girlz place

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AuthorTopic: girlz place
Shock Trooper
Member # 3801
Profile Homepage #50
The girls where I live are different then where everyone else lives, at least I think. If I asked them out and they said no, they would gossip with all their little girlfriends and soon I would be the laughingstock of the school (and they would do that too even if they said yes.) I don't mind being laughed at, but I surely wouldn't be having a girlfriend anytime soon if that happened.

There is no knowledge that is not power.

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Posts: 323 | Registered: Thursday, December 18 2003 08:00
Triad Mage
Member # 7
Profile Homepage #51
And most likely a lot younger and more immature.

EDIT: In response to the first sentence.

[ Monday, February 23, 2004 14:23: Message edited by: Drakefyre ]

"At times discretion should be thrown aside, and with the foolish we should play the fool." - Menander
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You can take my Mac when you pry my cold, dead fingers off the mouse!
Posts: 9436 | Registered: Wednesday, September 19 2001 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #52
Motrax has a good point. I'd have trouble staying friends with a girl after being turned down, but I'd rather not ask a girl out until I know her well enough; in other words, until I'm her friend. So I can't ask a friend out, and I can't ask a stranger out. That leaves enemies, and I'd rather not go out with someone if mutual hatred is involved.

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 1993
Profile #53
Stughalf, I apologize my heartless laughter. I was laughing actually about this part
I wish I was as young as some of you chaps, though- you don't have to deal just yet with the ugly statistic that only 1 in 5 men in the U.S. are still virgins by the age of 19. With nearly all of my close friends having amazing success in this category, as well, I often can't help feeling like a hopeless loser.
because it's so far away to me and because you made immediatly a parameter, because boys always go for competitions. I was laughing about this contest situation actually... Sorry, when I insulted you. Hey, 19 is far young to me. I know a 27 year old man, who is still virgin.

When I was in your age, I was very shy too, had a big inferiority complex and lacked any self-confidence. At the same time, I had also an overweening opinion of myself and decided to become an actress. If I would be on stage I thought, people couldn't omit me anymore. As a shy, It was hard to trust myself standing in front of an audience - but I learned to overcome shyness.
I only wanted to say: shyness can be trained away. sports, ai-ki-do, music, something, that mouves the body . I must shut up now, I don't feel competent anymore to discuss this subject (sudden shyness)

IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/redface.gif) )

site of the month:
Do not trample down the earth on which you walk.
Calculate your personal footprint.
Posts: 1420 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00
La Canaliste
Member # 21
Profile #54
Goodness, spy.there... What an interesting topic and interesting how it has been converted into a help-the-guys forum.
Anyway... I guess that 90% of the guys here are vaguely of the nerdish (or is it geekish) persuasion, and likewise most of the girls. The girls of this orientation are likely to be interested in you, and also pretty much invisible: ie not the ones who hang about with their mates in public places. This also implies not having crowds of mates to giggle about you with, and also wanting to get to know you first before getting involved in any other way.
They won't be "trophy" girls, but probably girls the rest find weird and who would have low self-confidence except with their computers.
This makes them hard to meet except through such computers.
So, finally: things that girls like in guys: washing, being made to laugh, being treated like a person, odd personal preferences eg for nice hands, eyes, smile, being allowed space to talk and to dream...
Good luck!

KazeArctica: Oh yes.
KazeArctica: Oh YES
Posts: 93 | Registered: Sunday, September 30 2001 22:00
Member # 3521
Profile #55
Originally written by spy.there:

Stughalf, I apologize my heartless laughter. I was laughing actually about this part quote: I wish I was as young as some of you chaps, though- you don't have to deal just yet with the ugly statistic that only 1 in 5 men in the U.S. are still virgins by the age of 19. With nearly all of my close friends having amazing success in this category, as well, I often can't help feeling like a hopeless loser.
because it's so far away to me and because you made immediatly a parameter, because boys always go for competitions. I was laughing about this contest situation actually... Sorry, when I insulted you. Hey, 19 is far young to me. I know a 27 year old man, who is still virgin.[/quote]Oh, okay, I understand now. That's fine, there's no need to apologize. I suppose I didn't state that part in the best way. It is indeed faulty logic to treat sex like an acheivement or a milestone that one must reach to be a man, or to be satisfied with life, and it seems that I implied that I agreed with such a viewpoint in my earlier post. But still, one can't deny that misery loves company, and that when one's friends are experiencing so much success, while one is experiencing none at all, one begins to feel left behind, inferior, in a way. I really shouldn't think of it in that manner, though, so I'll try not to in the future.

Also, I would say that I'm not quite so shy as I am a bit self-conscious and overly cautious. I'm a talkative person who is quite outgoing, even almost extroverted, when in the company of friends or others I'm comfortable with. But when I'm with a girl I really like, my cautiousness and my fear of making a mistake or saying something stupid causes me to freeze up a bit, often costing me important chances. And in terms of self-image and confidence, I'm somewhat of an oddity. Whenever I look at myself in the mirror or whatever, I'm almost always more than satisfied with what I see. However, I've come to think that, while I am good-looking, most girls have no taste, or just don't like guys of my "type." It's probably an unfounded belief, but I've yet to see it disproved.

[ Tuesday, February 24, 2004 04:22: Message edited by: A Stughalfian Principle ]

"Let a man find himself, in distinction from others, on top of two wheels with a chain- at least in a poor country like Russia- and his vanity begins to swell out like his tires. In America it takes an automobile to produce this effect."- Leon Trotsky
Posts: 1798 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Member # 4028
Profile #56
How should a male be, to satisfy your demands?
Hmm.. he should be polite, nice and interesting.
I don't care the looks that much, I find all men attracting in some way.

What male rudeness annoys you most?
mmh? Rudeness sucks in general!

What fascinates you first on a male?
Eyes, personality, voice, style, opinions...
I'm quite romantic person:)

Haist' huilu
Posts: 6 | Registered: Tuesday, February 24 2004 08:00
Member # 1851
Profile Homepage #57
Finally, another Finnish girl.. Bet she'd be on the poll, if she had joined earlier.

Ah! My Homepage - In Finnish and English
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Waitingformedication. I could really use some.
Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00
Member # 1993
Profile #58
Saunders, may I extend your what-girls-like-list with:
-knowledge of language (readers and writers)
-polite manners (yeah, old school)
-a sense of duty for the world around us
-modesty and a certain ironical sight to them selves
And personally I would be highly impressed by vegetarian boys, who drive no car but a bicycle, who could explain to me how semiconductors work, who love cats and have not the wrong taste in music ...

This for all afraid-to-be-rejecteds: Rejection is not meant personally. In most of cases, a girl might reject you because she has a stomach-ache or a bad day, because she ist too shy to say anything else than no (and regrets that later on), because she feels surprised, because she has complexes, because she is in love with somebody else, because it was just not the right moment ...
Rejection does not mean, that you are an idiot. If you feel like an idiot for beeing rejected, then it's more because the software in your own brain is wrong. Motrax mentioned, that his friendship to a person would not change, when this person would ask him out and he said no. Why should that be otherwise for the opposite case?
However, I've come to think that, while I am good-looking, most girls have no taste, or just don't like guys of my "type."
Stug, did you ever had the idea, that girls might be afraid from your because they are shy too and think you look too good for them? I remember to have rejected boys exactly for that reason: I thought, they are too precious for me ...

Welcome Finn girlz. Cartographer, you are also O_o and Family Vampire, right?

site of the month:
Do not trample down the earth on which you walk.
Calculate your personal footprint.
Posts: 1420 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00
Member # 1851
Profile Homepage #59
Yeah, I am. I change my name when I feel like it. Mostly I get called Riibu.

You know, if a guy ever asked me out, I'd probably say nothing. I'd be too shocked to reply, yes or no. I'd just stare at him O.O, blink a few times, and hope he'd just go away and let me recover in peace.
But, of course, that'll never happen to me IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/tongue.gif) .

But then again, if I was feeling moody, I'd probably laugh at him and tell him to piss off.

[ Tuesday, February 24, 2004 06:33: Message edited by: Quiet One ]

Ah! My Homepage - In Finnish and English
Geneforge - The Maps
My Elfwood Gallery - Stories I've written in english
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Waitingformedication. I could really use some.
Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00
Member # 1993
Profile #60
and look at this, shy guys:
I find all men attracting in some way.
I agree that and add, that I would prefer an ugly, fat, but intelligent and witty boy to a hollow model type.

IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/tongue.gif) -)
hunting valkyries club

site of the month:
Do not trample down the earth on which you walk.
Calculate your personal footprint.
Posts: 1420 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00
Member # 3608
Profile Homepage #61
I take that as if you're willing to start dating with me. Except for that I'm not intelligent..

- The Great Mister
Posts: 972 | Registered: Tuesday, October 28 2003 08:00
Member # 1851
Profile Homepage #62
Maybe not, but you're funny. You make good chatting company occasionally.

Ah! My Homepage - In Finnish and English
Geneforge - The Maps
My Elfwood Gallery - Stories I've written in english
The WALL - Forums in Finnish
Waitingformedication. I could really use some.
Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00
Member # 3608
Profile Homepage #63
So I've been told. But hey, trust me, it'll only last as long as I don't have to start talking about gentle soft sweet nice things. That's where I get all red and escape. IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/tongue.gif)

- The Great Mister
Posts: 972 | Registered: Tuesday, October 28 2003 08:00
Member # 1851
Profile Homepage #64
Actually.. Nevermind

[ Tuesday, February 24, 2004 08:12: Message edited by: Quiet One ]

Ah! My Homepage - In Finnish and English
Geneforge - The Maps
My Elfwood Gallery - Stories I've written in english
The WALL - Forums in Finnish
Waitingformedication. I could really use some.
Posts: 1308 | Registered: Sunday, September 8 2002 07:00
One Thousand Slimy Things
Member # 66
Profile #65
Aww, look at the little Finns frolic. Awen't dey just the cutest!! And hail to the new Finn, hopefully you last longer than the last one.

KhothMk2: You don't get 72 virgin camels though
Posts: 995 | Registered: Thursday, October 4 2001 07:00
La Canaliste
Member # 21
Profile #66
You should translate that into Finnish so the new little Finn doesn't think you are being sarcastic.

KazeArctica: Oh yes.
KazeArctica: Oh YES
Posts: 93 | Registered: Sunday, September 30 2001 22:00
Member # 1993
Profile #67
I take that as if you're willing to start dating with me. Except for that I'm not intelligent..
Guru, you ar the newbies puzzler and sprinkler of abbreviations over all topics, right? FORGET ABOUT A DATE ...

IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/cool.gif) >>> ... I am on the other side of earth.
If you would live near ... why not? For curiosity <sneers insolent>

site of the month:
Do not trample down the earth on which you walk.
Calculate your personal footprint.
Posts: 1420 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00
Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire!
Member # 919
Profile #68
Originally written by spy.there:

Saunders, may I extend your what-girls-like-list with:
-knowledge of language (readers and writers)
-polite manners (yeah, old school)
-a sense of duty for the world around us
-modesty and a certain ironical sight to them selves
And personally I would be highly impressed by vegetarian boys, who drive no car but a bicycle, who could explain to me how semiconductors work, who love cats and have not the wrong taste in music ...


Stughalf has described me quite well, once again, in trying to describe himself. It's not shyness, really, it's just around that one person... I'd say the two of us are similar in this, but I've still got a few years to go until I can say that IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/tongue.gif) (assuming that he doesn't get any older, of course).

Acting, Spy? Interesting idea. I was thinking of joining the drama club, actually... I don't want to be a professional actor, certainly not, but if school drama could help me in the confidence department, and if it's fun besides...

EDIT: Yeah, yeah, wrong key...

[ Tuesday, February 24, 2004 16:35: Message edited by: Sir David ]

And though the musicians would die, the music would live on in the imaginations of all who heard it.
-The Last Pendragon


Les forum de la chance.

Posts: 3351 | Registered: Saturday, April 6 2002 08:00
Member # 3220
Profile #69
I just need people to realize how utterly wonderful I am, so that they will get into arguments over who should be my love muffin. IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/biggrin.gif)

But I have never known or heard of anyone in real life who has said, "Yes! My goal in life is to be a brainless follower of obnoxious people!"
Posts: 437 | Registered: Sunday, July 13 2003 07:00
Member # 3149
Profile Homepage #70
I'm going to be disgusting and compare humans to industrial products here.

What people don't realize is that there are about 10% of humans who are, let's say, "release quality." For one reason or another, they are attractive, popular, and likely to date early and often. Now, nobody's perfect. Truth is, most of these 10% are simply flawed in other ways.

But 100% of the women pay attention to that 10% of men, and 100% of the men pay attention to that 10% of girls.

This is at least my experience -- that because Suzie Miss Perfect won't go out with me (obviously), I felt strongly that nobody would. I took the most difficult person to impress, stated as a fait accompli that she wouldn't go out with me, and assumed that that applied to all females.

Later, I found out every once in a while that the quiet girl in the corner that I had a crush on all year had the same for me. But it was always too late. C'est la vie.

Truth is, it all changes. Once you're in a relationship, the blinders come off. You can always see what people think of you -- everyone except your partner, of course, and the other people who matter -- but you always spot someone's crush a mile away. You play matchmaker, you flirt, and eventually you break up and the blinders go back on -- the apprehension comes back, and you won't believe your natural instinct for people.

So I'm not going to say "oh, be less shy." I got where I am by being quiet. Wu-wei is my companion, and it serves me well. Shy and modest is one step closer to the Way, as I see it.


Have you seen her face?
Got a face that could stop a clock
With that face I'm sure to let it stop
To look her in the eyes
Dead mother's mm??
Like jewels so un-mm??
She's still so close to my reach
If I call, if I call at all
Any time at all, any time at all, any time at all, any time at all
So the story goes
If thou take her for a ride
With his moneybag by my side
She'd be knowin' it's the only way to go
So I show my face
And I can hear her face smile
But I left her inside of a mile
'Cause I can tell she's a joke, she's a joke, she's a joke
So the story goes
He's a whore -- I'll do anything for money
He's a whore -- With the things you like to eat
He's a whore -- Well, the stories I could tell
He's a whore -- And I'm a moron as well
I'm a whore -- He'll do anything for money
I'm a whore -- Because he goes anywhere
I'm a whore -- He'll do anything for money
I'm a whore
And so the story goes
I think I'll take her for a ride
With this moneybag by my side
A gigolo is the only way to go
Ohh, whoa, ohh
-- Big Black, "He's A Whore" (Cheap Trick)

[ Tuesday, February 24, 2004 18:53: Message edited by: I'm A Whore ]
Posts: 999 | Registered: Friday, June 27 2003 07:00
Member # 3310
Profile #71
David. Take no offense whatsoever, and I mean it, but I get this feeling you're repeating yourself. You are shy. Message understood. Completely.

I'll add this, just in case: IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/tongue.gif)
Posts: 756 | Registered: Monday, August 4 2003 07:00
Shock Trooper
Member # 3377
Profile #72
Y'know, sometimes I think people who enter into their first relationship later on in life (say, in their 20s) are better off. They seem to make a better match for themselves than those who start dating as soon as their hormones kicked in.

From many a wondrous grot and secret cell
Unnumbered and enormous polypi
Winnow with giant fins the slumbering green.
Posts: 356 | Registered: Saturday, August 23 2003 07:00
Member # 3694
Profile #73
Originally written by spy.there:

and look at this, shy guys: quote: I find all men attracting in some way.
I agree that and add, that I would prefer an ugly, fat, but intelligent and witty boy to a hollow model type.

IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/tongue.gif) -)
hunting valkyries club
[/quote]So I hope both of you are bold enough to ask a "favored" man out on a date? IMAGE(girlz place (3)_files/confused.gif)

And that was exactly the point of itself.
Takes advantage of the easily offended.
Posts: 137 | Registered: Monday, November 17 2003 08:00
Member # 1993
Profile #74
David, the knowledge of acting can be a powerful help in the big RP, called real life. Remember all the professions that demand a certain acting: attorney, public prosecuter, priest, teacher, professor, politician, manager, people in TV, even a simple salesman needs to act to his clients. Knowing how to play a role improves your ability to direct communication, to personal intercourse and the confidence to yourself of course. I recommend to join the drama club.
.... because Suzie Miss Perfect won't go out with me (obviously), I felt strongly that nobody would. I took the most difficult person to impress, stated as a fait accompli that she wouldn't go out with me, and assumed that that applied to all females.
Mr. President, you analyzed it yourself. I think, the "natural instinct for people" has to be learned like everything and must be used with prudence. I was wrong (and disappointed) so often, projecting my own sight of things to others. The best is, not to expect too much. The less expectations, the more pleasant surprises. To be quiet and patient seems to be a good approach for personal happyness.
Nice poem ...

Premonition: exactly.
Jame, for me: yes.

But I think, we should talk about Darevas wonderfulness, because this topic is called girlz place and won't be renamed into "shy guys corner to reclaim self-confidence". Dareva, how wonderful are you? Send picture or paint in words ... <grins expectantly>

site of the month:
Do not trample down the earth on which you walk.
Calculate your personal footprint.
Posts: 1420 | Registered: Wednesday, October 2 2002 07:00
