Author | Topic: AGE? HOW OLD ARE WE? |
Member # 4278
written Tuesday, July 20 2004 18:36
Kids are too smart these days. I don't even think I became conscious until I was 14. -------------------- Pathological Smirker Smirking at Spiderweb since 1999 Posts: 143 | Registered: Sunday, April 18 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4592
written Tuesday, July 20 2004 20:07
No kidding, Ripper. Which is great, I think. So many of the members here can do quite a few oustanding feats with a computer and a few codes. Makes me feel like a dinosaur, though a happy one to be able to witness and partake in all of this! And what about sexual liberty? In my time a second base was like the greatest accomplishment a person could hope to achieve until the mythical promises of college. Granted I grew in a relatively puritan country. Still in that same country, years later, I taught at a high school and it was freaky. I remained ethical, though. There's a lot to be said against craddle jumping. Salud! -------------------- "I like traffic lights, but not when they are red." [Abridged] Monty Python Song. Posts: 604 | Registered: Sunday, June 20 2004 07:00 |
Member # 1320
written Tuesday, July 20 2004 21:55
I've a feelling you guys won't stop drifting away from the subject until this poll is closed. I say that age is skin deep. Just because someone looks like they're 112 doesn't mean that they will act that way. Heck, I've seen oldies (excuse the expression) on scateboards! Me myself, I'm 13, going 14 in two weeks. I guess I'm kinda like `Only Half Stultified?´ except that I've got a girlfriend, and a life at this point. (No offense meant) -------------------- Motekey and Drakefyre rule. Halo for XBOX rule Avernum 2/3 rule Posts: 182 | Registered: Monday, June 17 2002 07:00 |
Member # 618
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 04:27
Age is no more than a chonological measure designed to tell people no without saying it. Whether skater, towny, goth, weirds, norms, realie or whatever on earth you are considered to be by yourself or others, it is how you play the part, not the age nor part you play that matters. Point being, as I said, age is relative. A pointless measure. You may live to 100, but never live a day in your life nor achieve anything. You may live to 20, but actually do something worthwhile and be satisfied. I know which one I'd choose. -------------------- I like to say quack because I can, I like to say moooo because I can, but I don't like saying ergle flmp because I can never pronounce phenomenon first try. In conclusion, quack, moooo and phenonemenonmenonnon... Oh Poo. Try it! Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00 |
Member # 4389
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 07:48
quote:May I vigorously deny that? -------------------- It is Rosycat, obviously. "This was like having Arctic, Thuryl, Khoth, TM, and Scorpius with me naked in a broom closet full of tentacles" - Sir Motrax Polaris My BoE graphics[/url] wants to hear from YOU! Posts: 407 | Registered: Friday, May 14 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4423
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 07:56
Yes, I'd change that to, "Some kids are too smart" or perhaps, "Kids are too smart in some ways, yet amazingly retarded in others" Take, for instance, my cousin. He almost cut his toe off while throwing a machete up and down. But on the plus side, as he healed he had an excuse to sit around and make bombs because he couldn't walk. He can also make a decent webpage in about 30 mins using nothing but HTML with a little XHTML and some java mixed in. Go figure. -------------------- When the world ends on Thursday, just remember I told you so. Posts: 44 | Registered: Tuesday, May 25 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4389
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 08:30
Not only that, but they're the same trendy bastards as the rest of the world. Middle school is the whole gauntlet of OMFG SLIT WRISTS AND WEEPY EMOSONGS already. And they're all so... vapid... and... identical and boring and... like, worse than I am. O_O Yes, I am arrogant, unpopular, and a total jerk. [ Wednesday, July 21, 2004 09:12: Message edited by: Rosy ] -------------------- It is Rosycat, obviously. "This was like having Arctic, Thuryl, Khoth, TM, and Scorpius with me naked in a broom closet full of tentacles" - Sir Motrax Polaris My BoE graphics[/url] wants to hear from YOU! Posts: 407 | Registered: Friday, May 14 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4278
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 08:33
"I have just purchased this shiny new knive, I am going to test its swing-ability." -------------------- Pathological Smirker Smirking at Spiderweb since 1999 Posts: 143 | Registered: Sunday, April 18 2004 07:00 |
By Committee
Member # 4233
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 09:10
I'm going to go ahead and make the likely unpopular assertion that intelligence is not always an apt substitute for experience, and that experience usually comes with age. I was a pretty smart whippersnapper myself, back in the day, but the experiences and exposure to the world I've had since then have definitely challenged and matured me. It takes time to absorb and analyze all the data that's out there. [ Wednesday, July 21, 2004 09:10: Message edited by: AM ] Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4623
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 09:15
IMA BLEEDING HERE AUGH AUGH AUGH HOPE IM GOING TO DIE NOW IT FEELS SO HORRIBLE AUGH SOMEONE HELP ME THIS IS A CRY FOR HELP AUGH -------------------- The Great Mister[/url] Posts: 417 | Registered: Sunday, June 27 2004 07:00 |
By Committee
Member # 4233
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 09:21
*puts band-aid on TGM's toe* Posts: 2242 | Registered: Saturday, April 10 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4623
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 09:25
THANK YOU I REALLY WAS THINKING I WAS DYING THERE AND GOODNESS YOU SAVED ME ALL I NEED IS LOVING GENTLE -------------------- The Great Mister[/url] Posts: 417 | Registered: Sunday, June 27 2004 07:00 |
Shake Before Using
Member # 75
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 11:21
*slits tGM's wrists* >:E Posts: 3234 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00 |
Member # 4
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 13:22
Ah, middle school... Was **** but something awful, but I'm infinitely more grateful that I lived in an age where APC wasn't played in cliques at the 6th-7th grade level. (Although I am an anomaly to my peers at all points, for better or worse. Usually worse.) -------------------- Rate My Scenarios! Streila Spies Unbalanced Accounts Inn of Blades Echoes Echoes: Assault Echoes: Black Horse Echoes: Pawns Bandits Echoes: Combat/Skirmish Two Strands Bandits II: Ballad of the Red Star Roses of Reckoning (BoE) Corporeus The Claim Roses of Reckoning (BoA) Nebulous Times Hence Emerald Mountain Posts: 6936 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00 |
Member # 4614
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 13:45
I just got out of middle school, and it wasn't TOO bad for me, considering I live in a small town. There's still some weird middle schoolers, though, I must say. ![]() ![]() ![]() Anyway, now here comes high school. *sigh* -------------------- -ben4808 Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00 |
Member # 2238
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 14:08
Quit your baby whining, boy! High school rocks! Well, at least it did when I was there. -------------------- Better to die for something, than live for nothing. Posts: 1582 | Registered: Wednesday, November 13 2002 08:00 |
Member # 4614
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 14:30
First of all, TGM, here's a couple band-aids for your wrists. ![]() But, yeah, I'm sure high school will be fine. I hope you're right. -------------------- -ben4808 Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00 |
Member # 4278
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 14:31
Indeed, I thoroughly enjoyed high school. I might have been the only one though. University on the other hand (or college for you Americans) was merely a string of binges and tattered memories. But at the same time, I'm sorry that I'm not going back this year. -------------------- Pathological Smirker Smirking at Spiderweb since 1999 Posts: 143 | Registered: Sunday, April 18 2004 07:00 |
Member # 618
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 14:54
Bah, school. Got out of that one soon after it drove me insane. And occaisionally inane. But that is a by-the-by. Home education. Certainly the way to go. I may be young. I may not have been to as many places or seen as many faces as some. But I have the wisdom necessary to be a cruel, cold-heared cynic if the need arose. I have seen far too many people in distress that you just can't help and too many lives crash and burn. It's not pretty and it's just no fun. I looked at the world with logic and all I got was the same answer. I am here in my mold. I can be a million different people from one day to the next, I can change my mold. I'd like to be an idiot again, because this is just no fun. Bleh, feh, meh. I realise the intentional take-off. They were just the right words, s'all. -------------------- I like to say quack because I can, I like to say moooo because I can, but I don't like saying ergle flmp because I can never pronounce phenomenon first try. In conclusion, quack, moooo and phenonemenonmenonnon... Oh Poo. Try it! Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00 |
Member # 4614
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 16:45
How far then, may I ask, did you actually make it in school? Or did you just homeschool all your years? Because frankly, I prefer public school. There's more people to meet, more things to do, more professional teaching, and more opportunity for scholarships and special rewards. I like it that way better. -------------------- -ben4808 Posts: 3360 | Registered: Friday, June 25 2004 07:00 |
Off With Their Heads
Member # 4045
written Wednesday, July 21 2004 17:07
quote:Some might not call this wisdom. Homeschooling suits some people better than others, and different age ranges in different ways. I was homeschooled in 1st and 2nd grade to (I suspect) great advantage, because I spent those years reading everything I could get my hands on and not getting burned out on school. I went back to the classroom after that and have stayed ever since, and I wouldn't want it any other way. My little brother is homeschooled right now for middle school, and it seems to be working out for him. It seems clear that individuals' results vary according to their needs. One of the major factors in favor of homeschooling is even a great teacher teaching twenty or thirty students at once is often no more effective than one normal person focusing on one student. There are exceptions, obviously, but this can frequently be the case. Moreover, my mom (who did most of the teaching for my family's homeschooling) is a California state-certified teacher and was a professional teacher for, oh, something like a decade. My dad was a teacher for slightly less time. This worked well. Er, yes, the topic. Well, I'm 19, as I probably have posted before. Middle school rather sucked. High school was fun, particularly by junior year. College is not particularly better than senior year was, at least so far, but I'm only entering my second year, so we'll see. [ Wednesday, July 21, 2004 17:09: Message edited by: Kelandon ] -------------------- Kelandon's Pink and Pretty Page!! (The home of BoA's HLPM v1.1!) Rate my scenarios! Northern Kingdom 0: Prologue High Level Party Maker Posts: 7968 | Registered: Saturday, February 28 2004 08:00 |
Member # 618
written Thursday, July 22 2004 04:05
I made it to year 8. My first primary school was great. It was in Hackney, London. According to the league tables, it was supposed to be the worst school around, but I learnt more in the three and a half years there than I am ever likely to. Then we moved to a dead-end backwater town in the middle of nowhere. No local amenities except for pubs and take-aways. The defintition of a commuter town. But I could hack that. Went to a school (three tier system here. So that's a first school) and left just before Spring term in year 3. Point being, I wasn't learning anything that I didn't know. Went to a different first school. Loved it. Actually learning again and didn't get treated like a little idiotic child. Stayed until end of year (when you have to move up to a middle school). Went to the local middle school. It was a P.E. heavy regime. I, at that time, was not a P.E. person. Also after three months I still couldn't find the dang library. Left. Went to an actual primary school. Once again was learning and not being treated like a five-year-old. Enjoyed it and stayed to the end of year 6, when I moved on to a secondary. And this is where the tale becomes convoluted. I quite enjoyed the first year. I got on with everyone pretty well. Sure, I wasn't learning as much as I'd like in certain subjects and was doing too many subjects that I have difficulty with (being quite dyspraxic). But it was okay. Second year, our head of year became our English teacher, causing some... "artistic differences". Point and case, she didn't like me. I didn't like the way she tried to get everyone to eat out of her hand. Handed in some joke essays (ironically all getting good marks), started a mini-war and generally got aggrieved. Ended up with far too much revision, far too many people treating me like a child and far, far too many repetitious eej's. That went on for two terms. Along with my home life being a bit turbulent, it was quite enough to manage a measure of insanity, not to mention sudden mood changes. At the time I really couldn't see any way to win. It was the best school in the area and a drop in the standard of teaching would have annoyed me even more. Eventually found out about home education and really have never even thought about looking back. Fun fun fun. -------------------- I like to say quack because I can, I like to say moooo because I can, but I don't like saying ergle flmp because I can never pronounce phenomenon first try. In conclusion, quack, moooo and phenonemenonmenonnon... Oh Poo. Try it! Posts: 1487 | Registered: Sunday, February 10 2002 08:00 |
Member # 3521
written Thursday, July 22 2004 07:49
quote:I'm afraid I fail to see exactly how you are "kinda like" me. I'm over six years older than you, after all. And although I may not have ever had a girl, I do have quite an active social life. It's just that I'm very self-conscious around attractive women, and I psyche myself out until it's too much of a struggle to communicate confidently. Along with that, my personality and general manner just tend to appeal far more to fellow men than to women. I assure you that, were I to be gay, I would be getting just about constant play. Well, at least constant play with TGM. I doubt he'd leave me much time for others... ![]() By the way, I generally go by "Stughalf" on these boards. "Stug" is also fine, as is the affectionate "Stugie," and even the extremely abbreviated version, "St." I don't mind being called by my PDN or my real name, but as the former is rather long and the latter is unfamiliar to most, referring to me using one of the above names would be best in the interests of eliminating confusion. Perhaps it's time to reinstate the [b]Stughalf[/b] in my signature as well. [ Thursday, July 22, 2004 07:52: Message edited by: Only Half Stultified? ] -------------------- Stughalf "The death-knell of the republic had rung as soon as the active power became lodged in the hands of those who sought, not to do justice to all citizens, rich and poor alike, but to stand for one special class and for its interests as opposed to the interests of others."- Theodore Roosevelt, 1903. Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00 |
Member # 4423
written Thursday, July 22 2004 08:40
Eh, middle school. Don't get me started. And contrary to your guys' opinions, I hate high school. The teachers are a part of that, but since I've gone to two high schools that's obviously not the major problem. Part is the insane pressure to date girls every waking moment (which is just something I'm not good at; they all hate me I tell ya). But the biggest thing I hate about high school: it's a waste of time. In the three years of my high school education, I learned enough to fit in about 2-3 months if I wasn't surrounded by idiots, teachers with messed up methods, retarded requirements set up by beaurocrats from another universe, and the most pointless trivia known to mankind. Example: we spent three weeks in chemistry learning how to name a new element. This would require you to first DISCOVER a new element, then you could name it. Can I get a show of hands for all the people that have discovered a new element? What, no hands? It was easy too, should have taken 3 days to learn, but all the idiots in my class (most noticibly the ones flirting instead of listening to any of the lessons; they know which is more important, and it isn't the lesson ![]() [ Thursday, July 22, 2004 08:42: Message edited by: MasterXan ] -------------------- When the world ends on Thursday, just remember I told you so. Posts: 44 | Registered: Tuesday, May 25 2004 07:00 |
Member # 3149
written Thursday, July 22 2004 08:46
Element? Those are usually named after the place they're discovered nowadays. Do you perhaps mean compounds? Probably organic compounds? 1,3-dimethylhexane and all that? -------------------- Beatoff Valley: A story told out of order. Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00 |