

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Member # 4484
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I think the items on the right of your caracter's graphic are too small...and with the item's name under the shop's items, it's difficult to see. I've sell a lot of items, by mistake, 'cause of that.

And I like the "make mines and turrets" idea. I imagine a lot of ambush with that... :)

EDIT: Oh, yeah, and I was thinking about a advantages/disadvantages thing, like in the Exile-Avernum serie...

[ Saturday, August 28, 2004 18:26: Message edited by: Blaspheme ]

"Il est interdit de se battre sur le Champ du Massacre; dit-il avant de marquer une pause, le temps de reflechir a la logique de ses propos."

Discworld, The Colour of Magic
Posts: 178 | Registered: Monday, June 7 2004 07:00
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #6
how do I e-mail it to Jeff? What's his e-mail?

Take the Personality Test!
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #7
Look at the very bottom of the front page of SW's site....

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

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Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #8
Well, I e-mailed it to him. I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.

Take the Personality Test!
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Skip to My Lou
Member # 40
Profile Homepage #9
Jeff's reply:

Thanks for writing! A lot of interesting suggestions.

A lot of these improvements will be in Geneforge 3. I may not have gone in
exactly these directions, but there will be a lot more variety in graphics
and characters. There will be something like crafting, and your backpack
will be bigger. There will be more inventory types.

I don't think you'll be disappointed.

- Jeff Vogel
Spiderweb Software, Inc.

Take the Personality Test!
Deep down, you wish you were a stick figure.
Posts: 1629 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 4506
Profile Homepage #10
Originally written by Archmage Alex:

Jeff's reply:

Thanks for writing! A lot of interesting suggestions.

A lot of these improvements will be in Geneforge 3. I may not have gone in
exactly these directions, but there will be a lot more variety in graphics
and characters. There will be something like crafting, and your backpack
will be bigger. There will be more inventory types.

I don't think you'll be disappointed.

- Jeff Vogel
Spiderweb Software, Inc.

You know, that's VERY bague about most of it. It just says "A lot of these improvements will be in Geneforge 3". How much is "A lot"????

- Archmagi Micael

"You dare Trifle with Avernum?" ~ Erika the Archmage
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Shock Trooper
Member # 3022
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All the ones he was going to do anyway are in.

All the others are out.
Posts: 269 | Registered: Saturday, May 24 2003 07:00
Member # 5238
Profile #12
I would love to see, if not in Geneforge 3 then Geneforge 4, Guardian and Agent specific/loyal missions,sects or serviles.

Those friendly spiders & roaches are driving me INSANE. TW0!
Posts: 27 | Registered: Saturday, November 27 2004 08:00
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
Profile #13
Well, not every one of these wishes is everyone's wish. Some of them would be quite good, but for a lot of them I wouldn't be at all disappointed if Jeff chose to go in other directions. Many would only complicate a game that is nicely clean and simple, without really adding anything wonderful. I hope Jeff doesn't add those ones. And some would actually be quite bad, in my opinion.

Probably the very worst game would be one that tried to please everyone. Maybe when GF4 starts getting underway, what we should do is determine, by a series of discussions and polls, the few features that the greatest majority of players want most. If we got something like that to Jeff early in the design cycle, it might be quite useful to him.

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Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00
Member # 5531
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I agree

Trouser Snake.

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Posts: 79 | Registered: Monday, February 21 2005 08:00
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Originally written by Student of Trinity:

<snip!>Maybe when GF4 starts getting underway, what we should do is determine, by a series of discussions and polls, the few features that the greatest majority of players want most. If we got something like that to Jeff early in the design cycle, it might be quite useful to him.
Don't you mean "if?" Jeff seems to have his plate full at this point. Mad rushing to get GF3 out, plus Avernum 4, now.
Posts: 153 | Registered: Tuesday, December 2 2003 08:00
Member # 4826
Profile #16
In the interview about GF3, Jeff mentions GF's plot will go on "for several more games." Though I might not be quoting exactly...

Bring back TM or [i]DIE.[/i]

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Posts: 458 | Registered: Friday, August 6 2004 07:00
Member # 5437
Profile #17
I remember seeing that he is planning to do more for the geneforge series as well, but I like how it will be Geneforge, than avernum. Alternating is good. That way you get all your fixes :P
Posts: 2032 | Registered: Wednesday, January 26 2005 08:00
Member # 4592
Profile #18
I guess if Geneforge continues to sell well, then 2006 may see another one. Maybe if A4 sells well it'll also see an A5. Wouldn't that get people talking?


"I suffer from spiritual malaise," said Cugel meaningfully. "which manifest itself in outburst of vicious rage. I implore you to depart, lest, in an uncontrollable spasm, I cut you in three pieces with my sword, or worse, I invoke magic."
Random Jack Vance Quote Manual Generator Apparatus (Cugel's Saga)
Posts: 604 | Registered: Sunday, June 20 2004 07:00
Member # 2245
Profile Homepage #19
Hehe, I must admit that news of Avernum 4 excites us Spiderweb veterans. I played Exile 1 on the Mac when it first came out, and have been a fan of Spiderweb ever since.

Posts: 522 | Registered: Friday, November 15 2002 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #20
Originally written by Betamax sales collapsed.:

Maybe if A4 sells well it'll also see an A5. Wouldn't that get people talking?
It would get people ranting, and some starting protest marches. As for A6... Jeff should start looking over his shoulder for BoE veterans out to lynch him. :P

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Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 4592
Profile #21
And! If then Jeff decides to do Teh Blades of Averna (because A4, 5 and 6 used new engines, etc.) then. . . dig some trenches, ignite the turrets, get your trusty clockwork, repeating bow and get ready for war like it's never been seen before.

(Waylander: I agree with you. Been playing these games also since '94 and I've got to admit I'm excited about A4. No matter how much I whine.)


"I suffer from spiritual malaise," said Cugel meaningfully. "which manifest itself in outburst of vicious rage. I implore you to depart, lest, in an uncontrollable spasm, I cut you in three pieces with my sword, or worse, I invoke magic."
Random Jack Vance Quote Manual Generator Apparatus (Cugel's Saga)
Posts: 604 | Registered: Sunday, June 20 2004 07:00
Mongolian Barbeque
Member # 1528
Profile #22
I'm glad Jeff is continuing the Avernum saga, but I'm really wondering what else can be done with that world. Apart from having the BoE/BoA communities staking out territories and defending them to the bitter death, the Avernum story was as far as I could see pretty much finished. There's lots of room for "filling in the cracks" so to speak, but it's a strain to see what other Big Things could happen. But Jeff hasn't disappointed in this regard so far, so I'm hopeful.

The Geneforge world, on the other hand, seems capable of being expanded almost indefinitely if he broadens the horizons a bit. Let's hope Geneforge 3 gets a bit broader... And I for one hope there is never a Blades of Geneforge so that Jeff can continue his own story expansion unhindered and uncontested.

(As a side note: I keep reading these wonderful siglines and "from" bits — quotes from The Prisoner, now from Farscape. And lo and behold, it's the same guy but under different names! I've finally taken a hint and written down your member number for future reference so I'll recognize you next time, especially after our SF interchange in the "Travel Between Islands" topic. Your names always seem to have the intials B.S.C. so that's also helpful. It makes me a bit dizzy when people are constantly switching their names around, but it never ceases to amaze me what a variety people come up with.)
Posts: 907 | Registered: Monday, July 15 2002 07:00
Member # 4592
Profile #23
Ischi: Alorael is probably the member that changes his name the most. But it's easy to diferentiate him from his sig. and his post count. Many of the oldbies also change their names, but you can identify them usually by their sigs.

I'm glad you're also a fan of The Prisoner and Farscape. The former is, I think, the best mini-series done for live TV and I think the latter is the finest, all around, SF show. (Granted Dr. Who is fantastic, but it's got its ups and downs. B5 was great, but that 5th year. . . I love classic Trek, but it also has some stinkers. I count the stinkers in Farscape with one hand, and even those are tolerable. But as fan as I of the show it's surely a biased opinion.)

(One day I hope to go to Wales for the Annual Six of One Half a Dozen of the Other celebration of The Prisoner if they're still doing it. Or just to visit the hotel where the series was filmed.)

Ermarian, the Avernum world, is rather extensive. One of these days you should see what some people have done with it. Over at desp. there's some awesome stuff being done with that world. Check it out! There's also Drakey's and Aran's pages with more stuff about the world. And I'm sure I've forgotten some (sorry about the oversight, my memory is bad)

There are many adventures that can happen in the Ermarian world. We saw a bit of Valorim in A3, but what about the other continents? Think about all the stuff that Jeff can explore as far as the history of the world, the different Empires, kingdoms, etc (not to mention what we don't know about the present Empire)

[ Thursday, March 10, 2005 18:31: Message edited by: behind stingy cactus ]


"I suffer from spiritual malaise," said Cugel meaningfully. "which manifest itself in outburst of vicious rage. I implore you to depart, lest, in an uncontrollable spasm, I cut you in three pieces with my sword, or worse, I invoke magic."
Random Jack Vance Quote Manual Generator Apparatus (Cugel's Saga)
Posts: 604 | Registered: Sunday, June 20 2004 07:00
Member # 4248
Profile #24
Well, it was worth a shot. Now we'll just have to wait...

I have nothing more to do in this world, so I can go & pester the inhabitants of the next one with a pure concscience.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
