Profile for Fungus Shamegne 26

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Singleton party in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #109
What kind of singleton is best? I'm thinking a Slith with Melee, Mage and priest abilities, but what would you use?

And, does armour have any encumbering effect in A4?

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Avernum sequence in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #4
The previous Adventurers are often refered to as "the Great Heroes". But one thing. Why don't you see any other Adventurer parties?

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Just one complaint in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #19
I didn't like the Avernum style that much. I prefered the Exile style.

NOTE: I'm quickfire. I will proceed to change my name according to spells or Items.

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Jeff, please respond - Magic and Avernum 5 in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #43
Originally written by Spidweb:

The lack of a Carbonized Realmz continues to dumbfound me.
Quickfire Casts: Restore Mind
Jeff restores mind :P

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Singleton in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #3
One thing a singleton needs is LOTS of endurace. Remember, most enemies will divert their attention to you (not that there is anyone else), so you will take more damage. Also, it's more painful to get money, but you din't need as much. Also, can you augment weapons in Avernum? Because you should do that if you can.

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
I like it, but... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #47
Yes there is. They are more vunerable to disease and poison. They use blades more don't they? And razor disks. Hold on, that's more of the human ninja no?

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
I like it, but... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #43
Fine. maybe you could say vahnatai are better at magic or somethin'.

And who the hell is Alorael?

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
I like it, but... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #36
like i said, she says she has the curse, and it goes the same way. It's imaginary.

As a vahnatai, you would be like,

Experience penalty: 20%

Around the same as Sliths.

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
I like it, but... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #33
Originally written by chicho1102:

I liked Erika...I hope that she magically resurrects for A5...that things may happen... :rolleyes:

I've had one Idea, where you go back in time and stop Erika from getting the curse, so she is able to kill Rentar-Ihrno without dying herself. Then she has to go on like she has the curse, you go through the whole thing again (your actual selves are not there) and coming to the fight, Renter blasts the whole, but it does nothing. Rentar gets death arrowed.

Speaking of that, why can't a PC be a Vahnatai?

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Jeff, please respond - Magic and Avernum 5 in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #15
Angry Parents about summon demons? That could be a whole new moster.

Anyway, improving a spell isn't a new thing. In the E trilogy and BoE, the spells got better as the character leveled up. Now I say,


That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Jeff, please respond - Magic and Avernum 5 in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #3
I agree with the archmage. Look at my name for cryin out loud! It may be hard to think of new spells, but we can help. Some really cool ideas have come round, like shockwave or mind duel or spray fields. But we really need something unique, like thunder storm, which strikes randomly at the ground around enemies. Or, there could be something like Face of fear, where when an enemy tries to hit you, they get the crap scared out of them :P

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Really anticipated ideas for A5?? in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #4
personaly, I beleive the exile style (woo it rymes) better. It was easier to remember where to go, and to follow maps.

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
I like it, but... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #12
She's a complete moron, she killed Erika :mad:

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Going back to beat A4... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #14
The reason i'm sad about no thrown weapons, was i have Lightning Rods in Exile 2, and I was hoping that sort of thing would pop up here. Plus, Having a bottemless quivver doesn't fell right. Unless you've got the bow of kag (Exile 2 again).

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Going back to beat A4... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #5
As a matter of fact, I think all your characters should be customised. This way you can easily smoosh to types together.

Also it's use full to slight ly train everyone in preistly stuff, as you can use it through armour, and its use ful to heal wounds an smite those nasty undead. Greasy little bastards. Ah yeeeees, what happened to thrown weapons? :confused:

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
I like it, but... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #7
I never really liked either Isometric styles. Exile is beter because you get 6 party members, The skill points required for skills stay the same, and its dificult getting used to the essence of retarded compass points in avernum.
For something like nethergate, it's fine. Also, you get to define what your health and spell points are. And you cant headbang! WHY DO YOU STINKING CLOUD (curse) ME?!?!

And theres no editor in Avernum 4.

EDIT: hold on. that didn't realy have any thing to do with the isometricness. Anyways, FLATLANDS TO DA CORE! and there's less spells. INCLUDING DEATH ARROWS AND QUICKFIRE!

[ Saturday, February 10, 2007 23:39: Message edited by: Quickfire ]

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
Going back to beat A4... in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #3
What I tend to do is have NO humans. They may level-up more quickly, but at the start they weigh you down.

1: Slith Custom(acolyte). Swords and fireballs baby!

2: Nephil Shaman. Mage & Preist.

3: Slith Archer. Give 'im a spear as well.

4: Slith Sourceror. ICY RAIN!

NOTE: Give every one a bow. In Avernum 4 you don't need to buy arrows, and it's very fliggin' easy to hit people with that.

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00
problem getting into formello in Avernum 4
Member # 8011
Profile #12
Originally written by SevenMass:

I personally like the way this is balanced.

Balanced eh? The glory of the previous Exile series was that you could do what ever you wanted out side of the story. All this realy does is confine you to the story. They pulled an EV Nova.

If you use a mac and you haven't heard of EV, :eek:

[ Saturday, February 03, 2007 21:07: Message edited by: Quickfire ]

That's good stuff! (Hic.)
Posts: 18 | Registered: Saturday, February 3 2007 08:00