What's your dialect?

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AuthorTopic: What's your dialect?
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #0
I've been reading about the transition from Old English into Middle English and Middle English into Modern English, and it inspired me to create this topic so that we can all laugh at how everyone else talks funny.

Here's the deal: in some dialects of English, the following pairs of words rhyme or are indistinguishable. In some dialects, they are different. Which category do you fall into?

Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway)
Rhyme: father, bother
Identical: cot, caught
Rhyme: foot, goose
Identical: Lennon, Lenin
Identical: pin, pen
Identical: line, loin
Identical: coil, curl
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet"

R madness:
Identical: father and farther
Identical: Mary, marry, merry
Rhyme: mirror, nearer
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur
Identical: horse, hoarse

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery
Identical: fill, feel
Identical: fell, fail
Identical: full, fool

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger
Identical: Heat, eat
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of")
Identical: Wait, weight
Identical: Wine, whine

[ Sunday, March 19, 2006 22:37: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #1
My responses:

Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath - Yes
Rhyme: father, bother - Yes
Identical: cot, caught - No
Rhyme: foot, goose - No
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - No
Identical: pin, pen - No
Identical: line, loin - No
Identical: coil, curl - No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - Yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - No
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - No
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - Not sure... think yes
Rhyme: firn, fir, fur - Yes
Identical: horse, hoarse - Yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - No
Identical: fill, feel - No
Identical: fell, fail - No
Identical: full, fool - No

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - No
Identical: Heat, eat - No
Identical: Should've, should of - No
Identical: Wait, weight - Yes
Identical: Wine, whine - Yes

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #2
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath - Different
Rhyme: father, bother - Different
Identical: cot, caught - Different
Rhyme: foot, goose - Different
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - Same
Identical: pin, pen - Different
Identical: line, loin - Different
Identical: coil, curl - Different
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - Different

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - Same
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - All different
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - Same (Although I stress the 'ea' in nearer)
Rhyme: firn, fir, fur - Same
Identical: horse, hoarse - Same

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - Same
Identical: fill, feel - Different
Identical: fell, fail - Different
Identical: full, fool - Same

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - Different
Identical: Heat, eat - Just add 'h'
Identical: Should've, should of - I say them the same, but shouldn't it be 'should have'?
Identical: Wait, weight - Same
Identical: Wine, whine Same

(Lets not get started on some other words)

I'll put a Spring in your step.
Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Member # 6388
Profile #3
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath - No, nor can I imagine them doing so.
Rhyme: father, bother - Yes.
Identical: cot, caught - Yes.
Rhyme: foot, goose - No.
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - In practicality they're difficult to distinguish, but not intentionally
Identical: pin, pen - No
Identical: line, loin - No
Identical: coil, curl - No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - huh? I think yes, but huh?

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - No
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - Yes
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - Yes
Rhyme: firn, fir, fur - I dunno how to pronounce firn, and the other two? Identical
Identical: horse, hoarse - Yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - Sorta
Identical: fill, feel - No
Identical: fell, fail - No
Identical: full, fool - No

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - No
Identical: Heat, eat - No
Identical: Should've, should of - "Should of" is just "should've" written wrong.
Identical: Wait, weight - Functionally
Identical: Wine, whine - Yes


And to whoever it may interest, this accent is a product of acculturization in the American west, with substantially more vocabulary acquired visually than auditorially (in fact, epitome is the only word I can ever recall having heard pronounced before spelled) and faint Irish roots in the background.

[ Sunday, March 19, 2006 22:25: Message edited by: The Worst Man Ever ]
Posts: 794 | Registered: Tuesday, October 11 2005 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
Profile #4
English is a foreign language for me, although I try to go for as an American accent as possible (east coast, maybe west). Of course, my Finnish might affect my pronunciation now and then.

Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath - No
Rhyme: father, bother - Yes
Identical: cot, caught - No
Rhyme: foot, goose - No
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - No
Identical: pin, pen - No
Identical: line, loin - No
Identical: coil, curl - No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - Yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - No
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - No
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - Yes
Rhyme: firn, fir, fur - Yes
Identical: horse, hoarse - ...No?

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - No
Identical: fill, feel - No
Identical: fell, fail - No
Identical: full, fool - No

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - No
Identical: Heat, eat - No. I mean, there's the 'h', right?
Identical: Should've, should of - No
Identical: Wait, weight - Yes
Identical: Wine, whine - Yes
Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #5
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath - Yes, but they certainly don't rhyme consonantly!
Rhyme: father, bother - Yes
Identical: cot, caught - No
Rhyme: foot, goose - No
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - No
Identical: pin, pen - No
Identical: line, loin - No
Identical: coil, curl - No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - Yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - No
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - The R's are identical, but not the vowels.
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - If I were to pronounce them distinctly they wouldn't rhyme, but spoken quickly they do.
Rhyme: firn, fir, fur - Yes. Firn is a new word for me, too. Why not fern?
Identical: horse, hoarse - Yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - No
Identical: fill, feel - No
Identical: fell, fail - No
Identical: full, fool - No

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - No
Identical: Heat, eat - No
Identical: Should've, should of - No. Anyone who says "should of" should be flagellated.
Identical: Wait, weight - Yes
Identical: Wine, whine - Yes

—Alorael, who has hiccoughed and hicdowned while writing this.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 5005
Profile #6
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath - Same
Rhyme: father, bother - Same
Identical: cot, caught - Same
Rhyme: foot, goose - Different
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - Both
Identical: pin, pen - Different
Identical: line, loin - Different
Identical: coil, curl - Different
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - Same

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - Different
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - Same (merry sometimes different)
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - Same
Rhyme: firn, fir, fur - Same
Identical: horse, hoarse - Same

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - Different
Identical: fill, feel - Different
Identical: fell, fail - Different
Identical: full, fool - Different

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - Different
Identical: Heat, eat - Same
Identical: Should've, should of - Same
Identical: Wait, weight - Same
Identical: Wine, whine - Same

Definitely shows how psychological pronunciation is.

Beware the Were-Rabbit!
Posts: 45 | Registered: Tuesday, September 21 2004 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #7
I was copying most of these off of Wikipedia. I think "firn" ought to be "fern." Or possibly that's my own typo.

Also, the question is not whether "should of" is correct (it's not). It's whether you would pronounce it the same way as "should've" if you were to say it.

The questions have been modified slightly to clarify.

[ Sunday, March 19, 2006 22:37: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #8
(Bolding ones where the answer is "yes")

Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway)
Rhyme: father, bother
Identical: cot, caught
Rhyme: foot, goose
Identical: Lennon, Lenin
Identical: pin, pen
Identical: line, loin
Identical: coil, curl
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet"

R madness:
Identical: father and farther
Identical: Mary, marry, merry
Rhyme: mirror, nearer
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur
Identical: horse, hoarse

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery
Identical: fill, feel
Identical: fell, fail
Identical: full, fool

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger
Identical: Heat, eat
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of")
Identical: Wait, weight
Identical: Wine, whine

Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't make any examples with flipping. Like, say:

Same middle consonant: Middle, whittle

EDIT: I literally have no idea in the world how most of these answers could be different from I have them. I might actually want recordings for some of these.

[ Sunday, March 19, 2006 22:56: Message edited by: Get Nathan Ashby's Groove On ]

Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 5450
Profile Homepage #9
Originally written by Early Bird:

...I try to go for as an American accent as possible (east coast, maybe west).
You don't want that. :P

And also, I don't say "should have/should've/should of", I just say "shoulda".

I'll put a Spring in your step.
Posts: 2396 | Registered: Saturday, January 29 2005 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 6666
Profile #10
You don't want that. :P
Yes, I'm afraid I do. You see, I've been brainwashed by tv. Since Finns only use subtitles in foreign tv, and American tv is quite prevalent here, I've come to see American English as the real form of English, and all other dialects as quirks and oddities to study. I suppose this is fuel for the anti-globalization people as well: Oh, how I am corrupted by the American culture, and have (apparently) lost the desire to wear idiotic national costumes and eat unnourishing, foul tasting national cuisine! Woe is unto he who is me!

On an entirely different matter, name change. This one is following the bird theme I had going on earlier. (As to not confuse anyone, here's my name development so far: Proud Owner of: -> Who's Nathan Ashby -> Early Bird -> Redstart.) I suspect I'll stick to this one for quite a long time. I kinda like it.
Posts: 353 | Registered: Monday, January 9 2006 08:00
Too Sexy for my Title
Member # 5654
Profile #11
My English is for the most part Okay, but sometimes I'm just totally incomprehensible (or so I’ve been told :P ), especially when I'm too excited or nervous about something. Therefore, I'm trying to answer the questions as correctly as possible. However, I'm sure I pronounce things more screwed up than I actually think. So those of you that have spoken to me, feel free to correct me.

Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway) YES
Rhyme: father, bother YES
Identical: cot, caught NO
Rhyme: foot, goose NO
Identical: Lennon, Lenin YES
Identical: pin, pen NO
Identical: line, loin NO
Identical: coil, curl NO
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" YES

R madness:
Identical: father and farther. Um not sure, will go with YES
Identical: Mary, marry, merry YES
Rhyme: mirror, nearer NO
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur YES?
Identical: horse, hoarse YES, though I don't recall ever saying "Hoarse"

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery NO
Identical: fill, feel YES
Identical: fell, fail NO
Identical: full, fool PROBABLY

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger NO
Identical: Heat, eat NO
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of") YES
Identical: Wait, weight YES
Identical: Wine, whine NO

Btw, I'm not sure if it fits here, but for the longest time I used to say "Sheck" instead of "Check". This used to annoy the crap out of my co-worker whose name was “Richie” and whom I called “Rishie”. It took me weeks to figure it out, so now every time I say "Check", I have to say the word first in my head, just to double check :P
Posts: 1035 | Registered: Friday, April 1 2005 08:00
La Canaliste
Member # 5563
Profile #12
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway)No
Rhyme: father, bother No
Identical: cot, caught No
Rhyme: foot, goose No
Identical: Lennon, Lenin No
Identical: pin, pen No
Identical: line, loin No
Identical: coil, curl No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" Yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther Yes
Identical: Mary, marry, merry No
Rhyme: mirror, nearer No
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur Yes
Identical: horse, hoarse Yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery No
Identical: fill, feel No
Identical: fell, fail No
Identical: full, fool No

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger No
Identical: Heat, eat No
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of")No
Identical: Wait, weight Yes
Identical: Wine, whine No

My accent's close to English RP.
Have fun with the analysis, Kel!

I am a mater of time and how .

Deep down, you know you should have voted for Alcritas!
Posts: 387 | Registered: Tuesday, March 1 2005 08:00
Member # 3364
Profile Homepage #13
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway) - yes
Rhyme: father, bother - yes
Identical: cot, caught - no
Rhyme: foot, goose - no
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - yes
Identical: pin, pen - no
Identical: line, loin - no
Identical: coil, curl - no
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - no
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - yes
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - yes
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur - yes (except the 'n' on fern)
Identical: horse, hoarse - yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - no
Identical: fill, feel - no
Identical: fell, fail - no
Identical: full, fool - no

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - no
Identical: Heat, eat - no
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of") - no
Identical: Wait, weight - yes
Identical: Wine, whine - yes

I have heard it said that folks from the northern middle America have no accent. It's always seemed funny to me since the origins of English (and the 'proper' way to say things) lay in England. Perhaps we just have the least distuingishable accent. Thoughts? Are there any who would know by my speech that I am obviously a middle American?

"Even the worst Terror from Hell can be transformed to a testimony from Heaven!" - Rev. David Wood 6\23\05

"Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can, in all the places you can, at all the times you can, to all the people you can, as long as you ever can." - John Wesley
Posts: 1001 | Registered: Tuesday, August 19 2003 07:00
Member # 6401
Profile #14
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway) - Nya... almost but not quite. The vowel in 'bath' is a tiny bit longer
Rhyme: father, bother - No! How can they possibly rhyme? Can someone give me another word that goes with them?
Identical: cot, caught - No
Rhyme: foot, goose - No
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - No
Identical: pin, pen - No
Identical: line, loin - No
Identical: coil, curl - No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - Yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - Usually, think it varies a bit
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - No
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - No
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur - Yes
Identical: horse, hoarse - Yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - No
Identical: fill, feel - No
Identical: fell, fail - No
Identical: full, fool - No

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - No
Identical: Heat, eat - Yes
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of") - No (Should've - shooduv, should of - shoodov)
Identical: Wait, weight - Yes
Identical: Wine, whine - No

Originally written by Jewels:

I have heard it said that folks from the northern middle America have no accent. It's always seemed funny to me since the origins of English (and the 'proper' way to say things) lay in England. Perhaps we just have the least distuingishable accent. Thoughts? Are there any who would know by my speech that I am obviously a middle American?
I couldn't have told exactly which part of North America you were from, but from your answers it's clear that you pronounce words very differently from the way I do so I think your accent would sound quite strong to me, and perhaps mine to you. As for American English, it has its origins more in Ireland than in England (though yes, Irish English did originally come from England). To my ears, although North American accents and Irish accents sound quite different on the whole, they do have in common some r sounds and longer vowels. Those sounds are much less common in England.

Edit: Love your sig Marlenny

[ Monday, March 20, 2006 07:34: Message edited by: Thin Air ]

I think this is really wonderful.
Posts: 147 | Registered: Tuesday, October 18 2005 07:00
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
Profile Homepage #15
Originally written by Jewels:

I have heard it said that folks from the northern middle America have no accent.
"Accent" (in this sense) is not a proper linguistic term. In casual conversation, people apparently expect that there is some universal way to pronounce English, and either the Brits, the Americans, the Aussies, or somebody else actually pronounces it correctly, and everyone else has an accent. This is not the case. There are simply dialectal pronunciations. That is, completely correct RP — British — pronunciation is rather different from completely correct General American pronunciation, so who has an accent?

It is true that certain dialects are more conservative than others and therefore retain older distinctions, but after looking at the host of sound changes since Shakespeare's time, I can't say that I know for sure which dialect is the most conservative.

Originally written by Get Nathan Ashby's Groove On:

EDIT: I literally have no idea in the world how most of these answers could be different from I have them. I might actually want recordings for some of these.
That's what makes this so entertaining. :P And yeah, you're right: I should've had something about flapping.

By the way, if anyone wants to know where this comes from, check out this.

[ Monday, March 20, 2006 07:39: Message edited by: Kelandon ]

Arancaytar: Every time you ask people to compare TM and Kel, you endanger the poor, fluffy kittens.
Smoo: Get ready to face the walls!
Ephesos: In conclusion, yarr.

Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!!: the authorized location for all things by me
The Archive of all released BoE scenarios ever
Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00
Raven v. Writing Desk
Member # 261
Profile Homepage #16
TM, you are talking about flapping, not flipping.

Kel, too bad you didn't ask people to list the origin of their English -- not only do we have people representing many different regional variants, but we also have many non-native English speakers with varying degrees of attempts made to mimic different English speaker accents.

Rhyme: trap, bath - No/Yes (I can hear a difference in my pronounciation, but it's minor and they're definitely homophones for me)
Rhyme: father, bother - Yes
Identical: cot, caught - Yes
Rhyme: foot, goose - No
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - Yes
Identical: pin, pen - No
Identical: line, loin - No
Identical: coil, curl - No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - Yes

Identical: father and farther - No
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - No
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - No, but sometimes Yes (I pronounce mirror so that it rhymes if I'm speaking very fast. Interestingly, when I was a kid I usually replaced schwa-r "-er" with "-or", which was interesting given that my name ends in schwa-r.)
Rhyme: firn, fir, fur - Yes
Identical: horse, hoarse - Yes

Rhyme: salary, celery - No
Identical: fill, feel - No
Identical: fell, fail - No
Identical: full, fool - No

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - No
Identical: Heat, eat - No
Identical: Should've, should of - No (but the difference is actually in a contraction internal to "should" which I suspect would be replicated if I actually ever used "should of")
Identical: Wait, weight - Yes
Identical: Wine, whine - Yes

My English: Grew up in Northern California, so mostly a Western US accent, but I've spent the last 6 years in Chicago and I know some of my pronounciations have changed as a result.

[ Monday, March 20, 2006 15:29: Message edited by: Slartucker ]

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Posts: 3560 | Registered: Wednesday, November 7 2001 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 6489
Profile Homepage #17
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath - Yes
Rhyme: father, bother - Yes
Identical: cot, caught - Yes
Rhyme: foot, goose - No
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - Yes
Identical: pin, pen - No
Identical: line, loin - No
Identical: coil, curl - No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - Yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - No
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - Yes
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - Yes
Rhyme: firn, fir, fur - Yes
Identical: horse, hoarse - Yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - No
Identical: fill, feel - No
Identical: fell, fail - No
Identical: full, fool - Yes

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - No
Identical: Heat, eat - No
Identical: Should've, should of - Yes
Identical: Wait, weight - Yes
Identical: Wine, whine - Yes

"You're drinking liquor because you're thirsty? How nasty is your freaking water?" —Lazarus
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Posts: 1556 | Registered: Sunday, November 20 2005 08:00
Nuke and Pave
Member # 24
Profile Homepage #18
My Russian accent has grown even worse over the past couple of years, so I am not sure how valid the result is, but here is mix of Moscow dialect of Russian with California dialect of English and British English taught in Russian schools:

Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway) - yes
Rhyme: father, bother - yes
Identical: cot, caught - yes
Rhyme: foot, goose - yes (if you mean the oo sound)
Identical: Lennon, Lenin - no
Identical: pin, pen - no
Identical: line, loin - no
Identical: coil, curl - no
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - yes/no (depending on how badly I mispronounce them)
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - yes
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - no
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur - no
Identical: horse, hoarse - yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - no/yes (depending on how badly I mispronounce them)
Identical: fill, feel - yes
Identical: fell, fail - no
Identical: full, fool - yes

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - yes
Identical: Heat, eat - no
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of") - yes (after trying to say it)
Identical: Wait, weight - no
Identical: Wine, whine - yes

EDIT: Fixed a couple things.

[ Wednesday, March 22, 2006 09:27: Message edited by: Zeviz ]

Be careful with a word, as you would with a sword,
For it too has the power to kill.
However well placed word, unlike a well placed sword,
Can also have the power to heal.
Posts: 2649 | Registered: Wednesday, October 3 2001 07:00
Member # 6700
Profile Homepage #19
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway) - yes
Rhyme: father, bother - yes
Identical: cot, caught - no
Rhyme: foot, goose - no
Identical: Lennon, Lenin -no
Identical: pin, pen - no
Identical: line, loin - no
Identical: coil, curl - no
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" - yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther - no
Identical: Mary, marry, merry - no
Rhyme: mirror, nearer - yes
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur - yes
Identical: horse, hoarse - yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery - no
Identical: fill, feel - no
Identical: fell, fail - no
Identical: full, fool - no

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger - no
Identical: Heat, eat - no
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of") - not quite
Identical: Wait, weight - yes
Identical: Wine, whine - yes

Edit: I should read the other results first, shouldn't I?

The Origins of My English:
I was born and raised in New Jersey (South Jersey. I say wadder, not Joisey ), I currently live in Southwestern Ohio, and I have a minor amount of theatre training.

The Silent Assassin has told me on several occasions that I need to lighten up if I want to improve my people skills. I have yet to see what his attempting to attach a coleman lantern to my head has to do with my people skills.

[ Monday, March 20, 2006 10:54: Message edited by: Lenar Labs ]

-Lenar Labs
What's Your Destiny?

Ushmushmeifa: Lenar's power is almighty and ineffable.

All hail lord Noric, god of... well, something important, I'm sure.
Posts: 735 | Registered: Monday, January 16 2006 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #20
Firn is a word, apparently, although I needed a dictionary to tell me that. As far as I can tell it's pronounced identically to fern, so I can't fathom why someone decided that the more unusual of the homophones belonged in the list.

Certain parts of the Midwest have an accent that is perceived by Americans as unaccented American English. It's a rather strange phenomenon, but there's a reason why operators are recruited from Omaha.

—Alorael, whose English is a product of New England with a dash of Germany.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Law Bringer
Member # 4153
Profile Homepage #21
Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway) Yes.
Rhyme: father, bother Yes.
Identical: cot, caught No.
Rhyme: foot, goose No... huh?
Identical: Lennon, Lenin Yes.
Identical: pin, pen For god's sake no.
Identical: line, loin No...
Identical: coil, curl No.
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" Yes.

R madness:
Identical: father and farther No.
Identical: Mary, marry, merry Yes.
Rhyme: mirror, nearer No.
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur Yes.
Identical: horse, hoarse Yes.

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery No.
Identical: fill, feel No.
Identical: fell, fail No.
Identical: full, fool No.

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger No.
Identical: Heat, eat No.
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of") Yes.
Identical: Wait, weight Yes.
Identical: Wine, whine Yes.

Conclusion: I'm slipping into a Missour-ah drawl, just very, very slowly.

Gamble with Gaea, and she eats your dice.

I hate undead. I really, really, really, really hate undead. With a passion.
Posts: 4130 | Registered: Friday, March 26 2004 08:00
E Equals MC What!!!!
Member # 5491
Profile Homepage #22
Bolding those that apply to me.

Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway)
Rhyme: father, bother
Identical: cot, caught
Rhyme: foot, goose
Identical: Lennon, Lenin
Identical: pin, pen
Identical: line, loin
Identical: coil, curl
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet"

R madness:
Identical: father and farther
Identical: Mary, marry, merry
Rhyme: mirror, nearer
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur
Identical: horse, hoarse

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery
Identical: fill, feel
Identical: fell, fail
Identical: full, fool

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger
Identical: Heat, eat
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of")
Identical: Wait, weight
Identical: Wine, whine
I am seriously concerned by all the people pronouncing the vowels of "Trap" and "Bath" the same. That's just wrong.

[ Monday, March 20, 2006 12:42: Message edited by: Ash Lael ]

SupaNik: Aran, you're not big enough to threaten Ash. Dammit, even JV had to think twice.
Posts: 1861 | Registered: Friday, February 11 2005 08:00
Member # 6700
Profile Homepage #23
Originally written by Ash Lael:

I am seriously concerned by all the people pronouncing the vowels of "Trap" and "Bath" the same. That's just wrong.
I didn't know that there was any other way to pronounce it.

The Silent Assassin would like me to inform you that he hates it when you talk about him behind his back because he doesn't know that you're doing it.

-Lenar Labs
What's Your Destiny?

Ushmushmeifa: Lenar's power is almighty and ineffable.

All hail lord Noric, god of... well, something important, I'm sure.
Posts: 735 | Registered: Monday, January 16 2006 08:00
Member # 6846
Profile #24
Although this submission will probably mean absolutely nothing compared to the huge amount already posted... Here is my accent.

Vowel mergers/splits:
Rhyme: trap, bath (the vowels, anyway) -No
Rhyme: father, bother -No
Identical: cot, caught -No
Rhyme: foot, goose -No
Identical: Lennon, Lenin -No
Identical: pin, pen -No
Identical: line, loin -No
Identical: coil, curl -No
Final vowel of "happy" rhyme with vowel of "meet" -Yes

R madness:
Identical: father and farther -Yes
Identical: Mary, marry, merry -No
Rhyme: mirror, nearer -No
Rhyme: fern, fir, fur -Yes
Identical: horse, hoarse -Yes

L madness
Rhyme: salary, celery
Identical: fill, feel -No
Identical: fell, fail -No
Identical: full, fool -No

Same middle consonant: Singer, finger -No
Identical: Heat, eat -Yes
Identical: Should've, should of (if you were to say "should of") -Yes
Identical: Wait, weight -Yes
Identical: Wine, whine -Yes

In the UK we probably have the most diverse range of (English) dialects in such a small place, so you get used to understanding different accents pretty quickly.

"Build a man a fire, and he´ll be warm for a day; set a man on fire, and he´ll be warm for the rest of his life."
Posts: 65 | Registered: Thursday, March 2 2006 08:00
