Profile for Beebop
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Displayed name | Beebop |
Member number | 4191 |
Title | Apprentice |
Postcount | 10 |
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Registered | Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |
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Author | Recent posts |
HLPM v1.1.2 released in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 4191
written Tuesday, March 8 2005 01:08
How about the ability to bet on yourself winning in an arena battle. That way it could be used to make a little extra cash without having to fight enemies that drop items. You could also work in different odds too. A level 10 party vs. level 10 monsters might have 2:1 odds, but if they fought level 15 monsters they might get 3 or 4 to 1 odds? -------------------- Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way. Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |
What articles would you like to see? in Blades of Avernum Editor | |
Member # 4191
written Wednesday, April 21 2004 04:09
I'd like to see something to do with making puzzles, what's an RPG without at least one interesting puzzle? On the favourite article thing? I don't want to choose, they've all been interesting, inspiring and useful. -------------------- Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way. Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |
What articles would you like to see? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 4191
written Wednesday, April 21 2004 04:09
I'd like to see something to do with making puzzles, what's an RPG without at least one interesting puzzle? On the favourite article thing? I don't want to choose, they've all been interesting, inspiring and useful. -------------------- Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way. Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |
Mac or PC? in General | |
Member # 4191
written Friday, April 16 2004 23:26
Let me throw my 2 cents in according to the latest benchmarks Apple and Intel are pretty much on par with each other(Macs are slightly ahead ![]() although intel is progressing faster because apple's currently rying to work around the heat issue with G5's so they can dump it in a laptop *drooool*. There's no real hardware advantages to either, it just depends on how much money you've got to spend. For the operating system, go to your local newsagents, buy the latest linux mag with the latest version of red hat. Problem solved!(Entirely hypocritical, as I use OS 10.3) On the topic of who would need a 3ghz intel/2ghz G5, many people would. We use our G5 as a server machine, I bounce large Lightwave renders off it and play Unreal Tournament 2004 (Min. specs include 1 ghz cpu) over my 2mbp/s connection. (Just to brag) I can also think of many other reasons why you might need such raw power. Just because you don't use much of your cpus power doesn't other people don't. This argument's pretty pointless anyway, it's entirely subjective. -------------------- Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way. Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |
Celts in Annwn in Nethergate | |
Member # 4191
written Thursday, April 15 2004 02:23
Nah, not on the battlefield. I'm just outside Bel's hall, going to the hall of judgement to start the hunt. From what I can tell a stream of spirit warriors and spirit wolves (or whatnot) keep entering from where the Valley of Annwn enters to the halls area. This wouldn't be much of a problem, except that I don't have an infinite source of spell points. :( I'm fairly sure they're constantly spawning, I'm not sure somewhere around 30 creatures could fit in the cavern I'm talking about. -------------------- Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way. Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |
Celts in Annwn in Nethergate | |
Member # 4191
written Wednesday, April 14 2004 20:56
I just talked to Bel, and he told me to go do the Hunt. But whenever I try to get to it a seemingly infinite number of spirits float out to attack me. And my SP keeps running out so I can't get past them. Is there really a constant flow, and is there a way around it?(I hope there is...) -------------------- Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way. Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |
Dungeons and Dragons? in General | |
Member # 4191
written Monday, April 12 2004 19:56
Would it be possible to play a game of D&D over AIM? I've always wanted to give it a go, but I have maybe 2 friends who would play as well. -------------------- Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way. Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |
How crap can you get? in Blades of Avernum | |
Member # 4191
written Sunday, April 11 2004 03:02
I bought BoA a couple of days ago, it waas 32 AU$ I think. I got Nethergate as well though, so ended up paying 50 bucks anyway. If you think about it 32 bucks for game is still damn cheap(It must be, that's my pocket money for the month :D ) -------------------- Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way. Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00 |