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Book-burning? in General
Member # 3558
Profile #10
Reading a book also takes more commitment - you have to go out to get it, maybe from a library, rather than just clicking your mouse a couple of times. I like to think of this as some small commitment to the external physical / social world - a heartening contrast to VR, which will soon see us all disappearing up our own fundaments a la 'The Machine Stops'
Unless of course you use amazon... IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Book-burning1_files/biggrin.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #24
Yeh well I hope to be able to give people freedom. We wont be putting every village into extreme detail IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/wink.gif)
And I'm not really interested in 'undead attack town save all the nice helpless villagers' no offence to the people who enjoy this but it seems a bit repetive to me. I'm more interested in setting up the background to be honest. Maybe we can do a RPG which isnt based around thumping zombies and impressing NPCs IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/tongue.gif)IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/rolleyes.gif)

I'd also be interested in doing a SF RPG but i'll concentrate on this for now

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Everything I ever needed to know about life... in General
Member # 3558
Profile #35
MMPORG IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life__ (2)_files/tongue.gif)
I'm all over at the min (My comp was down) so i dunno what to play think i might get embroiled in an RTS. Got Rise Of Nations a while ago and havent had much time to play it. Absouloutely great and adds some great new things to the genre.

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Awakening RP: the background, charictures, scenes etc etc in General
Member # 3558
Profile #7
Kerion Gillen roolz! Dunno about his ego though

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Awakening RP: the background, charictures, scenes etc etc in General
Member # 3558
Profile #4
Techno fantacy cities
I thought you meant SF bah! Oh well IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Awakening RP the background, charictures, scenes etc etc_files/frown.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Everything I ever needed to know about life... in General
Member # 3558
Profile #33
Commander keen roolz! If i could be bothered to track him down I'd probably still playing it. As for Arcanum i'm looking for it but cant find it anywhere. None of the shopping sites have, all my local shops dont have it and cant order one, cant find to download anywhere. I'm thinkin gof Ebay but it'll probably be in high demand and i dont have that much cash to spend on it IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life__ (2)_files/frown.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #17
Thanks that'd be great I can only get on about 3-6 (pacific Time) as its insanely late over here in Northern Ireland so drop me a mail if your interested IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/smile.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
I R Bored! in General
Member # 3558
Profile #2
Hell i know that.
One piece of advice i always remember is 'never listen to advice'
i dont think it was meant to be taken seriously

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
I R Bored! in General
Member # 3558
Profile #0
Sitting here waiting for someone(anyone!) to reply to my RP post (see below)and I am horrendously bored! Kindly help give me interesting links etc. Please give generously

P.S If this seems like spam or a pointless topic thats because it is

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #15
What I want to do is set up an RP that is not reliant on a particular background (eg. Exile). This will require a small group of talented and commited people. It will also mean (for people who get in early at least) a lot more freedom with their chars as we will be making it up almost as we go along. I should stress that an actual RP wont be set up until we have a foundation from which to make our setting etc. I'd much appreciate any help at all even if its just outling a race that appears in a game,book,film etc. that I havent heard of. I wont begin work until I have at least one major collaborator. So please PLEASE post if your interested. Drop me a mail if your interested in helping me set up the background,mythology,history etc. It does not have to be a fantasy setting though this will probably easiest and more acessible

If this sounds like an overly ambitious waste of time well I aim high and I have lot of time to waste IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/biggrin.gif)

P.S Please say something even if it is to tell me how much of an arse I am I wont feel like a complete ponce then IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/rolleyes.gif)

[ Thursday, October 16, 2003 13:52: Message edited by: Cian ]

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Everything I ever needed to know about life... in General
Member # 3558
Profile #31
Coooo i'll download that then

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #12
Do they work on XP?
I tried Avernum but I couldnt get the hang of the controls IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/frown.gif) Suppose I came into to late IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/wink.gif)
But is anyway actually interested in a new RP or are we just hear to moan about them IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/tongue.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #10
Thanks much appreciated

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
You can keep your hat on in General
Member # 3558
Profile #5
A great game but DEFINITELY not the best.It was too open-ended for me. Once you'd done the first few quests in Seyda Neen you were just abandoned. You then travel to Balmoral meet your blades boyo who tells you to go and basically get XP uh thanks. But the Houses are great (still havent got into Redoran yet)and I really love trying to play all the Guilds at once without making them annoyed IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards You can keep your hat on_files/biggrin.gif) . I've never actually got anywhere near completing it (in fact I havent even finished the first story mission) but its a game I keep coming back to. And the amount of plugins for it are staggering if not all of the best quality.

I want to know if its worth getting the add-ons (Tribuanl,Bloodmoon) for an occasional player who plays frantically for about a month and then gets frustrated IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards You can keep your hat on_files/rolleyes.gif) .
But it really is a masterpiece flawed but still a great work of art.
Now Deus Ex theres THE best game ever. Some of you will probably complain about 'shooters' and other crap but Deus Ex is the most fantastic,enjoyable gaming expeirence I've ever had. The sheer complexity of the plot is enough to propel it to No. 1 (sorry to invade the topic) Now back to our feature presentation....

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Everything I ever needed to know about life... in General
Member # 3558
Profile #29
Leylines? Havent heard of that. I'm thinking of starting Freelancer again, as I said when me comp went down so did all my saved games IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life__ (2)_files/mad.gif)IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life__ (2)_files/frown.gif)IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life__ (2)_files/eek.gif)
so i'll be back at square one if i try that IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life__ (2)_files/rolleyes.gif)
I'm also playing Dungeon Keeper IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life__ (2)_files/biggrin.gif) classic and I'm looking for a good RPG I was counting on GF arriving before this. So should I replay Fallout/2?

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Problem (bigggg problem) in General
Member # 3558
Profile #5
Thanks I'm alot more confident I'll get the game now IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Problem (bigggg problem)_files/eek.gif) ah well...

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Everything I ever needed to know about life... in General
Member # 3558
Profile #26
Empire Earth wouldnt work on my comp (dunno why i passed the min specs np) its kicking about somewhere.
My comp was down so its mainly empty of games but im slowly but surely filling it up with demos Yay infest it with viruses! IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life__ (2)_files/frown.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #7
Thanks for the support! IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/biggrin.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Everything I ever needed to know about life... in General
Member # 3558
Profile #24
What games (other than old skool RPGS) are you playing at the minute

There, and without using copy and paste either!

I know it sucks i was just saying if they get worried about GTA they'll bust a nut over Postal2

[ Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:09: Message edited by: Cian ]

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #5
Ummm well I never played any Exile games so you'll have to fill me in on their BG and stuff

I was sorta thinking of setting one up ourselves (mythology,races,polotics etc) but whatever the majority wants im fine with

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Everything I ever needed to know about life... in General
Member # 3558
Profile #22
Pah! Eat my sharpened pencil!

If your worried about GTA dont ever ever thinka bout Postal 2 IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life___files/biggrin.gif) ooops...

Just as matter of interest does anyone here play FPS,Strategy etc. or in fact anything other than old skool RPGs?
(i hope no one takes this the wrong way IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Everything I ever needed to know about life___files/rolleyes.gif) )

35) If all else fails get a bigger axe! Strangely enough thats my answer to everything...

[ Thursday, October 16, 2003 11:06: Message edited by: Cian ]

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #3
You wanna start setting up BG and everything now or wait for more people? IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/confused.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
New RP in General
Member # 3558
Profile #0
I'm kinda bored so I figured start an RP so is there anyone else out there who'd be willing be willing to play? We'll develop it together.

Just dont want to start RP and find im all alone IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards New RP_files/eek.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Problem (bigggg problem) in General
Member # 3558
Profile #2
Thats the answer i wanted to hear
well i actually wanted to hear
"Your game will arrive tomorrow complete with a large sum of money please do not kill us o master and lord"
IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Problem (bigggg problem)_files/tongue.gif) well you get the idea cheers anyway

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Problem (bigggg problem) in General
Member # 3558
Profile #0
Hey, I ordered Geneforge(CD)about the last week of september(sorry I cant be more specific) and it still hasnt arrived. I live in Northern Ireland and unless i made a mistake entering my details I cant see why it hasnt arrived yet. I wanted to make sure before I dropped a complaint in so is there reason to believe i should wait? I'd really appreciate the help IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Problem (bigggg problem)_files/confused.gif)IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Problem (bigggg problem)_files/frown.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00