G2 sect simpatising
Author | Topic: G2 sect simpatising |
Shock Trooper
Member # 10374
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 12:26
I'm wondering which sect to you agree with most? I myself like the Barzites.I was always tempted with canisters and power but I don't agree with them completly cause I think serviles and creations can be usefull and shouldn't obey humans completley. Poll Information This poll contains 1 question(s). 1 user(s) have voted. You may not view the results of this poll without voting. function launch_voter () { launch_window("http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=poll;d=vote;pollid=rEeLXZtUKNPk"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window("http://www.ironycentral.com/cgi-bin/ubb/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=poll;d=view;pollid=rEeLXZtUKNPk"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = window.open( url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window ![]() ![]() -------------------- You must show me respect becouse...never mind why but do respect me! All hail me, your...something. Don't contradict me or I'l...GUARDS! Posts: 263 | Registered: Sunday, September 9 2007 07:00 |
Member # 10578
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 13:23
It would be nice if I could select more than one. Like "Mostly Shaper, mostly Awakened." If that makes sense. Add: I prefer mutual obligations - Shapers treat creations well, creations respond by serving willingly. If only that could work. [ Tuesday, October 30, 2007 13:27: Message edited by: Taliesin ] -------------------- "We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves?" - Switchfoot ---- My poetry Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00 |
Member # 5360
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 13:55
The Awakened. -------------------- May the fires of Undeath burn in your soul, and consume it. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |
Member # 9887
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 15:23
Are Barzites anything like Trakovites? If not, why does everyone forget about Trakovites? Ha, I just got the G2 part, Trakovites weren't around. But Are Barzites like Trakovites? [ Tuesday, October 30, 2007 15:24: Message edited by: The Ratt ] -------------------- Let's all just shape gazers and hope it goes away. I make guacamole at work Posts: 454 | Registered: Monday, August 20 2007 07:00 |
Member # 7420
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 18:12
No! They are, in fact, polar opposites. Trakovites believe in no shaping, but they don't hate creations. Barzites are pro-canisters and pro-shaping even when it mean shaping things they can't control, but they are against creation rights. Total opposites. By the way, I sympathize with the Barzites, which is why I get defensive when they are confused with Trakovite scum. [ Tuesday, October 30, 2007 18:15: Message edited by: Emperor Tullegolar ] -------------------- You lose. Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00 |
Member # 6600
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 18:49
Originally by Emperor Tullegolar: quote:...and woe betide anyone who confuses the Trakovites and the Tullegolites! Given that the Shapers are incompetent, the Barzites crazy, and the Takers mad, Dikiyoba has to go with the Awakened. Mostly with them, anyway. -------------------- Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 7420
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 19:25
The Shapers are only slightly incompetent, whereas the Awakened are totally dead. Just become a Tullegolite already, Diki. We have a flag. ![]() -------------------- You lose. Posts: 2156 | Registered: Thursday, August 24 2006 07:00 |
Member # 6600
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 20:25
Slightly incompetent? The Shapers botched the Sucia Island clean up badly enough and monitored their colonies poorly enough to let the Awakened, Barzites, and Takers survive, thrive, and produce a sequel. That's not exactly an impressive display of power and control. :P Dikiyoba. -------------------- Episode 4: Spiderweb Reloaded Posts: 4346 | Registered: Friday, December 23 2005 08:00 |
Member # 27
written Tuesday, October 30 2007 20:43
Loyalist, completely 100%. I always respected the Awakened for trying but I prefer the Takers who seem more grounded in reality (maybe not individually but the whole 'we can live as equals' idea the Awakened champion is just silly.) It makes me sad because I feel for those poor serviles and every abandoned creation found in the games. -------------------- Enraged Slith's Blades of Avernum Website Look out, there's a three-headed monkey behind you! Posts: 1233 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 11507
written Wednesday, October 31 2007 05:01
I completely sympathize with the loyalists and that because its the hardest way in the game and not much else -------------------- The biggest fool is the person who uses his brain at the wrong time Join www.gamesroom.co.nr for fantastic Geneforge information and be known to another fan community Posts: 2 | Registered: Wednesday, October 31 2007 07:00 |
Member # 7252
written Friday, November 2 2007 02:32
No min-maxing munchkin, megalomaniac merc? -------------------- Humans fight to enter insanity. You ain't evil until you hear this! Posts: 732 | Registered: Saturday, June 24 2006 07:00 |
Member # 7557
written Friday, November 2 2007 04:58
The Awakened. -------------------- "I must admit, killing mortals is much easier then killing demons. If you remove a demon's head, all you end up with is something that tries to bite your ankles." -Valen Noob: lol 1337 lol woot Posts: 942 | Registered: Sunday, October 8 2006 07:00 |
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
written Friday, November 2 2007 12:51
In Geneforge 2, the Awakened present the obvious moral option. They just want to be left in peace in their secluded mountain refuge, and aren't trying to enslave or exterminate anybody. -------------------- Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword, For it too has the power to kill. However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword, Can also have the power to heal. Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
written Friday, November 2 2007 13:54
The official Awakened doctrine may be moral, but as I've argued before, the Awakened in practice are clearly and rapidly becoming what they beheld. Learned Pinner is a nice old lady, and their only really major player is the canister-addled demon-summoning Tuldaric. Their great plan is to hold off the Shapers with an army of enslaved Drakons, while modifying themselves into magery, and so giving both the Barzites and the Takers good runs for their money. Survival in a world of Shapers requires power, but that power doesn't just corrupt. It is corruption. The Awakened refuse to recognize this dilemma. They're not standing on the moral high ground; they just have their heads in the clouds, while their feet are rushing down the same slope as everyone else. This means they have a good chance of producing the worst disasters of all, and so they stand not for moral wisdom but for moral folly. It is understandable to want them to be the good guys. But if you pay attention to what they're actually doing, I think you see that they really aren't. -------------------- We're not doing cool. We're doing pretty. Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00 |
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
written Friday, November 2 2007 14:22
quote:Why do I keep hearing about "enslaved Drakons"? Even the most experinced Shapers can control only a few Drakons at a time, and Awakened have only two shapers among their ranks. So there is no way they could control hundreds of drakons through compulsion. (It might be possible with some super-mind control device, but I don't remember any mention of device like that in the story, and it would be obviously something important enough to at least mention.) So Drakons of the Awakened are allies, rather than slaves. quote:The game itself disagrees with you. The Awakened ending does not involve them getting any more power than you see during the game. According to the Awakened victory text, their sect gains just enough power to hold their mountain valley, then fights defensively until shapers are willing to negotiate a cease-fire. Defending mountain passages with the help of their Drakon allies does not require nearly as much power as exterminating all the Shaper, which is the goal of the other factions. So according to game canon, the Awakened actually are as moral as they aspire to be. (Which is why Jeff removed them before Geneforge 3.) -------------------- Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword, For it too has the power to kill. However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword, Can also have the power to heal. Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00 |
Member # 10578
written Friday, November 2 2007 19:32
I'm beginning to like the Awakened more and more. But when it comes to "reality," I'm a through-and-through loyalist. The kind that would declare a truce with the Awakened, of course. -------------------- "We were meant to live for so much more. Have we lost ourselves?" - Switchfoot ---- My poetry Posts: 432 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2007 07:00 |
Member # 7488
written Saturday, November 3 2007 08:15
I agree somewhat with the Loyalists' way of thinking, but I don't join them or anyone else. -------------------- Either I'm crazy, or everybody else is nuts. And I know I'm not crazy because the little man who lives on my shoulder told me so. If people don't think there's something wrong with you, there's something wrong with you. Oh well. Another day, another dementia. Posts: 558 | Registered: Friday, September 15 2006 07:00 |
Shock Trooper
Member # 10374
written Saturday, November 3 2007 12:15
I didnt expect Takers to be so unpopular!Afteral they are my second best. Awakend are to weak and loyalists to opressive for my taste. p.s Fear the mighty Barzites and the power of thousand canisters(and some mad idiots, you cant know who to trust the power). [ Saturday, November 03, 2007 12:17: Message edited by: LakiRa@ ] -------------------- You must show me respect becouse...never mind why but do respect me! All hail me, your...something. Don't contradict me or I'l...GUARDS! Posts: 263 | Registered: Sunday, September 9 2007 07:00 |
Member # 10430
written Saturday, December 1 2007 20:01
I think all the sects in GF2 have something to admire. Barzhal's gumption and courage to go where 'no man has gone before'. Zakary's repentance and adherence to his beliefs. The Awakened's desire to negotiate with the Shapers, despite the pain they caused serviles in the past. The Taker's pure grit and determination in taking the battle to the enemy. Overall, I tend to find myself sympathising with the Takers. -------------------- "I am Barzhal, and I am here to ask you a question: Is a man not entitled to the products of his own essence? No, says the servile in Medab. It belongs to the oppressed. No, says the Shaper in Terrestia. It belongs to the Shaper Council. No, says the Trakovite in hiding. It belongs to no-one. I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose… Ascension." Posts: 136 | Registered: Wednesday, September 12 2007 07:00 |
Member # 5360
written Saturday, December 1 2007 20:03
The Awakened. Not only are they the least violent, but they stand for moderate Shaping control and creation freedom. Perfect for Nalyd. The other sects have their good points, but in the cases of Barzites and Takers, the bad outweigh the good. -------------------- Fear us, mortals, but never envy, for though we burn with power, our fuel is our sorrows. Posts: 1636 | Registered: Wednesday, January 5 2005 08:00 |