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Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #187
But you only need small, fast group and surpise attack...

Also, Nioca, your goverment would need constant voting... and you just said my voting system would be ruined without education. Ahem, your system is the same.

But, my system has certain groups. There are democratics group, communists group, and so on. Each group gives some persons to vote to senate.

My point is, I think giving too much power to ONE or even to too small group is not wise... for if those three make a pact to not vote against each others decisions (which is un-probable but it could happen).

Well, the 200-man senate would be too big, but what about... 20-man senate, where one of them is the president?

After senate is voted, it votes for president. Every member of senate has one vote, but president has three or four votes. THIS is what I meant.

But one senate can't do it ALL. So, should we have one senate for every certain area? And one senate with judging over them all? The big senate would decide on most important matters, like "Shall we build <important building> to that place?

Of course, it would require someone to teach people, but humans were once animals who didn't know how to talk. And now I see this kind of discussion. If you talk about progress, it's not only about science... schools are included, like about every other thing that helps us.

ET... your philosophy has good points and bad points. Thought if there wasn't one leader who would win that war fast, the was could last very long without geneforge. If geneforge was used only AFTER war, it would be baad.

But somebody would steal some, I guess?

But, even if you have great support, you ARE mortal. So, geneforge somehow makes people more resistant to swords and arrows? Leaders have been assasinated before.

But, let's say some disaster would happen, where the whole nation would be broken apart and nobody knew what to do. Then one person comes and unites and everything is again good. It is this time when kings shine.

EDIT: Oh-oh. I just remembered, but kings in feudal age didn't decide EVERYTHING by themselves. They couldn't be bothered with things "to which one does this cow belong?"-things. Might not have anything to do with topic, but it reminds us of something. Humans are not gods.

[ Saturday, September 30, 2006 23:21: Message edited by: Crafterlord ]
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Factions in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #34
I think all humans are equal in a way. Of course there are differently skilled humans, but they are able to apply for better jobs and they have the chance to become famous, like Einstein. (you know who he is, don't you?)

I think serviles should be the same. If there are some who are more intelligent, they should be equal with humans and they should have the right to learn magic.

Of course, they could do anything they wanted, as long as they didn't start wars or otherwise didn't make others life harder.

EDIT: also, I remember one thing about brains. Humans only use 10% of it, at least according to our current knowledge. Or something such, my memory ain't the best. And humans can, at any point, make more memory if they run out. So we shouldn't worry about that our brains couldn't handle all info we get.

EDIT2: and, ET, if you try to be god, go on. If you succeed in getting enough power to be counted god, then you are a god.

Do we really need someone to serve us? By all means, I would let serviles live and maybe form a nation. If they couldn't handle magic, I wouldn't give them it.

They don't need to be crushed. You can be in peace with them but you still can ask them to mine in a mine for you, for reasonable pay of course.

Just look at women. Men cruelly enslaved them, even if they are at least equal or maybe even more worthy than us, and nowadays they are equal. And this actually doesn't have about anything to do with this topic... just felt like writing this.

[ Friday, September 29, 2006 03:36: Message edited by: Crafterlord ]
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #169
Ugh. War isn't answer for who should be leader.

The two ways together are the way: vote a leader who is the king, but who isn't all-powerful. There is a 200-man senate who votes for that leader's ideas: if about 140-170 vote against the decision of that leader, that decision is cancelled.

The senate is chosen by voting.

This system stops the leader from doing whatever he/she wants.

Every four years a vote is arranged: should we take another leader?

Tullegolar? I take this is a better solution. IF you don't want to kill people just for fun.
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #160
Actually, when I said that "democratic", I meant a group that would divide the choices among ALL of the members, or some specifically chosen ones.

This actually works. I live in a place where that works.

But with this kind of powers, it would depend on humans. The group wouldn't take those who cannot be trusted to not cheat.

Of course, there are always those who can fool even the most intelligent mind.

Reason why I used word "democratic" was because I didn't know any better word for this.

Strong will... you make the same mistake as those who say we really can make IQ tests that tell us how intelligent we are. Human brains are little more complex that just saying "pure will". The word shouldn't be even used, it leaves too much in dark.

And if you say not, very well. Explain me what "strong will" means. So that it takes in account those comments back there.

(sorry for the way I wrote in this one)
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #149
Emperor is back I see.

So, if there were a secret group that would lead that ruler who has those powers (by saying they will kill him/her if he/she doesn't obey their will), who would be counted as the leader.

Now I mean all do have points, but IF this happened, what would happen?

One man doesn't win the war. People are the power.

Of course, this group, would it have a leader (possibly elected) or would it be, well, I don't know if the word is correct, democratistic group?

Adn the last thing... while the geneforge should be researched and the best one to research would be those who have used it, it isn't requirement... you just can study some people who, let's say, are murderers/people who have committed serious crimes, and have geneforge.
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #138
To Nioca: what I ment back there by saying "discussion over", I meant that the philosophy etc. was over. Thought I see they either started new discussion/they are continuing the old.

The Point of this post: Hmmhmm. Maybe if the users of canisters were watched over by authority, like nation?

Thought this wouldn't help for those who take them in secret/steal them...

But, in that case, I would (yes, I use my own opinion here, but there are more of opinions... and I'm saying that all the time...) make a law that punishes those who steal canisters without the sanity test. I see killing would be the best way, so they surely wouldn't use those powers.

And to research the way to not lose sanity when you use canister... hmmhmm. Good point.

Though didn't somebody at some point say you could not get mad if you just tried not to very hardly? Maybe only those should be allowed in that case, those of strong willpower.
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #133
Congratulations Nioca.

Thought enruling this could have it's own problems, naturally. There are people who at first don't seem mad, but are mad.

Then would be those who would steal it or a new cult, where one person is chosen as "god", with his "followers" taking care of people who would be in the way of taking the canister.

(Yes, the cultist thing is... something that wouldn't probably happen.)

The Shapers probably have different purposes. The common idea (in my opinion) is that they want to keep the power for themselves. For some reason, humans like power.

Well, power itself is only a way. Purpose is what makes us want power. If somebody wants to tell me that some want power for no purpose, please give me example.

And, (sorry for this off-topic) I never would have thought when I first looked at these forums that they talk philosophy and such here... whee
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #125
I see the discussion is over. Somehow I have a feeling that Emperor always brought us more problems to think of.

I guess he was too arrogant, but *ahem* despite that, he had interesting points.

And please get back to that old style of philosophy, politics etc. Even if it is against the idea of game forum, in the end.

And, just look at the start of this forum and look what started this war of beliefs :P
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #109
Tullegolar, last time when you were "talking to me", you got the point very well.

I'm not annoyed by your arrogance, but some people are. And well, you should take a stance where you want to learn more, not to teach. No offense. And I'm almost sure you will tell me that it's different. That you are not "teaching, but giving us facts", or something similar. Maybe.

And to the point: I'm thinking Microsoft.

[ Tuesday, September 19, 2006 03:09: Message edited by: Crafterlord ]
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #99
Well, I was once taught that nation aims for good of all. Then there is nation that aims for the good of only one, the leader.

I'm not sure if Emperor will think like this... so, we must first make the leader happy, so he isn't all depressed and has motivation to make all our lifes good?

Interesting person.

And I read the post again and am beginning to actually understand it... but, there is a point when your life simply cannot get better. You have more food that you can eat, all technology that has been made, as nice house as you can get (add your own things here).

At this point, it cannot be wrong to start research for better of everything, for if, say, make new kind of television that is better in every way, doesn't it benefit you too, this new technology?

Actually, this is what you are saying... thank you, Emperor.

Though people tend to get angry when you take all you want FIRST, even before the research that makes everything better. And this will, if nation isn't prepared, result in rebellion and overthrowing of the goverment... but now I remember Stalin (the point where all feared for their lifes and simply couldn't do anything out of the fear that they would be killed, also remember I haven't finished my studies yet, so there probably is something I haven't noticed).

You have strange way of talk, Emperor. No wonder some said you can't say what is real and what is game, though yes, you probably can see. People just tend to misunderstand, and this applies for my point in this post too. About science...

[ Monday, September 18, 2006 06:53: Message edited by: Crafterlord ]
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00
Shapers keeping secrets in Geneforge Series
Member # 7500
Profile #94
Hmm. I'm under impression that our Emperor is all about progress. Correct me if I am wrong.

Progression can be achieved by strong destroying the weak? Interesting point. And if somebody wants to be strong, if he can do it, what is the problem? Actually, this reminds me of Dostovjevski.

Let us invent thing called "Overall Happiness". This is the sum of how much food all have, do most of people have good homes etc. So, if strong use war to destroy weak, isn't this "Overall Happiness" either rised or lowered? If this war brings us progression, then "Overall Happiness" is increased.

But if this war leads us to a country where all fear for their life, or to anarchy, where you still fear for your life, or to a country where there isn't just enough food for everyone etc? Then "Overall Happiness" is lowered.

Now to progression. The end of progression is perfection, no? When is this perfection achieved?

What do we fight for? If we fight for power, we have to have a reason to have power. If we all had enough food, good houses, that stuff, why would somebody fight?

So, should we research for that Geneforge that doesn't make you insane, so all... no, those who won't abuse the power, can do research on how to make our all lifes perfect.

But the same time people are getting angry, for research takes time. And they rebel, for they want happy lifes quickly.

Because of that, they shouldn't be allowed power without somebody to watch over them. I think somebody, maybe the Emperor, talked about that at some time.

All the point with this is... I'm tired, I probably haven't got the point of the discussion and I'm stupid. And I hope that I at least did SOMETHING.

(Send me e-mail if you want to explain me the point of this discussion in private)
Posts: 11 | Registered: Sunday, September 17 2006 07:00