To Slay A Dragon. (RP)

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AuthorTopic: To Slay A Dragon. (RP)
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #25
Sure enough, something unexpected actually happened, and now they were assaulted by giant snakes. Not that he'll have trouble, with all these other people here, he said to himself. Meteus quickly drew two flaming knives and threw both at the closest snake, driving them into its now-melting brain through the eyes. "Serpentine scum," he remarked.

As Darixen returned with a grieviously wounded Mahl, two snakes somehow drew away from the main battle and charged him and the wounded man. Seeing that, but also preoccupied like the madmen with the melee weapons, Meteus threw six violently burning knives, aiming in front of the snakes, to buy Darixen some time...

[ Friday, October 29, 2004 04:01: Message edited by: Wisemanism: the Religion ]

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2210
Profile #26
Mugwump heard the sounds of battle coming from near the front of the cave. He slipped past the distracted dragon and went into the twisty corridors which the dragon could not reach.

He pulled a lever set into the wall and a heavy portcullis fell into place. Then he went back further into the cave checking to see that the pit traps were properly set. Finally, he shoveled some coal into furnace to get the burning room hot.

He turned the demon golem on and went to his secret room.

Then mugwump opened the tunnel to fire pit caverns in case he needed to escape. He started to stuff the part of the dragons hoard which he had stolen into a large sack...

Wasting your time and mine looking for a good laugh.

Star Bright, Star Light, Oh I Wish I May, I Wish Might, Wish For One Star Tonight.
Posts: 1084 | Registered: Thursday, November 7 2002 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #27
Mugwump was pleased to have procured the dragon's horde. This is why he was not pleased to find a paler-than-parchment woman dressed in black obstructing his path.

"Human woman, how and why did you enter here?" said the troll in irritated surprise. He did not want to have to eat the woman or somesuch similar since it would be too unchivalrous for even him to swallow, but he did not want to be delayed lest the dragon discover his robbery.

The woman slowly walked up to him. Mugwump dropped the bad and produced a mithral blade, mostly ornamental but still potently dangerous, and pointed it at her. "Woman," said he, "don't make me cut you!" She giggled gently and glared at him with a cynical smirk on her face. Mugwump stepped back in confusion, but did not have enough time to put his rear foot on the ground when the woman had already appeared behind him. Then, magic happened.

The woman's right hand turned black and molded itself into a conical spike- her favorite form to transmutate into. She make a piercing, diamond-tipped strike into the troll's chest from the rear, hoping to surgically kill him in one blow. Indeed, the troll ceased moving, dead before he had hit the ground. The woman's hand morphed back into its frail, lithe and almost human form. The woman giggled lightly as she strolled away from the bleeding heap, taking the sack with her.

Mugwump smirked in a puddle of his own blood. Indeed, he was grievously injured, but she had not smote his heart- troll anatomy, after all, was not the same as humans. As quietly as he could, Mugwump got up and held onto his mithril blade which she had not taken with her. He was still alive, and the blade itself would fetch many pounds of gold. It was a heavy loss, but indeed, his life would be heavier. Now if only he knew where the woman was, as to avoid her...

人 た ち を 燃 え る た め に 俺 は か れ ら に 火 を 上 げ る か ら 死 ん だ
Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4256
Profile #28
Mahl's vision was blured and everything seemed to be moving in slow motion- Some one had picked him up it seemed and was running around with him. Why would they do that. Though Mahl's sight did not let him distinguish many objects he was able to make out more snakes in front. Starting to struggle franticly to get away from whoever was carrying him towards the snakes, he only succeeded in getting knocked on the head, and darkness fell in his world.

Later he woke up in what seemed to be a world of firy pain. Mahl still could not see, but his entire body was burning. He seemed to be lieing down so at least he was not being carried anymore. Close by he heard a strange conversation, seeming to come from under the ground. "Human woman how and why did you enter here...." "Why are people talking in the middle of a battle", he wondered? As he listened he realized the conversation was rather onesided- though there were some weird giggles. A thud ended the conversation and Mahl lay there in silence once more.
Posts: 564 | Registered: Wednesday, April 14 2004 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #29
During the battle with the serpents, Hidorian just leaned against a tree and watched. Occasionally chuckling when the serpents landed a blow. After only a couple were left, Hidorian moved his arms about in a slow manner. A nearby patch of ground started collapsing into the Earth. As the pieces of dirt were falling, one serpent-like like head emerged. Then another...then another. Three heads emerged from the pit. Then one body climbed out that was attached to the heads. It was a hydra. A baby hydra, but still dangerous nonetheless. Hidorian whispered,"attack," and the baby hydra went berserk and attacked the group. Hidorian laughed a loud, audible, maniacal laugh. Everyone stared at him, but soon they were too busy keeping the baby hydra at bay. One head was sliced off. Then another was about to be sliced off, but Hidorian parried the blow. Hidorian had drawn his spear. It had a long, wooden shaft that took two hands to hold. It's tip was two diamond-like prongs that radiated a mage's energy.
"I'm afraid I may not allow you to get to any dragons," Hidorian said. "I can, however, let you get a taste of my magic!" Hidorian lifted the head
of his spear into the air, he stared at the tip, and in doing so, his hood fell off, revealing his face to the world. It was like a slith's head, but the eyes were wider(horizontally) and thinner(vertically), and there was another one of his eyes above and a little behind the frontmost ones. All four were red. His skin was a pale bluish green color. But the top of his head was mostly flat. His long snake tongue flicked out of his mouth every now and then. He didn't bother to hide his tail. It was long...and started between his shoulders instead of his waist. Every one saw it move a little under his robe. Between the two prongs, a fireball appeared. "FIREBOLT!" Hidorian yelled. His voice seemed to echo. The firebolt shot at his target; the crowd. Everyone got out of the way. Then Hidorian pulled out a recall crystal
and used. He was gone. But the wounded baby hydra and two serpents were still there.

OOC: I'm hoping you will allow a dissident character.

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 2210
Profile #30
Mugwump picked up his trident. He always fought with trident and sword. He grabbed the remaining sack leaving by the back entrance. He slammed the gate behind him runing for the lava bed.

Mugwump was a fire troll. The warmth of the hot coals amd burning lava energized him. The wounds on his body began to close smoothly.

He put on his wizard glasses. The shadows lightened and the air took on a light blue cast. The invisible world opened to him.

Wasting your time and mine looking for a good laugh.

Star Bright, Star Light, Oh I Wish I May, I Wish Might, Wish For One Star Tonight.
Posts: 1084 | Registered: Thursday, November 7 2002 08:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #31
Darixen cursed aloud upon the two snakes advancing upon him, his wounded companion now thrashing wildly in a crazed manner. Darixen had no choice but to knock the maniacal partner out, and hit Mahl's head with the hilt of his mace lightly. Mahl fell at once, and luckily just in time. Several flaming daggers flew past, two striking one of the snakes and one other glancing off of Darixen's armor. The rest flew around Darixen as he swung his mace once more, breaking what bones the other serpent had on impact. Both serpents crumpled down, and on cue, a herbalist raced up to him. She knelt down to Mahl and nodded slightly. Darixen ran over to the other snakes, cursing the dent made by the deflected dagger.

As he approached, he managed to get a glimpse of the culprit of the serpent attack. The head looked almost alien, a lizard race he had never seen in any book or experience in his life. The red eyes (Four, he counted) were all bursting a sarlet glow. Something moved in the back of his cloak which was a tail. The tail did stuck out, but much farther out than any creature he usually fought. The summoner yelled something, and a ball of flame litterally built up and shot forward into the battling heroes. Almost by instict or luck, the fireball passed harmlessly through the crowd, everyone dogding the flames easily. The lizard took out a small shining object and disappeared almost immediately afterwards. Darixen had no choice but to race on into the battle with the remaining forces of a baby hydra that had lost a head and two serpents.

OOC: Actually, Zeph, I find it rather interesting how you made your character this time around. I'll be waiting to handle your next post. Phiz's viewpoint is not needed right now, so no need to post something from his eyes.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
-Random Quote
Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Member # 4
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(OOC: For reference, Mahl couldn't have heard the conversation taking place between Cavern Knight and Mug- he wasn't even close to the cave, but rather, he was in Darixen's arms. Just for clarification.)

The black-clothed man of white complexion lept out from the bushes and soared straight into the neck of one of the hydra's heads. Lightning-fast punches caused the the hydra to flail about helplessly as its bones began to crack. The man sunk to the ground and smirked as he crept into a crouching position. The head fell to the ground after its sound beating, but was dead long before gravity took its effect.

Nobody in the group saw this. What they saw instead was an old man emerging from the bushes. The old man appeared to them as waving his hands feverishly at the hydra as its body was being pulverized. The group stopped in amazement, and the hydra was equally as shocked. "Back, you vile fiend!" shouted the old man. The hydra hissed at him and stomped his way, but the old man smiled as if he were seemingly unconcerned. The hydra sent another head at the old man, but when the man snapped his fingers, a large blow struck the side of the head, sending the whole hydra stumbling back a few yards.

Darixen chose to capitalize upon this opportunity. Climbing on the head of another hydra after rigamortis had only just set in, Darixen smashed yet another head of the hydra. Meteus Rogue, being virtually the only other member of the party equipped to fight, set his unique weapon ablaze, and yet it was not consumed. The projectile was thrown at the thoroughly distracted hydra, burning through its innards and incapacitating it. The hydra bit and snapped some more, but Darixen was able to beat the heads off individually without placing himself in the way of danger.

Meanwhile, the old man had disappeared in thin air, though all were too busy being distracted by the hydra's defeat to have noticed. Meanwhile, a cloaked man in a skin-tight, black outfit smirked and chuckled silently to himself before silently soaring back into the canopy and towards Kyeinoss' Cave.

人 た ち を 燃 え る た め に 俺 は か れ ら に 火 を 上 げ る か ら 死 ん だ
Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4256
Profile #33
For reference, Mahl couldn't have heard the conversation taking place between Cavern Knight and Mug- he wasn't even close to the cave, but rather, he was in Darixen's arms. Just for clarification.
Sorry to quibble but he had been put down- and there was a brief time lapse- if it actually matter then change that but otherwise how it was works.....
Posts: 564 | Registered: Wednesday, April 14 2004 07:00
Member # 65
Profile Homepage #34
It had happened so fast. One moment she had been hobbling along after the group. The next there had been screams and fericious hissing.

It was serpents and nasty, poisonous ones too, from what had happened to her patient. Penny had stayed back away from the battle.

But now her services were needed. A warrior had been struck down and she was now working against the clock to keep him with the living.

The herbalist applied a neutraliser to the wound that would hopefully do what it was meant to do and suck the poison from the wound and neutralise it. For the poison that was already moving around the bloodstream she forced curing flasks down his throat followed a mild sedative.

OOC: Did that make any sense? Because it is ****** 3.18AM right now.

"He's mine, go get your own human plaything!" Bernard Black (Black Books)

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Posts: 650 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #35
OOC: yes.

Having burned its way through the hydra's stomach, the boomerang cut through the back, sliced off a few branches, and curved back to Meteus' left hand, its fire now extinguished. As his caught and placed the boomerang back on his belt, he noted the surroundings. Though the hydra and the serpents have been slain, quite a few of the yahoos from the tavern had run away in fear. The healer lady was tending to the grievious wounds on the warrior that was bitten by one of the snakes. Darixen, with his bloodied, gory mace and armour, was standing over the dead hydra like a conqueror on some sort of fleshy pedestal. The elf and Tados stood exhausted from the battle, as they should be. And Phiz was just cowering in the shadows.

"A battle like this is usually enough to scare away most of the people," Darixen noted.

"Agreed," Meteus replied. "Well, most of us are either tired, covered in blood and guts, or wounded. I suggest we find some clean ground and call it a day."

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 73
Profile #36
Darixen agreed, and they walked to a nearby stand of trees to rest. Tados sat down, pulled out the squirrel and his dagger, and sliced the squirrel open. He then began pulling out its innards, much to the disgust and confusion of those nearby. He intended to get the squirrel stuffed by a taxidermist, and make the squirrel hold the golden skull he found. After he finished, he wrapped the hide back up in the cloth and replaced it in his pack. After the others expressed their disgust at his leaving the pile of innards on the ground, he put them in a bag, which went into his pack.
He pulled out the skull again, and admired it. He rubbed it, and it began to glow and become very cold. Suddenly, golden bones sprouted from it, forming a whole minature skeleton. It walked around, danced, picked up and threw small rocks, and other amusing things. After about thirty minutes, it walked back to Tados, and the bones receded, leaving the skull looking much like it had before. He pocketed it again.

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Posts: 2957 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #37
Night had come. Darixen was the sentry of the eve, but lo and behold, he fell into a deep slumber.

"They sleep the virtuous sleep in the void of conscious relativity. Let me awaken them as to move these gears of fate..."


A roar pierced the midnight air and caused the Cavern Knight to shiver mightily. It was as she feared- she had not noticed one of the warriors creeping into the cave, and now Kyeinoss was in peril. She dashed to the scene.

Darixen had already smote the dragon, brast her neck and slain her forthwith. He was covered in the blood of the dragon and held in his hand her heart which was still pulsating rythmically. She was infuriated, and took no pause in morphing her hand into a lance which she immediately aimed at Darixen.

Darixen parried the lance, and before it molded itself into a spiked whip and embraced him, he climbed the dragon up to the cieling and forced a hole in it with his club. He got up just in time, as the Cavern Knight was hot on his tail. He lept down from the cave and began running, while the contrast warrior spent a few seonds seeking him out. She was surprised at his speed, but was catching up rapidly nevertheless.

Darixen soon saw the campfire through a thicket and dove off to the side, forcing the infuriated and inhuman maiden to stop abruptly five feet ahead of him. Darixen's doppleganger immediately spotted his genuine simulacrum and hurled the heart through the thicket at him before becoming invisible and lying prostrate on the ground.

The real Darixen was awakened with a jolt as a solid object careened into his chest. It had not hurt him, but he felt odd. He felt... Moist. He was covered in blood and had an organ sitting at his feet. This was all that he could realize, however, before the wrathful scream of a white-skinned maiden preceded the aforementioned damsel's arrival by way of leaping through the bushes with what appeared to be a black sword aimed for his head. The sound of Darixen's parrying woke up the rest of the party, who soon were shocked by what they saw.


(OOC: As a general guideline, the abilities for the gal are incredible speed and the ability to morph herself into weapons. She's basically a berserker at this point; anything that could be said will have no effect on her. Feel free to kill her if you think the characters have enough ability to do so, but I would consider running as a feasible strategy otherwise.)

人 た ち を 燃 え る た め に 俺 は か れ ら に 火 を 上 げ る か ら 死 ん だ
Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4682
Profile #38
Fritti saw the warrior going for the leader of the party(he thought he had heard him referred to as Darixen) and decided that this was probably a good time to leave. He had made a bit of money through generosity of his soon-to-be-former companions(though they might not be so generous when they found out) and had had a grand time fighting the serpents and the hydra. He had even managed to procure an autographed copy of Darixen's book and it was bound to be worth something. Fritti took off into the woods.

OOC: Fritti is not leaving. He's just running away, bound to return some other day. Sorry for the stupid little ryhme(sp?). I didn't get much sleep and am too out of it to come up with something good.

If anyone ever asks you why you did something, say "Because I could".
Posts: 834 | Registered: Thursday, July 8 2004 07:00
Member # 4682
Profile #39

OOC: Sorry, there was an error when I tried to post and I had thought it hadn't posted.

[ Monday, November 01, 2004 12:49: Message edited by: Nicothodes ]

If anyone ever asks you why you did something, say "Because I could".
Posts: 834 | Registered: Thursday, July 8 2004 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #40
Back in Hidorian's cave, Hidorian was examining a group of illusions. These were illusions of the group. "Foolish humans. They think they can slay a dragon in...12 steps. I will slay them! But first...I would like to discover the secret of that crystal," Hidorian said as he pulled out the crystal with the transparent substance in it. "Of course! It's a soul crystal! But how could I release a copy of the monsters within?" he said. His eyes wandered to an empty shelf in his cave. He set the crystal on the shelf. "I will solve it later. Now I must combat the enemy." He pulled his hood over his head, pulled out his spear, and ran to a boulder at the end of his cave. "Sss'chah," he whispered to the boulder. It faded awawy and he walked out of his cave. The boulder appeared at the entrance to his cave. He ran into the forest and tried to find the group. But he would wait until the right moment to attack.

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #41
(OOC: I don't mean to meta-RP, but I do. If you could use that crystal soul to defeat the CK, I'd recommend it. Plus, I have a backup if she dies anyway, so if you make her bite the dust, don't sweat it.)

人 た ち を 燃 え る た め に 俺 は か れ ら に 火 を 上 げ る か ら 死 ん だ
Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4506
Profile Homepage #42
{IC} Elohren stepped out of the shimmering gateway, surprised at the ease in which he had created it. It had been risky, opening a portal to this land, but well worth it. Now he could explore for himself the thrill and excitement of adventure, such as there was to be found in these strange lands. He looked around at the snow-capped mountains where he had come out in. Far in the distance was a mass of glowing lights, a town of some sorts. The druid sighed, and picked up his staff - it was going to be a long walk.
Posts: 1370 | Registered: Thursday, June 10 2004 07:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #43
Slam! Darixen was quickly learning how great of a disadvantage somebody with an affixed structure had against another who could morph his or her body at will. Darixen had strong back muscles, fortunately enough for him, so when one of the woman's arms turned into a fork and pierced his shoulders, he was spared extra damage from the tree he was thrown into.

Meteus Rogue clearly wasn't going to let this happen. His boomerang lit on fire, and he tossed it directly at her. The woman retracted her arm and ducked out of the way, and sliced Meteus Rogue cleanly in the face from ten feet away. Fortunately, it was mostly his cheek and the side of his nose which were damage. The woman clearly wasn't prepared, however, when the boomerang came back and struck her in the waist, searing her badly and cutting a wide swath through her torso.

"Damnation!" shouted she as she grasped her side. She scowled and glowed red for an instant, her right leg being the place where the glow was most concentrated. She raised her right leg and shot an empty kick at Meteus, but he was wise to her ways and ducked out of the way. Well, wise he was partially, but when she saw that he was going to dodge, her foot twisted around and struck him in the head as if it were steel. Mateus cussed briefly as he struggled to get up from the ground. The woman smiled briefly, but was interrupted by the sound of a heavy foot on grass. She turned her head, and then her head was turned dramatically in the other direction by Darixen's club. The woman's right leg prevented her from flying out of the way, however, and she punched Darixen solidly in his right cheek, sending him ricocheting away from her as he did not have such protection.

It was clear that the warriors were to get assistance, lest they die on the spot.

人 た ち を 燃 え る た め に 俺 は か れ ら に 火 を 上 げ る か ら 死 ん だ
Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Member # 4256
Profile #44
Mahl moaned in his sleep troubled by the dark dreams that the serpent venom had given him. Woken by the shouts of his fellow adventurers during the attack he dragged himself to his feet, but what he saw made him wish that he had stayed with his hallucinations. The camp was in a state of total disorder with none of the more powerful adventurers in sight anymore. A lare comotion was happening in the direction of the dragon cave so Mahl wondered if they had started the fight with the dragon. But then he saw the curved thing that the weird fire mage carried flash into the campsite and then turn around. Why in the world would someone fight a dragon with fire?
He was about ready to lie back down when Darixen was flung into the firelight. His face was severly bruised and he struggled to get up. Mahl only looked at him for a second before he turned the other way. The sounds of struggle were much closer now and as Mahl started running he heard a familiar giggle. A couple of the other less powerful adventures gave screams of fright and Mahl doubled his speed- which wasn't very grand since he was still sick. He did make it into the forest however and managed to make it about a hundred yards before something stopped him. The something was an amazing sword that was halfway in the light. Mahl stooped to look at it when he saw movement at the other end. A pair of fierce red eyes looked into his and then a fire trolls cruel features became apparent. Mahl, being the coward that he was fainted on the spot.
Posts: 564 | Registered: Wednesday, April 14 2004 07:00
Member # 1046
Profile Homepage #45
Meteus cursed as he spat out blood. Purebred, Rouge blood. A long-standing, underground family of flame-wielding warrior magi cannot be humiliated here. At a rate must have been an incredible feat even for this woman warrior assaulting them, he hurled flaming knife after flaming knife at her. Since each knife had a runic carving of his own signature, he could retrieve them anytime he wanted to anyway.

She giggled, seeing the man expending his supply of knives. With ease, the Cavern Knight dodged every one of the projectiles, and even deflected some back at him, only to be caught and thrown back. With all of her attention affixed on dealing with the knives, she did not notice the Rouge sabre that was lobbed high into the air...

Polaris - Weather balloons, ninjas, and your big daddy Wise Man. What more could you want?
Undead Theories - Don't Ask, Don't Tell
Posts: 3323 | Registered: Thursday, April 25 2002 07:00
Member # 2339
Profile #46
Suddenly a blast of ice and frost and cold air burst from the forest and hit the odd, shape-shifting woman. She screamed as she was covered in ice and frost. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Hidorian laughed evilly as he walked out of the forest. "I have returned. And this time, I've come to kill you all."
Suddenly he threw a flaming crystal at Darixen, which exploded just a few feet away from him. He threw another at the partially frozen woman. He then
let out a roar and charged into the battle(but not without summoning 4 serpents)!

*Blue screen error*
Windows detects no current errors, so Windows has decided
to screw around with the files until one occurs.

If you never rise against your oppressor, then you've already lost.
-Zephyr Tempest, your personal entertainer
Posts: 1779 | Registered: Monday, December 9 2002 08:00
Member # 4
Profile Homepage #47
Cavern Knight, being resourceful as she was, quickly knocked the flaming crystal out of her way out of instinct. Well, she quickly realized her error, but it was too late to actually be hit in her left arm, which had now been frozen into a lifeless hunk of useless flesh which at this point was as useful to her as would a backpack full of scrap iron. Frustrated, she continued to parry Meteus' daggers.

Well, she didn't have reason to be frustrated for long. The saber which Meteus had hurled skywards descended directly into her frozen appendage, shattering it on the spot. The wench tried to push her arm out of the living stump now revealed, but nothing came out. Suddenly, she looked to the ground and noticed the frozen shreds of her former arm. They were moving. Another dagger came at her, but she countered with one of the chunks of her flesh. A wide grin swept over her visage, and the black shards strewn over the ground lept into the air.

Meteus realized what was happening too late to counter it effectively. The daggers he was tossing at the Cavern Knight were nothing in comparison to a myriad of shrapnel bits flying at him. To his credit, he did manage to leap high into the air, but he also realized one of the Cavern Knight's nastier abilities in his most vulnerable moment as his ascent came to a halt.

He retrieved his daggers and tried to protect his vitals. This did not prevent the majority of his limbs from suffering grievous puncture wounds. He took a quick glance at Hidorian and made the wisest choice that he could have in that instance. He feigned defeat and dropped to the ground. The warmth of his body turned the shrapnel back into liquid which collected back at her arm, leaving her seemingly unscratched.

Things looked well for the pale-skinned damsel of mayhem, but then she was stricken by a fire-ice crystal. It did not allow the Knight to transform her body into potential bullets, which meant that it did not risk potentially killing him. The corrupted Knight put both palms on the ground, they turned a solid black, and then shifted around for a while before returning to their normal shape.

Hidorian fired another fiery crystal at the maiden, and much to his benefit too. A black spike shot forth from the ground and instantly broke the attack, giving Hidorian the heads-up on what was coming at him. The moment he felt the other potential spike rising up from under him, he put his palms together and appeared behind the knight. She was shocked, and could not retract both spikes nearly quickly enough to prepare herself for what was coming.

Meanwhile, Darixen got up off of the ground with healed wounds and a renewed vigor. His body became drenched with what appeared to be blood, and were it possible, he appeared to be even more muscular. His club was glowing gently red. Since he was in the same direction as Hidorian, the Cavern Knight noticed him as she turned her head. Hidorian was no longer of any concern...

As this was happening, a white-skinned man with black clothes was hovering over Meteus' corpse. He was surprised greatly when Meteus got up and backed away from him spiritedly- or as spiritedly as one whose limbs were torn open could manage. "Who the hell are you?" whispered Meteus as loudly as he could, as not to attract the knight's attention.

"I'll be brief. Let me lay my hands down upon you, and I will heal your wounds and give you the power to do real damage to the Crimson Knight."


"The woman over there. It's her name."

"I see. Wait, who are you?"

"You'll know in all good time. For now, call me Adam."


(OOC: Wiseman has a choice to accept this or not. Darixen didn't since he was not conscious. Anyway, what's new about Darixen is that when he strikes any white portion of her body, ie. that which is not being used as a weapon, her physical body is damaged. Not much, but somewhat. Also, Darixen is generally stronger and quicker. Same deal applies to Meteus if he accepts it.)

人 た ち を 燃 え る た め に 俺 は か れ ら に 火 を 上 げ る か ら 死 ん だ
Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3238
Profile #48
OOC: Due to certain situations at home, I won't be able to get on often during the next two months. This is what I've gathered so far:

The dragon is dead. Darixen has the heart.
Cavern Knight is fighting the entire group.
Mahl fainted at the fire troll's father.
The elf guy ran away, but will return soon.
Meteus Rogue is getting a choice.
Darixen is fighting Cavern Knight with renewed strength.

Phiz could only bear to watch the fight from the camp for so long. He needed cover. He bounded over to a nearby bush and ducked behind it, giving him the advantage of not being seen from any view. His eyes darted around to make sure no other monsters, foreign or otherwise, was going to be here. "Why, oh why do the weirdest things always happen when I'M AROUND!?" Phiz could only shake his head and peep out from the bush to watch the battle.

* * *

Darixen came back around and gave another heaved swing of his mace. The weapon came down upon a white area of skin where the Cavern Knight didn't exactly protect in time, litterally searing the white skin into a burnt blackness like her morphing hands. The Cavern Knight jerked from a pain, hiding her face to keep from looking weak. The two continued to duel off, as Hidorian continued to attack both of them with a flurry a spells.

* * *

Another curse came from Phiz's mouth as the lizard got in front of his view of the battle. He knew that the spellcaster was causing more pain to Darixen than the... monster. He saw Darixen in danger, and then his mind litterally just skipped a beat like a heart. Phiz jumped out of the bush with an instinct, and grabbed onto the lizard, his hands and legs hanging onto the lizard's body for dear life.

"Friendship is two things: Trust, and sharing. I personally see it as a business opportunity."
-Random Quote
Posts: 203 | Registered: Friday, July 18 2003 07:00
Member # 4506
Profile Homepage #49
{IC} The town was called Cyrstal Fort, though why it was Elohren couldn't say. It wasn't particularly a fort, or made of crystal either. The walls were of a bluey-brown colour, and had obviously withstood siege by many hungry flames, due to the heavy scorch-marks everywhere, but it wasn't made of crystal. As he stood pondering on this, a footstep behind him made him turn, staff in his hand. Not all of the denizens of Crystal Fort were friendly. As it was, he had nothing to fear, it was simply the inkeeper's maid, coming to tell him that lunch was ready.

He tramped back to where he was staying, an old run-down in, practically falling to pieces. Then he fell, deep in a terrible blackness...
Posts: 1370 | Registered: Thursday, June 10 2004 07:00
