Red Rain in India

Error message

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AuthorTopic: Red Rain in India
? Man, ? Amazing
Member # 5755
Profile #25
Originally written by Cairo Jim:

Could be some sorta of freak nuclear incident thats starting to mutate things, next thing you now we will discover 3 eyed fish walking the streets of Delhi.
What do you find odd about a three eyed fishing walking down a Delhi street? I mean really, haven't you seen three eyed fish before? Do you need to stare at any old thing that looks the slightest bit different? You ought to be ashamed.


Oh, you probably meant the walking bit. I agree, unless the fish was looking for exercise, since most three eyed fish are wealthy and would tend to prefer taking a cab in order to avoid being stared at by people like you!!!


Originally written by Kelandon:

Well, I'm at least pretty sure that Salmon is losing.

Posts: 4114 | Registered: Monday, April 25 2005 07:00
Member # 7171
Profile #26
Originally written by Cairo Jim:

Could be some sorta of freak nuclear incident thats starting to mutate things, next thing you now we will discover 3 eyed fish walking the streets of Delhi.
Nuclear incidents are not a major factor in teratogeny.
Posts: 66 | Registered: Sunday, May 28 2006 07:00
Member # 1092
Profile Homepage #27
Don't you have imagination or watch TV? Shame on you back. Anything is possible and enough TV can make you wonder...

Who says Tv robs people of their imagination?

When you think you can't get any lower in life and hit rock bottom, God hands you a shovel.

Why should I say somthin intelligent when idiots like you make me look intelligent in the first place.
Posts: 615 | Registered: Friday, May 3 2002 07:00
Member # 7171
Profile #28
Originally written by Cairo Jim:

Anything is possible
It is not.
Posts: 66 | Registered: Sunday, May 28 2006 07:00
Member # 1092
Profile Homepage #29
It is so.

When you think you can't get any lower in life and hit rock bottom, God hands you a shovel.

Why should I say somthin intelligent when idiots like you make me look intelligent in the first place.
Posts: 615 | Registered: Friday, May 3 2002 07:00
Member # 73
Profile #30
I like how all of Maimonides's posts make a single assertion with no elaboration or explanation of any kind.

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 7002
Profile #31
Originally written by Maimonides:

Originally written by Cairo Jim:

Anything is possible
It is not.

Logically, anything is possible. It may just be extremely improbable, or it will take a very, very long time.

Posts: 193 | Registered: Thursday, April 6 2006 07:00
Member # 32
Profile #32
It is impossible for you to eat your entire body.

Lt. Sullust
Cogito Ergo Sum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 7002
Profile #33
Originally written by Lt. Sullust:

It is impossible for you to eat your entire body.
It's just higly improbable. At some point in time and space, assuming that time and space are infinite, someone will have to eat their entire body.

[ Tuesday, June 06, 2006 06:02: Message edited by: Mr.Bookworm ]

Posts: 193 | Registered: Thursday, April 6 2006 07:00
Member # 32
Profile #34
Space is finite and time is a man-made construct.

However, this could be flawed. So I'll present a much more solid impossibility.

It is impossible to write the normalized two-qubit state vector (1/Sqrt[2]){1,0,0,1} as the tensor product of two one-qubit state vectors.

[ Tuesday, June 06, 2006 06:42: Message edited by: Lt. Sullust ]

Lt. Sullust
Cogito Ergo Sum
Posts: 2462 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
Profile #35
An infinity of space and time does not allow for all logically possible events to occur, because the space of possible events has much larger dimension than four. This is with even a very modest definition of "event".

By embedding spacetime in event-space in some horrible, fractal way, one might perhaps be able to come arbitrarily close to any event, somewhere, sometime. But it is by no means necessary, and would seem highly unlikely, that the universe is in fact embedded in event space in this way.

We're not doing cool. We're doing pretty.
Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00
Member # 34
Profile Homepage #36
Hey, Sullist, when did you get here? It's been a while.

Frisbeetarianism is the belief that when you die, your soul goes up on the roof and gets stuck.

'Spiderweb Software' anagrammmed: 'Word-bereft A**wipe'
Posts: 702 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6785
Profile #37
If you want a near impossibilty, get toothpaste back in the squeezed tube. It's less possible than all the air molecules simultaneously moving out of your room long enough for you to suffocate.

It's more probable that they find more unpublished Douglas Adams material,
Posts: 4643 | Registered: Friday, February 10 2006 08:00
Member # 3441
Profile Homepage #38
This is the only rule which has no exception.

"As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it." --Albert Einstein
Posts: 536 | Registered: Sunday, September 7 2003 07:00
Member # 1092
Profile Homepage #39
Originally written by Lt. Sullust:

Space is finite and time is a man-made construct.

However, this could be flawed. So I'll present a much more solid impossibility.

It is impossible to write the normalized two-qubit state vector (1/Sqrt[2]){1,0,0,1} as the tensor product of two one-qubit state vectors.

Time is not man made, it's just the way we mark it.

When you think you can't get any lower in life and hit rock bottom, God hands you a shovel.

Why should I say somthin intelligent when idiots like you make me look intelligent in the first place.
Posts: 615 | Registered: Friday, May 3 2002 07:00
Electric Sheep One
Member # 3431
Profile #40
Originally written by Randomizer:

If you want a near impossibilty, get toothpaste back in the squeezed tube.
Getting all the toothpaste back in would be a bit tricky, but getting some back in is easy. If you squeeze the tube in the direction perpendicular to your previous squeeze, you make it more tubular, and less flat. This increases the tube's internal volume. If you do this while the tube mouth is in contact with some extruded toothpaste, the toothpaste will be sucked back into the tube. With practice, you can put back maybe an inch of toothpaste in this way. I use this trick whenever my daughter squeezes enough toothpaste for a mastodon onto her brush.

The technique could in principle be made more efficient, perhaps enough to get a whole tubeful back in, by arranging to 'unsqueeze' the tube into a more uniform tubular shape. You could do this by sticking things to the outside of the tube and pulling it into shape, or by sealing the body of the tube (but not its opening) into a vessel from which you pumped out the air.

We're not doing cool. We're doing pretty.
Posts: 3335 | Registered: Thursday, September 4 2003 07:00
Member # 1092
Profile Homepage #41
Originally written by Maimonides:

Originally written by Cairo Jim:

Could be some sorta of freak nuclear incident thats starting to mutate things, next thing you now we will discover 3 eyed fish walking the streets of Delhi.
Nuclear incidents are not a major factor in teratogeny.

Nothing has to be a major factor. Anything can set it off, and nuclear incidents with a couple other factors may make it possible to mutate.

When you think you can't get any lower in life and hit rock bottom, God hands you a shovel.

Why should I say somthin intelligent when idiots like you make me look intelligent in the first place.
Posts: 615 | Registered: Friday, May 3 2002 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #42
Originally written by The Almighty Do-er of Stuff:

I like how all of Maimonides's posts make a single assertion with no elaboration or explanation of any kind.
They are not.

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Posts: 8752 | Registered: Wednesday, May 14 2003 07:00
Member # 5410
Profile #43
Weren't three eyed fish from the Simpsons? Only I don't recall them walking. I guess this is proof that evolution really works.

"Dikiyoba ... is demon ... drives people mad and ... do all sorts of strange things."

"You Spiderwebbians are mad, mad, mad as March hares."
Posts: 687 | Registered: Wednesday, January 19 2005 08:00
Member # 3442
Profile Homepage #44
Originally written by Germany Wins:

Weren't three eyed fish from the Simpsons? Only I don't recall them walking.
They were. Blinky, I believe, was the fish's name.

And when you want to Live
How do you start?
Where do you go?
Who do you need to know?

*Name by Slarty, so blame him if it's filthy...
Posts: 2864 | Registered: Monday, September 8 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #45
Originally written by Hastur ^ 3:

Originally written by The Almighty Do-er of Stuff:

I like how all of Maimonides's posts make a single assertion with no elaboration or explanation of any kind.
They are not.

ADoS never said the posts were anything, so claiming that they're not means nothing! Your post was spam!

—Alorael, who is not especially pedantically vindictive today. He's usually like this, actually.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 1092
Profile Homepage #46
Originally written by Germany Wins:

Weren't three eyed fish from the Simpsons? Only I don't recall them walking. I guess this is proof that evolution really works.
That's where I got the idea from and then decided to put a fwe legs on it just for the fun of it.

When you think you can't get any lower in life and hit rock bottom, God hands you a shovel.

Why should I say somthin intelligent when idiots like you make me look intelligent in the first place.
Posts: 615 | Registered: Friday, May 3 2002 07:00
