Profile for Frozen Feet

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World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #61
I tried imagining the world Alo described. My mind is still trying to untie itself from the mental knot it caused in my brain. About other manners, I'm wondering how big our world will be if we aim for the mobius strip. If we go roughly along the same measurements than Niven did, our world would become HUGE.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
2008! in General
Member # 4248
Profile #28
I spent most of yesterday playing Age of Mythology (and now I don't want to touch it for a year), expect for the instance when I went to sauna and shot the paltry six rockets we had bought. Not that I really wanted more ka-booms for this year, practically burning money is not my thing. My holiday is drawing to close, school and work start tomorrow... HOORAY!

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #58
Originally written by Goldenking:

May I just say, some of the options are so close it might require a second, more brief poll between the closest (say) three. Not to mention that in a months time people could change their minds.
Taken into consideration.

As for ringworlds, the mobius strip is close enough so why not just vote for it?

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #47
*BUMP* Up this goes. I have lot's of things to say.

Souls seem to have become some kind of biospiritual currency. I'm not sure I like the concrete mathematical nature of it. Giving everything one soul and each soul a different amount of power behind it may be more traditional, but it also seems much closer to the usual use of souls than having seven of them.

I like my magic hardboiled. However, no matter how well-defined or strict the rules are, in the world there might be no-one who knows them all. So while I think the rules of magic should be concrete to us developers, inside the world there should be lots of room for vagueness.

If there are going to be large collections, they really need another name, quite possibly the kind of name that is a made up word with several apostrophes in it.

I personally think that the word "soul" is just well enough for our use. This simply because my own dislike of made-up words. We can consider giving them a new name in the future once suggestions start to pile up.

I thought of what I consider to ba a good replacement name for souls: Sow'oth.

Nah. Soul will suffice for now.

Giving exact numbers of souls to each creature and having an accumulation system doesn't seem to fit. It'd be like "I have thirteen souls!" "Well, I have fifteen, so you'd better just give up now."

I like numbers and detailed accumulation systems because they make things feel more natural to me (for some reason) and make the theory easier to handle. We can revise many of the details, but first I have to get most of them out in the open. Read my answers to Luceiah and Safey and tell me what do you think.

As for the gods...

I was thinking around similar lines. However, currently we seem to be headed for a godles world.

How much use can one get out of one soul before it is depleted utterly?

In my original vision, souls would not be depleted; it would've been the bodies of wizards that would fail. Eventually a wizard would release more energy than his/her body could cope with, and that would cause his/her body to stop working and make the souls deactivate and scatter.

Does having more souls give someone greater power, or just greater capacity for power?

Greater capacity. One really old soul could give more insight than seven young ones, and while having more souls would allow the magician to do more magic without suffering nasty side-effects, activating and managing, say, nine souls instead of seven would require much more work. All in all, the age of souls usually matters more than the amount a given creature has.

Do different "types" of souls exist?

Yes. A souls that was passed from a wolf to a human offers different insight than a soul passed from human to human. Different creatures have attunements to different things, and this is reflected in the nature of powers that can be achieved through using their souls.

Could a wizard harvest the souls of a dead person?

A soul requires a living body, or at least a link to one, to remain active. A link between an active soul with a body and a passive without a one would not be possible. This is why I mentioned that magic items would be exceedingly rare. Once the body has demised, the souls scatter and pass on to new creatures, so there's no reliable way to harness one's souls post mortem.

Are all souls equal? I'm thinking a person might have a one soul thats worth 3 and have 3 thats only worth 1 and 2 two normal size. So in theory someone could have 5 billion souls and it still be the same has only having 7.

Any soul gained via whatever means quickly become equal to other souls inhabiting the body. This is why most species have fixed limits for the souls they can possess; the type and amount of souls are heavily linked to the physical nature of the creature possessing them. The reason why humans have seven souls instead of 108 is presumably because souls have a fixed "size" and seven energy balls of that "size" are needed for a human body to fully funtion.

One thing you could consider as far as soul stealing is if someone does it upon another persons death.

Stealing all of a creature's souls will kill it, but as mentioned, in my original vision it can't be done in reverse order. After you've killed something, its souls will quickly be gone and unusable.

Also one thing we need to consider is what mechanics keep someone from stealing from the flow, what happens if someone tries, and what steps a really evil guy would go through just to over come those steps and become a bastardize version of a god/demigod.

The only way to get a soul from the Flow is to have a living creature spin it. If your body allready has all the souls it needs, it will not make more; the only way to gain extras is to steal from other beings, and that can have potentially disastrous results. It stands for a reason why in the original theory beings with eleven souls were "very special"; only a very bizarre body would need that many or remain stable with such an amount. So, the future bad guys of the world will likely have an ordinary amount of souls, and they might not even be activated.

I recently took a look at the poll, and it seems that we shifted from a flat world towards a spherical one during my few day absence. Otherwise we seem to be currently headed for a low-magic world with no gods at all. There's still almost a month's time to vote though, so things might change quite a bit.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #31
Student of Trinity wrote:If contacting your soul changes your personality, it sort of raises the question of just what 'you' is. If your soul isn't you, then who is it? It sounds as though it might just as well be anything from a guardian angel to a personal demon.

And it might make for an interesting fantasy world, if these questions were open.

I usually put my overtly philosophical side away when dealing with the theory, because exactly those kinds of questions cause my head to hurt. And yes, those questions are open.

Thuryl wrote:The way he wrote it, it sounded like the soul was a kind of accumulation of metaphysical detritus that built up, snowball-like, over the course of one's lives. "Old souls" would have more spiritual potential to draw upon, but would also have a greater risk of unleashing more power than they could control.
Basically right. However, my original theory (we can change it if we want to) had a bit more to it: souls were also compressions of life energy the body possessed. So sending away one of your souls would also had distrupted your body (this is also why I don't feel that "metaphysical" is the right word when talking about; the connection between souls and the physical world is pretty tight).

Thuryl wrote:
And of course, one can imagine some mages of great ambition but little innate potential taking a fast-track to power by taking parts of the souls of others, either by agreement (having less of a soul isn't obviously harmful apart from reducing one's magical potential, so it's not hard to imagine someone being willing to sell a part) or by force; presumably, such pieces would then be incorporated into one's own soul-ball and mixed up with one's own past lives to the point that after a few incarnations it'd be hard to tell what was original and what came from someone else.

In my original theory, many critters had more than one soul depending on how much life force their bodies can accumulate; bacteria and fungi only had partial souls easily swept away by the Flow (origin of souls, kind of a life stream); simple many-celled organisms had one; complex lifeforms usually had four, and some rare creatures possessed more (of course, more there were souls the more there was magical potential). Humans, dolphins and ravens, for example, had seven, while foxes and cats had nine. Very special critters had a whopping eleven.

So, trading souls is possible according to it (with even other lifeforms), granted that both parties have their souls activated. Such trade of course has exactly the problems you mentioned.

Stealing souls is also possible... but poses even more problems. First of all, it is likely to cause severe problems to the one who got his soul(s) hijacked: diminished mental attributes, shortened life span, fits of split personality (original idea was that souls remember where they're from), general exhaustion and depression. While a creature can remain fully functional as long as it has at least three souls with it (this means that simple organisms are by definition unmagical), loosing that third last will render the creature's body very unstable. It will experience even stronger derealization, will become unable to focus and physically frail if the condition is prolonged (these symptoms also apply to wizards who send too many of their souls elsewhere). Losing all souls would be almost always fatal, as the body would begin to devour itself in order to regain energy from the Flow. The process could probably be reversed by supplying the body with lots of outside sustenance or implanting souls to it. This would, however, result in strong personality change and possibly full and irrecoverable amnesia.

Gaining extra souls wouldn't be exactly healthy either, as it would greatly speed the change the body and mind are going through. Eleven souls in a normally seven-souled creature would probably turn it into a monster within short notice. Just imagine if a magical fox and a human would share a body... erh, lets make it a praying mantis instead. Great power comes with great insanity.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #25
Interesting ideas... I'll keep them in mind when I get to design the skeletal ecosystem (we seem to be headed that way at this point).

Nalyd wondered about magic. Currently, I'm considering finally implementing a soul-based system I've been thinking for a while. It would have some of the aspects you are hoping for, such as true magic users being rare and magic requiring life-long devotion. However, magic items would be very rare and the sacrifice-part can be debated...

The crux of my idea is that all living beings have varying amounts of souls; while souls normally retain only a passive connection to their bodies, serving as metadimensional log-books, through great effort and practice one can activate them and thus gain great insight of the world.

Unfortunately, this also means re-experiencing one's past lives, which might have been radically different from the current one. This is usually detrimental to the psyche of the magician, causing their personalities to change radically. In addition, drawing power from one's soul also forces the magician's body to change and adapt, eventually turning them to something else they initially were.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #23
A very important issue I thought should be brought up: just where are we going to put all of our material? I doubt it's feasible to keep it all here on spidweb. Would it be possible to create a subforum on Polaris?

As far as fantasy creatures go, I'll most likely make rule out of "Our monsters are officially different". If one wants to play with fair elves, stubborn dwarves and mighty dragons... why not just go and play with original Middle-Earth instead of making yet another half-baked clone? Besides, it seems our world is becoming a flat disk with the other side always facing the sun and the other one being in the dark... I don't think traditional critters fit to such place anyway.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #20
Originally written by Dintiradan:

One crucial question you have to ask before even defining the world is how it's going to be used. Are you aiming for a setting that can be used for any number of storylines, or will there be an overarcing plotline accompanying the world? That is, will the world's action be environment-driven or plot-driven? I'm guessing from your post that it will be the former, but if it's the latter, it might be better to get a general feel for the storyline before defining the world.
Initially, it will both. I'll make a plot based on the basic theme that gets the most votes (to give us a goal and motivation of sorts), but a good chunk of the world will likely be created as a reactionary to it's initial conditions.

Originally written by Dintiradan:

I'd like to make a vote against weirdness for the sake of weirdness. I don't mind if there's things like oddly-shaped worlds or flying cities or such, so long as they significantly affect how the world works or how the storyline flows. If the only reason your world has two moons is so it doesn't have just one, you may want to rethink that.

To me, weirdness is never weirdness for it's own sake. My motto is pretty much "everything affects everything", and this carries on to my way of designing stories. So if the world is indeed a mobius strip or a dodecahedron, you can be sure it won't just be an oddly-shaped earth.

As to answer why I didn't ask for a tech-level: the idea is that it won't stay fixed. The initial level will be zero, and the cultures should be build from ground-up; it will be a matter of general consensus and participants' imagination how high it will eventually rise. Idea is to still aim for fantasy, though, not sci-fi.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #8
Answer to Aran's question is, of coure, "very strange gravity". Don't let it bug you too much; it's fantasy world I'm proposing, after all.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #5
Worth of consideration. As polls can't be edited, those in favor of cylinders should voice their opinion here. (Applies for muffins also)

Thanks to Aran for the link. I'll take a look at it in my spare time.

[ Thursday, December 20, 2007 03:03: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
World building poll in General
Member # 4248
Profile #0
I have for a while now wanted to create a new fantasy world... the problem with my projects just tends to be that when all responsibility lies on me, nothing gets done. Either I can't come up with good ideas or, worse, I come up with too many of them and when faced with the task of actually writing them down, my brains just freeze, not being able to decide where to start.

Thus, I figured that shared effort is half the effort, or at least I hope so. Here's a short summary what I'm thinking: first, I'll filter my ideas through these boards via this poll, based on the results I'll create a background frame for further work, and then I'll post the background here so we can engage in nice, collaborative world building. This thread can work as preliminary chit-chat considering our future efforts; all sorts of ideas about whether this sort of a project can work and how should we do it are welcome. Also, feel free to elaborate your wishes about what the world should become if the poll doesn't feel sufficient.

The poll locks at 21st of January.

Poll Information
This poll contains 10 question(s). 0 user(s) have voted.
Voting stops at January 21, 2008 01:00 AM board time.
You may not view the results of this poll without voting.

function launch_voter () { launch_window(";d=vote;pollid=TncCWDYEfeOO"); return true; } // end launch_voter function launch_viewer () { launch_window(";d=view;pollid=TncCWDYEfeOO"); return true; } // end launch_viewer function launch_window (url) { preview = url, "preview", "width=550,height=300,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status,menubar=no,scrollbars,resizable,copyhistory=no" ); window.preview.focus(); return preview; } // end launch_window IMAGE(votenow.gif)     IMAGE(voteresults.gif)

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Omaha Mall Shooting in General
Member # 4248
Profile #396
Originally written by Alorael:

To Gizmo: Frankly, that's one of the reasons I can't quite stomach Christianity. My mythical ancestors from hundreds of generations ago do not affect the state of my soul. I was not created with terrible urges that can never be reconciled to righteousness. God isn't playing some sadistic shell game with humanity. When we sin, it's our fault, and we atone, but it's a personal error, not some systematic flaw in humanity.

Technically, in this case meaning "in the context of evolutionary biology and chaos theory", what your ancestors were and what they did are still reflected in your being. Your basic desires and mental workings are quite similar to those humans had tens of thousands of years ago. While there might not be any supernatural sadomasochist involved, you might want to reconsider that "flaw in humanity" thing.

As an another kind of side note, I'm puzzled about what actually keeps this conversation running. You've been repeating the same arguments over and over again for pages now, and I have to wonder why you aren't bored to death already. It's like watching two steel robots trying to destroy each other with feather-filled pillows.

Your daily dose of impoliteness was served to you by some idiot from Finland <3

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Meadows of Heaven in General
Member # 4248
Profile #36
As a related question: What are your favorite crhistmas albums? I prefer Vuoden synkin juhla (Year's gloomiest holiday) by Viikate. It's perfect fit for Finnish winter days. Here is a sample of what the album sounds like. (Viattomien lasten päivä translates to "Day of innocent children")

Just a little warning: Viikate is quaranteed to cause depression if you lack sense of black humor. Oh, and yes, I do hate modern christmas <3

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Meadows of Heaven in General
Member # 4248
Profile #23
1. What was the last song you listened to?
Me olemme myöhäiset by Viikate.

2. What was the last song / album you bought?
Marraskuun lauluja II by Viikate.

3. What is your favorite song?
There is no single song that goes above and beyond all others. And I'm not even going to try listing all of my favorites.

4. What is your favorite record album?
As it stands, Caught Somewhere in Time by Iron Maiden is my favorite. As a whole, that album is darn near perfect.

5. What song do you think has the best music?
6. What song do you think has the best lyrics?

See the third question.

7. Who is your favorite composer?
Facing this question, I can only shrug unknowingly.

8. Who is your favorite lyricist?
Currently Kalle Virtanen aka Kaarle Viikate, but this will likely change.

9. Who is your favorite performing artist?
I'll lean towards the guys of Iron Maiden.

10. Is there any song that has ever just hit you like a brick? What was it, and why?
There have been quite a lot of songs that have blown my mind. Not worth the effort to list 'em all.

11. What is that one song that you just can't stand?
I have a selective hearing; all songs I don't like, I gladly forget. I'm not bothering to reminiscence music that hurts my head.

12. What artist do you absolutely hate?
People who thought the Smurfs, or Ratz, or any other **** like that were good ideas, or participated in implementing them, should shoot themselves right now.

13. If a group of SpiderWebbers got together to start a band, who would be in it, and what genre would they perform?
We should all get together and start playing cheesy power metal... in Finnish. The sheer idea is too hilarious to ignore. I don't know who would play and what, but I could lend hand with the vocals. :P

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Photo Thread (with an abominable twist) in General
Member # 4248
Profile #95

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC 2 in General
Member # 4248
Profile #2
Should be. However, you'll need to write an awful amount of history to explain it all, especially if or when your character comes to the Godsmoot. The old-timers (*cough*Sliros*cough*) might remember him and his deeds, and that "I slew the original god of storms" thing might not please them.

[ Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:18: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The next level in RP, personal thoughts. in General
Member # 4248
Profile #19
Agreed. It'd be a nice change of pace to draw the maps before you need them for once.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The next level in RP, personal thoughts. in General
Member # 4248
Profile #17
In my experience, most RPs will drag on for months and almost all of them will have their fair share of novellas. There's definitely a point at which it gets tedious, but that depends from the players. I've seen boards filled with experienced roleplayers where posts of thousands of words are encouraged in, as long as those words are quality ones.

As for the timelimit, depending on the nature of the RP it might actually be a good thing. I think the next RP should definitely have one, just for the experiment if not for anything else.

PS: man, if I wrote my nano with as much gusto as forum replies, I might actually get it done! Oh well, can't help it; I'm a sucker for communal story-building...

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC 2 in General
Member # 4248
Profile #0
Because, for the love of our gods, it was about the frickin' time!

The original In Character thread

The original Out of Character thread

The second In Character thread

Legends of Divinity Synopsis (originally by Lenar, somewhat updated by Frozen Feet):

Kalandha Landmarks:

Zsarim foothills

The Kalazar Empire
Valley of Kavuk
Narrow Creek - A village in the Valley of Kavuk
Plains of Array - home of the Bards' Guild
The Eos River - Located in The plains of Array, runs through Kirwood
Kirwood - Located in the Plains of Array, spans the Eos River, belongs to the Kalazar Empire
Troll's Tooth - a large boulder landmark outside of Kirwood

Keldagrim - A country on Kalazar's borders

Kanatar - A rival of Kalazar
Kana - Capital of Kanatar

Trantite - A small nation controlled by mages
Nerototh - Capital of Trantite
Mt. Keldor - former prison of Geltor, located in Trantite

Mannik - Home of Harath's High Temple
The Sonne River

Players and their characters (both former and current):

Dintiradan - Ashataro - god of knowledge and learning, currently near Kirkwood's central temple area
Tyran - Gorganthas - warrior and conqueror deity, yet to be introduced, MIA
Lenar - Noric - unfamiliar with godly powers, currently in Kirkwood, MIA
Tully - Fallian - god of ambition, fortune, and greed, currently in a village en route to Kirwood, MIA?
Ephesos - Sliros - god of the forsaken, one of the ancients, currenly in Kirwood's central temple area
Rakshasi - Cassius - god of suffering, ascended vampire, currently residing in Mannik (now uncontrolled)
Dikiyoba - Fourty - unemployed demigod, currently in Mannik (?)
Frozen Feet - Marras - god of Death, surviving on human souls, currenly in Kirwood's central temple area
Lone Flame - James the Diety - god of Love, left Kalandha, replaced by another character
Premonition - Lauraziel - the Lunatic Goddess, currently in an inn in Kirkwood
Nalyd - Seoth - god of Balance (acting god of Deceit, Storms, and Undeath), currently somewhere around Kirkwood (?) musing his past
Lord Safety - Geltor - king and god of Demons, imprisoned again, at least temporarily replaced by Vertran the Anti-God
Nioca - Avin - former god of linguistics, patron of the Ishnu tribe

Other gods:

Burrard - patron god of bureaucracy, former employer of Fourty, an elder god
Digirid - a small-time god of agriculture.
Harath - god of Harsh Justice, MIA, an elder god.
Kyros - god of honorable battle, fought against Saulc in a war that ended five years ago, caused Noric to ascend.
Molter - god of self-righteousness
Saluc - god of bloodlust, Destroyed in battle by the combined power of Kyros and the then-mortal Noric five years ago, as well as possibly the assistance of other deities. Had a bad history with Ashataro.
Surita - briefly mentioned by Noric.
Tuoni - aka Thone , former god of Death, replaced by Marras.
U'uluua - patron goddess of the Ubumal tribe of Mubulu Island
Yeahyup - the protector god of Kavuk Valley.
Esekijah - general gof of war, currenly in Kirwood's central temple area
Minoko - goddess of suspicious business
Nemesis - goddess of vengeance, haven't been heard of in years.

Should be noted, there are other, higher pantheons above Kalandhian gods. At least two separate ones have been hinted at.

Noteworthy humans:

Drigy - Tricked by Geltor into freeing the Demon Hoardes
Jerome - a friend of Zeth
Kulo - a down and out merchant, worshipper of Fallian
Kuroshin - Vampiric servant of Mervingorix
Kraol - Unwitting servant of Seoth
Lilah - Lord of the land in which Cassius dwells
Mervingorix - Partiarch of a vampire clan, seeking vengeance against Cassius, involved in capturing Seoth
Niorsim- High Priest of Gorganthas
Sveltas - High Priest of Noric
Emperor Thule - Monarch of the Kalazar Empire, is in poor favor with Fallian
Vizoth - High Priest of Harath
Zeth - a pawn of Sliros
Isaac - an assassin of the Thieves' Guild
A mysterious, pale woman - Supported by a higher pantheon, seemingly immortal, has a past with Avin


The Forsaken
Geltor's Hordes
Mervingorix's Vampires
The Army of Kalazar
The Holy Army of Harath
The followers of Gorganthas
The Mages of Trantite
The Golden Empire
Thieves' Guild of Kirkwood

The time of year is early winter.

An attempt at a complete time line of the era of gods (corrections are welcome):

Negative years - Kalandha forms and develops like and ordinary world. Magic is considerably weaker. Eventually, humans arise and begin harnessing it to greater extents. All this time, a strange meta being unknown to other deities watches over Kalandha.

Year zero - The five elder gods (the River, the Justicar, the Throne, the Forsaken Lord and the Keeper of Knowledge*)) ascend and the era of gods begins. With their powers, the elder gods radically alter Kalandha, changing it forever. The flows of magic are strenghtened, making further ascensions possible.

From there on - people who do remarkable deeds ascend for various reasons. The number of gods slowly increases until it reaches thousands Kalandha has in it's present.

Around year 100 - Feahso Drok'tur is born. 60 or 70 years later he challenges the god of storms... and wins. Later he changes his name to Seoth.

Around year 400 - Gods seek for other worlds and find hell. Harath suggests it ought to be used to punish those who oppose the pantheon. Geltor, among others, is banished to hell as an example of the might of gods.

Around year 500 - Mangroankeen the Rebel begins opposing the gods. Reverse-engireering the powers of his adversaries, the Rebel travels to hell and frees mutated Geltor. Using Geltors blood, Mangroankeen seeks to give mortals the powers to overthrow gods.

From year 500 to year 1000, approximately - The first war of demons and gods rages trough the world. Multitudes of magical creatures (the silk golem, which eventually bacame Marras, among others) are created by gods to combat the demon hordes. Whole cultures are destroyed as a side-effect and much knowledge from before the era of gods is lost.

Around year 800 (?) - The five elder gods climb to the Angel's Pinnacle and announce a Godsmoot. All other gods are drawn to the place to disscuss about the fate of Kalandha. The world is left to the mercy of the Fell Lord (Mangroankeen). During this time, some sort of stable pantheon is also decided upon, but as future shows, whatever was planned, well, failed.

Around year 1000 - Mangroankeen is finally sealed away to hell by the elder gods and his army is banished as well. Recreation of the world begins.

Around year 1500 - Tuoni decides to get rid of some of his creations, but is careless. The silk golem eventually regenerates and forms into what is now known as god of death.

Around year 1700 - The oldest, historical references to gods are written.

Around year 1900 - Ashataro ascends.

Around the same time - Avin ascends and becomes the god of linguistics. Few decades later he leaves and becomes the patron god of Ishnu tribe.

Around year 2100 (?) - Saluc rises to power for the first time.

2118 - The following snippet is introduced in Zsarim Academy of Thought: "Our worldview should be in a constant state of discarding spurious ideas. Every new concept entering our mind should be met with the following test: Does it directly apply to concrete facts, to the here and now? If not, does it deal with an abstract theory that itself is directly applicable to the here and now? If it does neither, the idea must not even enter out minds, for it is nothing more than purposeless reasoning."

Around year 2150 - Followers of Harath arrive at Mannik and condemn Fourty, the mayor at the time, and the high priestess of Digrid to death of stealing sacrifices. Fourty flees.

Around the same year - Fourty becomes a worker for Burard, the god of bureaucracy.

Around year 2300 - Esekijah ascends. It's unclear whether she immediatly became the general god of war or had to work for it.

At the same time - The Ballade of Rocks is written.

2400 (?) - Saluc tries to destroy the pantheon, both failing and succeeding in ways. Tired of the world, Sliros goes to hibernation.

Around year 2421 - Tuoni turns his attention away from the realm os mortals and his worship begins to decline. He pays a visit to Fallian's (possible) father during the same year.

Around year 2440 - The following snippet is written by some random philosopher executed for heresy: "Do people need gods? No, people existed long before the gods. It be closer to the truth to say that the gods need people. Don't a wide majority rely on followers for a power base? If anything, the Golden Republic has shown that men can do very well without gods."

Year 2472 - Drez IV, deposed king of Erria, is executed.

Year 2484 - There's a rebellion in Mannik. The rebellion rages on for a full year untill extinquished, and the rebels are labeled as 'forsaken' and banished to nearby woods.

Around the same time (?) - Harath dissappears.

Year 2488 - Tuoni destroys the original Gate of Afterlife, renouncing his status as the god of death. His garden of white roses withers as he leaves to the mortal realm for the last time.

Year 2489 - Tuoni dies and marks Marras as his successor. Marras begins his search for Sliros.

Year 2493 - Fallian is born.

Around the same time - Fallian helps the Emperor of Kalazar to maintain power by letting him spin the wheel of fortune.

Year 2495 - Saluc, the god of bloodlust, is defeated by Kyros and other gods of war. Stephen AKA Noric ascends.

Around the same time - Pius sends a letter regarding the dissappearence of Tuoni to someone named Shamel. The letter never makes it.

Year 2500 - Current events begin.

Roughly half a month to the future - A higher being will cut Kalandha off of the rest of existence. After that, Kalandhian gods must solve their problems amongst themselves or perish trying. (Important if James will try to come back; in twenty days or so, he can't!)

*) The Justicar is Harath, the Forsaken Lord is of course Sliross, Keeper of Lore is supposedly Burard and Tuoni was either the River or the Throne. My bet's on the River. So the Throne, it seems, is unaccounted for, but he might have been the original god of storms whom Seoth slew. I mean, lighting's the tool of the boss, isn't it?

This topic was done in the hope that this roleplay will be restarted and eventually concluded. It is also a plea to all players who have disappeared during the course of this monstrosity: please come back. We need you.

On more mundane matters, births of Seoth and James (and his many underlings) and several other events are yet to be added to the timeline. Any and all clarifications and corrections concerning it or the synopsis are welcome. Plus, I know Tully had a nearly complete map of Kalandha at some point; where is it now? I want it!

[ Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:21: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Legends of Divinity OOC in General
Member # 4248
Profile #731
Nalyd, I think it has been strongly implied that the world is older than that... but gods ain't. Gods have made Kalandha what it is, but they are not responsible for it's original creation. This is how I see it, and have seen it from the beginning.

As for the time line, I am currently rereading the RP. There's an awful lot of things to account for, so I'd appreciate if everyone PM'ed me the ages of their gods and any major events they participated in. I know most of them have been posted either on this topic or the IC, but I might miss some things, so it's good to have a failsafe.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
The next level in RP, personal thoughts. in General
Member # 4248
Profile #14
Writing a novel of a band of mercenaries gave me an idea a while back. People riding a weather balloon should look down once November is over.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Photo Thread (with an abominable twist) in General
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Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Across the Universe? in General
Member # 4248
Profile #61
Originally written by Tramist:

Another thing that I have been thinking about, many people say Global Warming is OK because "It´s happened before".
Quite recently, I ran into a person who held this opinion. My response to him was something to the effect of "Oh, so you say we don't need to worry about climate change because it might be a natural occurrence? In my opinion, that's about as sensible as watching a huge boulder rolling downhill towards you and saying 'Don't worry, it's just like the rest of them. It won't hurt me'."

[ Tuesday, November 13, 2007 22:01: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Across the Universe? in General
Member # 4248
Profile #57
Originally written by Lt. Sullust:

If we reach 9 billion, our expansion may halt; however, along the way we'll have probably caused just about everything else on the planet to go extinct...
Well, there are already 6.6 billion of us on this globe. The extra 2.4 billion may cause some more damage, but I don't think it will be that significant if we manage to otherwise reduce environmental destruction in the meantime. Besides, at the current expansion rate, I recall, reaching 9 billion will only take four decades or so...

[ Tuesday, November 13, 2007 05:08: Message edited by: Frozen Feet ]

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
Across the Universe? in General
Member # 4248
Profile #54
Originally written by Arancaytar:

Originally written by Frozen Feet:

Seriously, I am convinced that any problem we have here is best solved, well, here, and will be much cheaper than shooting excess people to space. If all else fails, we can always start a war...

I'm going to assume that was sarcasm, if only because I've thought well of you most of the time I've known you. :/

I am dead serious. However, consider for a moment what "all else" actually means. I've read studies which claim that the growth of human population will naturally come to halt around nine billion, and after we reach that point there are dozens of peacefull ways to reduce the amount of humans to a more feasible level. It might take decades or even centuries to get the population to about two billion I consider ideal, but I am sure we could do it without blowing anything up.

Of course, there are ways to maintain a population of nine billion in the long run, but currently I think that reducing the amount of people is a better overall solution. And easier, too.

Life is a neverending carneval where everyone has multiple costumes. I just hope mine are pleasing to the eye.
Posts: 617 | Registered: Tuesday, April 13 2004 07:00
