What could be next, I wonder?
Author | Topic: What could be next, I wonder? |
Member # 126
written Friday, October 24 2003 04:49
After the Geneforge and Avernum series have run their courses, What might happen next? More puzzle games, perhaps. Maybe a new adventure game set in a different place, maybe even in space! Jeff hasn'e done space much yet, has he? Maybe He'll just take some time off. Perhaps that's the very purpose of the 'Blades of' games, that we amuse ourselves for a while and let poor Mr.Vogel get some sleep and teach his daughter how to fire a grenade launcher. -------------------- Check out the DIARY, why doncha? It won't bite. Probably. "We were heart companions, We were companions in the woods, We were fellows of the same bed, Where we used to sleep the balmy sleep. After mortal battles abroad, In countries many and far distant, Together we used to practice, and go Through each forest, learning with Scathach". Posts: 161 | Registered: Monday, October 8 2001 07:00 |
Bob's Big Date
Member # 3151
written Friday, October 24 2003 05:40
quote:*chokes, collapses laughing* -------------------- In a word, gay. --Bob the Impaler Posts: 2367 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3452
written Friday, October 24 2003 06:16
maybe he'll do more things like Homeland ![]() i hope not though -------------------- Look!!! I have a signature!!! Drakefyre is the coolest!!! Posts: 75 | Registered: Wednesday, September 10 2003 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 18
written Friday, October 24 2003 06:40
Jeff has said in many interviews that GF3 is next. No worries. Md. Posts: 304 | Registered: Monday, October 1 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3452
written Friday, October 24 2003 06:45
since there is a geneforge 3 next, will there be a blade of geneforge? ![]() -------------------- Look!!! I have a signature!!! Drakefyre is the coolest!!! Posts: 75 | Registered: Wednesday, September 10 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3042
written Friday, October 24 2003 07:26
quote:Jeff didn't make Homeland. Don't worry ![]() -------------------- The Club of All Chance Forums I was once member #2475, but then my account was deleted because of a bug. Post count=406+whatever it says below. Posts: 402 | Registered: Thursday, May 29 2003 07:00 |
Law Bringer
Member # 335
written Friday, October 24 2003 10:24
Jeff has not done any puzzle games, either. He has made RPG's only, as far as we know. In an interview he commented on that, saying that while making a strategy game might be interesting he doesn't care to take the risk when he knows he can write another RPG and make money off of it. —Alorael, who wouldn't rule out space. Geneforge was a half-step in the sci-fi direction. On the other hand, medieval seems to be what Jeff knows best and what his customers have been buying. And there's still that ambiguous mention of A4 floating around... Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00 |
Member # 517
written Friday, October 24 2003 13:21
Ocean Bound was apparently a puzzle/strategy. I've never played it, though, due to not having a Mac. -E- -------------------- Let them eat cake! Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially. Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00 |
Member # 869
written Friday, October 24 2003 13:51
Ocean Bound wasn't made by Jeff. It was only published by SW, the same way Exile was once published by Fantasoft. -------------------- I believe there are 15 747 724 136 275 002 577 105 653 961 181 555 468 044 717 914 527 116 709 366 231 425 076 185 631 031 296 protons in the universe, and the same number of electrons. -- Sir Arthur Eddington Posts: 9973 | Registered: Saturday, March 30 2002 08:00 |
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
written Friday, October 24 2003 16:16
Haha, and Lost Souls... that game's great... and it's by Richard White, or someone... anyway, I think even if Mr. Vogel did make a space age game, it would end up being not too different from the current medieval style. He should probably just stick to medieval, although a space game would be interesting. -------------------- And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it. -The Last Pendragon TEH CONSPIRACY IZ ALL Les forum de la chance. Incaseofemergency,breakglass. Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00 |
Member # 27
written Friday, October 24 2003 16:19
If Jeff makes an Avernum 4, I won't rest until he makes it for Exile as well. I'm sure he will try something new, Geneforge was a step away from the usual games he makes. He might take another one and make something that will blow our minds away. -------------------- "Wow, fish." Hahahaha, I crack myself up. Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 18
written Friday, October 24 2003 19:43
I distinctly remember Jeff saying something along the lines of "I don't want to have to wake up in the morning and know that today, I have to redesign the Tower of Magi for the forth time..." Hmph. If he makes A4, I'm going to be cut. Md. Posts: 304 | Registered: Monday, October 1 2001 07:00 |
Triad Mage
Member # 7
written Saturday, October 25 2003 02:21
He designed it a fourth time in Za-Khazi Run. -------------------- "At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander ==== Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It desperance.net - We're Everywhere The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead ==== You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse! Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00 |
Member # 2155
written Saturday, October 25 2003 06:27
quote:Hm. Exile 1, Exile 2, Exile 3, BoE (Za-Khazi Run)... Well if you count that the Tower had to be redone in the Avernum series, not completely but to a large extent to accomidate the new engine, one could say he's had to recreate the Tower seven times thus far, soon to be eight with the Za-Khazi trip. Also, because he had to do the Tower of Magi destroyed in both Avernum and Exile 3... that would make BoA Za-Khazi his tenth time doing the Tower of Magi. Dang. No wonder he objects. ---Your Tower of Magi tourist, Necris Omega -------------------- Sanity is a relative concept. And like most my relatives, I rarely see it. "The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits." ~ Albert Einstein Posts: 168 | Registered: Saturday, October 26 2002 07:00 |
Member # 4
written Saturday, October 25 2003 18:36
quote:Maybe He'll just take some time off? This is Jeff Vogel we're talking about, not God Almighty, right? ...eh. I would be rather miffed if Jeff made A4. PS- Where the hell is there a ToM in Za-Khazi? -------------------- We're all amazed but not amused By all the things that you said you'd do. You're much concerned but not involved by Decisions that are made by you But we are sick and tired of hearing your song, Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong, 'Cause if you really want to hear our views, You haven't done nothin'. Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |
Triad Mage
Member # 7
written Sunday, October 26 2003 02:53
At the very beginning. -------------------- "At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander ==== Drakefyre's Demesne - Vahnatai Did Do It desperance.net - We're Everywhere The Arena - God Will Sort The Dead ==== You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse! Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00 |
Member # 3310
written Sunday, October 26 2003 03:04
Please, anything but some crappy space odyssey. But A4 (and E4, don't forget that!) would be nice. Although utterly un-necessary. And, it would probably ruin the whole structure of the series. I think Exile (A) was born to be a trilogy. There was the fall (E1), the raise (E2) and the victory (E3). BoE was just...well, it just didn't fit in. And most probably E4 (wasn't BoE the fourth Exile, BTW?) wouldn't fit in, either. Posts: 756 | Registered: Monday, August 4 2003 07:00 |
Member # 3477
written Sunday, October 26 2003 04:24
Here is a great idea. a strategy game for avernum or geneforge. with no space of cource. -------------------- Avernum is as addictive as skribane!!! Withdrawal symptoms are harsh so I just keep playing. Posts: 296 | Registered: Monday, September 22 2003 07:00 |
Member # 4
written Sunday, October 26 2003 06:49
...I checked all 23 towns in the editor. The very beginning is Fort Goodling, not theTower of Magi. Seriously. If it's somewhere, then where the hell is it? -------------------- We're all amazed but not amused By all the things that you said you'd do. You're much concerned but not involved by Decisions that are made by you But we are sick and tired of hearing your song, Telling us how you are going to change right from wrong, 'Cause if you really want to hear our views, You haven't done nothin'. Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |
Member # 496
written Sunday, October 26 2003 08:25
Same here. Amzing exercise in crowd psychology, eh? Posts: 2333 | Registered: Monday, January 7 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3149
written Sunday, October 26 2003 08:25
quote:Did you even ever play it? Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |