Shah mat

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AuthorTopic: Shah mat
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #25
Since when was Arafat 'they', though? That's the problem with words like 'terrorist'; they tend to lead to lines in the sand and shooting the bastards before they shoot you.

Yes, the Israelis are behaving with more restraint than the Palestinians would were they in charge of the government. They're still behaving with far too little; so far as I am concerned, a socially enlightened country which stoops to barbarism to protect any number of its citizens might as well not exist at all.

The biggest, the baddest, and the fattest.
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 4614
Profile Homepage #26
Acting with too much restraint means this person keeps hitting on you and doesn't stop. You are slowly worn to a frazzle but you do nothing about it because you are "exercising restraint" and/or "waiting for the opportune moment."

I goes for the Israeli-Palestinian war as well as the War on Terror.

EDIT: Oh-oh; I've reached the devil's number. Interpret it any way you like.

I'm interpreting it as only one less that the number of John Kerry's election ballot. :P

[ Thursday, November 11, 2004 18:39: Message edited by: 4614 and 4808 ]


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CSM Forums
Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #27
I hope you mean 'hitting on you' as a poorly-concieved synonym for beating on you and not, well, trying to come on to you.

In any case, the Israelis are the bigger man here -- what would society say if a twenty-five-year-old man reacted to a five-year-old beating on his legs by backhanding the little brat hard enough to sprawl him over? Nothing good, I'd imagine.

Study a bit on nonviolence; it's hard to keep hating someone if they don't even bother to hate you back.

The biggest, the baddest, and the fattest.
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 4942
Profile #28
Man, that wall thing bothers me. Here we are -- in 2004, and we are using large amounts of concrete to solve our problems. I am assuming most of us are young -- so what's up with the adults in the world? They are supposed to be our role models, and I don't think a lot of the folks on the international level are giving a good impression. There are a few good adults in the world, but as a teenager, and under the heavy influence of hormones -- DAMN ADULTS!!! WHEN WILL THEY EVER LEARN?!?!?

This post does not make a lot of sense... but what the hell, right?

What also bothers me is that the media (in America) will be talking about Arafat's "legacy" until after christmas? Anyone ever watch the film Mad City?

EDIT: I know a lot of you hate long posts to read, but I gotta add something. Looking over Ben's post it made me remember something I read. It was about the whole "devil's number" thing. I read that 666 was originally Aphrodite's number, and was turned into the devil's number by the church in an attempt to banish all worship of the feminine and paganism. I would like to see a discussion about this. It is off topic, but it was brought up, and I don't want to start a whole new topic becuase it would have about 20 posts and then fizzle out and die.

[ Thursday, November 11, 2004 19:08: Message edited by: Marquis of Corrumbous ]

Wham Bam Shizam
Posts: 247 | Registered: Monday, September 6 2004 07:00
Member # 3610
Profile #29
Humm....Let's see. First off, there is no firm deffinition of terrorism. Beleive me, I have spend a long, long time searching for a firm, internationally accepted deffinition of terrorism, and none such exists. The UN Security Council has not passed one, the 6th Committee has not passed one, the Ad Hoc Committee of the General Assembly for Terrorism has not passed one, nor has any other UN body, including the Secretariat or the International Court of Justice, put forth some deffinition. The North Atlantic Council, the Aftican Union, the Rio Pact, the Organization of American States, even any European multi-lateral: none have defined terrorism. As a matter of fact, one of the only multi-lateral deffinitions of terrorism come out of the Arab League and the Organization of the Islamic Conference. They define a terrorist act one where the intent is to enact violence on a civilian population to create fear to achieve a political, religious, social, economic, or diplomatic goal. That's a pretty decent deffinition.

Unfortunately, Mr. Arafat's organization, up until the Dayton Accords, pretty solidly was classed as a terrorist organization. The Palistinian Liberation Organization (PLO), which Mr. Arafat led, was a Soviet-backed "sepratist group." However, it was kicked out of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebannon because of its terrorist activities. Ultimately, it morphed into the Pallestinian Authority, but two "splinter" groups, (the) al'Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade and the Fatah Movement, remained terrorist groups. What's more, they also maintained close ties to the PA and Arafat in particular. What Arafat's death will do to that relationship, we can only guess.

Of course, now that Arafat is gone, the Sharone government and the Pallestinian Authority will have to put their money where their mouth is. No one can claim that there is no "partner for peace." With luck, the Palestinians will demand a democratic government. That's how it looks right now.

While it is wrong to wish death upon someone, I must say that ten years hence, Mr. Arafat's death will probably be looked upon as a good thing for the peace process. Blessed is the the Lord who judges in truth.
Posts: 129 | Registered: Tuesday, October 28 2003 08:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #30
666 is from the numerological transliteration of the Hebrew characters forming NEIRON KAISER, who ruled Rome at the time the Apocalypse of St. John was written. Numerology being very, very popular at the time -- think chatroom abbreviations ca. 2000, only for a century -- this provides more support to the idea that the AoSJ is actually a rather acute piece of social commentary.

The biggest, the baddest, and the fattest.
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 4256
Profile #31
In any case, the Israelis are the bigger man here -- what would society say if a twenty-five-year-old man reacted to a five-year-old beating on his legs by backhanding the little brat hard enough to sprawl him over? Nothing good, I'd imagine.
Hmmmm, If a young child is beating on your legs, you should do something about it. If it is not yours than take it to its own house and hand it over to it's parents. If it is yours spank it.
What happens though if the parents shut the door in your face when you present them with their child, you take it to the police( US/UN/whatever) If they say that you have to keep this child how are you going to react probably not to well, maybe we need some social workers to take care of the palestinian infant. Hey we can bring them all over here and nurture them so that they grow out of this two year tantrum phase.

A lot of this goes back to that question about the value of 1 human life. Is it even significant compared to the total. It may be just beating on the "legs" of Israel but the legs are made of people. And the same applies to the backhand. It might knock out the child only temporaly but it would kill a lot of the people making up the child. So equating millions of people into one life figure is semi-confusing as far a the ethics of it go. Which I find rather interesting.
Posts: 564 | Registered: Wednesday, April 14 2004 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #32
Generally, the idea is that a five-year-old won't have the patience to beat on you for long; after a while, everyone gets tired of hating a stone wall.

The biggest, the baddest, and the fattest.
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 3310
Profile #33
Look, a link! Someone grab it before it gets away!

ahhahaha i rule u droool
Posts: 756 | Registered: Monday, August 4 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #34
Originally written by Arenax:

1) The Israeli army gives at least 24 hours warning. The U.N. has looked into this and declared that acceptable, if not right. Regarding the "unbelligerent Palestinians" bit: you cannot tell the difference between an unarmed man and one wearing twenty kilos of C4. If a Palestinian doesn't obey the Israelis and continues moving closer, he's signed his own death warrant.
And 24 hours, I suppose, is enough time for you to abandon your home you have lived in for the last seven years, take with you what you can, and beat it.

If they don't obey, they get shot. Yup, that sounds about right.

Let's see: How would you like it if at some point, a small group of Native Americans bonded together, got the military and financial support from a superpower, and founded their own state right in Manhattan? Claiming it was their homecountry before you invaders came, and the place is holy to them?

Okay so far, you could argue, but how about then the Native Americans keep expanding their state further, bulldozing houses as they went along, to create new 'Lebensraum'? And give everyone 24 hours of warning before they flatten you? And shoot anyone who dares to approach them in a threatening manner?

They have about the same right to the American land as the Israelis do to the West Bank. With the difference that the Israelis have WMDs and are willing to use them.

The mere fact that you consider 24 hours adequate warning is just sickening.


3) Those settlers you allude to are often shot at by Palestinians. I am acquaintances with a few people that live in a kibbutz on the edge of Gaza, and they're usually shot at first--but shoot last.

In a whole lot of cases, what they are "shot at" first with, is rocks, and what they shoot back with last, are tanks. Go slap me on the wrist, watch me beat the living snot out of you, and claim you hit me first.


4) You all seem to forget something very important. Were the Palestinians in the Israelis' position, every Jew would be dead. The Israelis show remarkable restraint. They are surrounded entirely by enemies and have every right to be touchy.

I'd love to see how you will back that up.

The Palestinians had a peace deal with everything they wanted except for sole control of Jerusalem on the table in 2000. Arafat walked away and let his suicide bombers continue slaughtering children on buses. From now on, they deserve what they get.
"They" do? Let's see here: I believe Bush is a threat to world peace and the continued existence of humanity. His coming to power in 2000 was the biggest voter fraud in history. His popular re-election in 2004 was the biggest proof of stupidity in history.
By electing one such as him (and I doubt not that you either voted for him, or supported him if you're not of voting age), you have set back the progress of civilization possibly by decades.

That is a long way from saying the "Americans" as a collective are stupid, and that "they" deserve everything they get, and that it would be better for the world if the entire half continent "they" live on would sink into the sea.

Meh, I love a good rant in the morning, really does loads to wake you up.

[ Thursday, November 11, 2004 22:18: Message edited by: Upon his Chest an Emerald ]

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"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #35
666 is from the numerological transliteration of the Hebrew characters forming NEIRON KAISER,
I did some numerology for fun. Now, may I shock those who believe in the number of the Beast?

1) George W. Bush = 6
2) born July 6, 1946 = 6
3) inaugurated president of the US on January 20, 2001 = 6

What do we have here?

[ Friday, November 12, 2004 00:16: Message edited by: ef ]

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #36
I'm curious as to how you got any of those. The numerology popular at the time mostly involved adding together the letters, which doubled as numbers for some odd reason.

[ Friday, November 12, 2004 00:29: Message edited by: Fear Uncertainty and Custer ]

The biggest, the baddest, and the fattest.
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 2476
Profile #37
If you assign a number to each letter of the alphabeth, it either looks like this:
a=1 b=2 c=3 etc., then j=10 k=11 etc., t=20 u=21 etc.,
or you take the cross section, so that
a=1 b=1 j=1 k=2 t=2 u=3

Adding the numbers and reducing them to their cross sections gets you there. That's how I learned to do it.

[ Friday, November 12, 2004 01:33: Message edited by: ef ]

Posts: 1828 | Registered: Saturday, January 11 2003 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 5181
Profile Homepage #38
Originally written by Marquis of Corrumbous:

Man, that wall thing bothers me. Here we are -- in 2004, and we are using large amounts of concrete to solve our problems. I am assuming most of us are young -- so what's up with the adults in the world? They are supposed to be our role models, and I don't think a lot of the folks on the international level are giving a good impression. There are a few good adults in the world, but as a teenager, and under the heavy influence of hormones -- DAMN ADULTS!!! WHEN WILL THEY EVER LEARN?!?!?
The wall sends a very blunt message to the Palestinians.

"If you aren't going to police yourselves, then we'll police you."
Posts: 262 | Registered: Thursday, November 11 2004 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 5181
Profile Homepage #39
Originally written by ef:

666 is from the numerological transliteration of the Hebrew characters forming NEIRON KAISER,
I did some numerology for fun. Now, may I shock those who believe in the number of the Beast?

1) George W. Bush = 6
2) born July 6, 1946 = 6
3) inaugurated president of the US on January 20, 2001 = 6

What do we have here?

Two options:

1) A depressed and possibly suicidal supporter of Flip-Flop.

2) Someone with way too much time on their hands.
Posts: 262 | Registered: Thursday, November 11 2004 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #40
Originally written by Arenax:

possibly suicidal
Possibly suicidal like the late weapons inspector Kelly? Or liable to stomach disease like the late Yassir Arafat?

That people who find something wrong with the government (and make no mistake, I don't believe in astrology or number games, but a criticism is a criticism, no matter on what grounds) are directly threatened or intimidated this way is one characteristic of a newly fledged tinpot dictatorship like the Divided States.

On another note, as I'm currently training to analyze texts with Java (including a rework of the traditional Eliza psychoanalyst) I've started an attempt at programming a Republican Online Debater (which I'll name Freeper 2.0). I haven't finished yet, though.

[ Friday, November 12, 2004 07:02: Message edited by: Beneath the Moon and under Stars ]

The Encyclopaedia Ermariana <-- Now a Wiki!
"Polaris leers down from the black vault, winking hideously like an insane watching eye which strives to convey some strange message, yet recalls nothing save that it once had a message to convey." --- HP Lovecraft.
"I single Aran out due to his nasty temperament, and his superior intellect." --- SupaNik
Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 3610
Profile #41
Actually, Hebrew isn't the only language where letters double as numbers. There are a few others, I believe. The way it works is like this: The first nine letters equal 1-9, then the next 9 are 10, 20, 30... all the way to 90, and then the final four letters are 100, 200, 300, and 400.
Posts: 129 | Registered: Tuesday, October 28 2003 08:00
By Committee
Member # 4233
Profile #42
Hey Aran, the States aren't that divided. Now that the election is over, it almost feels like people are setting aside their differences, if only from exhaustion, and a somber sort of peace prevails. This will get flung out the window when Congress comes back into session in January, but for now, it's rather nice.

Of course, it doesn't hurt that Ashcroft has resigned. Maybe now the drapes will come off the statues. :)

[ Friday, November 12, 2004 07:22: Message edited by: Andrew Miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #43
Getting a number as low as 6 out of any name is virtually impossible if you're doing it by the same system that produced 666. Notice that Caesar Nero is in the several hundreds. George W. Bush would be far higher than that, I think.

Kerry did not flip-flop any more than Bush did. Both sides told significant lies during the campaign, and that was one of the Bush side's lies. Bush flip-flopped on the justification for the war, for instance.

Besides, why is it bad to change one's mind to reflect new realities? I never got that.

I think it's pretty clear that both the Israelis and the Palestinians are in the wrong. Assigning blame isn't going to help anyone. Figuring out what to do next is kind of important, though.

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.

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The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 4973
Profile #44
One of our early Presidents (I think it was George Washington) warned about the effects of "entangling alliances" with foreign nations. Well, we didn't listen, and here we are now. I'm not for or against Israel or Palestine; I believe that they have the liberty to kill each other if they so desire. What I'm against is our supporting either of them.

Quick poll, how many people believe we are better off for supporting Israel? Would supporting Palestine be better? How about neither?

There are three kinds of people in the world: those who think, those who think they think, and those who would rather die than think.
Posts: 104 | Registered: Thursday, September 16 2004 07:00
This Side Towards Enemy
Member # 3098
Profile #45
George Washington has been dead for around 200 years and was anyway only a fallible human being.

Therefore he's pretty much useless for deciding foreign policy nowadays.

Voice of Reasonable Morality
Posts: 961 | Registered: Thursday, June 12 2003 07:00
By Committee
Member # 4233
Profile #46
Actually, Jefferson was the isolationist.

Walter Russell Mead in his work Special Providence came up with a good means for distinguishing citizens' stances on U.S. foreign policy by breaking them into four camps based on the policies of four presidents: The Hamiltonians, the Jacksonians, the Jeffersonians, and the Wilsonians. The Hamiltonian approach to foreign policy is largely economic in nature; Jeffersonians are characterized by a policy of non-intervention; Wilsonians favor intervention for humanitarian and democratizing purposes; and the Jacksonian view is more or less the same as "red state" America's. According to Russell Mead, while during the Clinton administration the Wilsonian camp played a large role, and the beginning of W's was Jeffersonian, it's the Jacksonian camp that's most influential post-9/11.

I've grossly generalized Russell Mead's work here, so take this with a grain of salt, but believe me - it's worth a read. I find the dimension this work adds to American policy debate much more useful than just the regular Republican-Democrat split, which really is only useful for domestic policy concerns.

[ Friday, November 12, 2004 08:59: Message edited by: Andrew Miller ]
Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
Profile Homepage #47
Kelandon, the Bush Administration was, in early 2004, comprised mostly of Reagan-era relics who never actually got the memo on the Cold War being over. They have been fighting a war on terror like it was the war on the Soviet Union; Iraq was 'containment' to the hilt.

Dick Cheney, the eminence rouge in the Administration since before it was even in office, was a bellicose moron at his peak who worked closely with the rest of the bellicose morons in vogue at that time to very nearly drove us into a third World War; I suppose God has a sense of humor, because He has decided to punish Mr. Cheney for, well, trying his even best to start a nuclear war by cursing him with the inability to stop fighting Gorbachev's USSR, irrespective of the decade or the circumstances.

It's like the one elderly Spanish-American war who gleefully exclaimed 'We've got those Yankee bastards on the run, boys!', only he's running the country.

The current Administration is going to be a true, grade-A embarassment once all of the stuff they've been doing behind closed doors is made plain. We've got Senators who want to make abortion a capital crime, we've got Colin Powell -- the only Bush administration official who wasn't a frothing neoconservative -- resigning, we've got another Goddamn court opening which Bush is going to fill with a rube that will make Rehnquist look like Holmes, because he and the GOP are enamored of shouting about 'healing' whenever they win a set of elections, and the milquetoast conservative Democrats are going to correctly interpret that as a call to roll over, and gosh darn it, they just don't see why not.

Democracy as a system ensures people get exactly the government they deserve, and so far as I'm concerned, the idiots who wanted to make sure we didn't send 'mixed messages' to our 'allies' (specifically, England, Italy, and El Salvador) are going to find out just how pleasant giving complete power to someone who treats 2004 problems with 1984 solutions can be.

[ Friday, November 12, 2004 08:59: Message edited by: Fear Uncertainty and Custer ]

The biggest, the baddest, and the fattest.
Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 3610
Profile #48
Caesar Nero would be Kuf-Aleph-Samekh-Resh Nun-Resh-He. That's (100)-(1)-(60)-(200)-(50) (100)-(50)-(5), or 666. That's a guess based on how it works, but it seems like the only right combination. Vowles have no value in Hebrew (they are subscripted, and non-characters), but each letter can only have one vowel, and the last character cannot have any, so I added Aleph (silent sound) and He (an h sound, but silent at the end of a word), which also makes it all come out right. Unfortunetely, the He at the end of Nero implies that he is, in fact, a she. For all that, this doesn't translate straight across into Zohar (the numerological branch of Kabalah, or Jewish mysticism), especially as it is two words, and the emphasis isn't added in either. But then, I really don't know enough about Kabalah to say for certain.
Posts: 129 | Registered: Tuesday, October 28 2003 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 5181
Profile Homepage #49
Originally written by Lighter:

One of our early Presidents (I think it was George Washington) warned about the effects of "entangling alliances" with foreign nations. Well, we didn't listen, and here we are now. I'm not for or against Israel or Palestine; I believe that they have the liberty to kill each other if they so desire. What I'm against is our supporting either of them.

Quick poll, how many people believe we are better off for supporting Israel? Would supporting Palestine be better? How about neither?

If we weren't backing Israel, every non-Muslim in that country would be dead.

They've as much right (and more) to the land if you go by either the Qu'ran or the Torah (neither of which I do, but that's their problem, not mine).

The facts are these: Arafat was a terrorist. He headed the Fatah wing of the PLO which was responsible for funding and assisting Hezbollah, Hamas, and the other terrorist groups. He is known to have had some ties with Al Qaeda at some point in the past.

His actions have brought the wrath of the Israelis down on Palestine. He had a deal in front of him with everything he wanted save complete control of Jerusalem, and he walked away. He was never interested in peace. All he wanted was to kill Jews.

To borrow lines from Hunter Thompson, Arafat was scum. He was so crooked his assistants had to help him screw his pants on every morning.

It was a good day when he died, but I'm not optimistic about the Palestinian people putting anyone much better in charge. He was the boss for forty years. They don't know any other way.
Posts: 262 | Registered: Thursday, November 11 2004 08:00
