Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
Author | Topic: Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. Day! |
Member # 618
written Wednesday, January 21 2004 14:08
Well I'm risking severe moider by saying this, but... oh well. You can name me a hundred great "heros of humanity" but with each they all have their faults, no-one can be pefect to everyone, though some may think them so. Each and every one of them will have 'sinned' or comitted a 'moral wrong' but with each and every one of them, they are famous, they made a name for themselves by helping people in some way, though some may have had questionable ethics, or have been responsible for organised crime, they helped. If they hadn't then why would some know of them as "good people". At the end of the day it does not matter what you thought or really said, it only matters what you go down as in history. -------------------- I like to say quack because I can, I like to say moooo because i can, but i don't like saying ergle flmp because I can never pronounce phenomenon first try. In conclusion, quack, moooo and phenonemenonmenonnon... Oh Poo. Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3220
written Wednesday, January 21 2004 14:43
quote:I didn't mean to imply that I thought that. I'm sticking to game threads, as discussion of the real world is beyond me this week. [ Wednesday, January 21, 2004 14:43: Message edited by: dareva ] -------------------- But I have never known or heard of anyone in real life who has said, "Yes! My goal in life is to be a brainless follower of obnoxious people!" Posts: 437 | Registered: Sunday, July 13 2003 07:00 |
Member # 798
written Wednesday, January 21 2004 14:55
First the Black Panters where responsible for far more illegal activity than illegal protests. And now what I have to say is a response for the poster above me. This probably will change the subject but it still has to do with MLK. There is a saying, The Winners write the History Books. What people are known through history are probably diffrent than what they really where like. Lets take MLk for a example. He did do alot for the civil rights movement. Yes that was good. But he cheated on his wife, he donated to commmunist organizations. But this was not thought to me when I first learned about him in Elementry school. All I learned about him was that he started the Civil Rights movemet. This was due to the fact that Civil Rights won, seregation lost. Now lets say Seragotion won, then I would have learned that MLK donated to communist organizations and that he cheated on his wife when I was in Elemently school. So do not judge what history pertrays these people to be. I really have more against Malcom X than MLK. Basically because Malcom X lead the Black Panters. People pertray Malcom X and The Black Panters to be Black Robinhoods. And that was totally false. Allso due to the fact that Malcom X was killed by his fellow African American I'm pretty sure that there are African Americans who would agree with me. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Wednesday, January 21 2004 18:09
We have a tendency to gloss over the flaws in those we designate as heroes just as we overlook the good done by those who we label as villains. Knowing both MLK's great civil rights victories and his personal pecadillos, I'd still call him a hero. He's not perfect, but he brought the end to centuries of institutionalized racism. Weighed against that, his adultery is a small crime. Donation to the Communist Party isn't a crime at all, no matter what Joe McCarthy would have you think. The Black Panthers may have been involved in many illegal activities. I'm no expert. But they did have a role in the battle (literally, in their case) for civil rights, and they had little to do with King and his nonviolent movement. —Alorael, who would not call murder by an African American proof of anything. Lincoln was killed by a white actor, but that does not mean that he is universally or even commonly reviled by whites. Or actors, for that matter. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 3149
written Wednesday, January 21 2004 18:21
Adultery is not a crime. Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 1723
written Wednesday, January 21 2004 18:23
To you, perhaps. To the rest of society, little bit, yeah. -------------------- "... and approximately one sea turtle." Posts: 277 | Registered: Tuesday, August 13 2002 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Wednesday, January 21 2004 18:33
Well, Lincoln wasn't exactly fighting for white rights, Alorael. Other than that, I agree. I think that MLK's positive actions far outweight his negative ones. That's not to say that we should forget about his imperfections, just that they should not be focused on. While it is true that people killed in MLK's name, that does not mean it was his fault, not by any means. As Alorael said, people will kill for anything. Killing in King's name might justify the crime to some people. Luckily, they are/were a minority, and not at all supported by King himself. Malcolm X, on the other hand, I do have a problem with. A militant civil rights activist just doesn't cut it, for me. His Declaration of Independance reminds me of today's radical feminism; rather than trying for equality, he went so far as to make his policies almost as racist as those he was fighting. If you're going to get a great injustice changed, MLK's method is far better. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
written Wednesday, January 21 2004 19:29
Malcolm X was killed by Black Muslims after he became less radical - those of you speaking out against him on this thread might not be doing so if he wasn't assassinated when he was. Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 798
written Thursday, January 22 2004 15:44
All I'm trying to say is for Malcom X to be killed by his own people, that must mean that there are African Americans who didn't and still do not agree with his methods. There was allso a power struggle after The Black American Musliums and the Black Panters broke apart. Malcom X wife actually says Malcom X was actually killed bye the leader of the Black Musliums. With all this information being known I have to ask you people one question, How much of a hero was Malcom X in real life? -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3916
written Thursday, January 22 2004 22:45
I was born in 1959, and was a smart little bugger, and had parents who were intensely interested in this stuff. To me, MLK was a pretty good dude, despite him cheating on his wife -- no small thing in my estimation. He had a substantial part in making things better for lots of people, regardless of what harm he did to his wife. In the long run, and in general, helping a country's minorities is good for the country, not bad, and he was pretty much on that side. This "African American" talk is "politically-correct" baloney. US blacks come from Jamaica, South America, England, etc., as well as from Africa. I agree quite a bit that the real deal is how one is viewed in posterity, and I heartily doubt that there is going to be a "Malcolm X Day." Doug [ Thursday, January 22, 2004 22:46: Message edited by: PorkLoin ] Posts: 18 | Registered: Thursday, January 22 2004 08:00 |
Triad Mage
Member # 7
written Friday, January 23 2004 01:48
Although in nearby cities, they've been renaming streets to 'Malcolm X Boulevard' and they renamed Shabazz High School to Malcom X Shabazz. And I think that 'black' is the politically correct term nowadays, especially with the new influx of Haitians. -------------------- "At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander ==== Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It desperance.net - We're Everywhere The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead ==== You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse! Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3149
written Friday, January 23 2004 08:46
Of course, we all know that nothing ever got solved by violence. ![]() AS: "To you, perhaps. To the rest of society, little bit, yeah." Last time I checked, the only place in America where adultery was a crime was in the armed forces. Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Member # 798
written Friday, January 23 2004 12:11
I know this is off topic, but I had no Idea that somebody who was 45 years old was on this website. Well so Pork Lion your a Babby Boomer, I thought this site was mostly GenX. Well as much as I'd love to tease you about your Age I should stay on topic. I honestly do not believe Malcom X should have his own street named after him. But that's just my opinion. I personally believe Malcom X was racist twords the White Americans. We must allso remember Malcom X was originally a drug dealer. And yes due to the fact he was African American or black alot of oportunities was not availible to him. But allso there was decisions that he made in life that lead him to become a drugdealer as well. And Mr.X blamed the White People entirely for hime to become a DrugDealer. And I think that's totally wrong of him. Allso while I'm on this topic there are Black Hatred Groups that are just as bad as White Hatred Groups. But Somehow what the Black Hatred Groups do is somehow justified by Librals. And I think that's BS. I personally believe that a Black Hatred Group is just as guilty to Racisim and hate crimes as a White Hatred Group. But many Librals for some reason beg to differ. Now I only want to say one thing to White Hatred Groups and Black Hatred Groups and some people who think the White Hatred groups actions are justified and some people who think the Black Hatred Groups actions are justified (which are probably on this site) Can't we all just get along. [ Friday, January 23, 2004 12:14: Message edited by: The Lord of Evil ] -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
written Friday, January 23 2004 14:39
The difference is that white power groups are fighting for something they already have. 'Where's white history month?' Do Ben Franklin and George Washington not count as white history? 'Where's white culture week?' Do the Beatles and Johnny Cash not count as white culture? 'Where's the White Entertainment Television?' Is it not that nearly all of American television tailors itself towards the white majority? The simple fact is, blacks fighting for equality are fighting for something admirable; whites fighting for equality makes about as much sense as trying to train a horse to outrun an old tortoise. -------------------- In a word, gay. --Bob the Impaler Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
written Friday, January 23 2004 15:21
Um, there's absolutely nothing wrong with older people playing video games. It's not always common, because they didn't grow up with the technology, but still, why not? Also, as Djur said, while adultery may be considered morally repugnant and is legal grounds for divorce, it's not actually against the law. Re. black "hate groups" - I don't think there's been a single black "hate group" responsible for half as much violence and racially-motivated criminal activity as the KKK. Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 798
written Friday, January 23 2004 16:16
quote:Okay, you are a AHole. Black Hatredisjust as racist as Whitehatred. But now that you said this I actually now have proof backing what I am now going to say. One of the reasons why there is so many racial problems in our society is because of people like you. Librals such as yourself that will call anything descrimination. And yet will die by the theory that the black man can not be racist. That does not see the white man being descriminated against because he is white. People that think only black people can be descriminated against. And somehow justifies a black person descriminating against a white person by saying it is time the black man rises out of his chains of racism and strike back against the fat stupid white man who's only purpose of existance is to put down the black man. I want you to know that angry white librals and angry black librals that for some reason hate the White race can all go to Hell. Now you can call me a racist and a biggot and whatever other terms to describe a racist these days, but thatshow I feel. And by the way I believe racisum is the belief of one person believing he is inferrior twords another race. It is not the belief of a White person believing he is better than the entire black race. If somehow the definition of racism has been changed to the second definition, then once again. Anyone who beleivs racism is the second definition I have mention then you know what. You can go to Hell. [ Friday, January 23, 2004 16:26: Message edited by: The Lord of Evil ] -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
written Friday, January 23 2004 16:37
I'm perfectly aware there are black racists; I'm trying to say that it is all too common to assume that the desire for a distinct and unassailable cultural identity is assaulted too often as favoritism and racism. -------------------- In a word, gay. --Bob the Impaler Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Friday, January 23 2004 18:47
Black racism makes sense. Historically, they've been the slaves, the second class citizens, the victims. Whites have always been the slaveholders, the "more equal" citizens, and the victimizers. No, that doesn't always hold true, but most of the time it works out like that. Black resentment of whites makes sense. White resentment of blacks makes no sense. Both are wrong, but one is ridiculous on top of that. [Edit: Identity crisis!] —Alorael, who has just ended up parroting what others have said. Oh well. Maybe repetition in different words will emphasize the point, or maybe he'll earn points for redundancy. [ Friday, January 23, 2004 18:51: Message edited by: Alorael ] Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Saturday, January 24 2004 09:24
Martin Luther King, Jr. - "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." Tell me, how does sending an African American to college instead of a Caucasian with a better grade and more qualifications not go against MLK's teachings? Affirmative action is pure, unadultered racial discrimination. I'd love to hear what MLK would say if his four little children were picked to go college, chosen above four little white children with better grades, more community service hours, etc. Alorael, no racism makes sense. Resentment, sure. I can understand that. But discriminating agaisnt the great-grandchildren of their oppressors is not going to help. Equal rights are supposed to be equal; discrimination against whites does not make the rights equal. Imagine the response if a white child was chosen over a black child to go to college, and the reason given was that the white child was white. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Saturday, January 24 2004 09:28
I never said I agreed with it, and I never said I thought it was right. I just said that I understand where the racism comes from. —Alorael, who still doesn't understand how whites can resent blacks. Yes, there are downtrodden, second class white citizens. But they are invariably put into their position by other whites. Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 798
written Saturday, January 24 2004 09:51
Aloral you are dead wrong. Maybe as a Asian American you yourself have been descriminated against and that leads you to believe what you do. But just let me say something. There has allways been a class strugle between poor Whites vs poor Blacks/Hispanics over low paying jobs. I think that causes more racial tension between Whites and blacks than Slaverly. This class struggle started after slaverly was abolished and continues to this day. Anyway Aloral I want you you to know I hear uneducated black people from the gettho basically say what your saying. I'm saying this in oppose to the Educated African Americans who have gone to college. But anyway you Aloral who is very educated, I expected to hear a more solid argument than what your saying. But try to understand, yes The African Americans have been oppressed in The U.S for 400 years, And they are still being descriminated against today. I can understand how they feel resentment. But no matter how bad anyone has been descriminated against, does anyone have the right to descriminate against someone else. Think of it this way, The black people have and still are being descriminated against by many white people. But if a African American descriminates againsts a white Person one day because he has been descriminated against by White people, doesn't that make him just as racist as the white people who descriminated against him.Anyway since this topic is turning into a flame war. I or someone else in the future will probably say something they will really regret later. And SirDavid did not start this topicTo turn into a flame war. So I am now asking the Mods to please shut this topic down before someone says something completly out of hand. -------------------- Look Ma, I'm banned! Posts: 1046 | Registered: Friday, March 22 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3149
written Saturday, January 24 2004 12:19
Sir David: http://www.inmotionmagazine.com/mlk3.html The best quote is: "A society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro..." Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Saturday, January 24 2004 12:34
Well, that does change things a bit. However, there is this: "A section of the white population, perceiving Negro pressure for change, misconstrues it as a demand for privileges..." The key word is "misconstrues". He is saying in this quote that, when the white population thinks that Negros are demanding privileges, they are wrong. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
written Saturday, January 24 2004 13:07
Actually, he's saying that the whites are confusing a demand for equalizing priveleges for a demand for unilateral favoritism. In other words, you completely misconstrued the meaning of that sentence in order to stuff words in MLKJ's mouth. [ Saturday, January 24, 2004 13:10: Message edited by: Custer Custer Revolution ] -------------------- In a word, gay. --Bob the Impaler Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3149
written Saturday, January 24 2004 13:11
Did you not read the rest of the quotes? MLK clearly supported compensatory programs for blacks. I don't claim to know what he meant by that specific quote, but it doesn't change the fact that he supported affirmative action. If I had to guess what he meant in that quote, it would be that blacks were not asking for general special treatment, but rather programs to assist them out of the hole that white America dug for them. --- Reporter: "Do you feel it's fair to request a multi-billion dollar program of preferential treatment for the Negro, or any other minority?" Dr. King: "I do indeed...Within common law, we have ample precedents for special compensatory programs. ... America adopted a policy of special treatment for her millions of veterans...They could negotiate loans from banks to launch businesses. They could receive special points to place them ahead in competition for civil service jobs...There was no appreciable resentment of the preferential treatment being given to the special group." -- (Interview,1965, p.367) Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |