Awakening RP: the background, charictures, scenes etc etc

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AuthorTopic: Awakening RP: the background, charictures, scenes etc etc
Member # 3520
Profile #0
I dicided to create something diferent from the norm, and I've decided to ask for the help of all here in creating it, tell me what you think.
RP name: Awakend world (or just awakend)
Scenes: Techno fantacy cities (main city 400 squar kilometers) and grand glittering 'citys of the Ancients' all surrounded by Lush green Grasslands (think Serengeti) with very frequent rocky outcrops (from 1-2300m high), the lands are easily manipulated for a while (more on it later).
Background: this is a world, which has only recently (a couple hundred years, compare that to planet earth) been created, in the beggining there was only the barren sphere and the three ancients, 'Time', 'Energy' and 'Space' with space leaning on the power of energy and time and energy depending on time, 'Space' can create all matter and sentient life, and can manipulate most matter (but not the life) once it has been created, energy is what you would expect, the force behind the roling wheel to the roaring thunder, without 'energy', 'space' can not create matter and life, so nothing would be produced from there forth if energy deprived Matter, then thier is 'time', the timekeeper if you wish, he keeps time flowing and can alter it at will, reversing or pausing at any moment, without 'time' the ancients 'energy' and 'space' could not funtion, no energy would move and no matter would be created (but time remains, running on itself and nothign but itself), these ainchients sometimes grant minor abilities to mortals, the power to summon creatures and matter from 'Space', the power of energy such as lighting bolts and fireballs (not to mention the effects of gravity) from 'energy' and from time the power to minipulate time to a limited degree around an certain radius.
anyway, in the first few days the ancient of Space created all that was on the world, the mountains the grass the trees and the creatures, energy gave life to all that was deemed fit to live (including some elementals) and time made all run at an acceptable pace. the creatures created by space were large small, strong week, slow and fast, and he chose for three races to be above all the rest, they were the Kaal (a four armed warrior race with the heads of bulls and a body of scales(about 4-6 feet tall)) the Higaren (great craftsmen with three eyes (the third providing great nightvision) a chitin exosceleton and a heads like dragons(about 4-6 feet tall) ) and the belanche (be-lan-chey) (Inqisitive and with great speed and grace, excelent co-ordination of bodily movements, they resemble the niphilim from exile but stand only 3.5-5 feet tall, they unlike the others take life as a case of Ying and Yang, but try to keep balanced)

this is the first draft of my idea, could you please comment and perhaps add bits?

E=MC2 =Meaning of reletivity =meaning of life = Coke and Curry.
Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Member # 517
Profile #1
2 things.

1) Could you please divide that up into paragraphs? Sorry, but several small paragraphs is far, far easier to read than one big horrible block of text, even if the words are exactly the same.

2) Are you asking for people to start RPing in this world, or just to add more background?


Let them eat cake!

Polaris Boards: The System is Up. Perennially.
Posts: 2314 | Registered: Tuesday, January 15 2002 08:00
Member # 3520
Profile #2
Point taken about paragraphs IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Awakening RP the background, charictures, scenes etc etc_files/smile.gif)

Well I dont want to start this RP straght off, not untill we've got at least a semi-completer world on offer, unless someone wants to attempt a 'on-the-fly' go at using it in a RP?

A bit more on the spiecies: the Kaal as far as technoligy goes generaly stick to what is fast and easy, peticuly with weapons, prefering to wield four daggers or short swords and charge into battle, rather than spending time slowly advancing with a more effective when handled correctly pike, but they wont leave more advanced technoligy when they can get it, generaly thieving 'arcane crossbows' (really a sort of enchanted gunpoweder weapon) and such from the Higaren when they can get them. the higaren tend to mass in one place, usualy around what they beleive to be a 'sacred' spot where up to 5000 individuels may gather!

the Higaren race will almost always go for the new and more flashy weaponry that they develop and advance far more rapidly than the Kaal, giving them a certain edge whenever they are in confilict.
Also unlike the Kaal, the higarens will almost allways try and share there knolage with others of thier creed, though genaraly new knolage is barterd by one settlement for other commodities, though the ones reseiving the technolagy generaly always give as asked, thier wander lust driving them for more knolage.
the Higaren are the builders of the major cities.

The belanche are can really only be described as nomads, allways moving from one place to another, carrying what few possesons they have on thier backs. They prefer to stick with what they have, advancing thier technolegy whenever thier travels let them.
they carry small tents with them, usualy made
of Tough plant fibres and thier own fur. they will almost always use weapons that take advantage of thier naturaly high dexterity and agileness, more a poisend dagger and compound bow with steel arrows than Two handed swords and guns.

another thing I want to ask, is this at least fairly origional in any way? i mean the whole setup not just the content of this post.

E=MC2 =Meaning of reletivity =meaning of life = Coke and Curry.
Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 335
Profile Homepage #3
This doesn't immediately call to mind any other particular world I've seen, but it also doesn't really have any new and unique ideas. This background could be home to a good RP or a terrible RP, but nothing in the setup makes it an especially different RP from all the others I've seen here.

—Alorael, who would rather see an RP background designed with specific details on an area or two than generalizations about a world. The information given here might help someone understand RP's or stories set in this world, but it's not descriptive enough for two new RP's set in it to be necessarily similar.
Posts: 14579 | Registered: Saturday, December 1 2001 08:00
Member # 3558
Profile #4
Techno fantacy cities
I thought you meant SF bah! Oh well IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Awakening RP the background, charictures, scenes etc etc_files/frown.gif)

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Member # 3320
Profile #5
Dang, you really did a fly-by on me. I am completely lost in this topic.

Thanks for mentioning the paragraph thing Omlette. I was going to comment on that, but now I don't have to.

Do you think you could run your posts through a spell-checker in Microsoft Word before posting them on the boards too?

Can someone summarize everything he was trying to say? I don't speak Klingon. IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Awakening RP the background, charictures, scenes etc etc_files/tongue.gif)IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Awakening RP the background, charictures, scenes etc etc_files/rolleyes.gif) I haven't played any advanced computer games with strange unknown characters in them. Like Bladur's Gate II. I am more used to the Exile games. I never got the hang of any game more advanced than "Goldeneye" on Nintendo 64.

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Colonel Mustard: "Yep. Two Corpses. Everything's fine."

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Posts: 935 | Registered: Friday, August 8 2003 07:00
Member # 3520
Profile #6
Hmm, well no one seems to like this one so I'll start again, but first off, is it actually posible to be totaly origional in this day and age? i mean everything has been explored, no phase-shift-dark matter-organic buildings-world or anything is going to be terribly origional, but i must try IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Awakening RP the background, charictures, scenes etc etc_files/frown.gif) .... jease why did marvel comics cover so much!

hmm actualy thats not a bad idea, though its been coverd in sonic the hedgehog (issue 126 I think), what about a world completly filled with superbiengs, you know, like everyone (bar twins) have a different superpower, from the most trivial (e.g custerd-pie-making-man say) to those that will really make a difference (Life-creator-man, totaly-anti-evil-man, or even Ego-bigger-than-kerion-gillien's-man),
any good? i've got a fair idea that your going to say its too unbalanced and easy to wreck with bad charictures but i dont care, throw all you got at me till i think of something worthwhile.

E=MC2 =Meaning of reletivity =meaning of life = Coke and Curry.
Posts: 23 | Registered: Sunday, October 5 2003 07:00
Member # 3558
Profile #7
Kerion Gillen roolz! Dunno about his ego though

I r happiness!
Posts: 29 | Registered: Wednesday, October 15 2003 07:00
Law Bringer
Member # 2984
Profile Homepage #8
IMAGE(Spiderweb Software Boards Awakening RP the background, charictures, scenes etc etc_files/eek.gif) You are trying to flesh out a fantasy world in a single discussion thread? I know a whole site dedicating itself to a single such project for 5 years now, and there are many others out there!

Sounds like an interesting idea, maybe it doesn't seem particularly unoriginal to me because I haven't played most of the games you're mentioning.

But it's a hopeless task to try to develop a world in that brief a time, imo.

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His Flashing eyes, his Floating hair!" S. T. Coleridge
"It is as if everyone had lost their sense
Consigned themselves to downfall and decadence
And a wisp it is they have chosen as their beacon." Reinhard Mey.
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