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What do people think.. in General
Member # 2080
Profile #23
Um, more importantly, why does it matter why Imban secretly does behind closed doors? We really don't need to know about that sort of thing.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
To the moon in General
Member # 2080
Profile #16
As I vaguely implied in my last post. If you wanna figure out space travel, watch the History Channel. With some work, by the end of it, you'll have yourself a nice Russian/German-style battle tank/sub/plane/spacecraft combo thingy on the moon in no time.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
What do people think.. in General
Member # 2080
Profile #17
Originally written by Valcrist:

he slapped me again and finally, he introduced me to WoW..
My condolences. I played Chatcraft for 1 session, and said screw this inane level grinding crap... What RPGs need is story, damn it. Story!

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
To the moon in General
Member # 2080
Profile #10
I call dibs on being the head of the inevitable evil tyrant government of Mars.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
To the moon in General
Member # 2080
Profile #8
Well, with thanks to the history channel(which I'm sure China's top members have seen at least some of), China has a pretty good idea of what they're getting into with the Space Program. Though, I doubt anyone will learn what German history can teach us about aeronautics and space travel. The US never did.

US Scientist #1: "Hey, let's go into space."
US Scientist #2: "Okay. How are we going to do it?"
US Scientist #3: "Rather than try to use what we know about physics to our advantage, we're instead going to build a big freakin' rocket, fill it with fuel, and send it straight up into space."
US Scientist #1 & #2: "Brilliant! Let's get started right away."

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
To the moon in General
Member # 2080
Profile #1
Doesn't matter, cause Japan already has lunar bases and shtuff. It's really suck for China, though, if they went to the moon, cause their space craft would be cut in half by a giant battle mech with an energy sword.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #137
"One week," James thought himself, "I don't know if the world will last that long. Oh well, if it doesn't and I'm killed, at least I have a chance of returning home. Then I wouldn't have to care so much. 'Course if I do succeed, I'll have to smack that annoying god around a bit."

As James was lost in thought, a man in his mid-20s wandered into the shrine, somewhat confused to see the current arrangements of the shrine. "I'm sorry," man said, "I must have went to the place. You wouldn't happen to know where the shrine to, James, god of love, is, would you?" "You're looking at it," replied Serena, "what do you want?" "I was hoping to pray to James for guidance and give him my life savings as an offering," the man answered. "That's nice," James said, "make the prayer and offering quick. I've got some reading to do." Up until this point, the man hadn't even noticed James. When he did, he found himself rotating between looking at the statue of James and looking at James.

After a few moments, the man regained his composure and asked, "Are you really him?" "If I wasn't, I would've been struck down a long time ago," replied James, "But I am most certainly James the Deity, god of love and potential future savior of the world." "Wow," the man responded, "spending my life's savings will be worth it. James, there's this woman..." "Say no more," interrupted James, as he stood up with lightning speed and touched the man's head.

"That's quite a tricky situation you're in... Unlike you, she's not human by the way. The race is similar, but not quite human. Even if you do manage to get her to fall for you, she'll probably leave you when you get old," James spoke. "I don't care if she isn't human or will leave me when I'm old," shouted the man, "I love her! And I want to be with her more than anything in the world." "Good for you," James said, "She won't be easy to win over, though, but if you're willing to try, I can give you some tips..." "I'll do it," interrupted the man. "You haven't even... nevermind," James continued, "useless material objects won't work on her kind. They're very independent and hate it when a guy tries to give them things they don't ask for. She's also more aggressive than most woman, however, like any woman, all you need to do is satisfy her psychological needs."

The man just stared at James and said, "Satisfy her what?!" "Psychological needs," James replied, "Make her feel like the most important person on the planet, even though she isn't. Do everything she asks of you with minimal questions. Give her the occasional massage, which goes double for women of that species since their inherent and unexplained irateness makes them very tense. When it comes to petty arguments, just let her win. Normal women will hold it against you if you argue with them over petty things. Unlike a normal woman, this one will probably kill you. Cuddle with her every now and then. Women often need to be held, especially when they're sad. Now, most importantly, you must always treat her with love and respect. Do these things, and in time, she might actually start to love you. If not, at the very least, you're with her."

"What's a massage," the man asked with a puzzled look on his face. "Observe," James replied, "Serena, take off your cloths and lay face-down on the table." "Hell no," Serena shouted, "I don't know what vile massage thing you have planned i, but I'll have no part in it!" James casually walked up to Serena and whispered, "I guess I will have to go outside and abduct myself a poor helpless woman to do this to. Of course, if you want to spare the poor woman from my evil, you can always do what I just told you to. "Fine," Serena replied, "but after your done, I will kill you."

"Whatever. Shut up and get on the freaking table," James said with great agitation in his voice. As Serena began to remove her cloths, James cast an illusion spell spell on Serena, rendering her invisible. "Let me know when you're in position," James commanded. After getting her cloths off and laying on the table, Serena alerted James to the fact that she was ready. "Watch and learn," James said to the confused man. James dispelled the invisibility and approached Serena. When he got to her, he began to rub her shoulders, gradually working his way down her back.

While massaging Serena, James looked at the man and said to him, "Now, early in the relationship, it most likely won't be possible to massage more than the neck and shoulders. In time, that should change and she'll let massage more places. It's very important to find a good ratio of firmness to gentleness. If you don't get it right, then she'll be very angry with you. This ratio changes with each woman and with the amount of tenseness the woman's body is suffering from. With some practice, you should be able to easily figure out what is effective and what isn't."

"God, this feels so great," Serena thought to herself. Without a word, James signaled to the guy to step in and try it for himself. After a few minutes of trial and error, he finally got the hang of it, much to his surprise and Serena's enjoyment. After several minutes, things began to wrap up and in time the man went on his way. With the massaging over, Serena put her cloths back on and said to James, "I like that kind of evil. I think you should 'torture' me like that again some time." She then smiled, kissed him on the cheek and went outside.

"Aw, she's fallen in love with you," Yumi said as she hugged James, "and the two of you make such a nice couple. You should become her boyfriend." "So, does that mean I'm not your boyfriend anymore," James asked with enthusiasm. "No, silly," Yumi replied in a more serious than normal tone, "You'd be my boyfriend and her boyfriend and I'd be your girlfriend and her girlfriend. And that's how marriage works." In response to this, James said the only thing he could, "Wait. What now?!" Somehow Yumi managed to not hear him and she soon wandered off to go play in a field.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
What do people think.. in General
Member # 2080
Profile #2
With me, it'd be more like, "how can you stand those graphics?!!"

Or in my D&D circle, "So that's where you got that stupid life creationist class idea from. You suck random computer game company and I hope you die!"

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #336
Originally written by Dikiyoba:

When I say "realistic", I mean that it's somewhat feasible that someone would act that way in a similar situation. No one goes on a homicidal ramage after eating a carrot in real life, so don't make someone in your RP do that, or anything even remotely resembling that admittedly awful example.


Apparently, I know, am friends with, and have dated a lot of crazy people. The characters I've introduced so far are based loosely off of people I know or have met(don't ask me how I managed to run into someone who's similar to Yumi)

'Course now that I'm starting to have to think about it, when I replace James(many posts from now), I'm probly going to play a character who'd do things more along the way I would.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #333
Originally written by Dikiyoba:

Don't invoke this sort of crap ever again.


Not sure exactly what you mean by that, but I'm sure it was quite negative.

On a more positive note, I do get what you're sayin' about RPing, D, and to be quite honest, I kinda disagree with some of it. RPing should have some fighting. They shouldn't revolve solely around it, but they should have fighting.

Take the Inn of Blades RP(reference you wouldn't be able to look up) for example. It had a nice had many different plots of varying depth, fighting, comedy, all the good things that make an RP interesting. Lasted a long time. I think I already mentioned why that was as successful as it was.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #329
Truthfully, I still can't figure out what about mine and Safey's characters y'all can't understand. What the hell else is a Demon God going to do besides take over the world?! I mean seriosuly, he's not going to go to brunch and play tennis with rich people. He's going to try to take over and/or destroy the world. James is trying to save the world cause no one else wants to. What's so hard to understand about that?! "What?! Someone's actually trying to battle the forces of evil before they become so big a threat we almost don't stand a chance in hell against them?! Well, we can't have that."

Somehow I'm starting to think TM wasn't 100% to blame for the one thing everyone keeps bringing up to rag on my master plan thingy that's supposed to take place long after we've gotten our characters probly established and have done a lot of stuff. The beauty of that sort of plan is since it's not already in motion and I'm not attached to it, I can dropped it if needed. Well, guess what, consider the thing you know nothing about, but won't stop complaining about, dropped.

Now, I'll concede that some of the stuff I did probly shouldn't have been done the way I did it. And I could've probly explained more of what I was doing, but I was trying to make some of it a surprise. You know, building up to something, and trying to keep some interest by making you wonder what it is. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of thinking that all, rather than just some, of you cared about something that doesn't directly involve your character. That's what I get for holding everyone to high standards from the old(er) days of RPing from back in the day(you know, from back when people actually knew who I was). I mean god forbid we actually be realistic and have a combination of fun and seriousness, instead of an extreme of one or the other.

EDIT: Oh, and by the way, here comes some more character development, some form of an explanation for why James is doing what he's doing, and James becoming more tied into the world(which I set up for in my last post). And I'm planning to use that bit of downtime to try to do some more character development with all(or as many as time will allow) of my characters.

[ Saturday, May 12, 2007 08:50: Message edited by: Bandit Keith ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #323
I'm with Ephesos on this one; you dug your own grave. This is not D&D. I don't even know why you brought D&D characters in. After all, it's a whole lot easier to create a new character tailored to the setting than to try and drastically modify an existing one that doesn't belong.
Well, I thought it was a good idea to put some structure to my character rather than making up a bunch of crap and then not keeping up with most of it & causing horrible inconsistencies like I've seen done in the past(this isn't the first RP I've ever done). I use D&D for comparison purposes, because it's a game you can play a god in. I haven't RPed a god on a forum within my ability to recall, so I needed a reference. I used James the Deity cause he's not that bad of a character. It's not entirely my fault some of you have problems with him.

Because that's no fun to write, no fun to read, and makes no sense storywise.
Yeah, I don't see that much fault in your argument. Neither of us set up the big bad evil forces that need more power than my character has to stop, and neither of us really wanted to have to take care of them with them, but surely you won't deny that they have to be dealt with. But don't worry. I'm getting help(much more than I expected) with the whole evil forces thing, so you and the other people with their own story lines who don't care about it don't have deal with it.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #319
What's the nicest way to put this... Nevermind. I'll just go with something in the middle. It's a lot easier.

Here's a summery of what I've gathered so far. Let me know if any of this is inaccurate...

I've got a character with a background and that's a problem.
My character has a written up set of abilities and powers and that's a problem.
I have side-kick characters for my main character and that's a problem.
I gave my character some future enemies and that's a problem.
My character threw away his own goals to try to do what half the other characters don't care about doing, fighting the villains of the story and that's a problem.
I've got a planned, but flex-able plot concept for much later in the story and that's a problem.
I'm trying not to take this RP too seriously and that's a problem.
I've tried to do some character development and that's a problem.
I try to have fun with the RP and that's a problem.
I don't tell everyone every detail of why I'm doing every little thing I'm doing with my character and that's a problem.
I try to do some form of compromise without completely abandoning everything I'm doing and trying to do and that's a problem.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #316
First off, that big major threat thing James has mentioned before... He's said on more than one occasion when referring to it that it's way off. 'Specially since it's got to be fine tuned and numerous details have to be worked out, which in this case takes a long time. I really don't want to mention too much about it. 'Sides we're playing gods. When the time comes(if it ever actually does), we all should be ready for it.

Second, Yumi's really not that powerful... Okay, so maybe she is... against certain things. In D&D terms she's not even epic. She took out a demon. Big freakin' deal. Yumi's a character who is designed specifically to fight evil creatures, so she'd better be able to destroy a demon or two. However, she can't kill a god or anything cool like that. And her ditsy personality makes her unreliable at best. I mean, I really don't get what it is some of you have against Yumi. She's really not that bad of a character.

D, to an extent, I get what you're saying, but you've gotta understand where I'm coming from on this. My character works on an established set of mechanics. I've already watered him down considerably already. I made him a love god instead of something powerful like a fire god or something. I also cut out some of his character abilities. I removed most of his divine abilities, leaving him with very little of what my write out originally said he should have. He was a weak D&D deity who I made even weaker for this RP, since I had no idea what the power cap would be. After all, it's a whole lot easier to build up a weak god than to tear down a strong one. But D, what you're forgetting is that our character are Gods, not regular people. Gods should be powerful. They should also be able to find and employ better than average people. Hell, my character's trying to take on a freaking Demon God and an irate Storm God, both of which have numerous minions and James is supposed to take them out with a bunch of telepathic commoners, who are meant to remain in 1 town and can't fight worth anything even if they did leave town, and 2 extremely mentally unstable women, who while a lot more powerful than a normal person really aren't that great.

Additionally, instead of just complaining about this "power playing" Safey and the others are doing, why don't some of the people who complaining have their characters do something in game about some of it. For example, a lot of the actions of Safey's character surely should catch the attention of some of the more observant gods. And I've got a pretty good feeling that a giant citadel filled with an army of undead is just a bit difficult to miss. Plus an entire clan of vampires doing a lot of mafia stuff with the stealth of a Columbian Drug Lord is also a bit noticeable.

[ Friday, May 11, 2007 16:19: Message edited by: Bandit Keith ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #314
I do find the lack of concern among the various deities for the world's potential demise somewhat sad... Oh well. The world will live. It has the great and powerful James trying to save it.(insert laughter here)

But seriously, though, can my character be allowed to have some kind of power-base so he can start fighting some of these guys?

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #132
"Hmmm... Oh well, if it was him he'll come back," James thought to himself, "Still, this isn't going anywhere near as well as I hope, or even expected. This is the most petty pantheon I've ever seen in all my existence." After lounging for a few more minutes, James said to Serena, "I want you and Yumi to hold the fort, I've got some errands to run." Having said that, James walked to the central part of town and, in the loudest and clearest voice he could manage, began to speak, "The entire world is descending into chaos and what are any of you doing about it?! Nothing! The forces of darkness are among us, and none of gods will stand against them! I say these so called gods are nothing more than weak cowards, who are too concerned only with their own petty interests to lend their aid to the many who so desperately need their help! Any gods who hear me now, I say your divinity is wasted on pathetic beings such as yourselves! If you wish for a chance to prove me wrong, you shouldn't have any trouble finding me." Having said that, James returned to his shrine. "If that doesn't get me someone's attention, then I'll have no choice but to drag Noric back into this one," James thought to himself, "Though I am curious to know if that person I saw earlier was who I think it was. If it was, he'd surely help with a just cause. But it couldn't be him... It's not possible. Unless I'm... no, I'd know it if was there... Wouldn't I?"

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #310
Originally written by Ephesos:

[QB]-LF, please don't create a rising menace. Whatever it is you're planning, don't do it. Also, you're creating people. Are these simulacrums, golems, what? Because I think it's a bit too much to allow a god to create people, if only because
Yes, summoning demon hoards and creating armies of undead is perfectly acceptable, but god forbid someone conjure up some people...

They're real people, though not actually human. They're like creations in Geneforge, but actually look human and being made using spells.

Don't even know what my master plan is but trying to shoot it down... I'm willing to make compromises and what not for the sake of making the RP work, but eventually a line should be drawn somewhere.

I'll post some more OOC when I've caught up...

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #282
On a completely unrelated note,
<(^.^<) <(^.^)> (>^.^)> Dance Pseudo Kirby, dance!

Anyway. Good job everyone on what's you've done so far.

[ Thursday, May 10, 2007 10:39: Message edited by: Gaara of the Funk ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #121
After establishing a crude base of operations, James to a more poor part of Kirkwood and in an ally behind some creates, he began creating generic peasants. "Go," that is all he said to them. Slowly, one at a time, the creations left the ally and went to strategic locations, such as the town gates. After the hour long process, James then teleported back to the shrine. "I should've done that much earlier in the game," James thought to himself, "That's what I get for getting Minoko to do most of my work for me." "What did you go off to do," Serena asked. "Well, if I'm going have my base in a town, I'd better be able to protect that town. However, to do that I need know when something threatens that town and where, so I set up spies in strategic locations. Oh yeah, I almost forgot..." James then conjured some generic guards, which he stationed around the shrine. He then conjured a woman dressed in extravagant clothing. "Spies & guards are in place, and I've got a Seer now," James thought to himself, "That's it. For now all I can do is wait, and plan. With any luck some of the nearby gods may take interest in what I'm doing and want to help me... Hopefully..."

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #277
[ Wednesday, May 09, 2007 17:38: Message edited by: Gaara of the Funk ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #276
Nyghtfyre if you do join, I can show you the ropes... and, if the others are lucky, hang myself in the process... er, I mean, um... I'm a great person who can provide lots of useful advice and not a complete moron who should be locked in a padded room, far far away from people. :rolleyes:

Now that my cheap attempt at being amusing is over I'll try to be serious. Nyght, we're glad to have more people contribute to the story and I will do what I can to help you(if you need & want it) if you do decide to join our RP.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #117
Eventually the trio found their way to center of Kirkwood. "Alright," spoke James, "We should set up a base of operations before I try to recruit some deities." "Why do we even need other deities," Serena interrupted, "two gods should be enough to take out the threats you've described to me." "Not bloody likely," James said, "There's only one god in this group and that's me. Hell, even when I had another deity helping me out, we still couldn't stop the problems. Now, all I've got backing me up is a psychotic Warlock and a butterfly-obsessed angel." "Wait. But you said Yumi was the Godess of Butterflies," Serena interjected. "Yeah, sorry for that," James said, "that's just a nickname me and some others used to call her by. Kinda hard to break old habits." "But that doesn't make sense," Serena barked, "I saw her crush you. How is she not a god?!" "She's physically stronger than me. There are a lot of people out there who are stronger than, but not necessarily more powerful than, me," replied James, "Minoko, Geltor, Yumi, Joshua... All of them could easily beat me in a contest of strength. Physical Strength isn't the only thing that makes someone powerful. Being a user of Magic, one would think you wouldn't have to have this stuff explained to you."

"I suppose you're right," Serena said solemnly, "So where are we going to set up our base at?" "We really only have two options," responded James, "The first choice is to find an abandoned warehouse and take it over. This presents a problem in that the homeless and seedy people have most likely taken up residence there. I would really like to avoid needless bloodshed if at all plausible. That leaves option number two, the big tubby temple dedicated to the entire pantheon. Plenty of Deities come and go frequently. And theoretically, none of my enemies would expect such blatantly idiotic move, so we'll do it there. 'Course we'll have to get some supplies." Without further major dialog, the trio headed to the general store and bought some chairs, a table, some writing implements, a chalkboard, and a blank book. They then proceed to the God of Love Shrine and set up everything in a semi-organized fashion.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #269
Personally, I think Yumi is a lovable family-friendly character with more depth than meets the eye and is highly under-appreciated.

That said. I won't get rid of her, but I will have to come up with something for her to do(and some way for James to get away from her), since she's so hated...

EDIT: Since the last time James tried to recruit people to fight the forces of evil turned out so tragically, I'm somewhat reluctant to try it again, but here goes...

[ Wednesday, May 09, 2007 15:18: Message edited by: Gaara of the Funk ]

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #266
If everyone's a god, then no one really is a god. Godhood is being a divine being that's better than mortals. If there are no mortals, there are no gods.

On a related note, I don't think I'll be introducing another god for a while. I've put enough people in this game for now.

I've done some character development. It's time for some gaining a power base and forging alliances to fight the forces of darkness. James the God of Love, Yumi the Butterfly Godess, and Serena the generic psycho-(censored) aren't quite enough to face down demon gods, undead-obsessed storm gods thingies, and the unnamed future threat that makes all of the previous threats look like Girl Scouts.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
Posts: 1918 | Registered: Sunday, October 13 2002 07:00
Legends of Divinity IC in General
Member # 2080
Profile #115
As Joshua neared James, James rushed up and the last minute, closing the distance quicker that Joshua had planned for. James knocked the sword away and sent Joshua flying back with a swift kick to the face. "Don't worry. I'll you went I get done saving the world," James said just before Teleporting away. "I won't let hit get away," Joshua said as began to cast a spell. "Stop. It's foolish to rush off half-cocked like that," the one-eyed man in red said, "You'll see him again, and next time we'll all be ready for him." "I suppose your right, D," Joshua replied, "I've been trying to kill that guy for so long that I let him get to me."

James appeared in a fiery flash just outside of Kirkwood. "Well that was just great," James thought to himself, "several powerful people, all of which hate me, are in service to someone who for no apparent reason seems to hate me as well. I suppose I should have been nicer to her, but I couldn't help it. She was being more irate than... Hell, she was being irate period. That's not like her. I'll definitely have deal with her later. But for now, I've got a few gods left to try to recruit to fight the forces of evil. More importantly, when did I start caring so much about fighting the forces of evil?!"

As James pondered these things, he began to notice an usual amount of butterflies in the area. "I wonder if it's too late to go back to those guys who want to kill me," James thought to himself as he looked up and saw a giant butterfly in sky. Before the butterfly even landed, Yumi jumped from it into James, hugging him tightly. After a few bones started cracking, she let him go. James few to the ground, unable to support himself without his spine being intact. "I'm glad my body regenerates," James said to himself. "I'm glad mine does too," Serena chimed in, "So man in black, we meet again. This time I will defeat you!"

"Look, I really am sick of fighting people right now," James responded, "That's all I've been doing for the past few days and it's really getting old. So unless you want to die, I suggest you shut the hell up and leave me alone." "You can't talk to me like that," Serena shouted. "Why not," James interjected. "Because I'm a woman and you're a man," Serena replied. "Not making the connection here," responded James, "Could you actually give me an explanation. "Gladly," Serena said, "Where I'm from, women are the dominate gender and all men, regardless of how strong they are for the most part are third-class citizens." "Oh I see," James commented, "you're one of those people. Don't most of y'all worship me?" "Um, who are you," asked Serena. "I'm James the Deity," James replied. "And he's my boyfriend," interrupted Yumi, "and we're going to get married and have a nice house with a nice yard. And a big beautiful garden with plenty of butterflies."

"On second thought," said James, "psycho lady, I think I'm just going to stand here and let you try to kill me. I won't move or anything." "You can't do that," yelled Serena, "You're supposed to kill me, so I don't have to deal with her anymore. I've never begged for anything in my life, but I'm begging you to kill me." Serena then got her hands and knees on the ground and said, "Please. I can't stand it anymore. She's so annoying and so freaking cheerful it's sickening. She won't shut up about those stupid butterflies." By this point Yumi was too busy petting a butterfly to notice any of the conversation. James smiled at Serena and said, "Well what did you expect from the Godess of Butterflies, slaughtering the masses with hellfire and brimestone?! Well, I suppose you're better than nothing. Congratulations, Psycho Lady, you've just involunteered to help me save the world." "I just what," interjected Serena.

"I know it will be dangerous," James continued, "and I know you'll probly die doing it, but Insert Whatever Your Name is Here you'll die a hero... and be free of you know who." "I'll do it," Serena quickly replied. "Hey Yumi," shouted James, "me and this chick are going on an adventure to save the world from the vile forces of evil, wanna help?" Yumi rushed up the the giant butterfly and touched it. The butterfly then disappeared, leaving only Yumi's massive sword, which she promptly picked up. "So, James, where do we start," Serena asked. "There apparently are a lot of gods in this town over here *points to town*. I plan on recruiting some and getting organized. And a few that aren't there," James replied with a smile, "Onward to Kirkwood." With the shorter than normal dialog completed, James, Yumi, and Serena began their walk to Kirkwood.

"I don't understand a word you just said. Try speaking American. It's the only language I understand."
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