Profile for Semodius
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Displayed name | Semodius |
Member number | 6689 |
Title | Warrior |
Postcount | 50 |
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Registered | Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
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STUPIDEST POST EVER!!! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Friday, February 17 2006 19:20
Depends on the type of desert island. If it was anything like the one in that movie with Harrison Ford and that one chick where he crashes the plane on the beach, then I'd prefer my own computer to come. Because the toolkit in one of the 5.25" bays has my LEATHERMAN in it. I'd go to the downed Japanese plane and rig the same thing as Ford did, then take off. Or plane nonwithstanding I would at least make some rig for water and food and stuff. I'm guessing the generator runs on Spiderweb Software characters? I'd take BoA in that case. -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
(Brag Thread) Avernum 3! in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6689
written Thursday, February 16 2006 17:58
Nothing is nicer than turning off the &$@* character editor and just going for it... Load the game if you have to. Revive characters at temples like back in the day. Do stuff. It's a great feeling to go in with Ssschah wearing well over the maximum amount of gold in equipment. Here's what he's wearing near the end in my A3 game. Blessed Steel Helmet (+) (+1 to Melee Damage) Pachtar's Plate Mail Black Halberd Vahnatai Cloak (+) (+30% Resistance: Cold Damage) Gauntlets of Might Pants of Power Tremor Boots Warrior's Ring Strength Bracelet War Charm And of course, he's carrying toadstools. Better watch out for them toadstools! But yeah. My archer has some deadly equipment on him too, like the Fury Crossbow and the Archer's Cloak. The only non-magical equipment on my characters are the other three pairs of pants. Anyone know where I can find some superpantalones? ^__^ -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
All-Nephilim Group in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6689
written Thursday, February 16 2006 17:42
Well for playing human-only or human-oriented scenarios.... My nephilim will go under... DISGUISE!!! .> = {)}> -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
All-Nephilim Group in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 6689
written Thursday, February 16 2006 08:32
I'm going to embark on a trip through as many Blades scenarios with my all-Nephilim group. I hope giving ALL of them decent bow skill won't totally gimp other important skills (like Mage Spells levels, especially). Perhaps the bonus dexterity will keep my mage-philim alive for a bit longer! =) -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Roar. in General | |
Member # 6689
written Tuesday, February 14 2006 16:56
Roar and rawr are just two different English onomotopoeatic expressions. Roar's vowels are pronounced as in 'boat,' a deep 'oh' sound. Rawr's vowels are pronounced more like 'march,' a much lighter 'ah' sound. As to the origins of 'rawr' I think I know who invented the expression. I firmly believe that 'twas I. Prior to playing games such as Age of Empires online, I'd never heard the expression. In 1997, I used the expression as a typo in a game, and it caught on and stuck. ^__^ -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Online Storage in General | |
Member # 6689
written Saturday, February 4 2006 15:38
750Mb is an incredibly large file to upload, even with a high-speed cable connection. On my cable connection, I can download things at up to 1Mbps, on a good day. I've never uploaded at more than 60Kbps. That's a bit more than three and a half hours of uploading. If you have more than one such file, you might as well use CD-Rs or USB flash drives, which will save you at least three hours of your time. -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Has a song ever hit you like a brick? in General | |
Member # 6689
written Thursday, February 2 2006 15:17
All I listen to is music that is that good. Some of my faves are: Skateboarding Music (Anti-Flag) 911 For Peace (Anti-Flag) Across the Universe (The Beatles - Let it Be...) Flying, Blue Jay Way, Strawberry Fields Forever (The Beatles - Magical Mystery Tour) Crazy Train (Black Sabbath) Going to Pasalucqua (Green Day - 39/Smooth) Panic Song (Green Day - Insomniac) Countless Iron Maiden songs (including Rainmaker!!) Give Peace a Chance, Imagine (John Lennon - Shaved Fish) End of the World (The Living End - MODERN ARTillery) Fade to Black (Metallica - Ride the Lightning) This is probably my all-time favorite song. Hit me like a flippin' asteroid. This is the Best Day Ever (MCR - I Brought you my Bullets, you Brought me your Love) The 59th St. Bridge Song (Simon and Garfunkel) Green Tamberine (The Turtles) -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Romeo and Juliet. Thoughts? in General | |
Member # 6689
written Wednesday, January 25 2006 17:09
R&J are clearly emo; they both end up cutting in the end. :P -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
What will come after Avernum4 for Windows? in General | |
Member # 6689
written Tuesday, January 24 2006 18:06
I want an even more epic Avernum adventure. As yet I haven't had the opportunity to play A4, but I'm far less interested in caves. I loved exploring Valorim! It would be pretty sweet to be able to explore the rest of the rather flippin' vast Empire. Maybe long before the Empire had reached its current borders (or wrapped around the world in effect creating no borders), there were some heroic adventurers who killed stuff. That would be a fun game. He could always throw in some caves and the creation of Avernum. But it's his thing. Regardless, I'm always stoked for more Avernum! -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
xian stuff in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6689
written Tuesday, January 24 2006 13:54
In real life, seriously, the skull is my BEST friend evarz! I love the Xian Skull! He's super tight once you get to know him. -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Nazghul in General | |
Member # 6689
written Saturday, January 21 2006 20:01
Whoa whoa, are you guys snorting cocaine? Avernum-esque graphics are beautiful and new! A3's graphics are only three years old or so. BoA's and A4's are much newer. They are not outdated! Besides, with a great plotline like the Avernum games have, there are far better graphics in your mind! -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Yarrr... Linux! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Thursday, January 19 2006 13:40
Dude I love coffee! -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Observation of MLK, Jr. in General | |
Member # 6689
written Thursday, January 19 2006 13:33
quote:I live in Minneapolis. And I know what you mean now! I mean, I think "whites" are a majority in the city but it's gotta be close. Minneapolis boasts a huge amound of Hmong, Somali, and Latino immigrants. And I love how while there are some racially segregated parts of town (like the parkways), Minneapolis has extraordinarily integrated neighborhoods. Minne-po FTFW. -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Yarrr... Linux! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Tuesday, January 17 2006 13:33
Right on dude! -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Resistance skill in The Avernum Trilogy | |
Member # 6689
written Tuesday, January 17 2006 13:17
The Resistance skill, AFAIK, adds large bonuses of magical resistance to the characters that have it. Look in the lower right-hand corner of the area with all of your character's skill statistics. Just to the right of the amount of experience that character has. This place tells you how much resistance your character has to what elements. Each point of Resistance skill adds to all of the elements. The best way to find out exactly how much each point of Resistance affects your character is to grab a Resistance mind crystal (which adds three points of Resistance... I think...) check his stats before, use it, and check his stats after. -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Observation of MLK, Jr. in General | |
Member # 6689
written Tuesday, January 17 2006 13:04
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a great man with great ideas. Every movement needs a powerful orator (and the more the better!) and he was one of the most powerful of the "Civil Rights Movement." I could go into detail and glorify him all I want, but the most important thing at hand that makes him great in my eyes is that, in his death, he gives us dudes in high school a day off. Every single year. Pity it cost a life. We ought to have more days off from school! -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Yarrr... Linux! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Tuesday, January 17 2006 12:58
Before I try to un-hijack this thread, I must congradulate everyone who posted here for their very excellent ideas! All of the opinions, ideas, and hypothetical situations expressed were from talented minds and have helped me figure out what I can do to make Communism a working institution! Hahaha! :P With that said, I turn my attention to the pepperoni/Canadian bacon controversy. I'm a vegetarian. I've only been one for a half a year. But before that I never ate pork anyhow. Pork is kinda gross, IMHO. My favorite pizza topping is pineapple! Stuff's insanely delicious. Now please, about Avernum... -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Yarrr... Linux! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Sunday, January 15 2006 15:08
Bloody politics. I shouldn't have mentioned WHY I use Linux. *grumbles a few curses and continues reaping the ligaments of capitalists worldwide* -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Yarrr... Linux! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Sunday, January 15 2006 07:12
Well pointed-out. I'm sure there's another way to do registration without making a seperate, cut down build for the demo. Hmmmmm... -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Yarrr... Linux! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Sunday, January 15 2006 05:22
There are only compatibility issues for people trying to install software for which they do not have all of the required dependencies. Gentoo ( for reference) uses a system called Portage which is a package manager of sorts. Its tree is very complex and when installing something with it (for instance, '# emerge firefox' would download and compile Firefox) it first calculates all the dependencies and installs those before moving on to the requested application. I've had no trouble with Portage-installed stuff at all. Newer versions of software that have not been labeled officially stable by Gentoo yet can be unmasked and just as ready to install as anything else with a simple bash command I call 'unmask.' ------------------------------------------------ OFF TOPIC: A quick leap off-topic into communism... Stalin's communist system worked... for a while. At the start of his period in power he was not given much to work with - Lenin left him with a still crippled economy that was not nearly industrialized yet. He began collectivizing and rapidly industrializing with his five-year plans which often took more than five years and cost millions of lives. But with his 'communism' Russia managed to avoid the depression almost entirely. Unfortunately, communism does take into account human nature but tries to force it. That is, at least, the least intellectual way to make a communist state. Kill people and use fear like Stalin. You could alternatively use computers or brainwash people. I have no idea though. And of course communism is restrictive on 'freedom' compared to capitalism. It's an economic state that is entirely controlled by the government (the people!). That's the whole point! But you could have a democratic communism in a small community where people WANT communism. The point of communism is to control and limit peoples' greed (which is very revealing in capitalism). I believe in extreme limitation of peoples' 'freedom' to greed and 100% social liberty. You ought to be free to do what you like, except screw over the poor people and amass wealth for yourself and family. ------------------------------------------------ And back to Avernum! ^___^ The number of Linux users is small compared to Windows. I believe I read a report that listed Windows (3.1-XP) as 93% of the market. Mac OS users were 3%, and Linux were 3%. If I can find my way across the intarwebz again to this page I will link it. What emulator would you recommend for playing Avernum games on Linux? Is Wine okay? I don't like proprietary crap like Cedega! =P (edit: added lines to represent off-topic piece of conversation) [ Sunday, January 15, 2006 05:26: Message edited by: Semodius ] -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Yarrr... Linux! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Saturday, January 14 2006 20:34
quote:Oh, I usually use Linux for gaming! I play UT2004 (mainly Red Orchestra, my mod of choice), Doom 3, Neverwinter Nights, various Super Nintendo games, all sorts of Flash/Java intarwebz games, Planeshift, and some other MMORPGs you've probably never heard of on my GNU/Linux (Gentoo distro) operating system. I use GRUB as my bootloader, so I may pick between various kernel compilations of Gentoo and Windows XP when my computer turns on. I use Windows for things that require Flash 8 (a few Weebl and Bob toons on the web) and the occasional foray into Covenant defenses (Halo, quick violent fun) and of course Avernum 3, Nethergate, etc. I use Windows maybe 10% of the time since it is not fully functional for me (it seems so very easy to pick up malware!); my printer cannot tolerate its Windows drivers. Not to mention, Windows' twinview nVidia drivers are not anywhere near as good as Linux's. As a result, when in Windows I use only one monitor. quote:This will always be a problem for MMOs. But who cares about single-player games? Woo, scary, he haxxed himself extra hitpoints! Heh, the Character Editor can already do that! Many single-player games I know of that are Linux-native are open-source. I'd be a bit scrapped to name some that are not! Of course, if Avernum were a multiplayer game I could understand completely why one would want to keep it closed-source. But if, for instance, Blades of Avernum were open-source, then one could make all kinds of pretty darned sweet mods for it! The point of open source is so that people CAN haxxor it to make mods that let people have more fun. Blades of Avernum is more than halfway there with scenario/campaign editing. It's a really sweet idea already! quote:Never say this to a communist. If I had my way, there would be no money at all, no poor or rich. I realize that unfortunately living organisms are insanely greedy by nature. It's the way that they survive. Imagine if humans were one blissful collective community living in peace with everything everyone wants. In this society you can have as much fun as you want to the extent that you must keep in mind your work. Imagine everyone in the world being employed with equal hours as everyone else. Nobody would be hungry because people would eat equally (according to their physical needs). Clearly no country has anywhere near the organizational capacity to institute such a ... "utopian" system. But it's something to dream about. quote:True! quote:Probably untrue! You may be able to see all security flaws in theoretical systems, but bear in mind that open source stuff is compiled on a case-by-case basis and may be altered (drastically) from system to system. Usually it is not, but this will always be a major roadblock to hax0rs. There are enough different and arcane distributions of Linux that the average user might not have such problems, while the average hax0r would have to research enough about so many different distros that he would just quit his malwork. And keep in mind that it takes a password that is (hopefully!) rather complex to have privelages enough to run malware. The innate security of having a root user would render your theoretically Linux-ported Windows-esque malware ineffective. Having thrown in my two cents for my creed(s), I must get back to the actual topic! Hippies like myself need games! I know the Linux community (check out - my fave stop for Linuxy type folks) would be excited for such great games as the Avernum and Geneforge series to be Linux-native. I can always keep dirtying my hands with capitalist operating systems to play Avernum 3, but it would be lovely to not have to. But really, it would be great to have more flexibility with the games! -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |
Yarrr... Linux! in General | |
Member # 6689
written Saturday, January 14 2006 18:44
Let me start by saying this: I'm a communist. I hate money, I think it is a horrible thing and ruins many, capitalist or not. So naturally I hate corporations, who exist solely to attain money for their top employees (CEOs, etc). Microsoft is one of the very largest corporations in the world. It's product "Winblows haXP" is a very poor operating system which is easily penetrated by your favorite flavor of malware. So I use Linux. I know many more of you out there dual boot Linux and Windows (and maybe Mac OS too!) just to play your favorite Spiderweb game. I certainly do, I play Avernum 3! But wouldn't it be great if Jeff (or anyone else) could port the games to Linux? The only Spiderweb game ever ported to Linux is Exile 3, and at this point the game is primitive and outdated by a long shot. I'd love to see our favorite games in Linux flavors. Linux is much more similar to Mac OS than Windows, IIRC, so perhaps it would not be too much trouble. Or is this just wishful thinking? I do a lot of that, hehe. More wishful yet, if Jeff's games were open source. Or perhaps if Blades games were. The community would be vastly larger and more productive! But seriously! I'd love a Linux port! Then I don't have to singe my retinas looking at this Start button all day... -------------------- --Dachnaz Posts: 50 | Registered: Saturday, January 14 2006 08:00 |