Profile for 2disbetter
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Displayed name | 2disbetter |
Member number | 5246 |
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Postcount | 24 |
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Registered | Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
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Yay! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Friday, September 28 2007 03:55
Nice picture! That one with the dirtbike and rider was very very very very good as well. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Man or God in General | |
Member # 5246
written Tuesday, September 25 2007 10:09
It's hard to argue Bible discprenacies without mentioning what version you are using. That right there should be a problem for anyone. Why is there 3 billion different versions of the bible? (that number is an exageration) Now while I say that I'm not saying the Bible is not special. What I am saying is that, man has interferred with it too much. That does not mean the original was not divinely inspired. I'm just saying it is possible that the real un-altered unchanged bible might be lost. As for the discrepancies, you might want to ask the individuals who translated them. They coudl probably tell you why they felt the need to change things. (read: there is no reason, but they did it anyway) Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Tuesday, September 25 2007 08:54
Don't even get me started on WoW. Yes it's huge, but it's also fragmented, in that the dugeons are instanced. I don't like that, as it detracts from realism. WoW has very little depth, this is a HUGE problem for me. Depth is not just a story line, I need complexity. I don't want a game a 5 year old could play and excell in. WoW is just that. WoW in no way is what I'm looking for. Star Wars Galaxies when it first came out was very spot on. It had a very rich character development process, rich economy, great combat system, and a really well thought out crafting system. It was ruined becuase it tried to model itself after WoW. Yes I hate WoW. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Man or God in General | |
Member # 5246
written Tuesday, September 25 2007 06:10
A thread such as this will never work on a public forum. It will ALWAYS spiral into an argument. It always starts with a gentle debate, and moves more and more towards the argument. Too many keyboard warriors love to debate on things, especially ones as controversial as this. Their goal is not to enlighten just to enrage. If you don't want something you post to be ridiculed, don't post it. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Monday, September 24 2007 02:20
quote:Yes. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Saturday, September 22 2007 12:00
Daggerfall was in my opinion the first attempt at really creating a large sprawling world as you put it. I would say it was a first of it's kind, and therefore had the expected failures. It was still a good game. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Saturday, September 22 2007 06:17
Then you must really be looking forward to Fallout 3!? I can't wait for this game to be out. It's going to be a huge RpG and it's going to finally be Sci-fi! I'm pumped. As for big game worlds being a burden. The only game I see being referenced is Final Fantasy, and that game is pretty Linear. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Friday, September 21 2007 08:36
This is where it was at (and still is): ![]() Crusader's of the Dark Savant. On topic though, this has been pretty informative. I think there is a sweet spot though where linear stories are allowed to breath in large worlds meant to be explored. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Thursday, September 20 2007 14:14
quote:Assuming a weapon with such power existed then yes they could. Would make for a pretty awesome quest wouldn't it? Stop the pre-teen kids from destroying planet Zeebok. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Thursday, September 20 2007 13:19
Well see that is EXACTLY what I'm trying to say(... I suppose). KOTOR had so much potential! And they really did put a lot of effort in the story and depth of characters. They just didn't give you a big enough sandbox to experience it in! I don't want a bunch of Oblivion clones, but what I'm saying is that they (bethesda) have done what I expect from a RPG. Geneforge 2 did this as well, you weren't really forced to go anywhere, and the game world itself was large. The only thing I don't like is the overview map, how when you go to a different sector or whatever, you move a bunch of space in between, space you never see. As for creating the ultimate RPG here are my predictions: - It will be a MMORPG (and I'm pumped about that... It will most certiantly NOT be a WoW clone. WoW has about as much depth as a rock can ponder the meaning of life) - Instead of scripted events (in the traditional sense), and instanced dugeons there will be live people who are hired to be the DM of certain areas. In this way interaction with NPCs (which wouldn't really be a NPC)would have more than just scripted things to say. Of course there would be a story writer (probably 30 of them), but the DM would be in charge of taking that story and conveying it in the real flowing world. - Instanced areas will be done away. Everyone will exist in the same area. A rock you found will always be there when you log back in. As soon as technology allows (and it does now), then you should be able to damage the environment you play in (via weapons, etc.) and it should persist. Think about it... if such a MMORPG exsisted what you not be in line anxiously waiting to play it? I would. (and I would be begging on the inside for it to be Sci-fi based (read not fantasy, or D&D based)) I'm sure a lot of others would as well. A MMORPG that doesn't have ANY NPCs... that is something to shoot for. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Thursday, September 20 2007 05:24
Perhaps I wasn't clear enough. KOTOR did have several "other" side quests you could do, I'm referring to the actual game worlds. I don't want to just have to walk 10 feet to complete a quest or find someone new. Those game worlds where tiny. I don't like qaunity over quality. There are several ways to keep the main plot in focus in larger games. The point of a RPG is to role play, not to have someone else determine your actions and course of following through. Lack of depth to me is a killer in a RPG. Most RPGs smack of being designed for a console, and are catered to young kids with ADD. It's a good thing the indie scene can focus more on the niche some prefer. [ Thursday, September 20, 2007 05:25: Message edited by: 2disbetter ] Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Raise your hand if you LOVE Linear RPG's! in General | |
Member # 5246
written Wednesday, September 19 2007 08:33
Let's make it clear from the start... I'm referring to KOTOR I & II. I abosuletly positevily HATE those two titles. So much potential, so much oppurtunity, and it's wasted. Sure the graphics were nice, and the effects cool. The combat system was pretty good as well, and the way you could advance your characters was also nice, but what about being able to actually RP with them!? The game worlds in both games were so small, you literally walked in a straight line in some places to complete tasks and advance the storyline! Why OH WHY!? Hasn't anyone taken the large expansive worlds of Oblivion or Elder Scrolls III and made a isometric based version of it? This little problem is my biggest complaint with the game industry right now. The only games that I know of doing this are Oblivion, Stalker, etc. and they are all 1st person shooters!? Why do games like KOTOR get such high praise? What do you all think? Are the majority of gamers out there simply interested in graphics? Or is this just a result of clever marketing and lots of money? [ Wednesday, September 19, 2007 08:34: Message edited by: 2disbetter ] Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
George Bush in General | |
Member # 5246
written Wednesday, January 31 2007 09:06
Oh my fault he says it all the time... Haha... Totally excuses it. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
George Bush in General | |
Member # 5246
written Wednesday, January 31 2007 07:22
quote:Originally written by Cryptozoology: Well, nobody's invaded the USA yet, so apparently world leaders are actually just fine with a country that's known for religious fanaticism and using nuclear weapons on civilians, as long as it's run by white people. ////////////////// Guess you forgot about WW2? Sorry that was a while a go, guess we'll need to keep ourself more invasion current. Also you're a genius. Blaming the white man for everything is the solution to everything. Funny thing is you probably think the white man is racist, and somehow excuse yourself of being the same thing. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
George Bush in General | |
Member # 5246
written Wednesday, January 31 2007 07:18
quote:You're right it is much better to wait tell you've been attacked horribly by a country that has repeatedly called for your destruction in the must gruesome of ways with their brand new shiny nuclear missles. Excellent idea. Sure glad we're not stupid. Please, Israel has more than enough equipment to level Iran. Everyone knows it, why do you think all of the Middle East rallies around destroying Israel. It's not about the holy land, it's about Israel being a threat. You see Israel is in a unique position. On one hand it has the nosy world willing to condemn and that's it to worry about and on the other hand it has to deal with the people surrounding them on almost all sides that wish to kill them. More than that they actually try and go through with it. There are bombings, mortar attacks, militia funded by surrounding countries, and the list goes on. Ask yourself how long would you stand by on threats, when your family members have died becuase of them? How long would you stand by when your peace is constantly threatened simply becuase people hate you? Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Happy Thanksgiving Day in General | |
Member # 5246
written Saturday, December 2 2006 20:42
Thanksgiving in Afghanistan was grand. It's winter here. Got snow yesterday all day. Glad to see the bleeding heart thanksgiving debate has been nuetralized. There are more than enough injustices in the world right now... no need to worry about ones that are long past. 2d Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
All good things must come to an end... in General | |
Member # 5246
written Friday, December 1 2006 16:27
Giraffes have really long necks and can run at speeds in excess of 20 mph. 2d Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Root of all evil in General | |
Member # 5246
written Wednesday, January 19 2005 08:56
Blaming religion is a mute point. There isn't a religion that is recognized by the world as such that actually promotes violence. (Obviously this can be argued... but lets be realists here and agree) Religion if anything provides a sense of order to an otherwise chaotic human order. Today the standard that is echoed is, "do what you want." When you listen to your heart you can't go wrong. Restraint has become the words of old boring men. The only thing countering this in todays society is religion. Illegitimate children, broken homes, finacial troubles, and selfishness are results of this kind of thinking. Blaming religion as the root of all evil is not only immature, but very very not well thought out. Everything that we see in the world including ourselves shout and demand that there is a higher power. The only thing in the world that recognizes a higher power is religion. I understand that this will not be taken well, but I would have to say that selfishness is the root of all evil, and furthermore that evil is not an item or thing, it comes from individuals. Murder would not happen had someone not committed it, and this line of reasoning can go on and on forever. We as humans are accountable for our own actions... whethey they be good or bad. My personal beliefs are that there is a head of evil... we all know its name. To blame something or someone other than ourselves for evil is simply missing the point. We are not forced to do anything. We can resist anything. It is our free agency. We have only ourselves to blame. BTW this post is not to belittle or demoralize anyone elses beliefs. I respect everyones opinions. Its variety that gives the world its flair. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Umm yet another question in General | |
Member # 5246
written Friday, December 10 2004 05:45
I should've probably said Windows Xp was the platform as well, but none the less Ambrosia looks to have some very qaulity titles. One more push to consider going MAC. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Umm yet another question in General | |
Member # 5246
written Friday, December 10 2004 05:07
yeah I played Jazz back when I was 14. I knew all those title at one point and time. I guess I was meaning shareware companies that are still producing. Jill of the jungle was pretty good too. Jetpack too. Thanks for the links guy, keep 'em comin. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Umm yet another question in General | |
Member # 5246
written Thursday, December 9 2004 05:10
I was wondering if you guys and gals could give me some names or links of other shareware game developers. I might have some of them, but probably not, so post away. Thanks in advance. P.s.: It would be nice if they were on the same level/caliber as Spiderweb, but if you think they are worth checking out that is cool too. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Avernum 4 in General | |
Member # 5246
written Wednesday, December 8 2004 06:22
Grammar in a forum which has in many cases displayed a lack of intelligence isn't so vital. Even though I was so nitpickingly ripped apart everyone understood exactly what I was trying to say. I apologized for the manner in which I tried to convey my opinion; not my grammar. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Avernum 4 in General | |
Member # 5246
written Tuesday, December 7 2004 04:14
Wow. To the english teacher I thank you. That was very very embarrassing. It kind of sucks that this board doesn't have a spell check. haha. There IS no excuse for my poor grammar. I apologize. I also apologize if I offended anyone. Reading the boards here for a little while I've noticed that comments such as mine fly around here quite often. I'll keep them under wraps. I was just trying to figure out why so many people complained so much about games that were supposed to not have that good of graphics. Alright I'll stop now. My wounds from the verbal assault above are still too fresh and sore. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |
Avernum 4 in General | |
Member # 5246
written Monday, December 6 2004 17:17
What is wrong with most of you. You do realize you didn't buy Baldur's Gate? You know when your playing Avernum that you are in fact not playing Neverwinter Nights? Becuase most of you are still in high school I can excuse you... for the rest of you. Worthless sacks of crap. Jeff is doing a great job. The fact that most of you don't even know what code is, atests to the fact that you really couldn't do any better even if you tried. Does Jeff even read these boards? Man if he does, he must hate most of you. I always wondered why his emails were so short. Haha. The fact of the matter is... the games are good. Have you ever played the perfect game? The game that left nothing to be desired? Anyone who says yes, is a liar or simply doesn't possess the faculities to realize there is more to be desired. Earlier in the post someone commented on a 3d engine. For starters 3d design is possible with one or two people. They need to be able to design and draw, and be willing to give up a few years of their life. Since the content is based in large on story and not keeping up with jone's... i think a 3d engine is... 1.) not needed and 2.) a mute point. Question me... I dare you. For those of you getting your panties all in a not, you should seriously consider that this post is probably not the root of your problem, but the fact that you have forgotten whether your a male or female. Little advice, think about something else. Posts: 24 | Registered: Friday, December 3 2004 08:00 |