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Stuck in Za-Khazi Run in Blades of Avernum
The Establishment
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Profile #3
Just to be more clear, there are three items that can help you get through Khoth's place: the scroll, the opal, and the Vahnatai crystal. The scroll is what Khoth really wants, but the charm is much more useful. You can steal it, however, as thuryl points out.

Getting the other two just gives you more money at the end as you sell them.

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Need insight into a few things- Avernum 2 in The Avernum Trilogy
The Establishment
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You're obviously a fighter in pole weapons. What you have looks pretty good. Gynmasitics is particularly useful I seem to recall.

As far as hardiness, it's 1 point of damage per level. So if you have 11 hardiness, upon every hit you will take 1-11 less damage in addition to your other armor. It's probably not extremely useful so long as you can heal your party fast enough.

[ Sunday, September 03, 2006 07:36: Message edited by: *i ]

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Story LIne in Geneforge 4: Rebellion
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Profile #37
Oh yeah.. I hope in G4 that you can really meet the SC not just in ending but maybe in the midgame or something..
I can neither confirm nor deny this. Although I can say it would be quite interesting to meet South Carolina. :P

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Anagrams in General
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Profile #95
eery thought

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
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Profile #57
Don't worry about it. We'll sort these things out as the deadline approaches. You will get in no matter what.

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Geneforge 3 on Intel Mac in Geneforge Series
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You're incoherent and I can't understand you much. Please write in complete sentences. If you want us to help you, you need to respect us enough by writing an intelligible post. This means proper capitalization, spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Also, please give us the exact text of the error otherwise it's very hard to diagnose as well. Thanks.

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Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
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Profile #55
It's a courtesy to them more than anything else. I'll e-mail Jeff to see if he can be so kind to make sure the tables are updated for the purposes of the contest.

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
something is not working fine in blades of avernum in Tech Support
The Establishment
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Profile #5
Don't forget to download the user are hardly doing the "last mission" in Blades of Avernum, there is no such thing.

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
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Profile #51
It pays to draw some distinction. The initial rounds will not be discussed on any official basis. The votes are submitted much like the CSR, but in private until all votes are in.

For the final round, I see two phases, one of discussion, another of voting and vote reallocation. I'm not sure yet what to do about discussion after voting begins, my inclination is to put an end to it and let the voting proceed in secret.

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
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Profile #49
The judges have a chance to debate the others to influence the decisions of others and convince them of favorites and other issues surrounding the scenarios. Judging comments will be made public to judges at that point and they can be challenged/discussed by other judges.

The reason for a secret final ballot is to minimize strategizing and being influenced by actual votes. People may vote for things in an attempt to mess with the system. If the ballots are kept secret, none of the other judges know how the others are acting.

Just to add, I agree with Drakey here.

[ Thursday, August 31, 2006 17:33: Message edited by: *i ]

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #46
I don't feel we should force judges to make a first and second choice if they are equal. I don't see any real problems with the three votes other than we could cap it at two for one scenario. It would have the same effect essentially, but a judge is free to pick three choices.

Personally, I don't see too much of a problem either way. My purpose is to give the judges a reasonable amount of latitude.

Third, I don't fully understand the judging for best scenario. First you say discussion and ranking. Then you say by voting.
What's there to not understand, people discuss/debate, and then they cast a private ballot?

[ Thursday, August 31, 2006 13:32: Message edited by: *i ]

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #43
You took the sentence out of context. This is after all other metrics have failed. This means that the number of vote points is tied, both cumulative scores of the initial brackets have tied, and all other scores given by the judges are tied. This is a highly unlikely chain of events and will probably never happen. This is what is meant by an "actual tie".

Also, it only effects things on the "bottom" where things are to be eliminated. If the top and second place scenarios are tied and there are nine scenarios, only the bottom four are affected. This is where, in this case, there is difficulty in determining who is in fifth or sixth.

Finally, the tie breaking is only applicable in the last scenario round. In the inititial rounds, we can have all scenarios advance if necessary so this issue does not come up as there are no eliminations. In the event of a tie in the initial rounds for the top spot, we'll use the highest score criteria and on down. If all match, it is a true tie. Otherwise, it's irrelevant.

Again, the tie breaking rules are there to account for unlikely, but potentially annoying situations that could hypothetically come up. I tried to cover every possible case, so they can be convoluted.

[ Thursday, August 31, 2006 04:56: Message edited by: *i ]

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #38
Sorry again for the double post, but this is a new issue altogether:

With the change in rules, it makes it a requirement for those in the final round to have access to both BoA and BoE. I foresee this creating problems. A possible solution is to break the contest into two, one for just BoE and another for BoA.

Just out of curiosity, how many people out there have access to both?

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
SW Game Release Dates? in General
The Establishment
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Profile #7
Originally written by Scorpius:

Try carbon dating
I'd suggest Uranium-Lead's been that long ago on some of these... :)

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
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Profile #37
You may, should you strongly favor one over all the others. If this is too abusive, we could max it at two per scenario.

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
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Profile #35
Integrated some of the suggestions. The tie breaking rules are a bit complex, but should be all inclusive and will hopefully not need to be used.

Please comment...

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #27
The problem with rubrics, as debated many a time by Alcritas and Brett Bixler et al. in the days of antiquity, is that not all scenarios fit the "mold".

Building a rubric makes certain assumptions about what a scenario should be like. Unfortunately, it's impossible to make a rubric that is sufficiently detailed enough to be useful while accounting for every creative good idea out there.

An example is the issue of outdoors. Some rubrics specifically asked the judge to rate outdoors. This is fine and dandy until you get to a scenario that has no outdoors. Do you penalize an otherwise superior scenario or do you modify the rubric accordingly?

Hopefully you would do the latter. Granted, that was an easy one. Unfortunately, in doing so for every possible subtle case you reduce to a final point of just rate the scenario. Of course, you as a judge are free to make whatever criteria you want so long as you are relatively consistent where possible, use 1-10 as the quality scale as described, and do not favor either BoE or BoA scenarios over another.

On another topic -- For the record, the ballots should be secret until judging is complete. This is the one way I would conduct the contest differently.

[ Tuesday, August 29, 2006 18:42: Message edited by: *i ]

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #24
I guess we have a different idea of "best scenario" then. I consider "best scenario" to be a cumulative overall thing, not an individual thing for the purposes of these contests. It doesn't have to be anyone's favorite to be "best" it just has to be the most liked overall.

I know given the situation of relatively equal choices, I would have a hard time ranking things with as better or worse. I, as a judge, would rather say they're equal and move on.

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
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Profile #22
but I can see where it has advantages over the numerical system.
For those of us lacking your acuity for these things, could you enlighten?

Also, your results are meaningless regardless of what they are for the reason I stated above. They are only different, not better.

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #20
I don't like Drakey's idea at all. The primary reason is that I feel the past method of doing things based on a point scale appear to work quite well and be the most fair. For this reason, I say we stay with the point system and I'll give an example of why the methods proposed really don't work well here.

Suppose there are three scenarios in an initial bracket (say Small Scenario), two are of "about equal" superior quality and one not so great. A judge is forced to rank a top, middle, and bottom. Essentially the scores translated to a 0-10 scale become quantized to 10, 5, and 0. A judge MUST assign one of each, he/she cannot give any measure of relative quality at all other than a pure ranking. Under this system, you can unfairly penalize scenarios of equal quality.

At the end of the day, one scenario would advance to the final round and two would not (I'd assume top 67% would be a bit much). Under the current system, the top two would advance if they were of roughly equal quality.

Basically, we shouldn't penalize a really good scenario for just so happening to be in a bracket with one of similar quality. Essentially, you will have really good scenarios that will not be able to advance to the final round based essentially on a coin toss of who is judging.

Once we get to the final round, such things might be workable as there needs to be a clear winner. But even here, we're really limiting the ability of the judges. Suppose I judge and I really like scenario A and B, but not C. I have to unfairly penalize A or B at the expense of the other rather than just assigning them relatively equal scores. Yeah, either A or B will win in the end, but at least I'm free to rank them near equally.

As far as the few people dragging things down argument, I don't see how it helps overly much as judges could conspire and still be unreasonable in their rankings. Also, to the notion of a few people hating a scenario, I say too freakin' bad. We design scenarios for the community. The judges aren't just pie in the sky scenario experts, the judges are part of the intended audience -- the community. If there is a section of people who don't like it, they have as much right to their opinion as anyone else and may give their scores accordingly.

Discussion judging -- Interesting and could work. I'm a little leary of it as I feel it's better to have several independent measurements rather than judges discussing and persauding. Maybe this is my bias as a scientist, but I just feel uneasy about it.

someone (maybe me, later) could go through the last contests on the Lyceum and see how the contests would turn out if they were judged in the following ways:
One more thing, I'd say differently. However, that does not necessarily make the answer more right, just different. I could use the argument had we selected different people to judge as well. Besides, had we used a different system, perhaps people would have judged differently. Basically, any results these tests would give would ultimately be irrelevant as it comes down to opinion anyway.

EDIT: Ash's point made me think of something else. I should add that I think judging needs to be done in relative secret until all results are in, at which point the scores and comments would be posted. This keeps the judges as independent as possible.

[ Tuesday, August 29, 2006 17:11: Message edited by: *i ]

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Contest Discussion in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #17

Any more suggestions on the rules? As I said previously, I think the categories are good for now until we see exactly what we have. Until then, any other comments on rules or anything left out?

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Create Drakon in Geneforge Series
The Establishment
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Profile #1
The consensus is no.

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
I need advice in Geneforge Series
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #6
It all depends on the style of play. I'd say Battle Shaping would be the only real one that would be quasi-worthless.

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Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
Using BoA to tell a story in Blades of Avernum Editor
The Establishment
Member # 6
Profile #1
BoA, Mad Ambition is one. BoE has a few such as Roots by Thuryl, Emulations by myself, and I'm sure a few others. There is no reason more could not be done.

[ Sunday, August 27, 2006 19:16: Message edited by: *i ]

Your flower power is no match for my glower power!
Posts: 3726 | Registered: Tuesday, September 18 2001 07:00
