How crap can you get?

Error message

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AuthorTopic: How crap can you get?
Member # 4227
Profile #0
I hate it how in like every game you get something always comes up and says "Please Register" and you have to go "not yet"
And feel like a complete F***head?
Hey Spider web Software the reason i haven't F***king refistered is because I live in Australia and our economy is stuffed so it csts me bloody $50 to register!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

who farted?
Posts: 20 | Registered: Friday, April 9 2004 07:00
Member # 14
Profile #1
There seem to have been a lot more disgruntled idiots lately. :(

Dragyn Bob

"Abandon all hope, ye who enter here!"-The Divine Comedy
Posts: 1481 | Registered: Thursday, September 27 2001 07:00
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
Profile #2
If the game was free, how could they possibly make enough money to make more games?
Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 2628
Profile Homepage #3
I live in Australia and our economy is stuffed so it csts me bloody $50 to register
It cost me less than $50 (Australian) when I registered my first Spiderweb game in January last year, and the exchange rate is much more favourable now for Australians than it was then (ie it would cost me less now to make the same purchase).

I have some 'mainstream' games that I play almost as much as Spiderweb games - when I purchased those from local stores, they cost around $90 (Australian) each.

Spiderweb's games are under half the price and I spend more time playing them. I'd say that's good value.

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Posts: 512 | Registered: Wednesday, February 12 2003 08:00
Member # 4227
Profile #4
Well I suppose It's just I don't make enough money to buy $90 games and stuff. I have too many demos now to register them all. Plus the mac users always get it bad. I mean you can buy PC games for $2 but I walked into an apple center the other day and a lot of games were $50.

who farted?
Posts: 20 | Registered: Friday, April 9 2004 07:00
BoE Posse
Member # 112
Profile #5
For 50 dollars you can get BoE and have enough great scenarios to last you two years.

Rate my scenarios!

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Posts: 1423 | Registered: Sunday, October 7 2001 07:00
Member # 4191
Profile #6
I bought BoA a couple of days ago, it waas 32 AU$ I think. I got Nethergate as well though, so ended up paying 50 bucks anyway.

If you think about it 32 bucks for game is still damn cheap(It must be, that's my pocket money for the month :D )

Beebop, who has a great chuckle at Alorael's changing signature only prefers to be witty in his own, and occasionally moronic, way.
Posts: 10 | Registered: Saturday, April 3 2004 08:00
Member # 73
Profile #7
Two years? It'll probably last longer than that.
Definitely, buy it. If you don't pay, Jeff doesn't have money. If he doesn't have money, he pursues a new career. If he pursues a new career, he no longer makes great games. This is bad. Always register if you like the game.

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3719
Profile Homepage #8
So why complain on the message board about your lack of fundage? I wonder if anyone has ever complained on a message board then ended up getting a free code?

Posts: 294 | Registered: Monday, November 24 2003 08:00
Member # 4186
Profile #9
Originally written by dampeoples:

So why complain on the message board about your lack of fundage? I wonder if anyone has ever complained on a message board then ended up getting a free code?
:) :rolleyes: :D
Posts: 175 | Registered: Friday, April 2 2004 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #10
Nobody gets free codes here. Jeff works hard on the games, and we're not going to aid and abet in thievery.

—Alorael, who can't think of any better game bargains than BoE, and probably BoA once people start churning out scenarios. But if you can't afford them, you can't afford them.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #11
lemmy: No profanity on these boards or asking for cracks for games. Also, please change your signature to something more appropriate. Failure to adhere to these rules will result in your removal from these boards.

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