If You Were President...

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AuthorTopic: If You Were President...
Member # 6652
Profile #0
Inspired by a topic over at NationStates...

If you were president/prime minister of the U.S. or your country, what would you do? How would you solve the current issues facing your country? Would you? What would you do in the long run?

But I don't want to ride the elevator.
Posts: 420 | Registered: Sunday, January 8 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
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Hey, you play Nationstates too? My nation is named Ermarian. :D

No, in spite of my many complaints, I do not have a complete and flawless political agenda ready for the unlikely event of becoming chief executive of any country. In fact, when it comes to things like the Iraq war, the chicken games with Iran and the oil crisis, most of what I'd have done differently would have had to be done a few years ago. By now, the world is already thoroughly hosed. :P

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My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
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Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
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Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
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Oh look, it's a site that's a bigger waste of time than inane forums. ^_^

And Aran, isn't that always the case? When exactly has the international stage ever looked heartening rather than depressing?

Slarty vs. DeskDesk vs. SlartyTimeline of ErmarianG4 Strategy Central
Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Member # 869
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The Empire Always Loses: This Time For Sure!
Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
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Originally written by Theurge v. Dirge:

And Aran, isn't that always the case? When exactly has the international stage ever looked heartening rather than depressing?
...I appear to have owned myself.

Many were increasingly of the opinion that they'd all made a big mistake in coming down from the trees in the first place.

And some said that even the trees had been a bad move, and that no one should ever have left the oceans.

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My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
Profile #5
I would definitely not be reelected, as such an archaic system would not exist. It is likely that within a year of my election that various official proceeding would have begun that would be intended to remove me from power.

Not that I would do anything drastic mind you.

Originally written by Kelandon:

Well, I'm at least pretty sure that Salmon is losing.

Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #6
How Thuryl ever won an election is beyond me. :P

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 6700
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I hate to repeat a quote, but I couldn't pass it up.

On NationStates, I am the Most Holy Empire of the Tronian Republiic.
You won't see me too much around the forums, though.

The Silent Assassin has made it clear that if he is elected, the beatings will be reduced in intensity.

-Lenar Labs
What's Your Destiny?

Ushmushmeifa: Lenar's power is almighty and ineffable.

All hail lord Noric, god of... well, something important, I'm sure.
Posts: 735 | Registered: Monday, January 16 2006 08:00
Member # 7021
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If I ran Vacclan first thing I'd do is declare independance (finally)and reestablish Vacclan as the only (non-theocratic) commisioning government in the world then, of course world conquest would follow. I'd be Emperor of the world by 2027 then I'd run for US President in 2028.

"My Mazaradi goes 185
They Took my License
Now I don’t drive
But I got me a limo
And I sit in the back
Lock all the doors
In case I’m attacked.”
Posts: 54 | Registered: Wednesday, April 12 2006 07:00
Member # 6670
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The United States becomes the eleventh province.

I will not engage an enemy single-handedly until all my soldiers are dead.
Posts: 1509 | Registered: Tuesday, January 10 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #10
Originally written by Kelandon:

How Thuryl ever won an election is beyond me. :P
Good looks, clever and careful manipulation, and utter ruthlessness.

[Edit: Why run for president when you already wield autocratic power?]

—Alorael, who is not equipped to run a country. He is also significantly incapable of getting a large group of fractious legislators to follow his lead, which means he'd be a pretty useless chief executive anyway.

[ Wednesday, May 03, 2006 07:53: Message edited by: There is no moniker. ]
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
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I've seen what that job does to people... I wouldn't run. I'm much more of the "whispering advisor behind the throne" kind of guy, anyway.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
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First thing's first: Most of what causes and fixes government comes from the people themselves. For me to be elected in a world that won't respond to my changes guarantees that they will undo them or prevent them, and for me to be elected in a world that would adopt my changes would get them done regardless of whether I was president or not.

That being said, to answer the question of what legislation a government should pass:

Increasing federal spending for public education. Massive increases of foreign aid to stave off starvation and easily-preventable diseases. Repealing Welfare-2-Work and replacing it with a social net capable of catching something smaller than a barn. Strengthening Affirmative Action to solve the massive unemployment rate of urban blacks (and males in particular). Increased public transportation spending to allow said urban African-Americans to reach their jobs. Massive tax hikes for the rich. Nuclear disarmament. Nuclear power. Increase of minimum wage to a liveable minimum. Socialized health care. Recognition of labor unions. Disestablishing religion. Prohibiting corporations from hiring children abroad and forcing globalized corporations to pay a minimum wage for all workers abroad.

Ah, hell. You get the idea. I'd all but make a commie revolution redundant. (Hell, I probably wouldn't stop there.)

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 7067
Profile #13
ncreasing federal spending for public education:I disagree we are already spending well over $5,000 a year on every child in the united states. The problem is that we are spending that money wrong.
Massive increases of foreign aid to stave off starvation and easily-preventable diseases: I disagree here to that is not the goverments job but, I would encourage chariatys to do so.
Repealing Welfare-2-Work and replacing it with a social net capable of catching something smaller than a barn: I'm not sure exactaly what you are saying here but, I think that welfare should be taken off the governments hands. Though they should still provide work for anybody that wants it, such as building parks.....
Strengthening Affirmative Action to solve the massive unemployment rate of urban blacks (and males in particular): I think this is more of the indiviuals problem if they want a job they get a degree that proves that they are the best person for the job, or get a job with the government. (as suggested above)
Increased public transportation spending to allow said urban African-Americans to reach their jobs: Agreed.
Massive tax hikes for the rich: Maybe not massive but, yes a tax increase.
Nuclear disarmament: positivily NO
Nuclear power. Increase of minimum wage to a liveable minimum: Agreed.
Socialized health care: somewhat but, I will discuss this later.
Recognition of labor unions: No, but maybe recognition of unorganised labor unions. For example all most people want is more money thus costing the companies more and either putting them out of businuss or sending them over seas.
Disestablishing religion: Never, when this country does this I promise you IT WILL FALL!
Prohibiting corporations from hiring children abroad and forcing globalized corporations to pay a minimum wage for all workers abroad: Agreed if I'm thinking about global companies.

Yes, I get the idea you would become a dictater.
I think :confused:

"I knocked him out, but I managed to hit the reply button before he fell down."-The person behind him.
Posts: 153 | Registered: Monday, April 24 2006 07:00
Member # 4
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ncreasing federal spending for public education:I disagree we are already spending well over $5,000 a year on every child in the united states. The problem is that we are spending that money wrong.
$5,000? And that's it? I assume you are unfamiliar with a private education's tuition. And okay, I know from personal experience that public educational institutions tend to be corrupt and wasteful, but at the end of the day, a public student at only $5,000 cannot help but be behind a private student whose worth might even approach $20,000, and is guaranteed to be at least 2-3 times as high as a public student's.

Massive increases of foreign aid to stave off starvation and easily-preventable diseases: I disagree here to that is not the goverments job but, I would encourage chariatys to do so.
So wait, you AGREE that something should be done, and yet you don't think that a government, given a choice, should do it? Are you saying that people should have a choice NOT to eliminate starvation?

Repealing Welfare-2-Work and replacing it with a social net capable of catching something smaller than a barn: I'm not sure exactaly what you are saying here but, I think that welfare should be taken off the governments hands. Though they should still provide work for anybody that wants it, such as building parks.....
Do you know what Welfare to Work is? We've ALREADY privatized welfare.

Strengthening Affirmative Action to solve the massive unemployment rate of urban blacks (and males in particular): I think this is more of the indiviuals problem if they want a job they get a degree that proves that they are the best person for the job, or get a job with the government. (as suggested above)
You know, you're right. It's a black man's fault if his skin color immediately identifies him as a lazy bum to all employers. He, given massively disparate circumstances economically, should also bear the noble burden of also being hated when trying to land a job.

Nuclear disarmament: positivily NO
You're right. Because unless we can destroy THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE PLANET TEN TIMES AROUND, we cannot truly be safe.

Recognition of labor unions: No, but maybe recognition of unorganised labor unions. For example all most people want is more money thus costing the companies more and either putting them out of businuss or sending them over seas.
More money, yes. Also, fewer hours, more flexible hours, maternity/paternity leave without losing one's position, etc.
America has an advantage (or, I suppose, it honestly SHOULD and has no feasible reason NOT to), and that is skilled laborers. You cannot outsource carpenters, professors, lawyers, electricians or engineers. Or, okay-- maybe you can outsource them, but only to other first-world countries. And yeah, this HAPPENS, but that'd be INTENSELY easy to rectify. (Of course, by guaranteeing that African-Americans cannot under any circumstances obtain a quality education, we've managed to create a distinctly unskilled class, but that's also a problem that can be solved by doing ANYTHING other than blaming the black community for its own failures.)

Disestablishing religion: Never, when this country does this I promise you IT WILL FALL!
Well, I give you props for not taking that as sarcasm.
But, well... I'm not quite sure what good is done by placing political power into megachurches and televangelists does for ANYONE. (And most of these megachristians are outright evil for many reasons other than the stranglehold they've been exerting on the rest of us.)

Me, a dictator? Sure. Step one: Relocating the capitol to the Playboy Mansion after the coup.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 6388
Profile #15
Originally written by Butt Paladin:

Increasing federal spending for public education. Massive increases of foreign aid to stave off starvation and easily-preventable diseases. Repealing Welfare-2-Work and replacing it with a social net capable of catching something smaller than a barn. Strengthening Affirmative Action to solve the massive unemployment rate of urban blacks (and males in particular). Increased public transportation spending to allow said urban African-Americans to reach their jobs. Massive tax hikes for the rich. Nuclear disarmament. Nuclear power. Increase of minimum wage to a liveable minimum. Socialized health care. Recognition of labor unions. Disestablishing religion. Prohibiting corporations from hiring children abroad and forcing globalized corporations to pay a minimum wage for all workers abroad.
TM has pretty much got it.

I'd also want to establish the groundwork for global government (e.g. taking an active military role in humanitarian situations, and treating economic problems in the third world as a direct problem of the United States), but that's not something I'd expect to happen in my lifetime.


EDIT: Part of why I want near-total nuclear disarmament is this: we only need maybe 10-20 to act as an effective deterrent, and nukes don't win wars, period.

A single nuke is awful, but survivable. Two to four and there's going to be social panic; the government is doomed. Four to ten and there's going to be mass casualties and serious infrastructural damage - the sort of thing the economy will take forever to recover from. Any national momentum is gone, and they won't be making war effectively for generations.

Ten to twenty? That many nukes will devastate the local ecology for centuries, cause millions of immediate deaths and skew the population by double digit percentages over the long run, and will essentially be the local eschaton - an event from which there is no escape, affecting every part of social consciousness.

Three nukes will kill a government. Seven nukes will kill a country. Fifteen nukes will kill a nation.

The US stockpile, capable of scouring a decameter or so off the surface of the planet? They're conspicuous consumption, like a civilian buying a Hummer. No use in that much firepower.

[ Wednesday, May 03, 2006 16:48: Message edited by: The Worst Man Ever ]
Posts: 794 | Registered: Tuesday, October 11 2005 07:00
Member # 7067
Profile #16
Increasing federal spending for public education: I disagree we are already spending well over $25,000 a year on every child in the United States. The problem is that we are spending that money wrong.

"$5,000? And that's it? I assume you are unfamiliar with a private education's tuition. And okay, I know from personal experience that public educational institutions tend to be corrupt and wasteful, but at the end of the day, a public student at only $5,000 cannot help but be behind a private student whose worth might even approach $20,000, and is guaranteed to be at least 2-3 times as high as a public student's."

Sorry I missed a 2 there.

Massive increases of foreign aid to stave off starvation and easily-preventable diseases: I disagree here to that is not the government’s job but, I would encourage charities to do so.

"So wait, you AGREE that something should be done, and yet you don't think that a government, given a choice, should do it? Are you saying that people should have a choice NOT to eliminate starvation?"

I think you hit my point. Think about more and you might find out what I was trying to say.

Repealing Welfare-2-Work and replacing it with a social net capable of catching something smaller than a barn: I'm not sure exactly what you are saying here but, I think that welfare should be taken off the governments hands. Though they should still provide work for anybody that wants it, such as building parks.....

"Do you know what Welfare to Work is? We've ALREADY privatized welfare."

I think I'm not sure about this anymore (not that I don't know what I would do but, that I'm not sure where you stand) due mainly to you expertly confusing me. Partly also because I've misspell more words today than I have in the last year. (And just generally messing up)

Strengthening Affirmative Action to solve the massive unemployment rate of urban blacks (and males in particular): I think this is more of the individuals problem if they want a job they get a degree that proves that they are the best person for the job, or get a job with the government. (As suggested above)

"You know, you're right. It's a black man's fault if his skin color immediately identifies him as a lazy bum to all employers. He, given massively disparate circumstances economically, should also bear the noble burden of also being hated when trying to land a job."

But, he still can establish himself a good character to make getting a job easier.

Nuclear disarmament: positively NO

"You're right. Because unless we can destroy THE ENTIRE SURFACE OF THE PLANET TEN TIMES AROUND, we cannot truly be safe."

Somehow I feel this is sarcasm. No that is not the reason why. IF everybody would give up their nuclear weapons I would agree however, unfortunately somebody would not thus blowing up the world ten times around.

Recognition of labor unions: No, but maybe recognition of unorganized labor unions. For example all most people want is more money thus costing the companies more and either putting them out of business or sending them over seas.

"More money, yes. Also, fewer hours, more flexible hours, maternity/paternity leave without losing one's position, etc.
America has an advantage (or, I suppose, it honestly SHOULD and has no feasible reason NOT to), and that is skilled laborers. You cannot outsource carpenters, professors, lawyers, electricians or engineers. Or, okay-- maybe you can outsource them, but only to other first-world countries. And yeah, this HAPPENS, but that'd be INTENSELY easy to rectify."

No, because if our economy moves then our whole country moves.

"(Of course, by guaranteeing that African-Americans cannot under any circumstances obtain a quality education, we've managed to create a distinctly unskilled class, but that's also a problem that can be solved by doing ANYTHING other than blaming the black community for its own failures.)"

No, I never said that they could not get degrees in fact; I was encouraging them to do so.

Disestablishing religion: Never, when this country does this I promise you IT WILL FALL!

"Well, I give you props for not taking that as sarcasm.
But, well... I'm not quite sure what good is done by placing political power into mega churches and televangelists does for ANYONE. (And most of these megachristians are outright evil for many reasons other than the stranglehold they've been exerting on the rest of us.)"

You are absolutely right these megachristians are not what I call a constructive religion these guys don't even believe their own book!

I hope this explains any problems we have with each other. Well that's all for tonight! (Due to me being wanted elsewhere)


[ Wednesday, May 03, 2006 17:17: Message edited by: Major ]

"I knocked him out, but I managed to hit the reply button before he fell down."-The person behind him.
Posts: 153 | Registered: Monday, April 24 2006 07:00
Member # 4614
Profile Homepage #17
There's not a whole lot you can do as President that Congress doesn't agree on, so.

That and I have little experience with public debating/speaking, making uncooperative foreigns cooperative without decooperating others as well as which building in Iraq to drop the next bomb on. I'm a good supporter, obviously, of the job GWB is doing so far, like it or not.

Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00
Member # 6193
Profile Homepage #18
Originally written by Major:

IF everybody would give up their nuclear weapons I would agree however, unfortunately somebody would not thus blowing up the world ten times around.
The point is that it isn't necessary to have the capability to destroy the world many times over. It really would only take several atomic weapons to deter anyone remotely sane from attacking us, anything beyond that is just increasing the chance that something drastic and inadvisable happens (like say, destroying civilization as we know it), or even a bomb getting in the hands of terrorists.

Right now the list of people who would bomb the U.S., and could foreseably do so, is fairly small and includes terrorists, North Korea, and Iran, (please don't comment on this hastily thrown together list, I'm sure I'm missing some but the point stays the same). None of these groups would care in the least bit exactly how many times over we could destroy their respective countries.

Guaranteed to blow your mind.

Frostbite: Get It While It's...... Hot?
Posts: 900 | Registered: Monday, August 8 2005 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #19
Sorry I missed a 2 there.
$25,000 (or higher) for a suburban public student.
$5,000 (if that, probably less) for an urban public student.

I was under the impression that you were discussing urban public education, since discussing suburban public education is patently vaccuous.

Or, okay. If public schools have SOOOOOO MUCH money, then why are programs (ESPECIALLY artistic ones) being cut and constant demands for more funding being made? (And if you mention "teacher unions," you will eat your testicles.) Corruption explains why one out of every ten fruits is overripe, but not why nine out of every ten fruits has already been half-eaten by the grocers before reaching the shelves.

I think you hit my point. Think about more and you might find out what I was trying to say.
The only logical explanation for your argument is that it is okay for the first world to let deaths that top the holocaust happen on an annual basis because us rich, white folks are somehow "okay" with it. If this is honestly an ethical or moral postulate for you, then you have serious ideological issues to struggle with before this discussion can begin to address the issues of a politic society.

But, he still can establish himself a good character to make getting a job easier.
Oh. My. Balls. Are you aware how racist this sounds?

You are saying that to COMPENSATE for a social burden on an already economically-desolate situation, a black person should have to SUCK ASS to be on an equal playing ground with a white competitor, who has no such burdens? It's not just that you're denying racism: You are saying that it exists, AND THAT IT IS THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMMUNITY'S RESPONSIBILITY TO FIX.

If I hit you in the face and tell you that I hate you, is it somehow your DUTY to tell me how wonderful and beloved I am for fear of being maimed even MORE?

Somehow I feel this is sarcasm. No that is not the reason why. IF everybody would give up their nuclear weapons I would agree however, unfortiantly somebody would not thus blowing up the world ten times around.
That last bit of verbiage you've got there isn't even a sentence, and even if it was, it'd be a far cry from a logical argument. (Plus, Alec has already hammered out the argument in more words.)

No, because if our economy moves then our whole country moves.
Are you saying that because America, the richest nation in the world, cannot field its own skilled workers, that our wealth will suddenly go flowing into Europe?

1. I was referring to Europeans migrating here to take jobs
2. Do you know just HOW FRIGGIN' EASY it would be to revitalize 2-year colleges?

No, I never said that they could not get degrees in fact, I was encouraging them to do so.
YEAH. Because if they brown-nose enough, they might just get admitted to a prestigious university!

You are absolutely right these megachristians are not what I call a costructive religion these guys don't even believe their own book!
Agreed. Jesus was a socialist, and was a staunch advocate of the lower class in Jewish society.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #20
Now, now, TM, don't bite.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Member # 247
Profile Homepage #21
I don't quite understand the whole affirmative action thing. It seems a bit unfair to me. Why should you get a job because of your skin colour or nationality? Why would any employer hire a worker based on such superficial characteristics? I can only conclude that there is a huge amount of racism in some areas of the world.

As for Nuclear weapons, well it's only OK for the U.S. to have them. Because if North Korea or Iran ever had a large stockpile we would all be in trouble. Sometimes I wish Russia was still capable of putting the U.S. more in check.
{On a side note: biological weapons are much more dangerous than Nuclear weapons.}

The Knight Between Posts.
Posts: 2395 | Registered: Friday, November 2 2001 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #22
I can only conclude that there is a huge amount of racism in some areas of the world.
Welcome to America.

As for Nuclear weapons, well it's only OK for the U.S. to have them.
Yes. Because America never initiates conflicts based on bloodlust, bold-faced greed and lies. No-siree.

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #23
Reasonable affirmative action isn't based on giving jobs to less qualified people. It's based on the fact that for many jobs and spots for students in colleges there is an overabundance of well qualified applicants. All else being equal, it's not terribly unreasonable to give those who were disadvantaged by circumstance a little boost.

—Alorael, who is not very comfortable with the protection of MAD anymore. It worked fine when it was the U. S. of A facing down the USSR with nukes, but now there are organizations that aren't necessarily states that would be happy to nuke. If they ever can and do, is launching retaliatory nukes in any way helpful?
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #24
Originally written by Kelandon:

Originally written by Thuryl:

How Thuryl ever won an election is beyond me. :P

Bush won on a very similar platform. What is beyond me is how this board (full of pinko commies) elected him. Looks, probably.

I can only conclude that there is a huge amount of racism in some areas of the world.

As for Nuclear weapons, well it's only OK for the U.S. to have them.
I don't need to add anything, I guess.

[ Wednesday, May 03, 2006 20:30: Message edited by: Dagon ]

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My BlogPolarisI eat novels for breakfast.
Polaris is dead, long live Polaris.
Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
